Marketing A

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Name: Class: Marketing - 14 Group: A

F/ name: Subject: English Date: 1401 / 4/ …

Teacher’s name: Wahida “Haqyar” Total Score: 50 Marks

First Part: Multiple Choice Questions (9 marks)

Circle the correct answer:
1. Accounting consists of one of these functions: ( 3 marks)
a) Sale b) buy c) make d) reporting

2. A journal is a record, listing transactions in a: ( 3 marks)

a) Chronological order b) reporting and evaluating c) buying and selling d) time order

3. The sub tenses are:

a) Four types b) three types c) two types d) five types

Second Part: Change the sentences into Question Form. ( 16 marks)

1. Fatima is sleeping right now.
2. She is washing her hair.
3. I am still waiting for a reply.
4. They are not studying their lessons.

Third Part: Explaining Questions ( 35 marks)

1st Question: Define Tense . ( 5 marks)
2nd Question: Write down the structures of simple past tense. (8 marks)
3rd Question: Translate the following words into Dari: (12 marks)
1. Mutualism 2. Normal profit 3. Pool
4. Proportional rate 5. Risk 6. Sale goods

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‫با احترام‬
‫امتحان تحریری‬
‫امتحان تقریری‬
‫فعالیت صنفی‬
‫وظیفه خانگی‬

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