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This dialogue is for number 1.

Interviewer :…
Wayne : I was travelling in Italy, on the Ponte Veccio, and grew tired of asking strangers to take
a photo of me and my daughter. I envisioned a retractable monopod that was
lightweight, had a ball joint for adjustment, and would not spin on the axis, was
waterproof and would go through airport security.

1. The best question to complete the above dialogue is …

A. How did you make a selfie stick?
B. Where did you find the selfie stick?
C. When did you get the patent of your product?
D. What have you done to promote the selfie stick?
E. How did you first get the idea for the selfie stick?

This dialogue is for number 2.

Interviewer :…
Interviewee : Well, once you have worked with a retailer or have a reputation of selling to retailers. It
is easier to sell to the product.
2. The best question to complete the dialogue above is…
A. To whom did you sell the product?
B. How did you distribute the product?
C. Why have you decided to sell your invention?
D. What secret have you learned in marketing your product?
E. What benefit have you got in terms of marketing the product?

This dialogue is for number 3.

Doctor : Take this medicine for a week and you’ll start to feel better.
Patient : …
Doctor : Are you sure? It’s the best on the market.
Patient : Yes, I am. Can you please prescribe another one?

3. The best respond to complete the dialogue above is …

A. What is the ideal dosage for my weight?
B. It looks as if the illness has already been cured.
C. But I’ve used it before and it did not help at all.
D. No, it’s too early to prescribe another medicine.
E. What shall I do if unexpected side effects arise?

This dialogue is for numbers 4 to 5.

Elisa : Your life has been hectic recently. Am I, right?
Kian : Oh, yes. I … 4) time to take a breath, honestly, for about five months.
Elisa : Tell us your activities.
Kian : Well, late comers have been running for three months now, but I …5) a new contract for a new
movie. I have begun working on my new movie since two months ago.
Elisa : What do you feel right now?
Kian : I feel good. I used to play in dramas, but now I try movies. It is a challenge for me. I have found
a very rewarding experience.

4. The best answer for number 4 is …

A. have not
B. don’t have
C. didn’t have
D. haven’t had
E. haven’t have

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5. The best answer for number 5 is…
A. take
B. took
C. had took
D. had taken
E. have taken

This text is for numbers 6 to 10.

On the 16th of August at half past four in the morning Soekarno and Hatta left Jakarta by car,
accompanied by Sukarni and J. Kunto, driving in the direction of Rengkasdengklok barracks were at time
already in the hands of the Indonesian Pemudas who had conceived the plan to rebel against the Japanese.
In that place discussion took place about an immediate declaration of independence for Indonesia.
Because no agreement an unanimity could be reached in the discussions were continued at midnight on
the 16th of August in a building on the Nassau boulevard in Jakarta.
Here had gathered all the Indonesian leaders and members of the ‘Committee for the Preparation
of Indonesia’s Independence’, which had then been set up by the Japanese. At the time of these latter
discussions, Sukarni proposed a text for the proclamation of Indonesia’s independence in which the
following sentence was written: “The Indonesian Nation hereby declares itself independence. All existing
institutions maintained by the foreigners must be taken from them”.
Such a formulation could not get the approval of the meeting, which sought a far more moderate
form. Finally Suyuti Melik was able to solve the problem by suggesting the following formulation:
“We, the Indonesian People, hereby declare of Indonesia. Matters concerning the transfer of
power and other things will be properly dealt with in the shortest possible time.”
Taken from: Portrait of a Patriot: Selecting Writings.

6. What did they discuss in Rengasdengklok barracks?

A. How to rebel against Japanese.
B. An immediate declaration of independence for Indonesia.
C. The Committee for the Preparation of Indonesia’s Independence.
D. Hoe to free some Indonesian Pemudas members arrested by Japanese
E. The different opinion about the formulation of Indonesia’s independence.

7. Which of the following statements is true based on the text?

A. Suyuti Melik was one of the Indonesian leaders in the meeting.
B. Suyuti Melik didn’t agree with Soekarno about the formulation.
C. Soekarno and Hatta had a meeting with the representatives of Japanese.
D. The Indonesian Pemudas kidnapped Soekarno and Hatta in the midnight.
E. Soekarno and Hatta went to Rengkasengklok barrack early in the morning.

8. The discussions were continued at midnight on the 16th of August because …

A. There was an attack of Japanese troops.
B. The formulation was in a moderate form.
C. Soekarno and Hatta were being kidnapped.
D. There was no place to declare the independence.
E. There was no agreement and unanimity could be reached.

9. “Such a formulation could not get the approval of meeting, …” The bold typed word refers to …
A. belief
B. clearance
C. invitation
D. agreement
E. advancement

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10. “All existing institutions maintained by the foreigners must be taken from them.” The underlined
word refers to …
A. the youths
B. the leaders
C. the members
D. the foreigners
E. the institutions

This text is for numbers 11 to 15.

The Java war happened in 1785 until 1855, in Yogyakarta. The Java War is also known as the
Diponegoro War because its central figure was Pangeran Diponegoro.
The cause was the Dutch decision to build a road across a piece of his property that contained
sacred tomb. Amongst other causes was a sense of resentment felt by members of the Javanese
aristocratic families at Dutch measures intended to restrict the renting out of land at high prices. Finally
the succession of the throne of Yogyakarta was disputed.
The forces of Prince Diponegoro were successful in the early stages of the war, taking control of
the middle of Java and besieging Yogyakarta. The Javanese population was supportive of Prince
Diponegoro’s cause, whereas the Dutch colonial authorities were initially indecisive. The Dutch were
unleashed. As the Java war became prolonged, PrinceDiponegoro had difficulties in maintaining the
numbers of his troops. Diponegoro then began an extensive guerrilla war.
In the 1825, the Dutch appointed a skilled and adaptable commander, De Cock. His strategy
isolated Diponegoro’s forces and deprived him of the local support he needed to keep fighting. The Dutch
were also very clever in offering amnesties and rewards to those of Diponegoro’s supporters who
surrendered to them, and this encouraged many to stop fighting for Diponegoro. Interstingly, the Dutch
also offered a large reward for Diponegoro either dead or alive but such was the personal loyalty felt
towards Diponegoro no one betrayed him.
After months in hiding and on the run, Diponegoro agreed to peace talks with the Dutch in 1830,
but after some negotiations he was arrested and soon exiled out of Java. The Dutch administration made
sure that he was never allowed to return to Java and Diponegoro died in exile at Makasar.
The memory of the Java War would live on, and in the 20th Century Diponegoro was later
declared a nationalist hero by the new Indonesian Republic.
Taken from: Many Sources

11. The text is mainly tells about …

A. the Java War
B. the Sultanate of Yogyakarta
C. biography of Prince Diponegoro
D. The capture of Prince Diponegoro
E. the national heroes from Yogyakarta

12. The main idea of the second paragraph is …

A. the guerrilla war
B. the cause of the war
C. the forces of Prince Diponegoro
D. the arrival of the Dutch in Yogyakarta
E. the dispute between Prince Diponegor and his siblings

13. From the text, we know that …

A. Prince Diponegoro passed away in Yogyakarta
B. Diponegoro passed away when he was on the run
C. all De Cock’s strategy failed to capture Diponegoro
D. there was no one who betrayed him even though there was a reward offered
E. Diponegoro had few troops and he recruited the members outside Yogyakarta

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14. “The forces of Prince Diponegoro were successful in the early stages of the war, taking control of the
middle of Java and besieging Yogyakarta.” The bold typed word has similar meaning to …
A. laving
B. invading
C. returning
D. conquering
E. surrounding

15. “… but after some negotiations he was arrested and soon exiled out of Java.” The bold typed word
closest meaning is …
A. disputing
B. mediations
C. struggling
D. disagreement
E. confrontation

This text is for question numbers 16 to 19

Once upon a time Sammy and his sister Marie visited their grandparents at their farm.
Sammy picked up a slingshot to play with out in the woods. He practiced in the woods, but he could
never hit the target. Getting a little discouraged, he headed back for the lunch. As he was walking
back, he saw Grandma’s pet duck.
Just out of impulse, he let the slingshot fly which hit the duck square in the head and killed
it. He was shocked and grieved. In a panic, he hid the dead duck in the pile of woods. Marie had
seen it all from the window, but she said nothing. After the lunch, the next day Grandma said,
“Marie, let’s wash the dishes.” Marie said, “But Grandma, Sammy told me he wanted to help in the
Then she whispered to Sammy, “Remember the duck?” Sammy got nervous knowing his sister knew
about the duck and if he did not obey, she might tell his grandparents about it. So, without saying
anything, he did the dishes.
Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing but Grandma said, “I’m
sorry but I need Marie to help make a supper.” Marie just smiled and said, “Well that’s all right
because Sammy told me he wanted to help.”
She whispered gain to Sammy, “Remember the duck?” So, Marie went fishing and Sammy
stayed to help. After several days of Marie taking advantage of Sammy, he finally couldn’t stand it
any longer. He came to Grandma and confessed that he had killed the duck.
Grandma knelt down, gave him a hug and said, “Sweetheart, I know. I was standing at the
window and I saw the whole thing but because I love you, I’ve forgiven you. I was just wondering
how long you would let Marie take advantage of you.”
Taken from:

16. What does the text mainly talk about?

A. A brave little boy
B. A humble little boy
C. A little boy and a duck
D. An irresponsible little boy
E. A little boy with a slingshot

17. “Marie had seen it all from the window, ...” (paragraph 2) The word “it” refers to the event
when Sammy …
A. killed the duck
B. hid the dead duck
C. attempted to hide his mistake
D. was using a slingshot to kill the duck
E. was practicing using a slingshot to hit targets

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18. What can we learn from the text above?
A. Practice makes perfect
B. Don’t trust people easily
C. Keep going and do the best
D. You should admit of your mistakes
E. What is bad in one case may be good in another

19. “… he finally couldn’t stand it any longer.” (Paragraph 4). The similar meaning of “couldn’t
stand” is …
A. like
B. love
C. dislike
D. fond of
E. keen on

This text is for question numbers 20 to 21

There was once a woman who wanted a small child but didn’t know where to get one. So she
went to a witch for help.
“A little child?” said the witch. “That’s easy. Here’s magic seed. Plan it in a flower pot and see
what happens!” the women thanked the witch, paid a piece of silver, and went home to plant the magic
seed. As soon as it touched the soil, the seed grew into the tulip, whose flower opened with a pop. In the
middle of the flower sat a tiny girl.
“Why, the pretty little thing is hardly as big as my thumb!” cried the women. “I am going to call
her Thumbelina.”
The women made Thumbelina a bed from a walnut shell. Instead of going out, Thumbelina
played on the kitchen table. He favorite game was sailing across the bowl of water in a boat made from a
tulip leaf. As she sailed, she sang in a high, sweet voice.
One night, an old toad got in through an open window and hopped down onto the kitchen table.
“Just the wife for my son!” the toad declared when it saw Thumbelina sleeping in her tiny bed. the toad
picked up the walnut shell and hopped out through the window into the garden, at the bottom of the
garden, there was stream with a muddy bank, and that was where the old toad lived with her son. He was
even damper and uglier than his mother. When he saw the pretty girl a sleep in the walnut shell, all he
could say was, “Ribbik! Ribbik!”. “Not so loud!” whispered the old toad. “If you wake her up, she will
run away. We’ll put her on a water-lily leaf in the middle of the stream so she won’t be able to escape.
Then we can clear out the best room for wedding.”
In the morning, when she woke up, Thumbelina was startled to find herself on a big green leaf in
the middle of a scream.
Taken from:

20. What was the woman’s problem?

A. Her child was too small
B. She wanted to get a child
C. She didn’t hope Thumbelina
D. She had a problem with the witch
E. She wanted to have a magic seed

21. What did Thumbelina look like?

A. She was a tiny girl
B. She was a bad girl
C. She was a big girl
D. She was a magic girl
E. She was a perfect girl

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This text is for question numbers 22 to 24
A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giant-like creature named Kebo Iwo. The
people of Bali used to say that Kebo Iwo was everything, a destroyer as well as a creator. He was
satisfied with the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people enough food for a thousand men.
Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns were almost empty and the new harvest was
still a long way off. This made Kebo Iwo wild with great anger. In his hunger, he destroyed all the
houses and even all the temples. It made the Balinese turn to rage.
So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant by using his stupidity. They
asked Kebo Iwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild all the houses and temples he had
destroyed. After they fed Kebo Iwo, he began to dig a deep hole.
One day he had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the hole. The oldest man in the village gave a
sign, and the villagers began to throw the limestone they had collected before into the hole. The
limestone made the water inside the hole boiling. Kebo Iwo was buried alive. Then the water in the well
rose higher and higher until at last it overflowed and formed Lake Batur. The mound of earth dug from
the well by Kebo Iwo is known as Mount Batur.
Taken from:
22. The following idea is appropriate about Kebo Iwo.
A. Kebo Iwo ate a little amount of meat
B. Kebo Iwo is a destroyer that cannot make anything
C. Kebo Iwo destroyed all the house but not the temple
D. Kebo eat food was equal for food of thousand people
E. Kebo Iwo was angry because his food was stolen by Balinese people

23. According to the story, what do you think it will happen if Kebo Iwa is never existed in Bali island?
A. There will be no Bali island
B. Bali People will never be angry
C. Mount Batur will not be a sacred place now
D. All Bali people will live in a prosperous way
E. We are not able see the beauty of Lake Batur

24. “So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant……” (Paragraph 3). The
antonym of the word “oppose “is….
A. Turn Against
B. Support
C. Defeat
D. Change
E. Beat

25. Rearrange the following sentences into a good story

1. Feeling embarrassed, he had a plan.
2. Suddenly he felt very pain on his tail.
3. He gathered all animals in the jungle and asked them to cut their tail.
4. He was surprised when he saw his tail caught in the trap.
5. One day, a fox was walking around the jungle.
6. The animals laughed and left him.
7. He told them that having tail was brother.
The best arrangement is …
A. 5 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 3 – 7 – 6
B. 5 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 7 – 6

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C. 5 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 6 – 3 – 7
D. 5 – 6 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 7
E. 5 – 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 7 – 6

This Song Lyrics is for question numbers 26 to 30

I saw the morning
It was shattered by a gun
Heard a scream, saw him fall, no one cried
I saw a mother
She was praying for her son
Bring him back, let him live, don't let him die

Do you ever ask yourself

Is there a Heaven in the sky
Why can't we get it right
Because we all live under the same sun
We all walk under the same moon
Then why, why can't we live as one

I saw the evening

Fading shadows one by one
We watch the lamb, lay down to the sacrifice
I saw the children
The children of the sun
How they wept, how they bled, how they died
Sometimes I think I'm going mad
We're losing all we had and no one seems to care
But in my heart it doesn't change
We've got to rearrange and bring our world some love
And does it really matter
If there's a heaven up above
We sure could use some love


26. What condition does the first part song lyrics infer?
A. Peaceful
B. Violence
C. Fearless
D. Pleasure
E. Harmony

27. The first line that is repeated and the easiest remembered on the song lyrics above is …
A. I saw the morning
B. I saw the evening
C. Do you ever ask yourself
D. Sometimes I think I'm going mad
E. Then why, why can’t we live as one

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28. The word “morning “on the first line of the song lyrics which can be meant as full of hope,
when the sun rises, the animals start to sing, all the activities of creatures on the surface of
earth begins. We can infer as …
A. The entire day
B. The midnight day
C. The middle of the day
D. The ending of the day
E. The beginning of the day

29. The phrase “The children of the sun” on song lyrics above refers to the young generation.
This infers the young generations who can …
A. Shine the children world
B. have the children of the sun
C. carry the peaceful for children
D. become the leader in the world
E. make a change for better future

30. The figure of speech of the song lyric “The children of the sun” is …
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Hyperbole
D. Alliteration
E. Personification

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