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Jordan Pedagna

Learning Styles

Visual learners like to see what they are learning about instead of just listening to it be
explained. They need things like pictures, graphs, and diagrams that help them piece together
what they are learning. Knowing that a child is a visual learner is extremely helpful because a
teacher will know how to best present information to that student. The teacher will know that
along with words and descriptions they should include pictures and graphs and physical things
the student can look at to better understand the concept. When having a visual learning in my
classroom I would add lots of pictures to my class and use diagrams of concepts whenever
possible. I would let my students draw instead of write answers if that helps them better
understand and explain what they are trying to get across.

Applied learners learn best by learning the direct application of skills within the real
world. By knowing that a child is an applied learner teachers will be better able to gear
instruction to real life experiences, objects, and situations for their student. When teaching a
student who is an applied learner, I would make sure to have real life experiences for them or
something physical to represent the concept. Instead of just explaining a concept I will know
that the student may need to act it out or see it happen in real life to understand this. To do
this teachers can use experiences, pictures, videos, manipulatives.

Verbal learners have a hard time visualizing concepts and prefer to use detailed words
to explain them. They are able to grasp new content best through words. Knowing that a
student is a visual learner will help a teacher know that they must also provide written or oral
explanations for children. As a teacher with a verbal learner, I will make sure to provide
detailed written and oral explanations as well as instructions.

Social learners prefer to work with others. They enjoy working and bouncing ideas off
others. As teacher it is important to understand this to make sure children get a chance to work
with their peers. As a teacher I will make sure to have times students are allowed to work with
their peers. This way students who are social learners will have time to interact with their peers
and build their ideas off one another.

Pragmatic learners are more logical and systematic. They like having clear directions and
explanations. They would rather follow a guide or instructions to complete a lesson than learn
through discovery. As a teacher it is important to know this to help students who are more
pragmatic navigate through a lesson with more detailed instruction. As a teacher with a
pragmatic learner, I would make sure to still allow them to be creative within the classroom but
help them focus in on what they have to do by giving them more structure and guidance on a

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