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Natural Climate

Solutions and the

Voluntary Carbon Market:
A Guide for C-suite
The NCS Alliance The SustainAbility Institute by ERM World Business Council for World Economic Forum
Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
The NCSA is a multistakeholder coalition ERM is the largest global pure play sustainability The World Economic Forum is the International
that brings together public and private consultancy and The SustainAbility Institute is WBCSD is the premier global, CEO-led Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.
stakeholders to identify opportunities and its primary platform for thought leadership. The community of over 200 of the world’s leading Our purpose is to empower global leaders to
barriers to investment into carbon credits in purpose of the Institute is to define, accelerate, sustainable businesses working collectively shape the future for the better. We are a trusted
new and existing markets to scale up financing and scale sustainability performance by to accelerate the system transformations platform for all stakeholders of global society to
for natural climate solutions. The Alliance also developing actionable insight for business. We needed for a net zero, nature positive, and more integrate and aggregate their efforts to improve
serves as a forum for knowledge sharing and provide an independent and authoritative voice equitable future. the state of the world.
technical capacity building to ensure natural to decode complexities. The Institute identifies
Our member companies come from all business
climate solutions reach their full potential in innovative solutions to global sustainability Our activities are shaped by a unique
sectors and all major economies, representing a
abating climate change. challenges built on ERM’s experience, expertise, institutional culture founded on the stakeholder
combined revenue of more than USD $8.5 trillion
and commitment to transformational change. theory, which asserts that an organization is
and 19 million employees. Our global network of
LinkedIn: accountable to all parts of society and we as an
almost 70 national business councils gives our
Website:  Twitter: institution carefully blend and balance the best of
members unparalleled reach across the globe.
LinkedIn: many kinds of organizations, from both the public
sustainabilityinstituteerm Together, we are the leading voice of business and private sectors, international organizations
Website: for sustainability, united by our vision of a world and academic institutions.
in which 9+ billion people are living well, within
planetary boundaries, by mid-century. Linkedin:

This report is released in the name of the Natural Climate Solutions Alliance (NCSA). It is the result of collaborative efforts by
NCSA members and its Secretariat and the SustainAbility Institute by ERM.

Drafts were reviewed by NCSA members, ensuring that the document broadly represents the majority view of NCSA
members. It does not mean, however, that every member company agrees with every word.

Copyright: © WBCSD, September 2022

This Guide is the result of a collaboration between the NCS Alliance and the SustainAbility Institute by ERM.

Lead authors: Aiste Brackley (The SustainAbility Institute by ERM); Andrew Angle (The SustainAbility Institute by ERM); Carly Sibilia
(ERM); Giulia Carbone (WBCSD); Justin Nelson (The SustainAbility Institute by ERM); Linden Edgell (ERM).

Additional contributors: Numerous NCSA members provided ideas, experiences and comments during the process of developing This publication was made possible
this Guide, through their participation in the NCSA Taskforce, the NCSA Technical Advisory Group and the NCSA Steering Committee. with generous funding support from
In addition, other organizations responded by providing input directly to The SustainAbility Institute by ERM. See page 40 for full list. the We Mean Business Coalition

Cover photos: © Alfian Widiantono; © Fundaeco; © Alexpunker/shutterstock




30 32
Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

We Must Do More on Climate, Today

Climate targets are not on track. However, value chain decarbonization
People’s lives, business success is not enough. As the journey to net
and natural systems are under zero requires time and resources
threat from global warming if while drawing down emissions year
temperatures rise by more than over year, yearly emissions remain
1.5 degrees Celsius. But, business unabated.
can counterbalance unabated
emissions through purchasing The urgency of the climate
high-quality Natural Climate crisis requires that businesses
Solutions carbon credits. demonstrate leadership by
counterbalancing year on year
Staying on the 1.5°C pathway is their annual unabated emissions
critical if society is to avoid the worst through the purchase of high-
of climate change. To achieve this quality Natural Climate Solutions
goal, we must act now, starting by carbon emissions reduction and
reducing global emissions by 43 removal credits.
percent from 2019 levels by 2030.1
All businesses must play a role in
the 1.5°C pathway through deep
decarbonization of their value chain
(Scope 1, 2 and 3) emissions.

© Justin Wilkens /

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Nature Loss Is Reaching a Critical Point

Climate change is not the only But business commitments to
crisis we face today – nature is nature-related actions to address
also at a precipice. this crisis are falling short: less than “Limiting global warming
20 percent of S&P 500 companies to ensure a habitable climate
Seventy percent of the land-based have made nature-related pledges.4
and protecting biodiversity are
environment and close to 66 percent While the uptake of biodiversity
of the marine environment have commitments has increased in
mutually supporting goals, and
been significantly altered by human recent years, there has been limited their achievement is essential
actions.2 The biodiversity decline we progress made towards measurable, for sustainably and equitably
are witnessing is driven by a number time-bound targets that are providing benefits to people.”
of factors, including climate change. needed to achieve ‘nature-positive’
IPBES-IPCC Co-Sponsored Workshop
And as biodiversity decreases, outcomes.5,6
we lose one of the most effective
defenses against climate change.3 Ambitious but concrete action
is now required to stave off
the worst effects of climate
change and biodiversity
loss, and to ensure a
livable future for all.

© Wesley Tingey /

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Natural Climate Solutions Offer Enormous Potential to Tackle

Emissions, Simultaneously Providing Multiple Benefits to
People and Nature
Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) are Nature-based NCS can play a critical role in achieving a just transition
Solutions (NbS) addressing climate change. to global net zero emissions by 2050. Companies can
They build on nature’s capacity to remove and invest in NCS in two different ways:
store carbon from the atmosphere.
1. Businesses whose value chains include emissions
Natural Climate Solutions could provide a significant generated by forestry, agriculture or other land use
contribution towards carbon removal efforts, with activities, should invest in NCS in their own value
the potential to remove over 100 gigatons of the chain to address their own land-based greenhouse
projected 810 gigatons of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas (GHG) emissions.9
removals required by the end of the century to stay
on the below 1.5°C pathway.7 2. Companies needing to counterbalance their annual
unabated emissions should invest – in addition to
their annual decarbonization efforts to avoid and
reduce their own emissions in line with a science-
based* reduction pathway - in NCS through voluntary
carbon credits, which are tradable assets that
Nature-based Solutions are defined as actions to represent certified GHG removals or reductions.
protect, conserve, restore, sustainably use and manage e
m or
natural or modified terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and ad

marine ecosystems, which address social, economic and *The term ‘science-based’ refers to those
activities that use scientific methods
environmental challenges effectively and adaptively, while and / or results to inform decisions. For THE ROLE OF
simultaneously providing human well-being, ecosystem the purposes of this paper, ‘science- NCS IN THE
based’ does NOT specifically refer to the CORPORATE NET
services and resilience and biodiversity benefits.8 Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) ZERO JOURNEY
unless stated otherwise.

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Biodiversity and people play a fundamental role in • Sustainably manage natural and modified
delivering positive, high-integrity climate mitigation ecosystems through regenerative agriculture
impacts. and improved forest management practices, also
contributing to the recovery of biodiversity. These
By investing in NCS, businesses can address multiple solutions are categorized both as emission reductions
interconnected challenges, but only well designed and and carbon removals, depending on the specific
properly implemented NCS will deliver climate mitigation activity.
benefits, biodiversity gains and positive opportunities for
local communities and Indigenous Peoples. Companies • Restore ecosystems that have been degraded or
should conduct due diligence to ensure NCS activities previously converted. These solutions are categorized
generating carbon credits provide these additional as carbon removals as the growth of new natural
benefits. systems results in sequestration that may not have
otherwise occurred, along with additional biodiversity
Natural Climate Solutions comprise three of the top five
All categories also may benefit adaptation and reduce
climate solutions identified by the Intergovernmental
vulnerability to climate change.
Panel on Climate Change with the greatest potential to
reduce emissions: Reduced conversion of forests and
other ecosystems; Carbon sequestration in agriculture; Given their role in climate mitigation and addressing
and Ecosystem restoration, afforestation, reforestation.10 the loss of biodiversity, all categories of NCS are
needed. Investments in the protection of existing
carbon stocks to further reduce emissions deliver much
Natural Climate Solutions fall into three broad
needed and immediate benefits. These should then be
complemented with investments in
improved ecosystem management m or
• Protect ecosystems from impending or future and restoration – leading to carbon

degradation, reducing further CO2 emissions and
additional loss of biodiversity. removal – which generally take longer NATURAL
to generate positive climate and SOLUTIONS: WHY
biodiversity outcomes.12 QUALITY MAKES

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Investing in NCS Voluntary Carbon Credits

Offers Multiple Advantages to Business
Investing in NCS voluntary carbon Investment in NCS voluntary carbon
“The use of high-quality
credits will help businesses solidify credits may also offer additional
their position as climate leaders. benefits such as stronger carbon credits by companies
relationships with stakeholders, and other private nonstate
By investing in NCS voluntary carbon including shareholders and actors (NSAs) — above and beyond
credits, businesses are reducing customers, and greater their decarbonization efforts — is a
long-term risks to their operations employee satisfaction by method to accelerate climate change
associated with climate change demonstrating the business’
mitigation and drive additional finance
and the loss of biodiversity, while commitment to the climate and
simultaneously unlocking new environment.13 into low- and middle-income countries,
commercial opportunities. which will likely suffer the greatest
Companies can also capitalize climate harms.”
on other advantages of NCS Rachel Kyte, Steering Committee Co-Chair of
such as their relative affordability the Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity
Initiative (VCMI)
compared to other carbon removal
m or

© Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve


Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Take Action Now

In the face of climate and nature A portfolio of high-quality NCS
emergencies, businesses can voluntary carbon credits, combining
either act and adapt to build an emission reductions and removal
impactful legacy or risk failure. credits, may strengthen the
company’s reputation with respect
While deep decarbonization of to climate, biodiversity and human
their value chains (Scope 1, 2 and rights, with the potential to deliver
3) should be the main priority for commercial benefits.15
companies, to have the best chance
at limiting global warming to 1.5°C The way forward is clear; NCS
and reversing biodiversity loss they voluntary carbon credits:
must also invest in high-quality
NCS voluntary carbon credits to • Offer enormous potential to
counterbalance any unabated reduce global emissions while
emissions year on year. delivering benefits to nature
and society, and;16
Investing in NCS voluntary carbon
credits can help bridge the current • Are a vital component of
global gap in emission reductions any ambitious
efforts and contribute to halting corporate net m ore
and reversing the loss of biodiversity zero mitigation ad

while simultaneously supporting local strategy, adding to
communities and Indigenous Peoples. the science-based TAKE ACTION
absolute emissions NOW
reductions within
a company’s value
© Fundaeco

Businesses in all sectors,
regardless of size, should invest
immediately in high-quality NCS
carbon credits through the
voluntary carbon market to
counterbalance their unabated
value chain emissions, thus
contributing to global climate
mitigation and biodiversity
recovery targets.

© mariusz_prusaczyk /
Natural Climate Solutions offer the opportunity to tackle climate
change and biodiversity loss while also providing multiple socio-
economic benefits to local communities and society at large.
However, these positive impacts can only be realized if projects
are both well-designed and appropriately implemented.
Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Companies should only invest in high-quality NCS Companies should carry out due diligence before
projects and programs that go beyond the delivery investing in NCS projects and programs to ensure that
of carbon credits by providing measurable benefits Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities’ rights,
to nature and people. resources and perspectives are adequately respected
and safeguarded; and that the projects and programs
NCS address multiple societal challenges – but only if deliver biodiversity and social gains, which will, however,
they are designed and executed to a high standard. vary based on the type of NCS activity implemented.

High-quality Natural Climate Solutions IONS RED

effectively address the permanence, ISS U
additionality leakage, double-counting,


robust quantification and verification


of the NCS climate mitigation activities
implemented,a and go above and
beyond the delivery of carbon credits by:




• Resulting in a gain to biodiversity and -B UT
ecosystem integrity.17
from loss management native cover
• Providing substantive social
and economic benefits for local
communities and Indigenous Peoples.
Protect Protect Protect Manage Manage Manage Restore Restore
• Providing climate risk protection by forests wetlands grass-lands timber-
croplands grazing
forests wetlands

improving the resiliency and adaptive

capacity of landscapes. Natural Climate Solutions help mitigate climate change through actions that protect against
nature loss, improve nature management and restore degraded native cover.
This infographic is adapted from We need both natural and energy solutions to stabilize our climate:

a There isn’t a common standard for carbon integrity at this time, although many initiatives are underway. For example, the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (IC-VCM) is developing Core Carbon
Principles (CCPs) and an Assessment Framework (AF) and plans to assess carbon-crediting programs and methodology types on their alignment with the CCPs.

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

“We believe
that Natural Climate “Businesses
Solutions have a key role to around the world are
play in addressing the two major mobilizing in the race to net zero.
environmental crises: biodiversity loss Collectively, there is a lot of work to
and climate change. In order to increase do to reduce our overall emissions and
investments in NCS, robust frameworks that must be the first goal. However, some
should be developed to ensure high-quality emissions are currently unavoidable and will
carbon credits from projects that enhance continue to be for some time. Achieving net
nature, generate climate value and benefit zero is made more possible with a credible
communities in a holistic way that also voluntary carbon market. The development of
provides credibility and certainty to the IC VCM’s Core Carbon Principles will help
investors.” give confidence to buyers that we hope will
Emilio Tejedor, Head of Environment stimulate finance towards nature-based
and Quality, Iberdrola
© Filip Agoo for Wildlife Works Mai Ndombe REDD+ Project

Annette Nazareth, Co-Chair, Integrity
Council for the Voluntary Carbon
Market (IC-VCM)

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Examples of Nature-Positive and Socio-Economic Benefits associated with Natural

Climate Solutions
Nature-positive Benefits Socio-economic Benefits Climate Benefits Beyond GHG Mitigation18

• Halt and reverse environmental • Support local communities and • Warming or cooling from change
degradation. Indigenous Peoples. in natural vegetation, affecting
• Preserve and enhance local, regional • Improve quality of life through access to surface albedo (reflection of sunlight),
and global biodiversity. clean natural resources. windspeed, or the emission of aerosols
• Protect and enhance ecosystem • Create and sustain jobs. and volatile organic compounds.
services (e.g., improved water quality, • Achieve health outcomes by improving • Cooling effects of evapotranspiration.
reduced soil erosion, increase in air quality, offering buffers from • Reduced vulnerability to climate-
pollinators). extreme weather and cooling local air related disasters through NbS-
• Prevent extinction of rare and temperatures. based adaptation and resilience (e.g.,
endangered species. • Improve human health and wellbeing by mangrove restoration to prevent sea
increasing green spaces. surges).

In addition to offering multiple benefits to nature and Markets are evolving from individual NCS projects to
people, high-quality NCS carbon credits are one of the jurisdictional-scale approaches where interventions
largest readily available solutions for carbon removal.19 are much larger in scale, benefit from contribution
Technological solutions such as carbon capture and by governments and use baselines developed at the
storage methods will likely play an important role in scale of an accounting area defined by a country or
carbon removal, but these technologies are not yet large subnational political/administrative unit. To get
affordable at scale. Natural climate solutions are readily to the scale of impact needed, jurisdictional-scale NCS
available and should be utilized while technology-based programs will be an important part of an effective NCS
solutions are scaled. strategy. Companies should consider including in their
portfolio an increasing share of credits from jurisdictional-
scale programs including nested projects, once

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

“The benefits of
NCS such as the social
opportunities associated with
involving local communities in
restoring biodiversity and enhancing
ecosystem services help make them
a particularly attractive solution for “When pursuing NCS
companies looking to connect climate projects, companies should
change, biodiversity and social evaluate their co-benefits to the
performance.” community and the environment. If
you are only focusing on carbon, you
Andrew Grigg, Global Program
Manager Biodiversity, Alcoa might not consider NCS and would miss
out on the multiple other advantages
that NCS provide in addition to
emissions mitigation.”
Aiste Brackley, Head of Research and
Insights, the SustainAbility Institute by
Vitor Monthay /


Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

NCS Lighthouses: projects with impact

To elevate the successful human, environmental and climate stories behind NCS around the globe, the Natural Climate Solutions Alliance
(NCSA)  highlights NCS examples focused on mitigating environmental and social risks and generating positive environmental impacts and socio-

© Fundaeco
economic benefits. These are the NCS Lighthouses.

  Katingan Mentaya Mai Ndombe REDD+ Conservation Coast Luangwa Community Rimba Raya Sumatra Merang
Project  Forests Project Peatland Project

Central Kalimantan, Mai Ndombe Caribbean Coastline, Eastern Province Central Kalimantan South Sumatra
Region  Republic of Indonesia  Province, Democratic Izabel Region, to Lusaka Province, province, Indonesia Province, Indonesia
Republic of the Congo Guatemala Zambia
Carbon Program
149,800 ha   300,000 ha 62,700 ha (expanding 1,037,000 ha 65,000 ha 23,000 ha
to 128,448 ha)
Ecosystem  Tropical Peatland  Tropical Rainforest Tropical Rainforest Riparian Forest Peat Swamp Forest Peatland Forest
Mt CO2e reduced
7.5  5.6 0.73 3.0 3.5 1.3
or removed / yr
Protection of Return of previously Protection of the Protects over 514 Protects habitat for Protection of a high
endangered species, eradicated species, Mesoamerican million trees from endangered species, conversion priority
including the Bornean including elephants, Biological Corridor, deforestation and including the Bornean region, including the
Orangutan and leopards, and which is vital habitat conserves a major orangutan Merang biodiversity
Sunda pangolin  buffalo, as well as the for 120 migratory wildlife corridor corridor
recovery of critical birds
Bonobos populations
Improves wellbeing Direct payments to Project activities Activities support Employs 200 people, Supports community
and develops 28 villages in the support 487 jobs, 217,000 community providing medical development
Social Benefits  sustainable sources project area 24% of which are held beneficiaries across services to village initiatives, including
of income for 34 local by women 12 Chiefdoms members 100 jobs created
*Components of this project are still under verification. IFM = Improved Forest Management VCS = Verified Carbon Standard
A/R = Afforestation/Reforestation Mt CO2e = million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent WRC = Wetlands Restoration and Conservation
ARR = Afforestation, Reforestation and Revegetation REDD = Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest 1 tonne CO2e = 1 credit
CCB = Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standards degradation
ha = hectares SDVista = Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard

NCS voluntary carbon credits should play an important role in
the transition to net zero. They can be used to counterbalance
annual unabated emissions in the short- and long-term,
neutralize emissions remaining after achieving net zero and
counterbalance historic emissions.
Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Businesses should take a high ambition

pathway and go beyond their net zero goals
The high ambition pathway calls for:

1. Purchasing and retiring high-quality

NCS voluntary reduction and removal
credits during the transition to net
zero to counterbalance unabated
value chain emissions. These credits “Bayer has set the target to
should not be used in lieu of or delay achieve net zero GHG emissions
the emissions reductions necessary including our entire value chain by
to meet long-term science-based 2050 or sooner and signed the Business
targets for Scopes 1, 2 and 3.
Ambition for 1.5°C. We are on a path to
2. Going beyond net zero by become climate neutral by 2030 in our own
purchasing and retiring high-quality operations by significantly reducing our own
NCS voluntary carbon credits to emissions, increasing the use of renewable
counterbalance historical emissions energy sources and by compensating through
and contributing towards climate the purchase of high-quality NCS credits to
mitigate our residual and hard-to-abate
Dirk Backhaus, Head of Product Supply
Bayer, Crop Science

© Francisco Blanco / Dreamstime

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Achieving Net Zero

with Natural Climate Solutions
Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) contribute to Net Zero goals by counterbalancing
unabated emissions, addressing historical emissions and reducing and neutralizing
value chain emissions.

On the Transition to Net Zero Net Zero Emissions Net Zero and Beyond

Counterbalance any unabated Go beyond net zero to climate

emissions year on year through negativity by purchasing and
High ambition the purchase and retirement retiring high-quality NCS voluntary
pathway of high-quality NCS voluntary carbon credits; this could also
carbon credits (emission contribute to addressing historical
reductions and removals). emissions.

Achieve net zero value chain

Reduce value chain emissions emissions consistent with a
(Scope 1, 2, and 3), consistent long-term science-based target.
Net Zero with near-term science-based High-quality NCS voluntary
targets. NCS should be deployed carbon credits should be used to
journey as in value chain reduction and neutralize unavoidable residual
removal solutions for land-based emissions that remain after fully
emissions. decarbonizing Scope 1, 2 and 3

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

The role of NCS voluntary carbon credits in a net zero journey

tCO2e issio n s
s u al e m
ss as u
emissions In value
S cie

ca Net Zero Residual
niz Emissions emissions


Beyond value Compensation Neutralization

chain mitigation for historical of residual
actions, such as emissions with emissions with
high-value NCS high-value NCS high-value NCS
carbon credits carbon credits carbon credits

NCS voluntary carbon credits play a critical role by providing beyond value chain mitigation
opportunities before achieving net zero by compensating for historical emissions and
neutralizing residual emissions once net zero is achieved.
Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Examples of businesses BAYER21

in action NET ZERO

Net zero along entire value chain by 2050 or
INVESTMENT €50-200 million for offsetting projects to 2030.
METHOD Forest conservation and restoration projects.
Several leading companies are already
DETAILS Bayer’s net zero plan integrates NCS with
taking action and investing in NCS carbon additional emissions-related targets and
credits. These investments take on different strategies. Their Scope 1 and 2 (3.8mt CO2e)
emissions reduction plan will consider the
characteristics and methods, but all following:
demonstrate the attributes required to be • Internal Carbon Price of 100€/tonne.
• €500 million CapEx for emissions reductions
considered high-quality NCS projects. activities.
• €50-200 million for offsetting projects to
• Compensation projects with connection to
the business: Agriculture or Forest (AFOLU


NET ZERO Net zero climate impact by 2030.
METHOD Forest protection and reforestation projects.
DETAILS McKinsey & Company is taking climate action
across three areas: decarbonizing operations,
investing in natural climate solutions, and
© Aleksandr Kendenkov /

accelerating progress through partnerships.

Through partnerships, McKinsey aims to help

scale the solutions the world collectively needs.
Examples include:
• NCS Investment Accelerator
• Blue Nature Alliance
• LEAF Coalition
• Enduring Earth Initiative

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

NET ZERO Net zero operations by the end of 2022, with a NET ZERO Net zero internal operations by 2030, net zero
COMMITMENT 45 percent reduction in internal emissions below COMMITMENT value chain by 2039.
2019 levels by 2030.
INVESTMENT 1.5 million credits purchased in 2021 from 17 INVESTMENT €1 billion investment in Climate and Nature fund
projects.24 by 2030, with portion going towards investment
in climate action, including natural climate
solutions (forest protection and regeneration).
METHOD Ecosystem conservation and restoration METHOD Natural and technological carbon sequestration
projects. projects.
DETAILS Netflix’s approach to reducing and eliminating DETAILS Unilever’s approach to net zero follows the
their greenhouse gas emissions will use NCS mitigation hierarchy, using NCS to remove
projects through their “Net Zero + Nature” plan. residual emissions:
This plan follows the three steps below: • In the 2020s and 2030s, Unilever’s primary
• Reduce internal emissions on a 1.5°C focus will be emissions reduction across their
pathway through reductions strategies to value chain, consistent with the 1.5-degree
reach net zero. ambition of the Paris Agreement.
• Retain nature’s existing carbon storage • Unilever will not seek to meet their emissions
through ecosystem protection and reduction targets through the practice of
conservation to address emissions Netflix or purchasing and retiring carbon credits,
their suppliers cannot avoid. known as offsetting. Any use of carbon
• Remove carbon from the atmosphere credits will be in addition to making progress
by restoring and regenerating natural towards Unilever’s emissions reduction
ecosystems to go beyond the value chain. targets, not a means of achieving them.
• By 2039, and from then onwards, Unilever
will ensure that any residual emissions are
balanced with carbon removals to achieve
and maintain their net zero emissions target.

There are compelling reasons for companies to invest in high-
quality NCS voluntary carbon credits given their contribution
to climate mitigation, nature conservation and socio-economic
Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Without Action, Climate Change and Nature Degradation Will

Pose Significant Risks to Business
Unless appropriately addressed, Upwards of USD $500 billion worth
climate change will lead to of annual global food production “There is more and
significant material economic risks relies on pollination from natural
more momentum and
that will directly impact company pollinators such as bees and flies.29
operations. Reducing nature loss Biodiversity loss threatens these
urgency around climate
is also critically important for pollinator populations, and in turn, change from the new COP26
maintaining a thriving economy. puts food and the global agriculture commitments to the most recent
sector at risk. IPCC report. Companies now realize
Climate change could reduce global that only if they take substantial
gross domestic product (GDP) Workplace disruptions caused
action that incorporates nature
by 11-14 percent (or over USD $11 by extreme weather
trillion based on 2020 global GDP events, such as wildfires,
can we achieve 1.5°C.”
estimates) by 2050 if temperatures hurricanes and heat Hishmi Jamil Husain, Head
Biodiversity, Tata Steel
were to rise by up to 2.6°C by mid- waves, which are
century.26 often further
exacerbated by
Fifty percent of global GDP is nature loss, could
moderately to highly dependent lead to more than
on natural capital and ecosystem USD $2 trillion in
services. By 2030, biodiversity global productivity
loss could reduce global GDP by losses by 2030.30
2.3 percent annually and by over
10 percent in some developing
countries.27, 28

© Fundaeco
Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

By Investing in High-Quality NCS Voluntary Carbon Credits,

Companies Will Respond to Stakeholder Demands
By investing in high-quality NCS voluntary carbon • In the CDP Climate Change questionnaire’s C11
credits, companies will address material and Carbon pricing module, companies can gain points for
physical risks and improve their relations with major creating or purchasing carbon credits that are used
stakeholders that are demanding leadership from for compliance or voluntary offsetting purposes.33
companies on climate.
• Target 8 in the first draft of the Convention on
Civil Society and Consumers Biological Diversity’s Post-2020 Global Biodiversity
Framework calls on society to increase the financial
• The Science Based Targets initiative’s (SBTi) Net- resources it dedicates to protecting biodiversity.34
Zero Standard calls on companies to go beyond their
science-based targets by pursuing investments that • According to research conducted by GlobeScan for
drive mitigation outside their value chains.31 IKEA, three quarters of people across 32 countries
want to see companies take significant action to
• Race to Zero, a United Nations (UN)-backed campaign combat climate change.35
to inspire non-state actors to achieve net zero by
2050, calls on members to reduce their own emissions • 83% of consumers think companies should be actively
and neutralize any residual emissions that remain and shaping Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
contribute toward global net zero with beyond value best practices.36
chain and territorial mitigation through the purchase
and retirement of high-quality carbon credits.32

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Governments Investors

• The European Climate Law mandates European • Global investors representing USD $14 trillion in assets
Union (EU)-wide net zero emissions by 2050 and called on companies to disclose net zero transition
negative emissions thereafter through the use plans and provide a method through which investors
of carbon sinks, including NCS and technological can vote annually on progress against them.40
• Demand for ESG-related investments is growing. It is
• The Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and estimated that ESG assets will reach over USD $50
Industry announced the concept of GX League, trillion globally by 2025, up from USD $38 trillion in
comprised of 440 supporting companies committing 2021. Companies with effective net zero strategies
to lead an economic and social transformation and NCS implementation may be more attractive
towards environmentally friendly practices. to these ESG-aligned investors and the expanding
Additionally, it has released a Carbon Credit Report amounts of capital available.41
clarifying the roles of different types of carbon
credits.38 • Investor groups are increasingly collaborating
to encourage and demand climate action. The
• In Singapore, the existing carbon tax will be increased Climate Action 100+ has over 700 member investors
five-fold to S$25 per tonne in 2024, and further responsible for over USD $68 trillion in assets
increased to S$45 in 2026 and 2027. By 2030, the under management, and collectively engages with
carbon tax will be increased to S$80. Companies have companies on improving climate change governance,
the option of using high-quality international carbon cutting emissions, and strengthening climate-related
credits to offset up to 5% of taxable emissions from financial disclosures.42

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Investing in NCS Provides Multiple Commercial

Benefits to Companies
A variety of both internal and external Driving differentiation and competitive
factors contribute to the benefits gained advantage through leadership and
through investment in high-quality NCS tangible actions
voluntary carbon credits.
• Actions to protect nature and reduce
Attracting and retaining talent emissions are tangible and send a signal
about the company’s ambition.
• Companies pursuing NCS voluntary Companies can more easily
carbon credits and disclosing their plans connect their NCS-related “At ERM we are
are more likely to attract talent given the actions to climate, social
growing importance employees place focused on reducing our
and biodiversity impacts
on sustainability and ethical corporate than they could for Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and
conduct. For example, two-thirds of job other mitigative also acknowledge the importance
seekers below the age of 34 consider actions. of counterbalancing our remaining
sustainability to be a top priority when emissions on the way to net zero. We
selecting a company to work for.43 • The retirement have joined the NCS Alliance and signed
of NCS voluntary
up to the NCS Investment Accelerator
• Investing in NCS voluntary carbon credits carbon credits
can also help retain talent by fostering offers companies as we believe we must address climate,
a stronger corporate culture, increasing the opportunity to nature and livelihood challenges
credibility and responding to greenwashing. make claims following within our overall decarbonization
Employees are able to see firsthand the credible standards and strategy.”
actions through which their company plans differentiate themselves Linden Edgell, Global Sustainability
to achieve its climate commitments. as ambitious actors in the Director, ERM
climate and nature space. 44

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Securing high-quality carbon Strengthening local governance

credit supply
• In many parts of the world,
• By investing early in NCS voluntary a major underlying cause of
carbon credit generating projects nature loss is poor public sector
and programs, companies may governance.45 NCS voluntary
be able to better develop their carbon credits have a central role
internal capacity related to nature to play in addressing this issue “A claim of carbon
and climate issues. Additionally, because they help encourage
neutrality is not the be-all
this will help reduce future good governance by placing
transition risks related to the a value on nature. By and end-all, and may not even
implementation of carbon pricing supporting NCS voluntary be necessary or appropriate to the
mechanisms and associated carbon credits, companies company or brand. Success should be
disclosure requirements. can help create a more determined not by the ability to make a
favorable overall business carbon neutral claim, but instead by how
environment and better the investment benefits the climate, nature
and the wider community, and how the
• Investments in NCS projects communication of these benefits can
and programs can help drive consumer preference.”
build an understanding and Hannah Hislop, Global Sustainability
appreciation for nature’s services Senior Manager, Unilever
and emphasize the need for
strong governance and associated
resourcing. This activity can help
direct important financing to local
© Katingan Mentaya Project

communities and governance

structures for implementing
climate positive activities.


All businesses and their leaders should follow the steps

below to build a credible climate strategy using NCS
voluntary carbon credits.
Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Have a strategy that is Start within your own supply Commit to long-term purchase
consistent with the Paris chain first. agreements.
Agreement and follow the For some companies, forests, Committing to future purchase
mitigation hierarchy. agriculture or land use are part secures investment and enables
Corporates should use NCS of their business – in this instance longer-term project development
credits in the context of applying NCS should be used first within on landscape level and high
the GHG mitigation hierarchy the value chain to avoid and impact projects.
to reduce Scope 1, 2 and 3 reduce emissions and improve
emissions in support of sector resilience of agricultural land to
decarbonization at a rate global warming impacts (e.g., no
consistent with achieving the deforestation commitments). Invest in high-quality NCS
goals of the Paris Agreement, and credits.
undertaking other actions such Investments in NCS projects
as low carbon policy advocacy, and programs should maximize
scaling renewables and investing Advocate for climate policy. climate, social and nature benefits
in low carbon technologies. Effective corporate strategies and minimize any negative social
recognize the importance of or environmental consequences.
policy advocacy, in order to drive
and encourage local, national
Develop and publish a company and international policies that
plan to address all value chain both support and strengthen Report transparently and
emissions. investments in NCS among other secure 3rd party verification.
The plan should outline specific climate mitigation solutions. Independent verification and
actions and levers to address reporting should be used to
Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions in validate the quantity and quality
line with the mitigation hierarchy, of gross emissions/NCS credits
including an explanation of NCS retired.
use for remaining emissions.


Sending a strong demand signal for high-quality NCS voluntary

carbon credits will help improve the quality of existing NCS
projects and programs and demonstrate the need for their
continued growth. The NCS Alliance helps mobilize this demand
through collaboration, cooperation and innovation.
Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Addressing the Nature-

Climate Finance Gap
Beyond the multiple benefits they
provide to companies, NCS voluntary
carbon credits play an important role in
filling the climate finance gap.

Investments of USD $8.1 trillion by 2050 –

and annual investments of USD $536 billion
by that year – are necessary to address
the interlinked issues of climate change,
biodiversity decline and land degradation.
Only USD $133 billion per year is invested in
Nature-based Solutions today, 86 percent
of which comes from public funding, which
demonstrates a substantial finance gap.46

By investing in NCS voluntary carbon credits,

companies can help address this major
finance gap and contribute solutions that

© Guatemalan Conservation Coast Project

will help to tackle the climate and nature
degradation crises.

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Sending a Strong Demand Signal

A demand signal for high-quality NCS voluntary Despite this achievement, the amount of NCS-generated
carbon credits is critical to mobilizing company carbon credits is still quite small compared to their
investment in these credits, especially from mitigation potential estimated by IPCC.48 Although NCS‘
hard-to-abate sectors. entire mitigation potential is unlikely to be funded through
the voluntary carbon market, sending a strong demand
In 2021, the voluntary carbon market (through which signal from companies and increasing NCS credit supply
NCS-generated carbon credits are traded) nearly will be key to capitalizing on the full potential of NCS.
quadrupled to nearly USD $2 billion compared to 2020’s
USD $520 million. In all, the total volume of credits
traded in 2021 was over 500 million. Forestry and Land
Use-related credits, which include many NCS projects
“It’s important to
and programs, accounted for 67 percent of the value of send a demand signal
transactions (USD $1.33 billion) and 46 percent of the because it is critical in scaling
volume (228 million MtCO2e).47 investments at the right level and
for the right type, both in jurisdictional
Growing the NCS Demand More and more programs and in high-quality projects.
companies purchasing
Sending a demand
The growing
NCS credits helps By making transparent the criteria leading
signal for high- increase supplies,
quality NCS credits demand signal overcoming the “chicken companies follow, what credits they’re using,
will give other
helps demonstrate
companies more
and egg’ problem and what demand their commitments will
higher trust among where small supplies
companies in NCS confidence to discouraged the drive, the NCS Alliance can play a key role
as credible and purchase NCS necessary investments
effective solutions. credits themselves. to scale them. in helping suppliers understand what to
develop and buyers how to engage
with NCS.”
Trust Confidence Supplies
Jop Weterings, Expert Associate
Partner, McKinsey Sustainability

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Join the Natural Climate

Solutions Alliance to
Help Mobilize Demand
for High-Quality
Projects and Programs
The Natural Climate Solutions Alliance
(NCS Alliance) convenes businesses, NGOs
and solution providers with the goal of
sending a strong demand signal for high-
quality NCS projects and programs.

The NCS Alliance focuses on identifying

opportunities for and barriers to investment
in the NCS voluntary carbon market. It also
serves as a forum for knowledge sharing and
technical capacity building to ensure NCS
reach their full climate mitigation potential.

The NCS Alliance established the NCS

Investment Accelerator to help generate
a demand signal by aggregating business
commitments to invest in high-quality emission
© Alfian Widiantono reductions and removals credits that have
been validated and verified through a credible
voluntary compliance standard or scheme.

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

We invite you and your organization to join the NCS Alliance and the
Investment Accelerator in our mission to drive demand for high-quality NCS
projects and programs and mobilize companies to mitigate their emissions
beyond their value chains.
For more information on how to join contact

The NCS Alliance Guiding Principles for investing in natural climate solutions

1 NCS can and should raise ambition 3 NCS investments should follow
with respect to climate action, rigorous environmental and social
enhancing rather than diluting a safeguards, which may help
nation’s or a company’s contribution generate other benefits in line
to the Paris goals. NCS should be with UN SDGs.
used in conjunction with the GHG
emissions mitigation hierarchy i.e., 4 Sound and verified carbon
avoiding and reducing emissions measurement and accounting
should be prioritized and continued methodologies must be applied
in addition to the use of NCS credits. to ensure high-integrity NCS
credits. Emissions reductions
2 NCS credits can provide an and removals must be real,
interim solution for hard-to-abate quantified and verified, with
emissions but not a permanent one. issues of additionality, leakage

© Filip Agoo for Wildlife Works Mai Ndombe REDD+ Project

For certain unavoidable emissions, and permanence appropriately
carbon sinks – including natural addressed and tracked through
sinks – will always be needed robust accounting to avoid double
to achieve net zero. NCS credits counting.
should be considered an enabling
solution that will support long-term
sustainable land use.

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Beyond Value Chain Mitigation: Mitigation action or Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG): Gaseous emissions
investments that fall outside a company’s value chain. that absorb infrared radiation emitted from the Earth’s
This includes activities outside of a company’s value chain surface and reradiate back to the Earth’s surface,
that avoid or reduce greenhouse gas emissions, or that contributing to the greenhouse effect. An entity’s
remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and emissions are categorized into three different Scopes:
permanently store them.49
• Scope 1: Direct emissions, including a company’s
Counterbalance: An organization’s use of NCS credits facilities or vehicles.
to compensate some or all of its unabated emissions • Scope 2: Indirect emissions owned but not generated
over a given period, while on a Paris Agreement-aligned, by the entity, often related to purchased electricity
science-based emissions-reduction pathway.50 • Scope 3: Indirect emissions not included in Scope 2
that occur in the value chain of a company and are not
Carbon Credit: A tradable financial instrument that is owned by the company but linked to its operations.52
issued by a carbon-crediting program. A carbon credit
represents a GHG emission reduction or removal from Jurisdictional-scale Crediting: The issuance of
the atmosphere equivalent to one metric tonne of CO2 independently verified carbon credits for forest-
equivalent, calculated as the difference in emissions based emissions and/or removals based on a baseline
from a baseline scenario to a project scenario. Carbon developed at the scale of an accounting area defined by
credits are uniquely serialized, issued, tracked and retired a country or large subnational political/administrative
or administratively cancelled by means of an electronic unit.53
registry operated by an administrative body, such as a
carbon-crediting program.51 Mitigation: A human intervention to reduce emissions or
enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases.54
Decarbonization: The reduction of GHG emissions
through the use of low-emissions power generation and
other reduction techniques. For the purposes of this
report, decarbonization refers primarily to CO2, but also
includes other GHGs such as methane and nitrous oxide.

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

Mitigation Hierarchy: Under the mitigation hierarchy, Removals: The withdrawal of GHGs from the atmosphere
companies should set science-based targets, both near as a result of deliberate human activities, such as through
and long-term, to address their value chain emissions the enhancement of biological sinks of carbon dioxide
and implement strategies to achieve these targets as a or the use of chemical engineering to achieve long-term
first priority ahead of actions or investments to mitigate removal and storage.59, 60
emissions outside their value chains.55
Unabated Emissions: An organization’s emissions
Nature-based Solutions (NbS): Actions to protect, that remain unmitigated or uncaptured by carbon
conserve, restore, sustainably use and manage natural sequestration or storage while they pursue value chain
or modified terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine methods to reduce them.61
ecosystems, which address social, economic and
environmental challenges effectively and adaptively, while Voluntary Carbon Market: A decentralized market
simultaneously providing human well-being, ecosystem wherein a private entity can purchase and sell carbon
services and resilience and biodiversity benefits.56 credits that represent certified GHG removals or
Natural Climate Solutions (NCS): Natural Climate
Solutions are Nature-based Solutions addressing climate Value Chain Emissions: A company’s Scope 1, 2 and 3
change. emissions as defined by the GHG Protocol accounting
Net Zero: Net zero emissions are achieved when
anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases to the
atmosphere are balanced by anthropogenic removals
over a specified period.57 At the individual actor level, a
state of net zero is reached when an actor reduces its
emissions following science-based pathways, with any
remaining GHG emissions attributable to that actor being
fully neutralized by like-for-like removals (e.g., permanent
removals for fossil carbon emissions) exclusively claimed
by that actor, either within the value chain or through
purchase of valid offset credits.58

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

The following resources provide additional information on the topics covered in this guide for those interested in
learning more.

• Carbon Credit Basics for Business (EDF)

• Nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation (International Union for Conservation of Nature)
• NCS for Corporates (NCS Alliance)
• The Lighthouses (NCS Alliance)
• Net-Zero Standard (Science Based Targets initiative)
• Beyond Value Chain Mitigation FAQ (Science Based Targets initiative)
• Natural Climate Solutions Handbook (The Nature Conservancy)
• Tropical Forest Credit Integrity Guide (Tropical Forest Credit Integrity)
• State of Finance for Nature (UNEP and World Economic Forum)
• Nature and Net Zero (World Economic Forum)
• Scaling Investments in Nature (World Economic Forum)
• Forests for Climate: Scaling up Forest Conservation to Reach Net Zero (World Economic Forum)
• Guidance on Voluntary Use of Nature-based Solution Carbon Credits Through 2040 (World Resources Institute)

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

A special thanks to all those who supported the development of this Guide.

NCSA Taskforce members: Allan Traicoff NCSA Steering Committee: Christina Claude Lorea (GCCA)
(LEAF Coalition); Ed Hewitt (RESPIRA); Magerkurth (Winrock International); Hannah Hislop (Unilever)
Gabriela Burian (Bayer); Helen Temple Diane Holdorf (WBCSD); Kevin Soubly Hishmi Jamil Husain (Tata Steel)
(TBC); Jason Funk (CI); Kelley Hamrick (Shell); Maria Dewantini Dwianto (PT. Isabel Tome Esteban (Iberdrola)
(TNC); Lorenzo Esposito Caserta (ENI); Rimba Makmur Utama); Maria Mendiluce Jesper Nielsen (BCG)
Luke Pritchard (WeMeanBusiness); (WeMeanBusiness); Mike Korchinsky Jop Weterings (McKinsey)
Michael Weiss (IndigoAg); Mikkel Larson (WildlifeWorks); Nicole Schwab (WEF); Lee Solsbery (ERM)
(CIX); Raul Arce-Contreras (EDF); Paulina Ponce de León (BCG); Roman Lisa Shpritz (Bank of America)
Rebecca Kershaw (PwC); Roman Paul Czebiniak (WRI); Subhi Barakat Marta Martinez-Sanchez (Iberdrola)
Paul Czebiniak (WRI); Subhi Barakat (Unilever); Todd Stevens (WCS); Zoe Monica McBride (Bayer)
(Unilever). Quiroz-Cullen (FFI). Pete Jones (ERM)
Rebecca Kershaw (PwC)
NCSA Technical Advisory Group: Carolyn In addition, the SustainAbility Institute Rosa García Pineiro (Alcoa)
Ching (Ceres); Christina Elvers (Shell); by ERM interviewed the following Subhi Barakat (Unilever)
Giancarlo Raschio (The Gold Standard individuals:
Foundation); James Smith (WBCSD); And last but not least:
Malcolm Starkey (The Biodiversity Andrew Grigg (Alcoa) Imre Sebestyen: Design Support (WBCSD)
Consultancy); Martin Kaonga (bp); Max Braulio Pikman (ERM) Emily Smith: Copy Editing (ERM)
DuBuisson (indigo Ag); Natsuru Toda Bryan Sylvester (BCG) Stefan Jimenez: Project Support (ERM)
(Mitsubishi Corporation); Pippa Howard Carolyn Ching (Ceres)
(FFI); Rod Taylor (WRI). Charles Henderson (ERM)

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

1 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2022): 10 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2022): 19 World Resources Institute (2022): Carbon Removal:
Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change, Assessing carbon removal pathways, their potential, Figure: SPM.7. barriers, and policy options to accelerate development
2 Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity figures/summary-for-policymakers/figure-spm-7/ as part of a suite of climate actions. https://www.wri.
and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) (2019): Global org/initiatives/carbon-removal
Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem summary-for-policymakers/figure-spm-7/
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Services. 11 Cook-Patton, S. et al. (2021): Protect, manage and Tropical Forest Credit Integrity Guide for Companies:
3 ZSL, WWF (2020): Too Hot to Handle : A deep then restore lands for climate mitigation. https://www. Differentiating tropical forest carbon credits by impact,
dive into biodiversity in a warming world. https://f. quality, and scale. uploads/2022/07/TFCI-Guide-English.pdf
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4 S&P Global (2022): The Sustainability Yearbook :
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23 Netflix (2022): About Netflix – Sustainability. https://
5 Ermgassen, S.Z., et al. (2022): Are corporate 14 The Nature Conservancy (2021): New Study Shows
biodiversity commitments consistent with delivering Natural Climate Solutions Essential to Preventing
‘nature-positive’ outcomes? A review of ‘nature- Catastrophic Global Warming. https://www.nature. 24 (2022): Netflix Bought 1.5 Million
positive definitions, company progress and challenges. org/en-us/newsroom/epic-institute-natural-climate- Carbon Credits in 2021. solutions-report/ netflix-carbon-credits/

6 Milner-Gulland, E.J. (2022): Don’t dilute the term 15 KPMG (2020): The Business Case for Climate 25 Unilever (2021): Climate Transition Action Plan. https://
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carbon removal can lower peak warming in a well- 16 Matthews, H.D. et al. (2022): Temporary nature-based
below 2C scenario. carbon removal can lower peak warming in a well- 26 Swiss Re Institute (2021): The economics of climate
s43247-022-00391-z below 2C scenario. change: no action not an option. https://www.
8 United Nations Environment Programme (2022): UN 8ef23a8d3312/swiss-re-institute-expertise-
Environment Assembly concludes with 14 resolutions 17 IUCN (2020): IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based publication-economics-of-climate-change.pdf
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applying and accounting for NCS in the value chain. latest science. s3fs-public/ending-tropical-deforestation-tropical-

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28 World Economic Forum (2020): Nature Risk Rising: 38 Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 48 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2022):
Why the Crisis Engulfing Nature Matters for Business (2022): GX League Basic Concept Announced, Call for Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change.
and the Economy. Endorsing Companies Starts.
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49 Science Based Targets (2021): Beyond Value Chain
29 Forbes (2019): The Value Of Pollinators To The 39 Wei, C., Ai, K.M., and Tan, R. (2022): What Singapore’s Mitigation FAQ.
Ecosystem And Our Economy. https://www. revised carbon tax means for companies’ carbon resources/files/Beyond-Value-Chain-Mitigation- strategies. FAQ.pdf#:~:text=%E2%80%9CBeyond%20value%20
of-pollinators-to-the-ecosystem-and-our- what-singapores-revised-carbon-tax-means-for- chain%20mitigation%E2%80%9D%20refers%20
economy/?sh=1945477a1d65 companies-carbon-strategies#:~:text=From%20 to%20mitigation%20action,remove%20and%20
2024%2C%20large%20emitters%20in,US%2436%20 store%20greenhouse%20gases%20from%20the%20
30 CNBC (2021): Climate change will disrupt supply to%20US%2468). atmosphere.
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can prepare. 40 Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change 50 World Resources Institute (2022): Guidance on
climate-change-supply-chain-disruptions-how- (2021): $14 trillion investors call for consistency on Voluntary Use of Nature-based Solution Carbon
to-prepare.html#:~:text=Extreme%20weather%20 ‘corporate net zero alignment plans’ and director Credits Through 2040.
events%20also%20hit,the%20United%20Nations%20 accountability on climate targets. https://www. guidance-voluntary-use-nature-based-solution-
Development%20Program. carbon-credits-through-2040
31 Science Based Targets initiative (2021): 51 The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market
SBTI Corporate Net-Zero Standard. https:// 41 Bloomberg Professional Services (2021): ESG assets (2022): Part 5: Terms & Definitions. ICVCM-Public- may hit $53 trillion by 2025, a third of global AUM. Consultation-FINAL-Part-5.pdf
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32 United Nations Framework on Climate Change (2022): global-aum/
Race to Zero Criteria 3.0. https://climatechampions. 52 PlanA (2022): What are Scopes 1, 2 and 3 of Carbon 42 Climate Action 100+ (2022): About Climate Action Emissions? What are Scopes 1, 2 and 3 of Carbon
Zero-Criteria-3.0-4.pdf 100+. Emissions? (
33 CDP (2022): Guidance for companies. https://www. 43 McKinsey & Company (2022): How to prepare for a 53 Tropical Forest Credit Integrity Guide (2022): sustainable future along the value chain. https://www. Differentiating tropical forest carbon credits by impact, quality, and scale.
34 Convention on Biological Diversity (2021): First our-insights/how-to-prepare-for-a-sustainable-
Draft of The Post-2020 Global Biodiversity future-along-the-value-chain 54 Science Based Targets (2021): SBTi Corporate
Framework. Net-Zero Standard: Version 1.0. https://
abb5/591f/2e46096d3f0330b08ce87a45/wg2020- 44 Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (2022):
03-03-en.pdf VCMI Claims Code of Practice. https://vcmintegrity. Standard.pdf
35 GlobeScan (2021): IKEA Climate Action Research 55 Science Based Targets (2021): Beyond Value Chain
2021: Enabling People to Live a More Sustainable 45 Fischer, R. et al. (2020): Governance effects on Mitigation FAQ.
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36 Pricewaterhouse Coopers (2021): Beyond compliance: 46 United Nations Environment Programme (2021):
Consumers and employees want business to do State of Finance for Nature.
more on ESG. resources/state-finance-nature
consumer-and-employee-esg-expectations.html 47 Ecosystem Marketplace (2022): The Art of
Integrity: Ecosystem Marketplace’s State of the
37 European Commission. (2021): European Climate Voluntary Carbon Markets 2022 Q3. https://www.
green-deal/european-climate-law_en the-voluntary-carbon-markets-2022/

Overview Investing in quality NCS NCS and Net Zero The business case Take action now Mobilize the demand

56 United Nations Environment Programme 57 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2022): 61 World Resources Institute (2015): COP21 Glossary of
(2022): UN Environment Assembly concludes Global Warming of 1.5 °C. Terms Guiding the Long-term Emissions-Reduction
with 14 resolutions to curb pollution, protect Goal.
and restore nature worldwide. https://www. 58 Race to Zero (2021): Interpretation Guide: Race to Zero terms-guiding-long-term-emissions-reduction-goal Expert Peer Review Group. https://racetozero.unfccc.
environment-assembly-concludes-14-resolutions- int/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Race-to-Zero- 62 Climate Focus (2022). So, what is the voluntary
curb-pollution#:~:text=rights%20and%20 EPRG-Criteria-Interpretation-Guide.pdf carbon market exactly?
governance-,UN%20Environment%20Assembly%20 what-voluntary-carbon-market-exactly/
59 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2022):
concludes%20with%2014%20resolutions%20to%20 Global Warming of 1.5 °C. 63 Science Based Targets (2021): Beyond Value Chain
curb,protect%20and%20restore%20nature%20 Mitigation FAQ.
worldwide&text=Nairobi%2C%2002%20March%20 60 Science Based Targets (2021): SBTi Corporate resources/files/Beyond-Value-Chain-Mitigation-FAQ.
2022%20%E2%80%93%20The,achieve%20the%20 Net-Zero Standard: Version 1.0. https:// pdf

For more information visit
and follow us on LinkedIn.

© Filip Agoo for Wildlife Works Mai Ndombe REDD+ Project

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