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1. MRCP: Left hepatic duct, Common bile duct, Main pancreatic duct, Stomach, Second part of duodenum. 2.

. MRI T2 midline sagittal brain: Third ventricle, Optic chiasm, Soft palate, Posterior arch of atlas, __?__. 3. MRI T2 axial brain: - Right caudate nucleus, Left external capsule, ? Vein of Galen / ? Inferior sagittal sinus, Left ACA (A2 segment), Genu of corpus callosum. 4. MRI elbow sagittal PD FS: - Olecranon process of ulna, Coronoid process of ulna, Trochlea of humerus, Triceps tendon, Brachialis muscle. 5. Coronal T1 MRI: - Descending thoracic aorta, Right crus of diaphragm, Azygous vein, Hemiazygous vein, __?__. 6. Axial CT Chest contrast: - Right major fissure, Right middle lobar bronchus, Right lower lobar bronchus, Left atrium, Aortic root. 7. Axial CT Mediastinum contrast: - Left brachiochephalic vein, Left common carotid artery, ? Aberrant right subclavian artery, ___?____, ___?___. 8. Coronal reformatted CT angiogram image of neck: - Left internal carotid artery (cervical segment), Right vertebral artery, Right internal mammary artery, Left thyrocervical trunk, Right common carotid artery, 9. CT coronal magnified view of cranio-vertebral junction: - Dens, Bifid spinous process of C2, Basi-occiput, Right mastoid, Left lateral mass of atlas. 10. CT axial section at L4-5 level (Bone window): - L4-5 intervertebral disc, Superior articular facet of L5, Inferior articular facet of L4, Left psoas muscle, Which nerve root is exiting in the right neural foramen at this level Answer Right L4. 11. CT Sagittal reformatted image of abdomen and pelvis (soft tissue window): - L2-3 neural foramen, Urinary bladder, Uterus, Pubic bone, Inferior vena cava. 12. CT coronal reformatted image of abdomen and pelvis (Soft tissue window): Right iliacus muscle, Right gluteus medius muscle, Superior mesenteric vein, Spleen. ___?___. 13. X-ray abdomen: Rectal shadow, Left kidney, Which is the fascia investing the organ labeled B (left kidney) Answer Gerotas and Zukerkandl fascia, ? Stomach, Right transverse process of L2. 14. BMFT: - Greater curvature aspect of gastric fundus, duodenal bulb, third part of duodenum, Proximal jejunal loops, Incisura angularis. 15. CXR PA: - Trachea, Right atrial heart border, Left ventricle border, ? SVC border, ? Hair shadow (artifact in the soft tissue planes of right neck). 16. Lateral CXR: - Right hemidiaphragms, Right major fissure, Right Clavicle, ? Right ventricular outflow tract, Manubrium sternum. 17. X-ray foot AP and oblique views Right side: Intermediate cuneiform (right side), Navicular bone (right side), Talonavicular joint (right side), Cuboid (Right side), Distal fibula (Right side). 18. X-ray Wrist AP: - Lunate bone, Hook of hamate, Triquetrum, Trapezium, ____?____.

19. X-ray skull (Townes view): Left superior orbital fissure, Sagittal suture, Left lambdoid suture, Right coronal suture, Superior rim of left orbit. 20. X-ray Shoulder (Axial view): Clavicle, coracoid process, glenoid fossa, Lateral end of clavicle, Humeral head.


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