World War II

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World War II

The Belligerents and The Allies entered the deadliest military

conflict in history that involved virtually every part of the world at that
time, and caused 70–85 million deaths from military and civilian
fatalities. but what were the reasons for this war? What were the biggest
milestones in the war? Who won and how did it end too? All of this and
more will be represented here…

Before The War…

After losing World War I, Germany had to go under a treaty called
the “The Treaty of Versailles” that prevented Germany from being a
threat to the world. The treaty stated that the German military cannot
overpass 100 thousand soldiers, many of the German territories and
colonies were taken by other countries too like what’s stated in article 45
“Germany cedes to France in full and absolute possession, with
exclusive rights of exploitation, unencumbered and free from all debts
and charges of any kind, the coal-mines situated in the Saar Basin”.
This and much more instilled the feeling of being humiliated and
hatred against the Belligerents in Hitler, the German president in the
period 1933-1945, who will be a main character in this war. Hitler felt
that what’s happening to Germany isn’t fair, he felt that Germany
needed to regain its power. Hitler wasn’t the first to feel like that and to
start planning for regaining the “Old Germany”, they had a 100 thousand
soldier, excluding the real army that they have, secret army that was
working as police. The civil aviation leaders too were learning about
making combat aircraft while acting that they’re improving the civil
aviation. This and more were all ready for the moment were someone
will start the actual war to regain the German power…And that
“someone” was Adolf Hitler.
In 1935, Hitler ends The Treaty of Versailles! And the second the
Treaty was done…All the armies and weapons that were hidden waiting
for this moment were finally revealed and ready for any opponent. He
also asserted the Luftwaffe, which is the deadly German air force. 2
years later, the German army went from 100 thousand to 5 million
soldier ready to sacrifice their souls to regain the German dignity plus 8
million soldiers that were ready but not a part of the army yet.
“One blood demand one Reich, Austria must return to the
motherland” -Adolf Hitler, Hitler believed that Austria needs to go back
to its origin as a part of Germany. After agreeing with Italy for no
interventions, Germany took over Austria in 2 days! By 1939, Hitler 👇
took over Czechoslovakia too without any
conflicts or wars.
But when the war actually started is
when Hitler decided to take over Poland…
The German Army used what’s called
“Lightning War” (“blitzkrieg” in German)
where the time would be an essence to
win, taking over Poland will cause a
conflict with not only Poland but French and England too, so German
plan was to take over Poland in 3 weeks while resisting the France and
English attacks in the 3 weeks and then after the 3 weeks they (France
and England) wouldn’t have a reason to continue fighting so they will
stop fighting, and in the other hand, he also agreed with the Soviet
Union in what’s called the “German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact” as a
peace treaty for 10 years for it not to interfere in the Poland war.
September 1, 1939, The German Army started the war against
Poland. 2 days later, France and England declare the war against

The Beginning of The War…
Germany took over Poland in 1 month, but that was nothing
compared to what will happen next. Germany was so powerful and
nothing was stopping it, so it did what countries can’t do in years and
surprised the world in few months. In April, Germany took over
Denmark and Norway. In May, they did the unexpectable and made
France follow Denmark and Norway as well as Netherland, Belgium,
and Luxemburg. And the only obstacle left for him to take over the main
goal, The Soviet Union, was Britain which he thought would tend to go
for peace.
Let’s move back in time and a bit away from Europe and see why
was it called the World War not the European War. In Asia, more
precisely Japan…Japan didn’t have that much natural resources, and
after the unfair treaties that it had with America which made its
economy worse; it really had to go take some resources with power, so it
attacked Korea and took a some of its land. But that wasn’t the
important part, it later entered a war with Russia, one of the allies, and it
surprisingly won! Japan, Italy and Germany all hated the allies and
wanted to be superior so they were all in the Belligerents part and
wanted to end the allies.
Let’s come back now to present (it’s past but we’re trying to live
the moment in this essay), Japan took over big parts of China in the
other hand, in Africa Italy was invading Ethiopia. And in our main part,
Europe, Hitler made his first mistake…

Hitler’s First Mistake…
Remember how Hitler thought Britain would tend to go for peace?
Well…that didn’t really happen and it was Hitler’s first mistake. The
new Prime minister, Winston Churchill, knew that Hitler SHOULD be
stopped so he never tended to go for peace! And after a deadly fight with
the Luftwaffe (the German air forces), the English attacks were capable
of insuring the canal between Germany (it was actually France but it was
taken over by Germany as we stated before.) Britain had an advantage
against Germany.
Somewhere in North America, Specifically the U.S.A, Franklin D.
Roosevelt Won the 1940 election and he decided that he will send
support to Britain against Germany and that made defeating Britain even
harder for Hitler. So he, surprisingly, decided that he will leave Britain
and go for his main goal… The USSR also known as THE SOVIET

The Core of the War…

With the name of “Operation Barbarossa”, Hitler broke the
“German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact” and started his attack against the
USSR with 3 million land troops while Stalin wasn’t ready for this
surprising attack. Hitler knew than no one can defeat the USSR in winter
so his plan was to take over the whole country in 5 months, from May-
October, before the winter starts.

Everything was going well; the Soviet Union’s attacks were
nowhere near the strength of the German attacks, and the German
attacks were absolutely destroying the USSR. But out of nowhere,
Mussolini, the Italian prime minister, decided that he will invade Greece
that wasn’t making any obstacles for Germany; Britain sent supports to
Greece in order to defend itself against Italy so Hitler needed to send
supports to Italy as well, because if Italy lost then Germany would be
fighting 3 powers from 3 different directions at once! The USSR,
Britain, and Greece! But to send support to Italy he had to cross
Yugoslavia. And to take over Yugoslavia and win new small conflicts
wasted a full month out of the 5 months he needed to take over the
USSR, which made Hitler’s situation even worse…
Let’s see what’s happening with the third Belligerent, Japan’s
invasions were going so well. In dec 7, 1941, Japanese aerials attack the
U.S. at Pearl Harbor. This strike worsened the relationships between the
U.S. and Japan; therefore, the U.S. declared war on Japan so did Britain.
As a reaction, Hitler declared War on the U.S... Japanese Invasions were
so big, Japan had a really big area during the war as shown in the
picture…but that didn’t last long…

After all the victories against the USSR, the winter started and it
was the USSR’s time now. 1942, in the battle of Stalingrad, Germany
fought so hard to get the city of Stalingrad since it was a key city to win
the war but they kept failing until the winter started (as we stated in the
beginning of the paragraph.) and The Soviet Union’s troops turned the
table and not only attacked but destroyed the German troops whom
Hitler ordered to NEVER retreat. And that lead the 6th German army to
give up themselves to the USSR. And this was a really big strike to
Hitler and it changed how the war was going.
America entering the war was a turning point in the war. After
defeating the German troops in North Africa, Mussolini got killed by
some communists and Italy surrendered from WWII. And the war
started to end…

The End of World War II…

While the German army were fighting the USSR, Stalin was
preparing a whole new army to fight back. And his plan worked… The
USSR’s forces defeated the German forces and kicked them out of the
Soviet Union. Not only this, but a lot of Hitler’s small allies betrayed
him and started attacking him! Hitler’s situation was even more
miserable than ever before!
In 6th July 1944, in what’s called “Normandy
landings”, The allies were able to liberate France. And in the
east, things weren’t going well for Japan too; the American “They’re overfed,
forces were able to take over Iwo Jima which made them so overpaid,
overdressed... and over
close to Japan’s main land. In August 6 1945 8:15 AM, the here”
first use of atomic weapons in the war was used in -Anonymous
(Referring to the
Hiroshima by the American air forces with the bomb “Little English supplies)
Boy”. 3 days later, the atomic bomb of “Fat Man” was
dropped in Nagasaki and this marked the end of the war for

Even before that, in April 6 1945, Berlin, the
German Capital, fell for the Soviet Union’s attack.
Later in April 30 1945, the last chapter of Hitler’s
story ended…were he committed suicide after he
shot himself with his gun. And as mentioned before
in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki…
these 2 events, Hitler’s death and Hiroshima and
Nagasaki atomic bombing, marked the end of the
war in 1st Sep 1945 with the allies as its winners…

So this was the traumatizing story of World
War II, this war that ended a lot of lives and destroyed a lot of cities… It
also created a new shape for the world with America as the number 1
power. It was probably the most important event in the 20th century that
made the world that we see now. There are still a lot of events that
weren’t mentioned here, but you can find them anywhere since this is
not the first time someone would talk about this conflict and not the last


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