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Opera components

Opera V 5.0.04 and lower:

Opera V 5.0.05 and higher

To Install Opera components


Unable to Communicate with Oracle DBMS

Get remote access to the database server> sqlplus>username: sys as sysdba PW: opera10g
If idle: startup;
To restart: shutdown immediate; then startup;

IE Cannot Display Webpage when accessing Opera

HTTP Server Service is down.
Bounce Services in Oappcfged

Unable to Start HTTP Server service
Check for World Wide Web Publishing service.
If running, Stop service and then bounce HTTP server service in Oappcfged

Low D Drive Space

Files in the following directories can be safely deleted:
• D:\MICROS\opera\operaias\webtemp\Opera
• D:\oracle\10gappr2\Apache\Apache\logs(all files not create today)
• D:\oracle\10gappr2\reports\cache
• D:\oracle\admin\OPERA\bdump\(all files except the alert_opera.log)

Unable to Open PMS from Login page and other Workstation- related
IE crashes when launching opera application
 Check opera compatibility.
 Jinitiator installed
 Popup blocker
 Internet explorer settings

Replace JVM.DLL
 Open my computer: C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\JInitiator\bin\hotspot
 Rename the jvm.dll file already there “OLD JVM.DLL”
 Paste the new jvm.dll file there
o New file size = 1585kb
 If that doesn’t work – rename Jinitiator folder to JInitiator and
uninstall/reinstall Oracle Jinitiator program.

Incompatible Versions
• Adobe reader 8.12,, XI, DC
• Windows 10 ( ↓)
• Microsoft Edge Browser
• Mozilla Firefox / Google Chrome
• IE 64 – bit
• Refer to most recent Support Matrix for updated info

IE Settings to update
 Compatibility View – On
 SmartScreen Filter – Off
 Add Opera URL to Trusted Sites
o Custom Level set all ActiveX controls and plug-ins as Enable
o Allow script-initiated windows without size or position constraints
 Manage Add Ons – Disabled
 Popup Blocker – Off

Java Configuration
 Start –> Configure Java
 Advanced Tab
o Show Console
o Perform TLS Certificate Revocation Checks on – Do Not Check
o Perform Signed Code Certificate Revocation Checks on – Do Not Check
o Use TLS 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2
 Security Tab
o Add the URL to the Exception Site List
o Manage Certificates – Add the Root CRTS

Turn off DEP settings for Windows XP

 Right click on My Computer select properties.
 Click the Advanced tab, and in the Startup and Recovery area, click Settings.
 In the SystemStartup area, click Edit.
 In Notepad, click Edit and then click Find.
 In the Find what field, type /noexecute and then click Find Next.
 In the Find dialog box click Cancel.
 Replace the policy_level (for example, "OptIn" default) with "AlwaysOff" (without the quotes).
o WARNING: Be sure to enter the text carefully.
o Your boot.ini file switch should now read: /noexecute=AlwaysOff
 In Notepad, click File and then click Save.
 Click OK to close Startup and Recovery.
 Click OK to close System Properties and then restart your computer.

Turn off DEP settings for Windows 7

 Start->Run->CMD
 Type: wmic OS Get DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy

o 0-AlwaysOff
o 1-AlwaysOn
o 2-OptIn
o 3-OptOut

 If result is anything except for 0, run below:

 bcdedit /set nx AlwaysOff

 Reboot

Java refresh issue with windows 7 (hint: you may not be able to see the delay through windows)
 Go into control panel >launch jinit and paste the whole thing into parameters(including
the - )
o -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true

Registered Terminal Undefined / Registered Terminal keeps changing

 Navigate to my computer > SEARCH for termreg file.
o Should be saved at C:\Windows > if it is saved anywhere else, cut and copy to the
correct location. Test if issue still exists. If issue still exists.
o Check if issue is non reproducible under user ADMINISTRATOR. If not, refer to IT to
make sure users have the permissions to the file location in windows.

IE Trusted Sites Custom Settings:

 All of the below need to be marked as Enable:
o .NET Framework-reliant components
o Run components not signed with Authenticode
o Run components signed with Authenticode
o ActiveX Controls and plug-ins
o Allow previously unused ActiveX control to run without prompt
o Allow scriptlets
o Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls
o Binary and Script behaviors
o Run ActiveX controls as plugins
o Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting
o Miscellaneous
o Allow script-initiated windows without size or position constraints

 The following need to be marked as Prompt:

o ActiveX Controls and plug-ins
o Download signed ActiveX controls
o Download unsigned ActiveX controls

 The following need to be marked as Disabled:

o ActiveX Controls and plug-ins
o Display video and animation on a webpage that does use external media player
o Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting

Unlock Supervisor and Change Supervisor Password

 Connect to the application server
 Start>run>cmd
 From the command prompt, log into sqlplus
o Username: opera@opera
o Password: (standard password for most independent sites)
o For training hotel:
 Username: opera_train@opera
 Password: opera_train

Unlock supervisor
 Once logged in run the following:
o update application$_user set lockout_date=null where app_user='SUPERVISOR';
 It should say 1 row updated.
 Then commit:
o commit;
 The supervisor account will now be unlocked

Change Supervisor Password

 Log in to sqlplus as opera@opera and run the following:


 Then commit:
o commit;
 Password will now be betterthanv6

Printing Issues
 It is the IT responsibility to add the printer to the workstation in Windows. Make sure that
printing in windows works correctly before troubleshooting Opera. (test printing from
 Configuration>Setup>printers>new>select dropdown>choose printer
o Printer must have the EXACT same name in Opera as in windows.
If choosing the dropdown freezes Opera, you must manually add in the printer by typing it
into the Physical Device field
o Printers on Print Servers are added in a different format:
o In Windows, if printer is named Canon BW on print server. In Opera, the format should


PMS>Miscellaneous>Print Tasks OR Configuration>Setup>Workstations>Print Tasks
o Make sure that the printer has the EXACT same name in Opera as it does in Windows
and that printers on print servers have the correct formatting.
o For Latin American sites> folio printer check box on printer setup controls which print
task will be available

REP 51002 Bind to Report Server when printing from all workstations
 Connect to application server>bounce ReportsServer service in OAPPCFGED

Not able to print from 1 workstation

 Check that IE version is correct.
 Check ALL IE settings are setting correctly
 Check that the print tasks are set to the exact printer name as what is in windows
 Expand printing in progress window to see if you are able to view pdf in the window.
 Adobe>edit>preferences>internet>make sure all boxes are check.

OXI Conversion Code Setup
OXI>interface configuration>conversion codes>site should put in what conversions between
opera and external interfaces are for rate code/ room types/categories/memberships types/etc.
If you do not see an active conversion, click inactive to check for it

OXI BWI Messages not processing to or from external

Make sure processors are running in OXI
Check OXI processor logs on the server.
If there is an error: can’t connect to, ping
If ping request times out, instruct site to reset router. If issue persists, refer to IT
(Make sure to copy ping into the case notes)

Resync OXI
OXI>utilities>resync>check the XML in OXI message status> messages to external> confirm
opera is sending correct information (by reading the xml)>refer to vendor

Common How – to’s

Install License Code

 Configuration>Setup>License>PMS license

How to change default folio style

 Application setting to change default folio style /default AR folio style

How to change folio style on individual reservation

 From billing screen> Folio>Folio Styles>select folio style site wishes to change it to. Check F1
help for descriptions of each folio style.

Restart OXI Processors/IFC

 Check if processors are still running.

o OXI>interface status>processors (you can stop or start from here)
 Connect to OXI server. start>run>type services.msc>stop and start the service for the interface
o usually called 'Opera interface for XXXX'

‘Please swipe again’ error when swiping card on one workstation.

 Configuration>setup>workstations> (workstation highlighted in blue is the workstation you are
working on)>edit
 Check swipe reader attached check box

Grant user permission

 Configuration>setup>user configuration>users>edit>permission.
o Make sure to have a letter from general manager on company letter head/ via email with
general manager signature in the email.
o If user granting the permission does not have the permission themselves, they may not
grant it. If user granting the user group does not have the user group they are trying to
assign, they will not be able to do so.

Inventory Imbalance
 Compare the control panel, house status, and detailed availability screens. (miscellaneous>show
quick keys)
 Utilities>synchronize utilities>synchronize inventory, physical rooms, block occupancies, stay
 Check that forecast processor is running: Utilities>processors>forecast processor. Make sure it
is running, no failed/pending events.

Changing application settings

 Configuration>setup>application settings.
 Remember to log out of opera and log back in after making an app setting change

Record in use by another user/workstation

Utilities>tools>session statistics> highlight users session>kill

Creating table space

 See creating datafiles doc.
 Make sure you have supervision when creating datafiles.
 Use script if you do not see enterprise manager console (it is not there for sites using oracle

Change room type for a room number

There are (5) requirements prior to being able to Change a room type. In order to change the room type
of a room, you must make sure that none of the following apply:

1. The room is currently checked in.

a. If getting an error that the room is checked in go to reservations>update
reservations>click advanced>search all reservations with that room type to find any that
are checked in.
2. The room was checked out today.
a. If getting an error go to reservations>update reservations>click advanced>search all
reservations with that room type to find any that checked out on today's date. If it has
checked out today, the end of day must be rolled before making the change.
3. The room is set to Out of Order/Out of Service now or in the future.
a. If getting an error go to PMS>rooms management>out of order/service>search with
blank date>delete entries for that room number.
4. The room is listed on a task assignment sheet now or in the future.
a. If getting an error go to PMS>rooms management>housekeeping>task
assignment>search for completed and pending task assignment sheets>click
expanded>search for the room in the list. If the room is there, delete the task sheet that it
is on. If unable to delete advise the site to let audit roll and do not put on sheet for next
5. The room is pre-blocked on a future reservation.
a. have site go to the reservation and remove the room number

Log into Opera Utilities

Select Utilities
Select Property Config
Change Room
Change Room Type for room number.

Some sites will want to change all rooms in one room type to another room type. The above still
applies but when making the change, navigate to:
Log into Opera Utilities
Select Utilities
Select Property Config
Change Room
Change Room Type for another room type
when getting here, opera will require a password. It changes every day. The formula for the password
Current day * Current month * 5 + 11
ex: October 9, 2015 = 461

Room Status Discrepancy in Housekeeping

 Rooms management>housekeeping>housekeeping management>place cursor in from field.
Press Shift+F7 on keyboard.

SQL for unlock an external locked block

 If a block is being externally controlled it means that one of their OXI interfaces is controlling it
Script to unlock: update allotment_header set external_locked=null where allotment_header_id=

Credit Cards not processing

Error message? All workstations? All reservations/credit cards? Recent network/server/opera changes?
When did this begin happening? Try heartbeat test (configuration>setup>property interfaces>interface
configuration>double click cc interface (CCW/EFT)>click test button)
Pass or Fail?
Pass → refer to cc processor
Fail → take note of number next to failure>log>search transaction>open log scroll to bottom.
Search error in MOS KM

Trial Balance vs Ledger Imbalance

 Confirm imbalance>attach reports to case>run imbalance analysis in utilities>6 month
increments> find live date via script>run imbalance until live and escalate. Do not paste
imbalance into case, paste into notepad and attach to the case.

How to manually add commissions

 Commissions>Payment Processing>By Agent or Acct>Select the Account or agent needed>If

the reservation in question is displayed in the lower section of the Commission Processing, you
can right click & select "Manual Commission Adjustment" and enter an amount. If not, follow
the below steps:
 Commissions>Payment Processing>By Agent or Acct>Select the Account or agent needed>On
the "Commission Processing" screen select "Search">Select criteria for your search (Checked
out, reservation, etc) >Select the reservation needed (If the Travel Agent was not attached it will
ask if you wish to attach it, say Yes) >it will then try to process the commission. The reservation
will then display in the lower section of the Commission Processing. You can then highlight it
& right click. Next select "Manual Commission Adjustment" and enter an amount.


Select * from night_audit_jurnal where business_date = ‘DD-MMM-YYYY’
Find the sys_job_id #
Update night_audit_jurnal set status = ‘COMPLETED’ where sys_job_id =‘XXXXXX’

"No credit" from POS

Uncheck no post from pm reservation for payment type

Adobe ? When Printing

Windows theme should be basic


Configuration>setup>screen design>popup blockers


Configuration>setup>screen design>field and button defaults

Check services on the server to determine:
Application Server will have service: Oracle10gappr2ProcessManager
DB Server will have service: OracleServiceOpera
Interface Server will have service: Opera IFC Controller
OXI server will have service: “Opera Interface for (whatever the name is for the OXI interface)”


Opera Down (after other basic attempts at troubleshooting)
Opera Slowness
Recommend Server reboot every 30 days.
Opera Freezing/hanging
How to check system up time:
Start>Run>CMD> type systeminfo
find system “up time” or “boot time”

SERVER TROUBLESHOOTING (when you need to connect to server)

Issues on all workstations.
If issue is reproducible on the server and not just one or a couple of workstations.

Issue is not reproducible on the server.
Issue is not happening on all workstations


Case Stamp
Please make sure names are correct in the case.
If case is opened from Night Auditor, try to get a daytime point of contact for the issue.
Full Opera Version (ex:
Clear Description of the issue
Keep in mind that a lot of times, the site does not know exactly what the issue is/is not
completely honest. Get connected and have the Reproduce the issue for you. If you do
not understand them still, have them repeat it.
Steps to reproduce. Very important!
While connected, take note of the steps the caller is taking to reproduce the issue. Put
them in your case notes so that if the case is escalated/dispatched the issue does not have
to be repeated.
Example: Connected to workstation. PMS>reservations>update reservation>searched
reservation confirmation number 123456>edit reservation>swipe card in payment field.
Received error message: “please swipe again”
Work Performed
What Steps did you take to resolve the issue: Also take note of similar case numbers
found in MOS or Knowledge Documents found/attempted.
Plan of action
If you are researching a case and find something you would like to try to resolve it, add
it to your notes as a plan of action.
If you call a site with intentions on doing something, leave a plan of action for the next
tech to attempt when the site calls back.


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