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B R I T I S H J O U R N A L O F P S YC H I AT RY ( 2 0 0 2 ) , 1 8 1 , 2 8 0 ^ 2 8 3 E D I TOR I A L

Social capital and mental health APPLYING THE THEORY

Much of the empirical research to date has

been opportunistic in the choice of measure
of social capital (a notable exception is
McCulloch, 2001). Most studies have been
secondary data analyses of survey data. This
has led to a lack of depth of investigation of
social capital. Exposure and outcome vari-
ables generally have been non-specific and
lack subtlety, with very few studies relying
on theory-driven, a priori hypothesis test-
Evidence for inequalities in morbidity WHAT IS SOCIAL CAPITAL? ing. The distinction between the constitu-
and mortality by occupational social ents and products of social capital often
class and material standard of living The theory of social capital attempts to de- has been unclear. For instance, trust may
has become irrefutable (Acheson, scribe the forces that shape the quality and be a constituent of social capital and collec-
1998). Attention has now turned to quantity of social interactions and social in- tive efficacy an outcome, or vice versa.
the effects of social context (MacIntyre stitutions. Social capital has been charac- However, they are mutually dependent.
et al,
al, 1993; MacIntyre, 1997; Ecob & terised as the glue that holds societies This leads to difficulties in measuring and
MacIntyre, 2000; Pickett & Pearl, together. The American political scientist ascribing the cause and effect.
2001). Despite the political imperative Robert Putnam describes social capital Although collective efficacy may be the
to build ‘healthy communities’ (Depart- thus: sine qua non of social capital (Sampson et
ment of Health, 1999; National Strategy al,
al, 1997; Lochner et al,al, 1999), studies have
for Neighbourhood Renewal, 2000), it ‘By ‘‘social capital’’, I mean features of social employed (at best) indirect measures of
life ^ networks, norms, and trust ^ that en-
is unclear which aspects of the social, this. The most commonly studied aspects
able participants to act together more effec-
economic and physical environment have tively to pursue shared objectives’ (Putnam, of social capital, at least in studies of health
the greatest effects on health (Sloggett & 1996). outcomes, have been perceptions of the
Joshi, 1994; Lynch et al, al, 2000) or how trustworthiness of others and (to a lesser
these effects might be mediated (Yen & An important feature of social capital is degree) participation in voluntary associa-
Syme, 1999). Durkheim in the 1890s that it is a property of groups rather than of tions. Other components of social capital
was among the first to posit that the individuals. The ecological nature of social that have been featured are the psychologi-
structure of society had a strong bearing capital distinguishes it from social networks cal sense of community, neighbourhood
on psychological health (Simpson, and social support, which are properties of cohesion and community competence. Each
1995). There has since been a strong individuals. of these headings can be broken down
tradition of research and innovation in The literature suggests four main theo- further into a number of dimensions
psychiatry concerning the effects of so- retical strands, all of which overlap to some (Lochner et al,
al, 1999).
cial context on health (Faris & Dunham, extent. Broadly, these are collective effi- A fundamental difficulty is that most
1965; Leighton, 1982; Freeman, 1984) cacy, social trust/reciprocity, participation research on the geographies of health has
and the conceptual development of ap- in voluntary organisations and social inte- been based on studies of the aggregated
propriate epidemiological approaches to gration for mutual benefit (Lochner et al, al, characteristics of people living in particular
its investigation (Susser & Susser, 1999). The concept also can be broken areas (measures of ‘social composition’),
1996). More recently, ‘social capital’ down into ‘structural’ and ‘cognitive’ social rather than the ‘contextual’ characteristics
has been embraced as a possible expla- capital. Structural components refer to of the places where people live (Sooman
nation for differences in health that are roles, rules, precedents, behaviours, net- & MacIntyre, 1995; MacIntyre, 1997;
found between places or between groups works and institutions. These may bond in- Ecob & MacIntyre, 2000; Pickett & Pearl,
of people (Amick et al, al, 1995; Putnam, dividuals in groups to each other, bridge 2001). It is uncertain how accurately the
1996; Wilkinson, 1996; Kawachi et al, al, divides between societal groups or verti- aggregated responses to survey questions
1997; Baum, 1999). Social capital may cally integrate groups with different levels across administratively determined geogra-
play a role in the incidence and preva- of power and influence in a society, leading phical boundaries measure the social envir-
lence of mental illness. to social inclusion. ‘Cognitive social capi- onment (Kawachi et al, al, 1997; Sampson et
Social capital has been vaunted as the tal’ describes the values, attitudes and be- al,
al, 1997). There are very few current mea-
next big idea in social policy and health liefs that produce cooperative behaviour sures of social capital that are genuinely
since its recent incorporation into public (Colletta & Cullen, 2000). contextual in nature (Lochner et al, al, 1999)
health discourse. There have been a number The links between cognitive and struc- and that cannot be measured at the indivi-
of methodological advances with regard to tural social capital are complex and multi- dual level. There is an imperative to devel-
research on social capital and health, nota- directional. As with many descriptors of op measures of social capital that do not
bly the application of multi-level model- communities, the theories supporting these rely exclusively on individual perceptions.
ling statistical techniques, yet there is a constructs depend on the prevailing philo- A further problem is the fact that most
lack of published evidence for causal asso- sophy and conceptualisation of societies, of the existing literature assumes that social
ciations with specific health outcomes. politics and theory of mind. capital is based on geographically defined


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areas. However, a community may be of Although high levels of social capital to unravel the interaction and mediating
family, friends or people from the same may be beneficial to community members, processes.
ethnic, lifestyle or religious group. There the impact may be felt differently by min- The small number of studies on social
are an infinite number of grouping levels, orities. Generally, homogenous societies capital and mental health are prone to
from the family/household to country. An that often score highly on existing measures the limitations mentioned earlier, and have
individual may be influenced by a number of social capital are sometimes charac- produced mixed results. McCulloch inves-
of different groupings, all of which have terised by an intolerance of ‘deviant’ behav- tigated social capital using data from the
different levels of social capital and only iour, lack of autonomy and an unwritten British Household Survey (McCulloch,
some of which can be represented geogra- demand for obedience to norms. Minori- 2001). Respondents were divided into
phically. The start of one community and ties, whether defined by ethnicity, religious low, medium, high and very high social
the end of another are not always clear beliefs, sexuality or (mental) ill health, may capital groups using the summed answers
and communities influence each other. experience marginalisation, exclusion or to eight questions about their neighbour-
Moreover, improved transport and commu- persecution unless they conform. Criminal hood. Psychiatric morbidity was measured
nications allow communities based on gangs such as the Mafia and place-based using the 12-item General Health Ques-
culture (in the widest sense) to be geogra- paramilitary groupings often rely on high tionnaire (GHQ; Goldberg & Williams,
phically dispersed. Mapping spatial and levels of social capital to maintain their 1988). Men in the low social capital cate-
other types of communities requires a so- authority. gory were nearly twice as likely to be cases
phisticated approach to the geographies of Close-knit communities are therefore using a cut-off of 3 on the GHQ than men
health and will almost certainly require not necessarily ‘healthy’, particularly for in the highest social capital category (odds
investment in primary research. Elucidation outsiders (Baum, 1999). A dominance of ratio¼1.96,
ratio 1.96, CI 1.39–2.75). The findings
of the relationship between social capital high-bonding horizontal social capital at for women were similar (odds ratio¼1.8,
ratio 1.8,
and health will be enhanced further through the expense of vertical integration may be CI 1.36–2.38). Rose has reported that
strong interdisciplinary research involving pathological in consequence. social capital and measures of social
epidemiologists, geographers, sociologists, integration explain almost 10% of the
anthropologists and psychiatrists. variance in ‘emotional health’ in Russia,
Research to date on social capital and SOCIAL CAPITAL AND using self-defined answers on a Likert
health has been predominantly concerned MENTAL HEALTH scale in a large cross-national survey
with ‘horizontal’ links that occur within (Rose, 2000). But attempts to identify
a community. However, the degree to There has been a lack of research and theo- social capital at an individual level seem
which individuals are able to interact in retical development into social capital and to run counter to the ecological definition
a purposeful and collective fashion is mental health. Kawachi & Berkman of the concept. Weitzman & Kawachi
likely to be determined, at least in part, (2001) have attempted to develop the con- (2000) measured social capital on college
by the policies and interventions of local cept by linking it to the social support and campuses using the average time that
and national governments and the impact social networks literature. Studies of the students said they spent volunteering. High
of power relations, group integration and geographies of mental health may also pro- social capital campuses were those with
opportunities within a society. Studies vide guidance for theoretical development. more time spent volunteering. They found
should not neglect measurement of these The effects of social capital on mental ill- that binge drinking was 26% lower on
vertical aspects of social capital. ness are likely to be complex, and it is prob- campuses high in social capital. Boydell
ably mistaken to assume that different types et al (2002), in a pilot study, demonstrated
of psychiatric disorder share a common an inverse association between perceived
pattern of association with this exposure. social cohesion and the incidence of psy-
SOCIAL CAPITAL AND Different processes may affect the geogra- chosis in electoral wards in south London.
HEALTH ^ A MIXED phical distribution of schizophrenia and Social cohesion was measured by aggre-
BLESSING?? non-psychotic disorders, particularly anxi- gate responses from a random community
ety and depression (Dohrenwend et al, al, sample to a questionnaire. In the USA,
The advent of multi-level modelling techni- 1992). Notwithstanding the excess morbid- Rosenheck et al (2001) found that areas
ques means that it is now possible to study ity in urban compared with rural and with high social capital, as measured by
the effects of potential risk factors for a semi-rural
semi-rural areas (Lewis & Booth, 1994), aggregated responses to surveys and voter
given outcome at more than one level evidence is accumulating to suggest that participation, offered better housing for
simultaneously, and to quantify (and there- the geographical variation in rates of homeless people with mental illnesses,
fore compare) the variance in a given schizophrenia are greater than those but this was not associated with better
outcome at different spatial levels (Jones observed for the common mental disorders clinical outcome. McKenzie (2000) used
& Duncan, 1995; Rice & Leyland, 1996). (Duncan et al,al, 1995; van Os et al,
al, 2000). aggregated scores for perceived community
Studies employing multi-level techniques Certainly, the association between regional safety as a proxy for social capital in an
have found that self-reported health, mor- income inequality and the prevalence of the area. He demonstrated that people with
tality and crime are all associated with common mental disorders was found to be psychoses who lived in areas with high
social capital (based on aggregated percep- weak (Weich et al, al, 2001). There may be a perceived community safety had higher
tions of social trust), after adjusting for synergy between social capital, social drift hospital readmission rates and postulated
individual income level (Kawachi et al, al, and environmental effects that has an that this was due to low community toler-
1997; Sampson et al,al, 1997). impact on mental health. The puzzle is ance of deviant behaviour.

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M c K E NZ I E E T A L

The cross-sectional nature of most of causally associated with specific health REFERENCES
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factors, such as socioeconomic status and tal and its associations with physical and Leighton, A. H. (1982) Caring for Mentally Ill People:
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