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Treatment Plan for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

This treatment Plan has been conceptualized on Therapeutic Interventions of Behavior

Therapy and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.

Short Term Goals:

-Rapport Building to build a therapeutic relationship with the client

-Psychoeducation about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

-Activity Scheduling to structure the daily activities of Client’s life

-Deep Breathing for anxiety and Stress Reduction

-Verbal Challenging Techniques like Questioning the evidence and counter evidence for
Negative Automatic Thoughts for modification of dysfunctional beliefs

-Exposure and Response Prevention to reduce anxiety and foster habituation, and for
extinction of conditioned fear responses

-Construction of therapy blueprint for relapse prevention

Long Term Goals:

-Continuation of therapy follow up sessions

-Continuation of homework assignments

-Continuation of Deep Breathing and Progressive Muscles Relaxation Technique

-Letting go of past life events, dysfunctional thoughts and beliefs

Session 1:

-Rapport Building will be done to build a therapeutic relationship with the client by showing
Empathy, Unconditional Positive Regard, and Congruence

-Psychoeducation about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder will be done

-Dysfunctional Thought Record of the client will be filled in the session to get the baseline of
his obsessions and compulsions

-Feedback will be taken from the client

-Dysfunctional Thought Record of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Session 2:

-Homework will be reviewed

-Psychoeducation will be done to the family about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

-Log of precipitating factors, triggers, obsessive/intrusive thoughts, Compulsive acts/ritual

will be done

-Mood Record Form will be filled to record emotional and physiological reactions about the
fearful stimuli

-Feedback will be taken from the client


-Dysfunctional Thought Record of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

-Daily Mood Record

-Daily Log of Obsessive thoughts and Compulsive acts and time spent on it

-Log of convert rituals if any

Session 3:

-Homework will be reviewed

-Deep Breathing will be taught to the client to reduce stress and anxiety symptoms

-Progressive Muscles Relaxation Technique will be taught to the client to reduce stress and

-Feedback will be taken from the client


-Continuation of previous homework

-Deep Breathing

-Progressive Muscles Relaxation

Session 4:
-Homework will be reviewed

-ABC (Antecedent, Belief, Consequence) Model of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy will be

explained to the client

-The client will be asked to give an example of the ABC model from his life

-Feedback will be taken from the client


-Continuation of previous homework

-ABC worksheet will be given to the client to fill

Session 5:

-Homework will be reviewed

-Idiosyncratic Cognitive Behavioral Model of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder will be

explained to the client

-The client will be psychoeducated about how the triggers activate his dysfunctional thoughts
which are initiating his irrational beliefs and as a result causing him to perform Compulsive
rituals which are unhealthy behaviours

-Feedback will be taken from the client


-Continuation of previous homework

Session 6:

-Homework will be reviewed

-Activity Scheduling will be done to structure the daily activities of client’s life, to help him
gain control over his life

-Psychoeducation about the importance of activity scheduling will be done, to break the
behavioral inactivation, to bring him back to routine

-Parental Counselling regarding illness and their role in management will be done

-Feedback will be taken from the client


-Continuation of previous homework

-Activity Chart will be given to the client to follow

Session 7:

-Homework will be reviewed

-Catharsis and Free Association will be done by the client to make his unconscious conscious

-Client’s negative Schemas/Core Beliefs will be targeted to change them into healthy positive
ones, this will change his Assumptions/Intermediate beliefs

-Feedback will be taken from the client


-Continuation of previous homework

Session 8:

-Homework will be reviewed

-Thought Action Fusion Technique will be explained to the client to question his beliefs
regarding the obsessions and compulsions

-Mechanism of Thought Action Fusion and Incongruence of Thought Action Fusion will be
psychoeducated to the client

-Questioning will be done to counter his beliefs about obsessions by Questioning the
evidence of the beliefs

-Feedback will be taken from the client


-Continuation of previous homework

-Parents will be given the task to avoid giving reassurance to the client related to his
obsessions to break the viscous cycle

Session 9:

-Homework will be reviewed

-Thought Challenging will be done to challenge/question the evidence and elicit counter

-Thought Flipping will be psychoeducated to the client

-Behavioral Activation will be done by asking the client to go for a walk and apply for jobs

-Feedback will be taken from the client


-Continuation of previous homework

-Thought Challenging

-Thought Flipping

-Behavioral Activation

Session 10:

-Homework will be reviewed

-Hierarchy of problem situations will be made with the help of client, to arrange exposure to
anxiety provoking situations from least to maximum

-Verbal Reattribution technique will be taught to the client, to identify Negative Automatic
Thoughts, analyze the logic behind them, identify the unhelpful thoughts, and replace them
with healthy thoughts

-Feedback will be taken from the client


-Continuation of previous homework

-Verbal Reattribution

Session 11:

-Homework will be reviewed

-Exposure and Response Prevention will be psychoeducated to the client

-Feedback will be taken from the client


-Continuation of previous homework

-The client will be asked to undergo exposure from least to most fearful situation

Session 12:

-Homework will be reviewed

-Socratic Questioning will be done

-The client will be psychoeducated about the distraction techniques to disengage from
unhealthy recurrent thoughts

-Rubber band technique will be demonstrated to the client

-Feedback will be taken from the client


-Continuation of previous homework

-Rubber band technique

-Log of evidence in favour of the belief and evidence against the belief

-Reduction of time of involving in Compulsive ritual, 2 minutes every day

Session 13:

-Homework will be reviewed

-The client will be psychoeducated about the Cognitive Distortions, how to identify them and
change them into positive ones

-Client’s Cognitive Distortions like Overgeneralization and Catastrophizing will be


-Double Column Technique will be explained to the client, how Distortions affect the
person’s perception and reaction to a situation

-Feedback will be taken from the client

-Continuation of previous homework

-Double Column Technique

Session 14:

-Homework will be reviewed

-Therapy Blueprint will be made with the help of client, by summarizing the information the
client acquired during the therapy sessions.

-Therapy blueprint will include all the Cognitive and Behavioral Techniques taught to the
client in the sessions

-Feedback will be taken from the client


-Continuation of all previous homework assignments to prevent relapse and maintain the

-The client will be asked to come for monthly follow up sessions.

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