Ficha Inglés Ing 101 Pregrado 2022-2

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COURSE: English

MODE: Undergraduate


Week 2
Diagnostic Evaluation
Diagnostic Evaluation consists of 1 questions exam to be evaluated on Week 2.

Regarding the exam, it is composed by questions covering 4 language skills, which purpose is to measure
the course previous learning. The teacher will schedule date and time for the evaluation, which is to be
taken online.

This evaluation represents 0% of evaluation system established on syllabus.

a) Written exam
For this evaluation activity, students will have to access virtual classroom (Canvas) on week 2, where
they will find vocabulary, readings and grammar structures of English language “Diagnostic Evaluation”.
Here they will have to apply their previous knowledge. After reading the statement they will be able to
start the evaluation.

This is an individual evaluation, and the student will have just one chance for presenting. Time for the
presentation will be a maximum of 60 minutes. If there are any doubts during the evaluation, student
must inform the teacher. If a conversation or plagiarism is detected by the teacher, the evaluation will be
cancelled. If the student presents connection problems, he/she must get a screenshot and contact virtual

Evaluation criteria
Quantitative. Checking method will be done by the teacher in charge and he/she will send their
answers back.
COMPETENCY: COMMUNICATION C1: Expresses himself/herself clearly in
speaking and writing, showing concern for
providing suitable information to his

Student checks options with Student checks options Student checks options with
the most appropriate with the most the most appropriate answer,
answer, regarding course appropriate answer, regarding course knowledge
Ideas Identification knowledge questions, in regarding course questions, in one or no
three questions. knowledge questions, in questions.
two questions.
( ) 6 points ( ) 4 points ( ) 2 points
Student checks four options Student checks three Student checks one or two
Text containing the most options containing the options containing the most
appropriate answer, most appropriate appropriate answer, regarding
regarding inferential and answer, regarding inferential and literal levels
literal levels questions. questions.
inferential and literal
levels questions.

( ) 6 points ( ) 4.5 points ( ) 3 points

Student completes three Student completes two Student completes one
options containing the most of the options containing appropriate answer, regarding
appropriate answer, the most appropriate a determinate organization
Information regarding a determinate answer, regarding a criterion for information.
organization organization criterion for determinate organization
information. criterion for information.
( ) 4 points ( ) 3 points ( ) 2 points
Student checks two options Student checks one Student checks options
containing the most option containing the containing inappropriate
Grammar and appropriate answer, most appropriate answers, regarding English
punctuation regarding English grammar answer, regarding grammar rules.
rules. English grammar rules.
( ) 4 points ( ) 3 points ( ) 2 points
*Ethic statements:
In the case plagiarism is evident during the evaluation, the student will automatically get a score of 0pts. on the concept of Diagnostic evaluation
stablished on syllabus. Besides, the behavior will be reported to the one in charge of the course and career.

Week 5
Continuous assessment 1
EC1 is composed by:

• Written evaluation 1: 10%

• Speaking 1: 8%

The purpose of the mentioned activities is to measure students’ oral and written expression. These
virtual activities represent 18% of the evaluation system stablished on syllabus.

a) Written evaluation 1
Written evaluations consist of measuring students’ writing comprehension and production, as well as
reading and listening comprehension levels according to session topic. It is scheduled on week 5 and
represent 10% of evaluation system stablished for course.

Activity description
Student will have to mark the right option for grammar, reading and listening comprehension statements,
and will have to compose a 15 words paragraph regarding sessions topics.

This is an individual evaluation, and the student will have just one chance for presenting. Time for the
presentation will be a maximum of 60 minutes. If there are any doubts during the evaluation, student must
inform the teacher. If a conversation or plagiarism is detected by the teacher, the evaluation will be
cancelled. If the student presents connection problems, he/she must get a screenshot and contact virtual
Evaluation criteria: Written evaluation 1
COMPETENCY: COMMUNICATION C1: Expresses himself/herself clearly in
speaking and writing, showing concern for
providing suitable information to his/her

Student chooses 6 right Student chooses Student chooses 3 or

options to grammar between 5 and 4 right less right options to
Grammar statements. options to grammar grammar statements.
( ) 6 points ( ) 5 points ( ) 3 points
Student chooses 4 right Student chooses Student chooses 1 or
options to reading between 2 and 3 right less right options to
Reading comprehension options to reading reading comprehension
comprehension statements. comprehension statements.
( ) 4 points ( ) 3 points ( ) 1 points
Student chooses 4 right Student chooses Student chooses 1 or
options to listening between 2 and 3 right less right options to
Listening comprehension options to listening listening comprehension
Comprehension statements. comprehension statements.
( ) 4 points ( ) 3 points ( ) 1 points
Student’s redaction is Student’s redaction is Student’s redaction is not
according to the most of the time according to the
Content expected topic. according to the expected topic.
expected topic.
( ) 3 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 point
Student’s redaction is Student’s redaction Student’s redaction
right, not presenting any presents 3 or less presents 4 or more
Redaction and
spelling or punctuation spelling or punctuation spelling or punctuation
mistake. mistakes. mistakes.
( ) 3 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 points

b) Speaking 1
Speaking 1 has as a purpose to work oral expression skills, as well as the abilities of express him/herself
in a fluent and natural way, considering grammar and vocabulary learned in class. Speaking 1 will be
presented live during sessions from week 2 to week 5.

Activity description
Student will give a one-minute speech giving personal information about himself/herself.

The speech will last 1 minute, and it is an individual activity. The teacher will indicate the students the
day and time to do the presentation.
Evaluation criteria: Speaking 1
COMPETENCY: COMMUNICATION C1: Expresses himself/herself clearly in speaking
and writing, showing concern for providing a
suitable information to his interlocutors.
Student uses learned Student uses learned Student presents
vocabulary correctly vocabulary during class, difficulties on the use of
during classes, avoiding which allows him/her to vocabulary learned during
repetitions and making express him/herself clearly class, not allowing
Vocabulary his/her speech during his/her speech, with him/her to express
understandable. some repetitions or mistakes. him/herself in an
adequate way during
( ) 4 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 points
Student shows and Student uses grammar on an Student has an
adequate control of acceptable way despite it is a inadequate control of
complex and basic little limited. He/she makes grammar structures to
grammar structures, not minor mistakes which does express his/her ideas,
Grammar doing long pauses and not affect the comprehension making speech confusing
correcting him/herself in of message. and hard to be
case of making a understood.
( ) 4 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 points
Student has a correct and Student frequently has an Student presents and
adequate pronunciation adequate pronunciation and inadequate pronunciation
and intonation, making all intonation, making it difficult to and intonation, which
Pronunciation and
the presentation easy to be understood at times. In makes difficult to
be understood. general, ideas are understood. understand all the speech.

( ) 4 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 points

Student has a good Student does a slow speech, Student presents a very
fluency and his/her including few pauses and slow speech, including
speech is given in a clear sometimes fluency can be long pauses. Speech is
Fluency way. questionable. generally difficult to be
understood for the
( ) 4 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 point
Student shows a great Student knows the topic Student forgets the topic,
knowledge of topic, partially, forgetting certain presenting difficulties
Topic knowledge making speech aspects and leaving some giving the speech.
interesting. sentences incomplete.
( ) 4 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 point
Evaluated Activity 3:
Week 8
Midterm Exam
It is composed by one questionnaire (week 8)

Concerning questionnaires, these are online exercises, which purpose is to measure acquired learning
about the course contents. The teacher will schedule date and time for the evaluation, and it will be
presented live.

This represents 20% of evaluation system stablished in the syllabus.

Activity Description
For this evaluated activity, the students will review all contents from weeks one, two, three, four, five, six
and seven, to present questionnaire 1. After reading the instructions, they will be able to start the

This is an individual evaluation, and the student will have just one chance for presenting. Time for the
presentation will be a maximum of 60 minutes. If there are any doubts during the evaluation, student must
ask the teacher. If a conversation or plagiarism is detected by the teacher, the evaluation will be cancelled.

Passing grade for this exam will be at least 13.

Students will be able to be informed about the result of their exams on a no longer than ten days period.

Evaluation Criteria
COMPETENCY: COMMUNICATION C1: Expresses himself/herself clearly in
speaking and writing, showing concern for
providing a suitable information to his
Content goes further than Content does not always Content does not respond
expected according to the respond to what is as expected according to
Content activity. expected according to the the activity.
( ) 3 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 point
Ideas are in line between Ideas usually lack Ideas lack of coherence
each other and are linked to coherence between each between each other and
logical and relevant other and are linked to are isolated or without
connectors. few logical and relevant logical and relevant
connectors. connectors.
( ) 3 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 point
There are no mistakes in There are two or three Grammar and vocabulary
grammar and vocabulary mistakes in grammar and mistakes used during the
Precision in Grammar used during the activity. vocabulary used during activity are very frequent,
and Vocabulary the activity. more that three, and
affect text
( ) 4 points ( ) 3 points ( ) 2 points
Grammar and vocabulary Grammar and vocabulary Grammar and vocabulary
are more varied than strictly show few varieties for the used are not varied for
Variety in grammar
needed for the development development of the the development of the
and vocabulary
of the activity. activity. activity.
( ) 5 points ( ) 4 points ( ) 3 points
Orthography and Text always shows right Text shows some Text shows too much
Punctuation punctuation (including punctuation mistakes, punctuation mistakes,
capital letters) and does not between 1 and three, more than three (including
have orthography mistakes. (including capital letters) capital letters) and
and orthography. grammar mistakes.
( ) 5 points ( ) 4 points ( ) 3 points
*Ethic statements:
In the case plagiarism is evident during the evaluation, the student will automatically get a score of 0pts. on the concept of Miterm exam stablished
on syllabus. Besides, the behavior will be reported to the one in charge of the course and career.

Week 5-6-7-8-9
Continuous evaluation 2
CE2 is composed by:

• Written evaluation 2: multiple choice + redaction 10%

• Speaking 2: Daily routines 8%

The purpose of the mentioned activities is to measure students’ oral and written expression. These
activities represent 18% of the evaluation system stablished on syllabus.

a) Written evaluation 2
Written evaluations consist of measuring students’ writing comprehension and production, as well as
reading and listening comprehension levels according to session topic. It is scheduled on week 12 and
represent 10% of evaluation system stablished for course.

Activity description
Student will have to mark the right option for grammar, reading and listening comprehension statements,
and will have to compose a 15 words paragraph regarding sessions topics.

This is an individual evaluation, and the student will have just one chance for presenting. Time for the
presentation will be a maximum of 60 minutes. If there are any doubts during the evaluation, student must
inform the teacher. If a conversation or plagiarism is detected by the teacher, the evaluation will be
Evaluation criteria: Written evaluation 2
COMPETENCY: COMMUNICATION C1: Expresses himself/herself clearly in
speaking and writing, showing concern for
providing suitable information to his/her

Student chooses 6 right Student chooses Student chooses 3 or

options to grammar between 5 and 4 right less right options to
Grammar statements. options to grammar grammar statements.
( ) 6 points ( ) 5 points ( ) 3 points
Student chooses 4 right Student chooses Student chooses 1 or
options to reading between 2 and 3 right less right options to
Reading comprehension options to reading reading comprehension
comprehension statements. comprehension statements.
( ) 4 points ( ) 3 points ( ) 1 points
Student chooses 4 right Student chooses Student chooses 1 or
options to listening between 2 and 3 right less right options to
Listening comprehension options to listening listening comprehension
Comprehension statements. comprehension statements.
( ) 4 points ( ) 3 points ( ) 1 points
Student’s redaction is Student’s redaction is Student’s redaction is not
according to the most of the time according to the
Content expected topic. according to the expected topic.
expected topic.
( ) 3 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 point
Student’s redaction is Student’s redaction Student’s redaction
right, not presenting any presents 3 or less presents 4 or more
Redaction and
spelling or punctuation spelling or punctuation spelling or punctuation
mistake. mistakes. mistakes.
( ) 3 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 points

b) Speaking 2
Speakings has as a purpose to work oral expression skills, as well as the abilities of express him/herself
in a fluent and natural way, considering grammar and vocabulary learned in class. Speaking 1 will be
presented live during sessions from week 6 to week 8.

Activity description
Student will give a one-minute speech giving personal information about himself/herself.

The speech will last 1 minute, and it is an individual activity. The teacher will indicate the students the
day and time to do the presentation.
Evaluation criteria: Speaking 2
COMPETENCY: COMMUNICATION C1: Expresses himself/herself clearly in
speaking and writing, showing concern for
providing a suitable information to his
Student uses learned Student uses learned Student presents
vocabulary correctly during vocabulary during class, difficulties on the use of
classes, avoiding which allows him/her to vocabulary learned during
repetitions and making express him/herself clearly class, not allowing
Vocabulary his/her speech during his/her speech, with him/her to express
understandable. some repetitions or him/herself in an
mistakes. adequate way during
( ) 4 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 points
Student shows and Student uses grammar on Student has an
adequate control of an acceptable way despite it inadequate control of
complex and basic is a little limited. He/she grammar structures to
grammar structures, not makes minor mistakes express his/her ideas,
Grammar doing long pauses and which does not affect the making speech confusing
correcting him/herself in comprehension of message. and hard to be
case of making a mistake. understood.
( ) 4 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 points
Student has a correct and Student frequently has an Student presents and
adequate pronunciation adequate pronunciation and inadequate pronunciation
and intonation, making all intonation, making it difficult and intonation, which
Pronunciation and
the presentation easy to be to be understood at times. In makes difficult to
understood. general, ideas are understand all the speech.
( ) 4 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 points
Student has a good fluency Student does a slow speech, Student presents a very
and his/her speech is given including few pauses and slow speech, including
in a clear way. sometimes fluency can be long pauses. Speech is
Fluency questionable. generally difficult to be
understood for the
( ) 4 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 point
Student shows a great Student knows the topic Student forgets the topic,
knowledge of topic, making partially, forgetting certain presenting difficulties
Topic knowledge speech interesting. aspects and leaving some giving the speech.
sentences incomplete.
( ) 4 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 point
Evaluated Activity 5:
Weeks 7-8
Continuous evaluation 3
EC3 is composed by:

• Permanent evaluation: 5%
- Attendance and punctuality: 1%
- Respect to rules: 2%
- Active participation: 2%
• Virtual and cross-curricular activities: 14%
- Worksheets (1 per week)

This activity has as a purpose to measure personal values and the ones assimilated during the
academic cycle.

a) Permanent Evaluation
Part of EC3 is composed by permanent attitude evaluation, which consists of attendance and
punctuality, respect to the norms and participation.

This activity has as a purpose to measure the personal values and the ones assimilated during
the academic cycle.

Activity Description
In this activity, the teacher will evaluate each student according to his/her performance through
and attitude rubric.

This evaluation represents 5% of the evaluation system established in the syllabus.

Evaluation Criteria:
Permanent evaluation rubric.
COMPETENCY: COMMUNICATION C1: Expresses himself/herself clearly in speaking
and writing, showing concern for providing a
suitable information to his interlocutors.
Student attends Student attends on Student has missed Student has
to all learning every scheduled or arrived late to missed or arrived
Attendance sessions, session (100%) sessions, but he has late to more than
and respecting communicated its 70% of sessions
punctuality established time difficulties (Between without justifying.
and day. 71 al 79%)
( ) 7 points ( ) 5 points ( ) 3 points
Student follows Student follows Student follows Student does not
classroom rules established rules, some established show any kind of
established for contributes to rules. Sometimes respect for
synchronized organized retires from the classroom rules,
Respect to and developing of class, classroom, but has interrupts leaves
classroom unsynchronized stays in the noticed its classroom with no
rules virtual classroom during all difficulties. (less than previous notice.
classroom session. (100%) 100% but more than (less than 50%)
sessions. 50%)
( ) 6 points ( ) 5 points ( ) 0 point
Student Student usually Partially participates, Student does not
participates participates, offers and its contributions participate and
during sessions, contributions, are little relevant, it does not show
Active contributing with questions or does not show any interest in
participation ideas or comments which respect for the topics. (less than
in the comments enrich the class participation order 50%)
classroom which enrich the topic, showing (less than 100% but
class topic, respect and order more than 50%)
showing respect (100%)
and order. ( ) 7 points ( ) 5 points ( ) 0 point

b) Virtual and cross-curricular activities

Part of EC3 is composed by virtual and cross-curricular activities, which consists on handing in
written exercises worksheets.

This activity has as a purpose to measure communicative skills on students who will show what
they learned in class through participation, as well as the personal value of responsibility and
interest on constant participation for each week.

Activity Description
In this activity, the teacher will evaluate each student according to the quantity of worksheets
he/she hands in during the course.

This evaluation represents 14% of the evaluation system established in the syllabus.

The student will find the worksheet corresponding to the week in is Virtual Classroom platform
(Canvas). The student must download and complete the exercise on the worksheet, and then
hand it in at the same platform during the time the teacher indicates.
Evaluation Criteria
COMPETENCY: COMMUNICATION C1: Expresses himself/herself clearly in
speaking and writing, showing concern for
providing a suitable information to his
Student hands in 14 Student hands in 9 Student hands in 5
worksheets according to the worksheets according worksheets according to
Handing in stablished criteria and during to the stablished criteria the stablished criteria and
worksheets the assigned time. and during the assigned during the assigned time.
( ) 20 points ( ) 14 points ( ) 8 points

Evaluated Activity 6
Week 8
a) Speaking (Oral Evaluation)
Speaking is a live presentation. It is scheduled on weeks 15 and 16, and it represents 10% of the
evaluation system established for the course.

This oral evaluation has as a purpose to work oral expression skills, as well as the abilities of express
him/herself in a fluent and natural way, considering grammar and vocabulary learned in class.

Activity Description
Student will have to present a speech using structures related to sessions topics. Students will have 8
weeks to get ready. The teacher will give the speech instructions to the student on week 8.

Evaluation Criteria: Speaking

COMPETENCY: COMMUNICATION C1: Expresses himself/herself clearly in speaking
and writing, showing concern for providing a
suitable information to his interlocutors.

Student uses learned Student uses learned Student presents

vocabulary correctly vocabulary during difficulties on the use of
during classes, avoiding class, which allows vocabulary learned
repetitions and making him/her to express during class, not allowing
his/her speech him/herself clearly him/her to express
Vocabulary understandable. during his/her him/herself in an
speech, with some adequate way during
repetitions or speech.
( ) 3 points ( ) 2.5 points ( ) 1 point
Student shows and Student uses Student has an
adequate control of grammar on an inadequate control of
complex and basic acceptable way grammar structures to
grammar structures, not despite it is a little express his/her ideas,
doing long pauses and limited. He/she makes making speech confusing
correcting him/herself in minor mistakes which and hard to be
case of making a does not affect the understood.
mistake. comprehension of
( ) 4 points ( ) 3 points ( ) 2 points
Student has a correct Student frequently Student presents and
and adequate has an adequate inadequate pronunciation
pronunciation and pronunciation and and intonation, which
intonation, making all the intonation, making it makes difficult to
Pronunciation and
presentation easy to be difficult to be understand all the
understood. understood at times. speech.
In general, ideas are
( ) 4 points ( ) 3 points ( ) 2 points
Student has a good Student does a slow Student presents a very
fluency and his/her speech, including few slow speech, including
speech is given in a clear pauses and long pauses. Speech is
Fluency way. sometimes fluency generally difficult to be
can be questionable. understood for the
( ) 3 points ( ) 2.5 points ( ) 2 points
Student shows a great Student knows the Student forgets the topic,
knowledge of topic, topic partially, presenting difficulties at
making speech forgetting certain the moment of giving a
interesting. Besides aspects and leaving speech about the topic.
Topic knowledge being able to answer some sentences
questions related to the incomplete.
( ) 3 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 point
Student shows graphic Student has a graphic Student does not have a
presentation (PPT) with presentation (PPT) graphic presentation
creativity and but does not use it (PPT)
Use of visual tools organization, using it with during speech.
( ) 3 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 0 point

b) Written evaluation
It is composed by one questionnaire (week 16)

Concerning questionnaires, these are exercises, which purpose is to measure acquired learning about
the course contents. The teacher will schedule date and time for the evaluation, and it will be presented

This represents 15% of evaluation system established in the syllabus.

Activity Description
For this evaluated activity, the students will review all contents from weeks from eight to fifteen to present
questionnaire 2. After reading and listening the instructions, they will be able to start the evaluation.

This is an individual evaluation, and the student will have just one chance for presenting. Time for the
presentation will be a maximum of 60 minutes. If there are any doubts during the evaluation, student must
ask the teacher. If a conversation or plagiarism is detected by the teacher, the evaluation will be cancelled.

Passing grade for this exam will be at least 13.

Students will be able to be informed about the result of their exams on a no longer than three days period.

Evaluation Criteria: Written evaluation

Quantitative, checking method is automatic in the system and the teacher will hand in their answers.
COMPETENCY: COMMUNICATION C1: Expresses himself/herself clearly in
speaking and writing, showing concern for
providing a suitable information to his

Content goes further than Content does not Content does not
expected according to the always respond to respond as expected
activity. what is expected according to the
according to the activity.
( ) 3 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 point
Ideas are in line between Ideas usually lack Ideas lack of coherence
each other and are linked to coherence between between each other
logical and relevant each other and are and are isolated or
Organization connectors. linked to few logical without logical and
and relevant relevant connectors.
( ) 3 points ( ) 2 points ( ) 1 point.
There are no mistakes in There are few Grammar and
grammar and vocabulary mistakes, one to three vocabulary mistakes
Precision in used during the activity. in grammar and used during the activity
Grammar and vocabulary used are very frequent, more
Vocabulary during the activity. than three, and affect
text comprehension.
( ) 4 points ( ) 3 points ( ) 2 points
Grammar and vocabulary Grammar and Grammar and
are more varied than strictly vocabulary show few vocabulary used are
Variety in grammar needed for the development varieties for the not very varied for the
and vocabulary of the activity. development of the development of the
activity. activity.
( ) 5 points ( ) 4 points ( ) 3 points
Text always shows right Text shows some Text shows too much
Orthography and punctuation (including punctuation mistakes, punctuation, more than
Punctuation one or two (including two (including capital
capital letters) and does not capital letters) and letters) and grammar
have orthography mistakes. orthography. mistakes.

( ) 5 points ( ) 4 points ( ) 3 points

*Ethic statements:
In the case plagiarism is evident during the evaluation, the student will automatically get a score of 0pts. on the concept of Diagnostic evaluation
stablished on syllabus. Besides, the behavior will be reported to the one in charge of the course and career.

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