Cancer Biomarker

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Design and Analysis of Optical Sensor for Detection

of Cancer Biomarkers

Harshada J. Patil Raksha D S,

Dept. of ECE Dept. of ECE Rohit Dattatraya Hegde
Vemana Institute of Technology Canara Engineering College, Dept. of ECE
V.T.U, India V.T.U, India Canara Engineering College, V.T. U, India

Ashwini V R, Indumathi T S Preeta Sharan

Dept. of ECE, Dept. of DECS Dept. of ECE
Canara Engineering college, VIAT, V.T. U, India The Oxford College of Engineering,
V.T. U, India V.T. U, India

Abstract- The proposed paper incorporates the modeling and There is standard test for breast cancer like mammography
simulation of the highly sensitive photonic crystal-based sensor for and for cervical cancer pep smear test. However, both these
breast and cervical cancer infected cell detection. Two structures, tests will require trained staff, costly equipment. The proposed
regular hexagon, and 180° phase mismatched hexagon are used. photonic crystal sensor can be benchmarked with respect to cost
For the detection of cancer infected cells, the change in refractive and testing procedures because of low cost of production when
index is considered as the basis and corresponding change in produces in bulk. Also, this sensor can be fitted to a handheld
properties of light rays is observed. A comparative study has been so will minimize the cost of maintenance of a bulky system
done for the sensitivity of the designed sensor. The results are
used for mammography. The essence of working of the
observed with the wavelength shift in the transmitted spectrum.
The sensitivity is calculated for both the structures and found that
proposed sensor is similar to the ionic lattice effect on electrons
180° phase mismatch is better than hexagonal shape as regards to in solid. In the same way, the periodic optical nanostructure, the
cervical cancer detection, hexagonal structure fares better than photonic crystal affects the photon movement. Electromagnetic
1800 phase mismatch for breast cancer detection with regards to propagation is affected by a photonic crystal which creates the
performance in sensitivity. bandgap in the layers of periodic dielectric nanostructures.
They have high perspectives ranging from gas sensors, optical
Index Terms - Refractive index, OptiFDTD, Sensitivity. filters, inkless painting, reflective flat display, and photonic
papers, etc. The study of cells in submicron resolution provides
I. INTRODUCTION the ways to RI values of cells. The RI values of normal as well
as cancer cell will be predetermined and is used as a benchmark
According to WHO every 1 out of 6th death is due to cancer. for further comparison. The cells that have been used for the
In India, more than 1300 people die due to cancer in a day. study of cancer affected cell and normal cell condition has the
Blood cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, etc. RI as shown in the below table.
are the various types of cancer. This paper mainly deals with
breast and cervical cancer. “Breast cancer is a type of cancer in
which the cells of breast start growing out of control, beginning Refractive indices used for simulation
with ducts or lobules its can also spread out through vasculature
and lymph vessels, if not diagnosed initially” [1] Cervical
cancer occurs in cells of the lower uterus, growing Sl. No Type of cancer Type of cell RI value
1 Breast cancer Normal cell 1.385
So, the reason for the mass destruction of human life due to Cancer cell 1.3999
cancer is due to failure in recognition of the disease in an early
stage. Therefore, the world needs an easy and reliable 2 Cervical cancer Normal cell 1.368
recognition system of cancer. This paper deals with the
identification of breast cancer and cervical cancer using optics. Cancer cell 1.392
It’s a simple technique of comparing the refractive index (RI)
of normal cell and cancer affected cells based on the RI profile. Table I, shows RI values for cancerous and non-cancerous cells
The constituents of cells are plasma membrane(lipid),
(biomarker). From literature survey we found that for cancerous
cytoplasm (protein & water), and nucleus. Each of them has
and non-cancerous cell there is a different RI [2]. After
different RI values. For a cell to be “normal cell” all these
determining the RI value, the crystal structure is designed using
constituents should be optimum whereas an increase in protein
software called OptiFDTD-15.0.1. A two random structure is
content leads to carcinogen cells. [3] The difference in RI
selected to showcase the refraction of the light rays with
values is noted and this technique is used to detect the cancer preferred RI. The structures are Hexagonal shape and the
180° phase mismatched hexagon structure. The RI values of
II. SURVEY OF METHODS AND TOPOLOGIES normal as well as cancer cell will be predetermined and is used
as a benchmark for further comparison.

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III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION normal and cancerous cell.

A. Hexagonal shape for breast cancer

It consists of the PBG crystals which are arranged on a wafer

dimension of length and width 30um respectively. The material
is analysed for both the RI of cancer and normal cells of breast
cancer. In this crystal lattice hexagonal structure is constructed
as shown in the figure. This structure has one input and output.
The left side of the structure is pointed input whereas the right
side of the structure is assigned with an output observation point
and observation line. The observation area will be assigned
where the output needs to be obtained.[9]

Fig.4 Relative power of normal cell vs cancerous cell (all dimensions in um)

The green curvature represents the relative power vs distance

of cancer cells whereas the red curvature represents relative
power vs distance of normal cell. The amplitude variation can
be observed between normal and cancer cells which helps in
easy identification of cancer affected cells. The peak value of
the normal cell graph corresponds to the value of 12.31 and
that of a cancer cell is 17.84. So, this makes the clear
difference between normal and cancer cells.
2) Numerical analysis:
Sensitivity is the ratio of change in wavelength shift to the
change in RI as given in Eq. 1.

. .
Sensitivity = = = 2.0134 [1]
Fig.1 Hexagonal model for breast cancer (all dimensions in um) . .

1) Observation: is the wavelength of light from source for cancerous cell

is the wavelength of light from source for normal cell
is the RI of cancerous cell
is the RI of normal cell

B. 180° phase mismatched hexagon for breast cancer:

180° phase mismatch is designed such that one of the arms is
longer than the other one. Here coupling of light to output side
cannot be done and all the light rays are reflected towards input

Fig.2 Movement of light rays for normal cell (all dimensions in um)

Fig.3 Movement of light rays for cancerous cell (all dimensions in um)

The above Fig 2 and Fig 3 shows the simulation results for both Fig.5 The 180° phase mismatched hexagon model for breast cancer (all
normal and cancerous symbolizes the stress value dimensions in um)
associated with the cell. From Fig 2 and 3 we can conclude that
there is a maximum stress value at the right end of the structure.
The maximum stress value for cancerous cell is 0.07 and for
normal cell is 0.633. Hence easily we can differentiate between

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1) Observation: easy identification of cancer affected cells. The peak value of
the normal cell graph corresponds to the value of 1.69 and that
of a cancer cell is 13.24. So, this makes the clear difference
between normal and cancer cells.

2) Numerical calculation:
. .
Sensitivity = = = 0.6711 [2]
. .

C. Hexagonal shape for cervical cancer:

The construction and working of the structure are the same as those
mentioned before for breast cancer but the only difference is the RI
value for cervical cancer is different. The different values of RI values
are applied concerning cervical cancer and simulated. The simulation
looks as follows:

Fig.6 Movement of light rays for normal cell (all dimensions in um)

Fig.9 Movement of light rays for normal cell (all dimensions in um)

Fig.7 Movement of light rays for cancerous cell (all dimensions in um)

The above diagram shows the simulation results for both

normal and cancerous cells using optiFDTD software. This
provides the stress value associated with the cell. For a
cancerous cell it is observed that stress values of the cell are
high, that increases diffraction as obtained in Fig. 7. “Stress
values increase with light propagation direction”. There is an
overall change in the RI of cancerous cells known as
ineffective. Fig. 6 explains the variation of RI with stress value
non-cancerous cell. Due to the diffraction of light when
subjected to cell depends on the stress of particular cell. The Fig.10 Movement of light rays for cancerous cell (all dimensions in um)
cancerous cell has more stress value when compared with the
1) Observation
normal cell. Hence this analysis can be used to detect the
cancerous and non-cancerous cells.

Fig.11 relative power of normal cell vs cancerous cell (all dimensions in um)
Fig.8 relative power of normal cell vs cancerous cell (all dimensions in um)
The green curvature represents the relative power vs distance
of cancer cells whereas the red curvature represents relative
power vs distance of normal cell. The amplitude variation can
The green curvature represents the relative power vs distance be observed between normal and cancer cells which helps in
of cancer cells whereas the red curvature represents relative easy identification of cancer affected cells. The peak value of
power vs distance of normal cell. The amplitude variation can the normal cell graph corresponds to the value of 12.47 and that
be observed between normal and cancer cells which helps in

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of a cancer cell is 8.69. So, this makes a clear difference 1) Observation
between normal and cancer cells.

2) Numerical analysis:

. .
Sensitivity = = = 1.25 [3]
. .

D. 180° phase mismatch for cervical cancer:

The structure of a 180° phase mismatch for cervical cancer is
similar to that of breast cancer. Here the major difference is the
RI which is 1.392 for cervical cancer.

Fig.15 relative power of normal cell vs cancerous cell (all dimensions in um)

In the above graph, the green curvature represents the cancer

cell whereas red indicates normal cell. By observing the graph,
we can conclude that the wavelength shift is high in this
structure. Henceforth the structure is most sensitive for the
detection of cervical cancer affected cells against normal cells.

2) Numerical analysis:
. .
Sensitivity = = = 4.166 [4]
. .


Fig.12 180° phase mismatched hexagon model for cervical cancer (all The idea proposed here is majorly about determining the cancerous
dimensions in um) cell using photonics. The observation made here is that the sensitivity
of cells has changed drastically. Additionally, by applying this
technique, it can be easily distinguishable between the normal and
cancer cell condition. Here in this work sensitivity is used to measure
the efficiency of the detection. If the sensitivity is more than the
efficiency of detecting the cancerous cell is more. The minimum or
maximum value of sensitivity is not a benchmark. The sensitivity is
used only to know how efficient the detection is. There is no need for
benchmarking the minimum value of sensitivity. In this paper, the
comparative study has been done for the sensitivity by considering
hexagonal and 180° phase miss-match. After sensitivity calculation it
is observed that for cervical cancer detection 180° phase mismatch is
better as its sensitivity is 4166nm/RIU compared to a hexagonal shape
having sensitivity of 1250nm/RIU. On the contrary, for breast cancer,
hexagonal structure is better with its sensitivity is 2013nm/RIU
compared with the 180° phase mis-match having sensitivity of
671nm/RIU. The designed structure has high sensitivity value hence
Fig.13 Movement of light rays for normal cell (all dimensions in um) can be profoundly used to separate cancerous and normal cells. If there
is a need of minimum value of sensitivity required using the proposed
technique to differentiate between normal and cancerous cells then
671nm/RIU can be taken as the basis. The future scope of extending
this work includes testing using more samples with different age group
and fabrication for a nano scale device.


We gratefully acknowledge the data collected by Chien Chung Tsai

and Prof. Sheng Lung Huang in their report on “Water distribution in
cancer and normal cells”. Additionally, we thank R&D lab, Oxford
college, Bengaluru for the support.


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