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Directions: Tell whether you agree or disagree with the given statements and find evidence from the

text to support your claim.

1. King Minos is savage.

Agree. The evidence is that he doesn’t let go of grudges, he is so vengeful and he

doesn’t know how to forgive. He was really cruel because he got mad at Daedalus when
he found out that he was the one who advised Princess Ariadne to give Theseus the
thread that helped him come out from the infamous Labyrinth, after killing the Minotaur,
he also punished his innocent son Icarus by imprisoning them together with his father at
the labyrinth.
2. Daedalus is gifted and has many talents.

Agree. Because Daedalus is famous for his ability to invent, create and build
things. And one of his creations that is said in the text is the wings that he made for him
and for his son Icarus to use it to fly and escaped from being prisoned in the labyrinth.

3. Icarus is absurd.
Agree, in one scene where they’re flying to escape, Daedalus told him to stay close to
him but he did not follow his father's warning because he is too enthusiastic and too over-whelm
by the feeling of being free that he flew close to the sun despite of Daedalus warning him not to
because it will melt the wax that keeps their artificial wings together making the wings melt, lead
him to drowned and died.

4. After escaping from the Labyrinth, Daedalus and Icarus should have stayed in the island.

Disagree. Because if they stayed in the Island of Crete after escaping from the
labyrinth or the maze that Daedalus built for King Minos. They would be surely dead-meat
knowing that how powerful King Minos is, he can hunt them easily wherever they go and if
they stayed in the island, it will be easier for King Minos to hunt them down.
5. Daedalus has a liability for his son’s death.

Disagree. Daedalus has no liability for his son’s unfortunate state. It was Icarus' fault
for flying too high. Daedalus already warned his son not to fly so high and near the sun
because the wax-made wings made by him might melt. Although he was warned, Icarus was
too young and too enthusiastic about flying. He got excited by the thrill of flying and carried
away by the amazing feeling of freedom and started flying high to salute the sun making the
wax-made wings to melt and that is why Icarus fell unto the sea, got drowned and died.

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