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Name: ______________ Date: ___/___/___

Christianity assessment
1) Who is Jesus to Christians?
(1 mark)
The son of god
2) Name the 3 forms god is revealed in (3 marks)

God the holy spirit, god the father, god the son
3) What is the Christian holy book? (1 mark)

4) Where do Christians go for worship? Tick the

correct answer (1 mark)
a. The mosque
b. The church
c. The synagogue
d. The temple

5) What is lent? (1 mark)

The period leading up to Easter.

b. How long is it?

6 weeks/40 days (1 mark)
c. Fill in the blanks using the words in the box. You
don’t need to use all of them. (9 marks)
Jesus went into the desert to fast and pray before
beginning his work for God. Jesus was tempted several
times by Satan, but was able to resist. Lent allows
Christians to remember Jesus's fasting in the desert. It is
a time of giving things up and a test of self-discipline.

Desert himself satan sand fasting

self-discipline food god Muslims
tempted things Christians resist

6) Give 2 examples of foods Christians do not eat

during lent. (2 marks)

Meat, fish, fats, eggs, and milky foods. Some

Christians just give up something they really enjoy,
such as cakes or chocolate
7) What does Easter celebrate? (1 mark)

It celebrates Jesus rising from the dead (called

the resurrection), three days after he was
8) What is the week leading up to easter called?
(1 mark)
Holy week
9) Why do Christians celebrate Christmas? (1 mark)
They believe Jesus was born on this day
10) How many wise men gave Jesus a gift?
(1 mark)
11) Name one way Christmas is celebrated. (1 mark)
-The story of Jesus's birth (also known as the nativity) is often retold by children taking
part in nativity plays. -Christian church services at Christmas include carol singing. These
are happy songs which tell the Christmas story. Some Christians start Christmas Day with a
midnight communion service (also called a midnight mass). -Christmas dinners are also an
important part of the celebrations. Families and friends will share food together, eating
traditional foods, such as turkey, mince pies and Christmas puddings.

12) What is advent? (1 mark)

the period which leads up to Christmas

Total marks : / 25
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