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NURSING INFORMATICS MODEL  Nursing informatics is an evolving, dynamic process

involving the conversion of data into information, and
General models subsequently knowledge
GRAVES AND CORCORAN’S MODEL  Data: raw materials; alphanumeric letters
 Nursing informatics as the linear progression from  Data with meaning= information
data into information and knowledge  Information from experience= knowledge (what you
 Purpose: Processing of data know)
 Management to data information knowledge  Wisdom: how will you apply your knowledge


Patircia Schiwirian  Every nurse must be able to continuously exhibit the
 Proposed a model intended to stimulate and guide capability to acquire skills (in this case, computer
systematic research in nursing informatics literacy skills parallel with nursing knowledge), and
 Model/framework that enables identification of then demonstrate specific skills beginning with the
significant information needs, that can foster very first student experience
research (somewhat similar to Maslow’s hierarchy of
needs) Levels of expertise (Benner)
Purpose: for research Novice
 Individuals with no experience of situations and
Goal related content in those situations where they are
U s e rs expected to perform tasks
Technology Advance beginner
Raw materials  Marginally demonstrate acceptable performance
(nursing-related information) having built on lessons learned in their expanding
experience base
 needs supervision
TURLEY’S MODEL (1996) Competent
Core components of informatics:  Enhanced mastery and the ability to cope with and
 Cognitive science: the interdisciplinary manage many contingencies
scientific investigation of the mind and Proficient
intelligence.  Evolution through continuous practice of skills,
 Information science: an academic field which combined with professional experience and
is primarily concerned with analysis, collection, knowledge
classification, manipulation, storage, retrieval,  Individual who appreciates standards of practice as
movement, dissemination, and protection of they apply in nursing informatics
information. Expert
 Computer science: study of computers and  Individual with mastery of the concept and capacity
computational systems to intuitively understand the situation and
immediately target the problem with minimal effort or
 NI is a specialty that integrates nursing science,
computer science and information science to PHILIPPINE HEALTH CARE ECOSYSTEM
manage and communicate data, information,  Nursing informatics is a huge network that
knowledge and wisdom into nursing practice (ANA) encompasses all the sectors of the health care
facilities, practitioners, insurance companies,

1 Model, theories and framework


pharmaceutical companies, academic institutions

and suppliers
 The government agencies maintain and balance the


 Patient care shifts/progresses form a high quality
delivery of life through technology with increased
costs into quality of life with minimal health costs

2 Model, theories and framework

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