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Translated from Indonesian to English - www.onlinedoctranslator.


Name : Akmelia Najwa Sihab Abadi

ID : 210343606461


Genetic Material

Genetic material is an information-carrying substance possessed by every living thing that can be
passed down from parents to offspring.

Location of Genetic Material

- Genetic material is found in cells (in the nucleus of -eukaryotic cells, and scattered around
the cytoplasm -prokaryotic) in the form of tangled threads.
- On a closer look at the shape of the genetic material, the genetic material is shaped like the letter x.

- genetic material consists of DNA and RNA.

- In eukaryotic cells, DNA is in the cell nucleus, while RNA is produced in the cell nucleus and then sent to the

Genetic Material Requirements

- able to be present in various variations (differences in skin color, nose shape, eye shape).
- can store information.
- coding that can be expressed (become morphology).
- can do replication (acts as a core so it has to copy because of the lifetime).

- can mutate (adaptation form).

Central Dogma

Explain the process of changing genes from DNA to RNA, RNA to


Is a chemical compound that includes cell organelles, carriers of genetic
material, the main component in protein synthesis, regulating the activity of
Structure: Double helix chain
pentose sugar (deoxyribose)
Nitrogen base : purine→ Adenine (A) & Guanine (G)
Primidine→ Thymine (T) & Cytosine (S)

Couple shape→ (A) & (T)

(G) & (S)

There are three models of DNA replication mechanisms, namely:

1. Semiconservative Replication
Each newly replicated double-stranded DNA molecule consists of a single double-stranded new
DNA consisting of one single-stranded parental DNA and one single-stranded synthesized DNA.

2. Conservative Replication
The single-stranded DNA molecule of the parent remains joined, while the two new DNA strands are the
result of replication consisting of the new synthesized molecule.
3. Dispersive Replication
The parent DNA molecule undergoes fragmentation so that the new DNA that results from replication consists

of a combination of old molecules (derived from parent DNA) and new synthesized molecules.

Structure: Single chain untwisted
Pentose Sugar (Ribose)

Nitrogen base: purine → Adenine (A) & Guanine (G)

Primidine → uracil (U) & Cytosine (S)
Couple shape→ (A) & (U)
(G) & (S)
Based on its role in protein synthesis, RNA can be divided into:
1. Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a strand of DNA transcription whose job is to carry genetic
information in the form of codes from the nucleus to the ribosome and as a
template for translating genetic code into amino acids to form polypeptides.
2. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is the main component of ribosomes (30-46%) and functions as
an assembler of polypeptides in protein synthesis.
3. Transfer RNA (tRNA) is a carrier of amino acids to the ribosome according to the code and with a
certain amino acid sequence.

- Difference between DNA and RNA

Difference DNA RNA

Place Mostly in the nucleus, few In the cytoplasm,

in mitochondria and nucleolus and
chloroplasts chromosome

Chain Shape Double thread single no

Pyrimidine Thymine Uracil
Pentose Sugar Deoxyribose Ribose

Hydrolizing Deoxyribonuclease Ribonuclease

enzymes (DNase) (RNase)

Role Genetic information Protein Synthesis

Differences in the pentose sugar in DNA (Deoxyribose) and RNA

(Ribose) as well as thymine (DNA) and uraline (RNA)


In the basic form of nitrogen, in the form of thymine

there is CH3. While the pentose sugar in DNA is 2-D
eoxyribose because the number two C atom loses
one oxygen atom.


In the nitrogenous base of RNA, the thymine in DNA becomes

uracil in the absence of CH3. While pentose sugar in
RNA is ribose because at the C atom there is no loss of an O atom.

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