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Objectives of the Study

The general objectives of the present study were to develop an autonomous smart cage for

caring a dog and cat. And develop a system for the controlling and monitoring of the cage to help

the owner in taking care of their pets. Specifically, this study aims to:

1. Design a dog and cat cage to automate:

a) Feeding the dog and cat at the specified time,

b) Monitoring level of the distribution of kibble and drinking water,

c) Cleaning the feces and urine in the cage,

d) Monitoring the behavior of the pet in the cage and,

e) Monitoring of the temperature inside the cage.

2. Construct a mobile application that will process the data from the sensors and manage the

entire system of a smart cage;


The concept of the Smart Cage System will use an Arduino and ESP8266 for the hardware

and a software application to be utilized through a mobile phone. It will require an internet

access for the user to be able to access and monitor the cage. The process of this study will

start with the mobile phone where the owner will be able to see the information such as

setting specific time for feeding, weight of food and water that will be distributed during

feeding time, access in controlling the gate, and monitor what the pet is doing inside the cage

through the image processing.

The feeding procedure is as follows: at the application, the owner will specify a time and the

amount of food and water that will be dispensed. If it's already the allotted time, the weighing

sensor of the food bowl will activate and detect whether or not the bowl is heavy. It will not

release food if it is heavy, but it will refill if it is not heavy.

The monitoring process for level of kibble and water is through the application where it will

contain information about the weight that was dispensed on the bowl and the weight of the

actual dispenser. For the waste disposal, it will have a sensor for feces and sensor moisture

for urine to detect and will automatically clean it using a conveyor.

The temperature part will be used once the cage's environment is hot, it will automatically

open. The owner can also open it through their application. Lastly, the pet monitoring will be
seen at the application in which the owner can see what their pets are doing through their


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