موقع التعليم لاجل العراقStudents Book 1

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6th Preparatory student,s Book

6th Preparatory student's Book

by Olivia Johnston
and Caroline de Messieres

E!!!adaL!d ad?lrtation conhitte€

Minirtry of Edu.ation Enqlish Cutri.ulum Committee
Vo"lVoLdr"d o" l"odotr"- gr" trr ',a
Ad Al Moussa 5enlor Edu.atiof spe.ialist
NllaD,ad NajiAhmed Head ol Eng i5h Depa(m€nr I th€ Open Ed!.arton Co ege
RamzlNour Abd! ah - Senlor EdL.aton Spe.a ist
Batool Faeq Abd! wahid S€nior Ed!cauon Speciali5t
Book Map

! lisleni.g to ch€.k spe.fi. m dentiiylnq the besL headLne . .oDparinq past slmple and
. words 1o des.rb€ nen a.d
o fnd n9 i.tormauon { thin d .onparlnq pa5t s mpe ann
@ Lnef ng and.hoosing r lnking word5 and phrasej
endnr9s ror senr€nce5 . writng jummane5 based on
lnfomration a!ready given
. ta [i.9 abolt prev]ous a.d
r prcd!. nq a longer pie.e of G exprc$ons ol qLanuty
prot,e wr tnrg lslnq lnk ng word5
r tal(nq about and

c writ n9 an essay argu n9 'rof

Lrtrgri.g. l.I.i!ldg
c p6ct(ing dla oques ana
and'agalnst rom€th ng . €am n9 new vo.abuary by prtti.q words into groups
. undeEtandlng Lhat wordswith s miar mean ngs are not aways

4 lntenifg ro ldentli speaker 6 sklnm n! textslor rpe.lin . J/ro!/d/rh.rdr'rror advl.e and expectatbn
. isle.ing to.h€.[ ideas . expr€$ions to mate pokte rcquens
. rellnq a patn€r ldear and o r€adin9 Lo rind spe.fi. r saying it is nece$ary to do somelhi.g
! .omparlng D,n a.d hov.lo
. n readlng an adved to answer
readi.g writt€n exer. ses . maklng sl99€5tons a.d ofi€6

r suggeit nq improvements
r rew.it ng seftences wth
difi€rent verb lormats
r wrirlng a paragraph itom
!.aigtr:ig. leli!!i,tt
r !ndeuundi.g and us nq abbreviauon5

o ntenlng to ide.liry sp€ake6 . readi.q to flnd lnlomato. E zero and ftst.ondilona . wodj to erpres regr€l
o Listeflng to provide ans€6 o words to des.rbe jobs and

0 indire.t or reported spee.h e words !5ed ln.ondir onal

renember lnlormaton
o .ontr bunnq to a.la$ 0 wrung fa.tr trom memory
0 writlfg l. reported 5p€€.h
n asklng and answe n9 l-,:iitrL:1!c a..ir,;rg
| €am n9 new vo.abulary by maklnq word webs
o using inlormaton 1o roe play r writing n qlestlon tormat 6 .hooslng the.oir€.lcondltio.alro convey your mean ng

d Revislon afd pra.uce oi sk s, grammar and exs from units'l to 3

. li5r€ninq io identti ropi.s 0 words to describe holidays
r ta kinq aboll previous events 0 scan. n9 a lext ta lind o revew n9 Pr€sent perfe.r
5inrp e and..rtin!ou:
. a5k nq afd aniveflng s lh adle/os1.h a5 er.r t words whi.h 5iqfa elatve

d erpre$ n9 p4sona rea.ton t .onn€.tinq and i.ling words

G Pra.t6 n9 and.{eidlng
dialogLe! with a pa ner . ldentfyinq a rviter's atiitud€ 0 rcviewi.g simp€/contf uour
* practi n9 grammar n ! mar.hifq begi.flngs ard and presenL periect tenses
I o €!eL!i.q th€ pa5t pede.r
. uriunq a des.rlptlon of a
6'd b..q -d.e td,..
. afay2lng a.d rewrll ng a
w€larg!ed lext, us ng link ir:l-,n.!r lrifli
: !
do, .D or P i19 IIg.' oqo.p.
n 5oorqr4 - on ndd.s

d re!ewi.g active and pa*ve 3 \rords lsed in banknq afd

r r€ading to undersund
o rev ew ng .ondit o.al tenses . 9ue$ing meaning tronl
homework asignments
. roe Paling a rea iJe

o edlt ng w. uen worklor

o ora ll rlmmdrlzifg short
o rlnrmari2i.g a Mrien rerr Lrtr'L::iirc l.ii.r!:r jr
r talkng about events n the e Mt nq a errer ol.ompalfl
. revie\rifq a.d pra.ti5inq the pa$ve
. qroup dis.rsrotu abolllnir . extendifg linowedq€ ofvocab! ary

@ r€vew ng luture tef5e5 0 wods used n ed!.alon

0 eaflrlfg about word famlli€s
r s.anning a LexL lo fnd c nrling words and phrases
. ijstenifg to a partner'r
spoken worl to dentit dear
a readi|q to dentry ma n

. ta [rnq aboul favourite th n9s ! writifg to expres oplnlon

+ spealiing n front ol3 group
+ dis.u55fg id€as with a ! \fitifg a. e$ay des.r bing
6 rdq.ddrg.ol iq I eq .
! Pd.liring per5lasve anguage

M RevGion and pra.tl.e of5li 5, qraninar and lerisrrom U. t5 5 ro 7

Grammar and run.tions Reference

Checklist for sritten work
My toe is bleeding

a Look at the pictures. What minor health problem do you think

each person is suffering from?
a Match what each person is saying to the correct picture.

is bleeding. I cut it
on the beach.

a Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.

I was ice-skating and I fell over

. Discuss with a partner what

is happening in each picture.
Then read the text and guess I've ... The doctor wil
the missing words.

Sit dow|, please. I need

to take your deta ls.

tr2 Do you think it's broken? :

and I fell over.

' Probably not. But you
r need to have an x ray
I'm goifg to put your
wrist I pldster.

I -Y- ,

a 6J O L;sten and check.

a Now do Exercises A to C in the Activitv Book.
He was floating when he felt
something push him
a Read the article and choose the best headline.

ffiernngns cAN BE MWATCH oIJT FoR


some dolphins srt'au up

and frightened the shar.k
alvay. There u'ere at least
six olthern ald they made
a circle arould rne. The
shark couldn't get near
Coastguard _fameel
Elalar'vi heard Tariq,s
screams and rescued hl'm
blr boat. lvhile he \,r'as
giving Tariq first aid on
the boat, his partner.,
Ahmed Al Misri, called
the emergenc] services.
It r,r'as a calm norning An ambulance rvas
rl,ood. Thelr it pushed rvaiting for 1aric1
in the beautiful seaside even hatder ald I lell into on the shore and he
torvr of Sharm El Sheikh, the \'!'ater.. That's \^.hen I u.as immcdiately taken
Egypt. Tn'enty-vear-old sa\l' it \4tas a shark.' to lhc hospital at Sharn
Zaid Taricl, a tourist Ile \ras trying to swim El Sireikh.
lrom h.acl, u'as floating au,ay l,hen the shark bit 'It \^ras tlte
peacefully 150 netres his arm. TiLriq, wiro u'as
flighterring day of n.r, life.'
froln the shore u'hcn hc losing a lot of blood and
Tariq told reporters fi orn
felt something push him. thought he l,!'as about to his hospital bcd. 'That
'I didn't kno ' rihat it die, screamed as loud as shark r'r,anted to
r'vas,' he told reporters. ,I hc could. have me lor breakfast but
thought perhaps my 'l \'\'as praying to God to the dolphins saved me,
airbed had hit a piece ol save me,' he said.'rrlten thank God.'

. Now do Exercises A to E in the Activity Book.

Most smokers take it up
as teenagers
Read the texts below and choose the
correct figures to complete each one.
fd O Then l;sten and check your answers.

7 15 18 24 f41 A0o/o 3O0

I4,000 snrokers in
Every year, around I
lhe UnilFd Krlgdom d e fJon lleir 1db I.
That's about (!_i people every day.
Smoking in Britain is highest in the
20 i.1) age group.
It is ileqal to sell ciqarettes to children
under the age of 16. Yet 20% of Britain's
. - -Vear-old' dro regL a'Smoke ..
More than @ of smokers take up
the habit when they are teenagers.
People who smoke a packet of cigarettes
a day die on average O years earlier
than people who have never smoked.
Every day in the Ljnited Kingdorn,
approximately 450 younq people under the age of start smoking.
The British Covernment currently spends around f3O million a year on
anti-smoking educat:on campaigns. A furlher (t _
on measures to help people give up smoking.
- million is spent
More people in Britain die from srnoking than from road accidents,
poisoning and A DS.

a Now do [rer(ise A in the Activity Book

a study the language box then find another example of a phrasalverb
in the texts above

. Phrasal verbs are formed when a preposition (e.g., upldownlon is added to a

verb and creates a new ve.b. Sometimes the new verb has a sjmjlar meaning,
but sometimes it is very diffe.ent.
. l'll pick you up alhalf past seven. (= fairly similar to the verb prck)
. He gove up smoking when he got ill. (= very different meaning from the verb gtye)

. Now do Exercise B in the Activity Book.

Thke some exercise every day

. Complete the health tips with the phrases in the box.

Be safe when you travel Don't drink too much coffee Don't smoke
Drink plenty of water Eat a balanced dlet Cet enough s eep
Look after your eyes Never mlss breakfast
See the dentist for regular checkups Take some exerclse every day


Af avehge of ei8ht hours a n 8ht is abour right
?' . Ma<e sure you ear ptenty of fresh fruit and vegetabtes.
Avoid excessive amounF ofsah, sugar and animat far

3 h\ rhe mos! imponant neat of rhe day.

4 . tdealty, do sport thrce dmes a week for an hour tf you

hate sport, go for a 20-mtnute wat/< every nay.

5 , a. teast a titre and a hatf every day. Tea, cotree ann sofi
drifl€ are NOT water.
6 .And brush yolr leeth three dmes a day.

7 ,. . .Tea is betrer for your heart and can even tower your

blood pressure.

A .lfyou do, ask a noctor for help wkh givin8 it up.

F 9
ma aria medicarion

Ge! rhem tested orce

Make sure you are up

if necessary.


date with vacc narions ahd Llkc

. Match four of the health tips with the pictures.

a Now do Exercises A lo I in the A<tivity Book.

Teachers used to be stricter

. Look at the photos and read the captions. Where

and when do you think the photos were taken?

l. +,r,el bf a.nier .a,+ 6;5 drf'l !3 l.9o +.5.1o.1.

Which opinions are true for lraq? Write A (agree) or D (disagree)

in the boxes. Then discuss your views with your partner.

I ag.ee. l"mrles oet,nne.y L.ed ro oe b,99er.

lhdt's.igh'. N4y mother hd5 eight brothers ano 5,5ters.

And my grandfather had ten.

But I've onJy got two brothers and one sister.

Families used to be bigger
Young people used to have less freedom.
The hea th service used to be better.
4 There used to be more poverty.
5 People used to die younger.
6 leopl" rseo to gpt d oerter edL,.r on
/ he - dio'l r J\p lo oe 50 n-u,l- pol utio- rriti-\.
8 Children didn't use to be so rude.
Talk about how life has changed in
the past 100 years. Make sentences
with used to/didn't use to. Use the5e
ideas: children, cities, vjllages, a !/sed to + verb is for things which
entertainment, medicine, houses, were true in the past but are not
schools, men, women, young people. true now. Films used to be black and
white. Now they are usually in colour
Now do Exercises A and B in the o The negative i5 didn't aJe to. people
Activity Book. didn't use to have computers and
mobile phones, but now everyone
has them.

Let's start with diet

. Read the article and choose the correct linkinq phrase for each gap.

As a resu t of this Finally, let's talk about Furthermore n my opinion

ln the past ktr1'.1'tarfl-.otith Next, we need to ook at Now
The main reason is Yet

People should take peopl-" us€d to watk

mora, or use a bi._vcle
than this habir.
Smoking damages the
to got a.ound.
responsibility for @ c''""1on"
gels in their car insread
lungs ard heafi, and
smokars genemlty need
morc mednral attention
their own health of s.alkin:. cverl if tha! Ion smokers.
the disiance is jusr
a kilometre or two. govcrrlmert should not
bJ, Dr Santir Rantzi (Zl , children glve lree hcalth care ro
spand hours pla],nrg people $'ho don'r take
Every lear. the 19 tLar
TV and coDpDtcr care of thexrselv€s.
governnent sp€nds p€ople are eating lood
games instead of People a'ho lead
l]rillions of pounds in running about outsi.le. unh€althy lirJcs should
that l]ontains too mu.h
heahh carc on people fat, su:lar aDd salt. @ r'e all pav for thc;r os,n
w|o have brcught thcir (O udteahhy
krow thar r€gular health c€re. Ard if rhcJ
illn,"sses on themsetves diet, 60 per cent oI ex€rcise helps us to bring up their child.eu
th.ough bad djet, la.k British people are contuol ou lr,eight and in an unhealthv ay,
uI exerLi5e or smoki.,, keep our heart h€althr-'. rhey shoul.l pav tbr
ovcrs'eigli arld therefore
L, lel ' sla,l .,il at rjsk of becomhg
6l their children's h€atth
diet. In llritairl. rhe diab-"1i.. ""oU"g. r'1"'"*
number of diabeti.rs almost nothing rhat,s
goes up e|er! ycar. ex{cise. at rrorsc tor your heatrh

. Study these useful linking phrases.

o Civing opinions: ln my opinion, ... / lfeel that... / Personally, lthink... /

cenerally speaking, ...
0! Listing points: Firstty, ... / Let's start with ... / ln the first place, ... / Secondly, ...
Next, ... / In addition, ... / Furthermore, ... / On top of that, ... / Thirdly, ...
Finally, ... / Lastly, ... / Last but not least, ...
c Talking about causes: One reason is that ... / Because of ... / This is caused by ...
s Talking about results: As a result, ... / Consequently, ... / Therefore, ...

a Now do Exercises A and B in the Activity Book.

Lellons A and 9 \ AB 17 2l
I'll always be proud of him
. Read the article and choose the best title.



,.:ai!|a.ja:]l I i \1i,s [fia] ,ij I naii ,,rajli:

Lr, :..l-il itla!lh. rLti ai bail alt:j !L,,rn
i:i :: < larf r.:r rrrrli]ai li rrr:. . ,.:
PLr-.aJ bair:tLt::a s -..: -ar
t.tit !, i aii.e riia lt::

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.r,ri_ri/i tr .t!ra-.t a :.iil t-:t !11-: ir,ri:.rtl ai:tatll

.ra!, di i Lrit,re -ar LtL-r

JirbiJa: Tlts .:.a!|:r slt-. rtars ia ui.La rer

a arair :|fjitr irrft :..a.ia -: i.,i rt:t I rt
larrr lrlrr t.al ir-art riau .rat- i,i,. . onliti]ltrr r.:,i,
irar i lei:a- r-.r , t.all i!.rrr :t iltal
:l :r,.'rr':i h:J r arL]|]artaj D!.rit ar nrti
a ':! b!.al :t ,al.]l haat tjrofrfi4r.t .,u, l,rl
l!1,,!l:Jarii i::.tt:r nas airi;i,.,aa
:'1i'nt! |ii.i s:..i lll.E r.ieits I tro:.r,r ,:r;e I
;t _iLir.r:!
A| ai:-b r a|a: a1r,,,aJ fi ir-. rir!a-; ji[i:]-_r.
'.' n a![as .][ar l',1L:,.Ia naiil i! :r:r]a .i. n L .:i, rl
:ltr'aaT ;t lt,. lfe.rt Fr..: lu T 1. r([i:]ialt
a-i-l Tari.i
ta;ra.l a.,.itn|i.)tttai.arta la lrrrtLto ti : a,;r.i
,i ,aiJ/ :ri u taa :1]a, laa /!,r!r iafiaia ;r il
a lr 1 H. aajt]al|i o. ir:ira-o l],, aie :t _il ,j,,,,.
.L [a ii a]t lri []a aoai itn tir_- ir-t F: letJrrt,.


. Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.

KffiffiK ffi
Law and order

Match the words and the pictures.

footprint metal deiector crime scene

fingerprint x-ray machin-" speed limit

radar speed qun security camera security quard

ffi@ Now listen to two people talking. Which speaker is:

a police officer?
a driver?

Now do Exercises A and B in the Activity Book.

A police officer's duties

What does a police officer do? With a partner,

list as many activ'ties as you can think of in
two minutes,
A police officer has given a talk to a school class
about his iob. As part of the talk, he gave out an
information pack to the students. Read the
extra.ts from the information pack below. What
activities does he mention? How many are the
same as your ideas?

People have to lollow the law so thai we can a I ive

together safely. There are a lot of d fferent aws. so
pollce officers have a ot of d fferent duties Some
offcers clirect lraffic to make sure thaL dlvers can
use the roads east y and w thout hav ng acc dents
They a so use radar speed gufs to dentify people
who are clr v ng too fast. This is very important Drivers
mustn't speed because speed ng s one of the eading
causes ol death on the road. Po ice offcers also check
that drivers and passenge6 are weat ng the r seat belts
Some peop e get angry because they don t ke to wear
them, bLrL seat bells can prevent serious inluries f you
have an acc deni. So remember, when you get nto a
car. you must wear your seat beltl

Of course police officers so nvestgate cr mes ke robberes When there has been a cr me,
po ce off ceTs are sent io the p ace where ll happened. They need to look for evidence, like
fingerpr nts and footprints, which can be used to identiry and arrest the crim fal Of course,
they don't have t0 recognize the f ngerpr nts themse vesl There are fingerprint expeds who do
that. Po ce officers also have to ask a ot of questions. They nterview wtnesses who they
th nk m ght have nformaijon about the cr me. W tnesses caf he p the po ce by te jng them
whatacrmna looks ke or whai t me a ct me was comm ited

ffi Police officers try io ptevent climes as well as so ve crimes They oIlen watch p aces where
they th nk cnmes are llkely to happef. Fot example, crowded areas attract p ckpockets who
iry to stea people's wallets. Shops that se expensive ltems a so attraci thieves But
you needn't
ofl ceTs a so help peop e w th everyday probLems For exam ple, if you're ost,
worry, you can iust ask a pol ce officer for d tect onsl

Now do Exercises A to D in the Activitv Book.

Airport security

Look at the pictures. Which places do you go to before boarding a plane?

Which do you 90 to after getting off? What happens in each place?

Cd O Listen and check your ideas

Wauld you put your bag on the

aanvsyor belt, please?

Could you enpty yaur pockete,


thall we gel aame n'agazineo

befare boarding?

Let'g get same atinkg loo.

Look at the sentences from the dialogues.
Which ones are used to: I'll elay hete with the bago
make a polite request? if you want,

rn ake a suggestion? Can you get me an orange aoda?

give advice?
Yau should alwaya have your
make an offerT
baggage with you,

Applying for a iob

Look at the job advert below. Where can you find adverts like
this one? Now read the advert more carefully and do Exercises
A-D in your Activity Book.

is looking For Fri@ndlV, r@liobla

Securitg Guords
tor molls. Foctori@s ond ofti(@ bldgs.

l.lJ@ ths Llorld's b@st s@curitv co Vou must:

. be Vrs. or old@r
'18 . be ovoil. ot LU_@.
. be fit . be comp. lit@roto
. spk. €ngl. ond Rrob. . hov@ o driving li<.

No @rp. n@(@ssorv. Hours 6 o.m. 3 p m Vou Lljill uJork uJith

o portn@r ond hov@ fr@q. contoct uJilh tho public

for on oppt.

. Look at the sentences from the conversation and answer the question.
Jomij That's fine. I enjoy talking to people.
Mr Hozem:Then you should enjoy the job.
Mt Hazem: Cood,l'll send you the directions by e-mail. They're very clear
You shouldn't have any trouble finding us.
When Mr Hazem says Then you should enioy the j6b, does he mean:
a) ltt a good idea to enjoy the job?
b) I lhink you will enjoy the job?
o Use Jhould and shouldn'tto say what you expect will or won't happen.

Now do Exercise E in the Activity Book.

Military iobs

Look at the pictures. Which of the job5 looks the most interesting?
Which do you think you can do in the military?

Haue you euer thought about

joining the military?
There are many different mi itary jobs, so yo! should be ab e to flnd
one thats right for you. The military has three branches: tlreLand
Force, the Navy and the Air Force. lf yo! choose the Land Force, you
can h elp protect the country from lhe ground. ln the Navy yoL carl
work on or with the ships that protect our lvaters. 11you ike aircraft,
yoLr can ioin the Air Force and work with airp anes and helicopters.
You nust be l8 years old to join.

Not alLjobs ir, the military involve fighing. For exarnple, there are many
interesting jobs for peop e with a iechnica backqro!nd. lf you are
interested in computers, yo! can becorne a complter specialist. The
mi ltary needs computeTs to keep and organize informatiorl about many
things, sLrch asthe weather and temperature. And it needs people who
know computers to install and mainlain the software and hardware.

There are a so non lechnicaljobs in the milltary. Drivers are !sua ly

needed to transporl food and eq uipm ent from one place to another.
You might have to use a radio, but you neednl be very techn cal But
you do have to be in good physical conditlon. Drjving a rnilitary vehicle
ls not like diving your car on the roadl You must be ab e to drive off
the road and in bad weather conditions.
I\,4ost peop e want a chance to get a better job if they are good at
what they do. ln the military, you can take a test to become an otficer.
otficers lrave more responsibiliry and more ditficult jobs, but rnany
peop e think those jobs are also more interesting. officers can do
rnany ditferent jobs, too:they can p iot airplanes, superuise co'nputer
technicians, or even be doctors at the army base.

You don't have to have o lot of experience when yo! join the military.
When you start, you spend a otofllme earningnewthinqsina
classroom. Thef you get a lot of practice using your new ski s. The
things you earn are not on y !sefL whi e yoL are in the mllitary, brlt
can be usetul oltside, too. This means that when vou leave the
rnllitary, Vour trainin0 can he p you find a civilian job.


Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.

A robbery

Skim the two texts. Are they about the same or different events?

rchbery occurred last The police bclieve the

night at 11.00 at 305 robber mav ha\,-. got in the
Park Drive. The house through a u,indon_ A
owners of the bouse, Mr and \,vitness told the police she
Mrs Srnith, u,.ere at home and had seen a tall nan in a dark
asleep at the time of the blue jacket run out ol the
robberv. Mon-.y, jewelierv house and drive a\,!,av in a
and a computer .$)ere stolell. red car. The police ha\.-.n,t
but no one \,vas injrlled. alrested anvone for th-. c tte
At -11.15. police lyare yet. None of the missing
alerted by Mr Smith, r^,ho savs propertv has beer forurd.
iris daughter. Sre. I,,,,oke hjm This r.t'as the fillh robb_.r,
up after hearing a loud nojsc. iD to\,r'n this year, and police
When he tvent dolvnstairs to think the same man mav
invcstigate, he lbund a brokeu be responsible.
vase on the lloor He thcn remiDding homcowners
l'hev are
realized his coDtputer. \,!,as lock their doors ar
missing, ancl immediatcl\, and keep ground llior
called the pol1ce. windou,s closcd.


Sr", @a*
won r be eve rrappened

You won't be ieve $,hat happened lasi night. I was sound asleep when att of a sLrclden heard a
loud crash. Of course was terdf ed. knew my parents were asleep ( I was around 11.00), but I
iholght heard somebody downsta rc. I didn t know whai to do so I ran to wake nry parenrs. l\rty
father made me go back to riy room, then he went downsiairs to f nd out what had happened. He
found a big mess. There werc papers and a broken vase on ihe iv ng room ftoor. We had been
robbedJ N4y falher ca led the police. Luck ly ilre burg ar had a ready teft, and no one goi hurt.

Im not scared anymore, bLrl I feel rea ly angry. [/]y farher had his computer sioef and my Sc ence
rcpofi was on the hard disklNow I have to wrte tr a overagain.Andthejeweerynryfathergave
my mother for her birthday was stolen ioo. She s reatty upset.

The po ice told Lrs ihey think the robber came in thrcugh the window lvty farher s getiing the tock
replaced today. The police werc very n ce, bul they don'l think we'tt get our rh ngs back. Wel , i l le
you nrore aboui il ai schooltomoffow


Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.

A safetv brochure ./

Skim the paragraphs from a safety brochure published for the public
by the Police Department. What is its purpose?
. to glve jnformation about ditferent types of crime
: to pers!ade people to take security measures in their home

.r to sel burglar alarms

why should you :hink oboul home
solely? Every yeqr, hundreds ot People
hove lheir homes robbed'Thieves loke
money, iewellery, comPulers ond even
lelevision sels.Then lhey sell lhem
dgoin, often lo Poople who don'l
reolize lhey ore buying slolen property'
Mony people hove insutonce thol poys
tor lhings lhot get stolen Bul some
lhings con'l be reploced. For exomple,
iewellery con hove senlimenlol volue'
And if you gel your compuler slolen'
you could lose houls ol work on Youi
hord disk. so don t ponT ony neor vour vr'lnclows Gel go"l
locks for your doo6.loo Some ore unbe evoby
eosyTo open wihoul o kev ior on experienced
Bqsic meosures: o. qol- o. o oo' o ooo l ooo l
v.rindows, doors ond locks corcl or o poperc ip Bul o goo.l ock is olmosl

WhoT o€ The mosl lmporloni ihlngs for home mposslble lo unlock wlhoul lhe kev

soietv? Goocl w ndows cloo6 oncl locks ore A good cloor is olso essenlio Moke su€ your

exl€mey impor-ionT l/onv thleves come ln door is so rcl. Hcrve your hoLrse exomined bv on
lhroLrgh open ',!in.lows Moke sure vour w ndows experi, who con Tellyou lf vou neeclTo moke

hove goo.l ocks onci lock Them when vou go your hoLrse more secule

oul Burglors con hjde behind trees ond b!shes

Now do Exercises A to E in the Activity Book.

L.lsoni a ard 9 \ AB 19 -46

Security technology

one number. three vehicles.
at least five useful linkinq phrases. I a word that means'Tain, snory sunny
or c oudy'.

Rada,r was invenl€d dlnng World WaJ II to deiect enemy aircr€'fi a'nd
jlcludi1rg weather
ships. AJler that. il lqa,s lrsed for ma'ny obher tt]rb{is,
prediclion, Police offlcers sba,fied usilg rada,r speed $!'ls to cakh sleeders over
50 yeaxs a€0. Allhough new iecbnolosi is beu4 developed today, radar sleed
$ns axe sijll one ot the most conmon tnols in law edorcemenl

A radal speed gur) works by sending radio wa,ves lowau-ds a c€,r. l&en lhe
waves hit the caJ, ihey bounce back towards the radal gxn IJ the car isn'i
moving, the radio wave! €,r€ the sane as when ihey werc sent lf the ca'r is
modng. however, the space beiween ihe radio waves changes The ra'dax gu!
uses this idormaiion to ca,lculat€ ihe sleed of the caJ. Radar $rns work when
the ca'r is
moving iowaxds or away from them. So you ca.n't avoid a iickel ly speeding awayl

Therc €re differcnt Wles oi rada,r grrrs some arc hand held a'nd a""e shaled a' bit like
gurs. Tney can be lsed by potice officers who €re waiting for speeders W lhe side oi
L\e mad. Police oificers can a,l!o use them frcm movll]g vehicles ln ihal c'se, the
radar gJn takes hin accou')i ihe speed of the police v€blcle. Some m'dax guns can t:'ke
a liclu€ of a cax's license llaie as vvell as measui€ its speed llvith iins iwe of rad€J
g!n. paiice don't hav"" to sto! the speedhg ca,r. They use the inJormation on lhe ljcense
llate io identjfy the orxner of the car' mey ihen send hi'n or her a speedhg iickel'

Some dJivers hy io avoid ?ada} €tns so ihat ihey won't gei tickets
They use rada,r det€ctors lhai deiecl if a mda,r gul is being lsed
n€a,rby. nrese mach]lles make a b€eping somd when they delect a
radax gn, and the fuiver slo$'s dowD However, some police officem
don'i ium on thef radar duns mtil ihey see a c€J ihal ihey tblnk
is spe€djng. ]f that happens, the radar g\rlr measllr€s lhe &iver's
sleed before lhe dnver even hlows the r€dal gun is ther€ Anoiher
jlleg€l ard you
!rcblem is thai, in some pl€res, radar det€ctnrs a.r€
can gei a ine for having one

Some leopie claim radax gurs call make mrtakes €,1d ihal d.nvers get tickets when they
shmildn't. Holvever. iherc axen'i maAy miEtakes if
the rad€x $.ms a,re nsed cofl€cUy a'nd
lolice offlcers arc irahed lo use them lnrlerly Therc arc also ru1es aboui radax
mairtenance. IJ Lhe radar Surs a,re checked and fi{ed regularly, ihey axe a'n essenlial
tool in helling kee! our rcails sa.fe.

Now do Exercises A to D.in your Activity Book.

I'd like to work
in the tourist industry
a Match the careers to the pictures. Write the correct number in each box.

a) p architecture e; ! rine art i) a lthe oil indust.y

b) I the aviation industry D E information technology ) ! scientific research
c1 ! engineering 9)! the meaia k;[lteaching
d)! the environment h)- medicine l) Ethe tourist industry

a 6d @ Listen and match each speaker to a career from the list above.
Write the correct letter next to each name.

. Now do Exercises A to C in the Activity Book.

If you come round tomorrow,
I'll help you
Ramiz is having an interviewwith a careers advisor
at school. Complete the conversatjon with the
correct words from the box.

career conserving environment involve

qualifications science university

AdylJolr What would you like to do when you

finish studying?
Rarrrhr l'rn not sure yet. But 'm very interested in
eco ogy and the a1l
Advisor: lf you'rc qoad al ?. and
geography, there are lots of jobs to choose from.
Romtzi I love them both. They're my favourite s!bjects.
Advisor:Well, how about a :t in water
techno ogy? Thatt realy important in this country.
Ro,nir What exactly does water technology t 1

,4dvlJori f you work in water technology, you look for ways

of iql wate. and purlfying it.
Romiz: Yes, I'd ike to work in the water industry. Water
conservation and purification are really important in this
country. What kind of .q. do I need?
Advisor: Fitst of all, you need to get a degree. you could choose
' om ef iro'-r-n-n.d \LiFn, e gFoloq\ or a\.r Fr g" F-r rq.
Romiz: Whiah i1t offers those courses?
,4dy,iori I have to check. lf you corne back next week, l, I have the answer.

td O Now li5ten and

check your answers,
€ Zero conditional
Underline examples
of conditionals in Plants die if you dan't wqter them.
the conversation,
The verb in both clauses is in the present tense.

Now do Exercises @ First conditional

AtoEinthe If you come rcund tomorraw t'll help you with your opptjcotian.
Activity Book.
The verb in the lf clause is in the present tense.
The verb in the other clause is in the future tense.

If you could choose anY iob ...

fd @ Listen and read, then answer the questions

What is Maryam going to study?
What career would she prefer to have?

cothy: lf you could have any career in the world, what would you choose?
Moryom: I'd like to be a Pilot
Corhyj Do you think that dream is ever going to come true?
Moryom: No, l don't. lt'sjustadream My parents wouldn't approve ofit-
They want me to train as a doctor'
Cothyi What if you refused?
Moryomi Are you ioking? They'd be really upset if I refused
Cothyj But it's Your dream.
Maryom: I k ow. But I could never be a successful pilot, anyway'
Cothyj What do you mean?
Maryom: lf I ',\as a pilot, nobody would fly with me.
Cothyj Why not?
Maryam: Becaose l'm a bit 5cared of heights!
Cothy: l+ | wercyon,l'd train as a doctor and have flying lessons in my free time'

Moryomj What free time? Medical stlldents don't have any free timel

a Now do Exercise A in the Activity Book.

. We use the second <onditional to talk about unreal situations'

lf I hod enough money, I would go to Britain to study.
lf she studled harder, she would pass her exams.
ll I were you,l'd apply to two or three colleges
lf clouse main clouse
/f + past tense, 'd I would I could / + verb stem.

a Underline examples of the second conditional in the above conversation'

. Now do Exercises B to D in the Activity Book

She asked when she had decided

. Read the interview, then cover your books. Write down three facts you
can remember about Zaha. Take turns tellinq the class.


This week Lolifo Ahmed interviews Zoho Hodid, London-bosed lroqi orch tect

Whol kind of buildings ore you fomous for?

I like very modern desqns, so probclbly my
mosl futurlslic bu ld ngs

Hove your designs won onY Prizes?

Yes, lhe P lzker Prize in2004 lwos lhe first
wom,rn ev-oI to wn this ond ihe Sl ing Prize
in 2010 ond 201l

Con lroqi women olwoys be os successlul

qs men in fheir coreers?
Of course Any lroq womon con succeed in
When did you decide lo be on orchitect? her chosen coreer if she wolks hclld enough
lt hos b'een mV dleom since chldhood

om foscinoled bv lhe des Cln ond slruciule of

bLJldings. I wonled o coreer lhot lwould enioy
oncllhoi would be useful.

Con you tell me more oboul Your

wos born in Boghdod ond slud ed
mcrlhemotcs ol lhe Amercon unvelsty ol
Berut Ihen I moved lo London ond sludl"cl
clrch ieclue opened my own plocuce lhele
in 1979. I oso slolred to ieoch olchteclule
strrl-onls in fomoLls Lrnvercties ike llorvord

. Write the interviewer's questions in reported speech.

She asked her when she Aad decided lo be an arch,,lecl.

a Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.

I wish I'd brought my sunglasses

a Match each sentence to a picture.

I w sh l'd rem€mbered to tLrrn the ov€n ofl If onlv he hadnt tried to overtake that car.

a Read the driving test report after

saj'ida failed her driving test.
Then write her regrets. DRIVING TEST REPORT
Name: 5e;;d; SAretda
I t\tsh H leafit t:ha,Jn'l learnl lhe Hgtway Code
the Highway CoAa Z. drave +|augt a .eA leh+
J. tttd not 5taw dowa .r+ . a nrrsr.odds
+: pa"ked ,llegally on lte pavenenl
5: erceeded lle speed lrntl
6: hl a l.ee wlen,eve.s;ng
7: d,ave lhe back of a p;.ked *.

a Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book-

If I'd been fitter
. dd O Ljsten to a movie director talking
about finding the right career He is explajning
what happened when he tried other iobs.
Complete the captions under each

lwanted to be a pitot, but I f.:;led lAe e.ye lesl

I sta.ted training to be a do<tor, but _..

I <onridered nudyinq engineering, but _.

Itri€d being a policeman, but...

I wasn'r a good tour gui.te because ..

a Now do Exercise A in the Activity Book.

6 We use the third conditional to talk about unreal situations

in the past.
lf I had possed the test, I would hove become a pilot.
(= But I didn't pass it so I didn,t become one.)
m We can also use the third conditional to express regret about the past.
If we had troined hotder, we might hove won the match.
(= But we didn't train hard so we didn,t win.)
The verb in the if clause is in the past perfect tense. ln the main clause,
we use
wouto nove ot d hot e, might have ot coutd ho\ e _ thepa)t parti(iple.

. Now do Exercises B and C in the Activity Book.

Learn English in the UK

Complete the advertisement with the correct words from the list.
fd @ rnen listen and check your answers.

accommodatlon advice canteen courses experience experienced

host,"ls evel locations staff suit returrr

Learn Eng/ish in the tl I{ at

Birchwood International College!
We harc collegcs in 2.1 diller.ent ..f {cro$ rtrc.ourrn:
( Io"., . h.,.\. r..sh.re\o.,i',,.,,..t,up,,i,,g.r. ,,,guur i,,.1
n;ghtlili. Or opt lor avlttrge in the English counrrvside, \lhcre rorwil
,,,iu\ l.. u iirl -,rn" ,Ji,re.. lo\"t\ $. IL.,,.d. .t""..1.,..
AII our tcachers are cludilied and highlr a . C1"** u..
sllrl1, $-hich ncans thrr lou be sure ofa high a3r of
incli\-idual ,ttc.don. Our courses, rvhich run throushout rhe
!car, are
r:o or.rr .J.
hanrt ro otter erpert ls) crhoosc rroIn !l
ofonc lyeel to -l monrfs

\Ve olter.r chojce olaccommodrtion to li, vour needs. lt

\o.. ho,.rroi. .. , rt .l io .....\
'''r l.\F oDt , \ '.. € , mr , Ie n t{.I-irt y,_
.. L oo .l e . .r."r:. .o.r [.el

In 12 ofour ioc.rti{,.s, \.ou cm choosc rcsidenrial accommodarion. \Ve

havc our orvn srirdcrrs'lq \".h." r,e can otlir comfi)rrable
ld i,, ,i.'gtc rooms. llrcikiiisr js prol.idcd rnd stLr.teirs .,n

Download an application fom fron nwv.btuctrwoodco egc.org.uk

and i A it {ith a {ecen t passpor.t photo to Birclwoocl
International Collegc, PO Box 222, turo TR22 9DR.

a Now do Exercises A to C in the Activity Book.

le\\.n{ a,nd 9 !. Arl 66 7l

Focus on careers -
conference interpreter
a Read the text and write T (true) or F (false) next to each statement.
a; ! n good interpreter fol ows the news and is we l-informed on rnany toprcs.
b) l-,1 lnterpreters have to have a degree before they do an interpreung diploma.
c) ! lt is very easy to get a place on an lnterpreting course.
d; fl lnterpreters must have three active anguages.
e; ! Conference interpreters musttransate each word literaly.

The place is the Hilton Hotel, Abu Dhabi, and But you llLtstl] t !/asie tme tryng io
the annual
Arab Oil lndu5try Conference is about to break for reme,nber I f jou dc, you \r/ m x
lunch. the E5t ol ihe speech'
Samira AI lvahm0ud, who has been interpreting Sa'n ra saj/s t a50 impofiaftto be
English to Arabic, removes her headphones. aoe I thnl fnlt 5he e,p.ned \xhy
Most rnterpeter: orrl I
into oni
Aked ho!/ lhe prepared for th! anguage 5amiras aaiil",e anqlaqe i!
5am ra. lke rno5t coaferenae Ar.bi., but lery o.r:a5ionalv she goe5
ccnferenae. Samia lay5, I loe!|, ihe eEr! ,rorl5 ireeinae lheony
lopia was oi . 50 I read about the tubiect
1\o li L\ihen lhe (.rnts to and lor
rnto Enq iih Rerent\i sh€ \,r';\
ihi trars ataq fom Arab c to Eng ish for nn
to get fan'til ar \dth the te{hn aal iem! oqanraton urat she !ran-6 io \r,/ork lraqilpealter of TV 5penknq inArabc,
YoLr caat u5e n geneEl \,vord ike fie for She often,",,/ork for the llN I Ne\r",
gound for e tmpte lrhenyou aatlra \ he 5ad. Ak i nnb h?bba h.bb
Yor[ and Geneva, and th€ Word Ban[
afenn he,our,e ocl lrt rD \ol tl v,'ord5 tvhich trznsaie iiera v into
.nd UNEsCO n parii lhe earn5 Enq 5h a! G apes rre eaten one b1
very mpotlaft to iien to ile rcx/5 a olnd 1450 a diy The amoufL VoU
eve'y dal anc ead tae ne\r'lpapF! one. Blt ih5 ilea tfaniaton \\nLr;
qct deper d5.n ,"ho y.u are ,,0 inc
hat ,lal Jou hale qood Lrenpra not har.,e been a ear io Fnc 5h
tur and ho,v
m n1 olluu are,.o rnq
stener Ih nkiig quck\1 ihe
knotf edqe and rinow t /hai ! ooina on
li5 ne,5lu rtihe e;1r lJr/o ol Lr5
e5r ; lradated the pirrn5e inio Efg 5h aj
the vr'ord Som. tnterpe;r ;ead the bcoih Then v/-e can A[e tuns. I
three or foLf nefi/rpapers a da] nterpr€t ofre speeah.
One 5tepat, tin'te
thef a ao eaqre
5amra !r'as bcrf n Brtain but her doe5 ihe nert Ih5 nornng. wheniver
E,entjou hi,ie trFd a JoLl fr
Parents are boti't frorn lraq SamIa ihe speaker 5a d fqures
n raq.ld dont aome [cm 2n
qre\,! Lrp jpea(fg Arabir: at home but inte n?iona iain ly ike Sam ra!, rt r\ 5tl
t251,198.462 or 65.617 barrel5 ofcl
En! sl'r nt lahoo Af.rer lealino 5ci.to(]t rny aoleaqLte \{/ote then dovr'n 50 I
pc5rbe to become a|
sl're did a deqree n trab; at the didnt have to memorze them.. Arabic 5; nnqunqe v/-hiah ver! j
[]n'reritj/ oF Lotot, ihe| a nfe. safirr 5,iy. tl'rit 6anarnng .arn rnu[h in demand. and il you can
rnon pt5iotaduate aolTle n Ufde pesjue I he mc$ mDo Lrt fterp PT ftom ]lrb - to Eng r,h j ou \/r
aonference interp€tnq There u/a5 a qLra aF e beoltofalob The\ ar totran
E in nn interpreret ls tar.tpollanito
lot oi aompettlor io get onto ihe conve! the sefle. el",ef tf vor rant a! af nierlreter i5 to tlljt gei a deqree
courje And lhe co![e lvas lerv rn tnghh Then do a poiqrncuate
th fk of. paft.ular ivord S;metimp\
diflcut I ia( cniy 50 per.eft oi th; yor.r \d be ieeina bnd becarse voLl dpoma n nterpreting
stldents who \{/ere aacepied pas5ed knov,/ tl're liord tti on tfre t p of your
ihe r ifa dip oma er?ms tongLie blt tjL{t wonl come io you

a Now do Exercises A to C in the Activity Book.

Rashid & Rana Designs

@ Complete the e-mail with the corre(t words.

assistant blrsiness flight compete signed

f ew designer produce sa es

- ......1:;::--:i JE

Sro @ B:d'a
hav€ntbeer itod.h recenty ThisyearhasbeenreaLyblsy My brother, Raslrd, and seiup
company lst September. l s ca ed (rslid & Rrra Desrgrs we produce sh l1s and leahs
and RashLd does a tlre market ng. O!r cols n, Sa ma, works !s Rashrd's

we rvested a ot ol money n rhe 3 . so we zre not yet mak ng a prott But

; are v€ry good and we are export nlt a ot ol c othes to the llAE Oman, Bahra n
and ev.n the UK. Qf.ourse, t s d ffc! t to 5 !!ih th€ Ch nese market They
6 such creap c otlres n Ch na. But our desighs are !e.y org na. And they are very
popuar n the Gulf. So the flture ookslerybrght.than(God

Two months alto we went to Lebanon ano Morocco to choose c oth

for our sprng desqns We folnd some bealtfu s k and cotton
fabncs And ast month we 7
show our new sh fts at London Fash on tleek. We had a great
t me. There Nzs a ot oi nt€rest n our des gns. We
'e conr'acis vith three London department
srores. And a lot of nch and mpoftahr peope bought olr sl[ shrts

On our way back, gless who we saw at Heatirow Anport? We were

w:tng fo. our 9 back to Baqhdad when our od
schoo iriend, Mlna Shakr. wa ked Past wih ... You w never
guess Ghassan AhmedlYeslAppare.ty they goi maned two
years ago And they now have a beauti! tte boy
Let's keep I touch. Come and stay wth us wheneler you ke.

6 G O Listen and check your answers.

o Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.

Oasis Sports and Leisure

Read the interview and answer the questions.

a) What job did Hasan Saab use to hav€?
b) How does he help young people today?

Mr Health Club!
Hasan Saab owrs a chain of health
clubs in the Middle Easr. At the
age of r hi rty-r h ree, he ir already a
multimillionaire. Antl he mcde all
his rnoney himself. We interviewed
How,has yout life chansed si cc yoa be.:an,e
him in Dubai and asked him how a nillionairc!
he started his business.

Ilave yor always ljved in DDbdi:

No. I usc.l to lj\,. rDtg)?t 111.!jb(rDir
CIJI) rtrd I lircd rlcre Jr)r r|c first nlrra hou,r. J tltr. Arnri rt .i,iihtsr
foL[ ve i .i Ir!
Do )ou uith to hadn t Fivfn np tcathin|l
Hatt vou olhaJ\ bcLn inrtc,t.d in \Dottl
Y, lr .L r, c I !|!rrr xr\frL!Lt! rr ,, t, /,
..rL,rl. r{rn,l r,-l| Lf,...lf. 1l(
'1 rr \l !r r1l |!
. rrJc|r\ I.r I r Li rt,.
\lrL u..1ro ,rl Lr ll ,,Lit,,u.L r
re.l I Llrir\ r,e
Poor Iacilitiesl What exactlv ito yo nedfl!
1ll) g) m no r.rDi! co|ri\, somrLiD.:( ril
trrrt|:rll, lcr ft rs.!l n, l).,.,,1t,,.,,_1r.,

equ J,Drc f rh.rlr .\1.t ] ulell ,o .rlxfr ,.

r (L.! n)r r|c n.rr rhe s. rcnJs.
How did you xtart your business!
JLue u!.d l. tre r suri rt the rnLt
!),-.u ot rnr
st[ct I'I|)l,jd! nj!o Lo it ft I,rr,t rrrtri|.,
ur.,r,.ney .rrd th,,olle, *"".r . ,..1 , i

Itrrrl lr. I..l !lrrrtr rrr{

o Now do Exercises A to C in the Activity Book.

How to be the best!

Match the sentence halves.

1 lf you want to have a successful a) you don't have to pay for
restaurant, plane tickets.

2 To make a good impression at b) you have to be ambitlous.

a job interview
c) you should turn your moblle off.
3 lf you want to have a successful d) you must emp oy a good chef.
e) you need good computer skills.
4 lf you want to be successfu
in business, f) you must do a lot of exerclse.

5 To be a good secretary g) you should dress wel and

be punctual.
6 lf you want to be healthy,
h) you shou d make sure there is plenty
7 lf you workfor an airline, of good food.
8 When you are in a meeting,

o Match six of the sentences to the pictures.

e Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.

What's your personality type?

. Read the text. Which personality type do you think you are?

are morlr palicnt. and lheY enjo)' in resear.:h. And a doctor u'ith
r /r:f v do.iors brlie!" Tvpe A p€rsonatit,v lrill do
N /l;"," ,e tso main ialurs |nd bi:ing sociabte.
n'ell as a slrryeon or worknrg in
M1;; ,rpFrso'..rit\
Of cours€, both accident and emel8eocy
T\'pe A and T,vpe B lYP€ A Persorrality
p-"opte aflbitious, iypes are eqlrall,l r'almblc in
societl. Ard eacb rlTe is Wbich persoDalily tr?c are
hardrvorking and comPetrlrve
srtited to differenttvpes ofj.)bs r-o!? Wb-v not tak€ th€ iest and
Thel ire usuallt iD a llurry and
they can be inPatient IYP€ D For example, a docror uirh lind olrt!
people are more reh'red Thel Type B personality u'il] do Nell

a Tick (,/) one column each time.

Yes No
i I usu,llly flnish class \\ork belbre c\,ervonc el\e T u
2 I talk more than most peoplc.
,B I ur ncarl1, alivays hardi\orkitg iurd serjous. T t_r"_

4 3" rr3 l ir le,'llc drr l re 0, . 1,p0. rrr.. ..

1 l l
5 I sorlrcliDes sto! ljstenjng when peopie aie ti king. .l T
6 I ar olten in a hurlr l
7 I havc t0 rio phl sjcrle)iercise atleasttour linles a weFl I j
8 i oflen do t\4,0 thjngs at once, like watrhjng lT and dojDg home\\,0rk. tr- I
9 l leel annol,ed ill don'r\4,in
I oftcn i|tenupt rvhen people are lalkjng.
a garne. fl I
il ll I stan revisinglirr tcsls hro $eeks in art\nnce. tl T
l2 l olter fcclimpatient rvith orherpe0ple. rl l-r
l3 If I \lant t0.qct sorncl}ting dore x,cll.I kno\\,I hitve to d0 ir uvsell fl tl
I4 I cr,r", ro bc rhr hr\l l c' in I rg , no tl i l
l5 I rvoukl rlie ofboredoDjfI everhad ro spend a Dronth T]
alore on a dcsefi island.

Score one point for each Yes. Score zero for eac} No. Scores
of B and
above are A personalities. Scores of 7 and below are B

. Now do Exercises A to C in the Activity Book.

If onlv ...

. Read about three people with regrets. Match sentences 1 to 9 to the

correct people.

Fouad Sallm s captain oi a footba I tcam in

Baghdad. His team has orla blg match'

If only I'd seen that hole in the road.

Khadiia Nasser has jlst been to af intetuewfor a iob wirh

an ol.ompany. Unlodunat€y, she di.ln,t gerthejob.

lbrahlm ha5 just ctashed h s lriend s new

motorbike. lt NlLl cost a ot to rcpair li

Use each question to make: a) one sentence with / w'JII; and b) one third
conditional sentence.
1 Why didn't I ask l-lisham to be in the team?
I wish I'd asked
2 Why dldn't lfind oLrt more about the Hisham to be in
company before the interview? the tearn.

I Why did I ride my friend's motorbjke?

4 Why didn't I check the brakes before left home?
5 Why dld I forget to tell them about my
previous experience?
We'd have won if I'd asked
6 Why didn't I s.ore that penalty? Hisham to be in the team.

Now do Exercises A to C in the Activity Book

Ambitious, energetic staff wanted

. Read the job advertisemen! then complete the application letter

Europe's leading mobile phone company is expanding-

TalkTel We have vacancies for cusiomet
seruice statf. based in our new gooa commln.atoi sr. !.
offices in cental London nloA.vesoreq!iae.t

We .fle, a corpeinv. saary and

go.d ai rv.rkng , a team. abe i. work cr.e ent ierms a.C conditons
alore i.e.essary ptepared to w.,k
eve.iigs and weekends ambtols a.d Appry . (rnng e.c.s i! a CV and
e.eit phoio, to Saidra Fonoi Humai

Dear Ms Fo:lton
I saw th€ i, in the TllneB of AB" June for customer
ser\rice ,2 and woutd tike to apply.

As you wi.tl see from my enctosed CV, I teft schoot

with A levets in eeogra.phy and Medie. Studres. a yeai0 ago
Since t;en I
have done a. one-yeaip Fourdation
i ,n Busjness Stud.ies.
I.am now keen to find a ful] time job in €,n expandtrg
J which will 6lve me oppoftunities for caxeer
development. I am very impressed wii,h TEtkTet.s
I ha.ve corsidera.bte '9 of sates, having worked pe.rt me
assista.rt at weekends and in the hotidays
for the past ,rro y"r"". My current
I)art tim€ job ls in a,n etectrical goods store. where
store 9' I hEve a good record. The
Mrs Wi]]is, wi] be nappy to conflrm this
Although I do nor ha.ve any previous experience
have the personat i
in customer service, I feel I
that you are looking for
I looh s to hearhg f?om you.

Yorrls shcerety
Jac-kie Liu

fd @ Listen and check.

o Now do Exercises A an.l B in the Activitv Book


Let's do some sightseeing

. Make compound nouns by matching the words in the two columns-

1 boarding card apartment
2 travel agency
3 five-star -anrd-
4 package dea

5 packed
5 ski lunch
Do you have anything
7 aat resort
to declare?
8 self-catering seeing

9 sight hotel
10 sea hire

Match some of the compound words

above to pictures A-F.

. Now do Exercise A in the Activity Book.

Read the dialogue on the right. Find the

compound noun.

No. A,rly travel agency says two

Now do Exercises B and C in the bottles of perfume are OK.
Activity Book.

Have you ever stayed
in a really unusual hotel?
a Choose the correct ending for each quiz question.

fr CIuri-st quiz
1 d Have you ever stayed in a
unullr.rl ho+eli
t Have you ever camped on

3 Have you ever llown in a

4 Have you ever been sightseeing in an

5 Have you ever been chealed

6 Have you ever lost your

7 What's the best holiday destination

8 What's the strangest lood

&) you'vc cvcr €r,t€n &broad?

b) by & tsxl driver?
c) hellcoptcr?
d) ln t r.qlry.'r"u-u&l hatcli
e) you'vc crer bean to?
f) opcn-top bus?
g) & bcech?
h) pe,ssport rrhl]€ on holldey?

Take turns asking and answering the quiz questions. Then do Exercise B in
the Activity Book.
Yes, I have. I stayed in the

Have you ever stayed in Four Seasons Hotel in Cairo.
a really unusual hotel? It's unbelievably luxurious-

.4o No, I've never stayed anywhere really unusual.

But I stayed in a reaily horrible hotel in New York.

. Now do Exercise C in the Activity Book.

I've been coming here since 2OO9

. Read the article and answer the questions.

I How ong has Steve Harper been coming to raq?

2 How many times has he vlsited the country?

3 How long have Safar Tours been organizjng tours?
4 How long has Steve known Ahmed?
5 How long has Safar Tours had their office on Al Sa'doon Street?
6 How long has Steve been in lraq so far on this visit?
7 What has he been doing since finishing his business?

The Happy Traveller

Ahn€d Sdlin is the oNner and Iarived heie lan Monday. So l!€
manager ol Salar Tous. l ve known norv been in lraq ior eight .l.ys
him for three 9e.6 now. and I cdn Sinc€ Thu6d.!'. when I linished
hoDestl! say lhaL all his tous have n! business. I hale been sojng
no5t delinireiy lived up ro m! on to!$ aroud fie counfty. I could
€xp€craiions J hale neve. been nev€r have dchieve.d so nuchrlilhou
disdppoiin€d in an)" aay by any of the help oi Ahmed Salim ai
th€ tours he has organted for me. Safar Tours I certainly would. t
l!e been coning to haq on business lve been on trips to the deserl. I hesilare ro r€commend this cornpdn!
since 2009 lir Ja.l in all l ve vGiied haue vGit€d th€ castl€s in Zalho and to anlon€ conside.irg an extended
rhis couitry filLeen limes now and J the HaLra tuins. and been to Babglon
stillthoroughl! enjo! m! tips he.e I Clty three times dlread-u And that s
usualllr €xtend ny slay b!" a couple oi
ex1.a days because one oJ ihe things Sald Tours was siafied b! Ahmed s
I lole is going on
doing h€.e Jather. Ibrahirn. in 1976. in a lill€
ercursions and doing so.re o{iice in A1 Rasheed Street. Over the
sightseeing That s how I discole.ed !ea6. rhe busine$ has srown
Safar Tou6. which is one ol lraq s consjderably and Lhey !e
longen eshblished travel co)npanies. ollices seleral tim€s Since last Jullr.
li tacr. Safar Tours have b€en they have had a ve.y ottractive
organizing trips and ex.uEjons for .iode.n oflice on Al Sa doon Stre€r.

Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.

I've tried it a few times

. Cd @ Listen to the dialogue and fill in the gaps with the correct words.
(ode: Hi, Muna. What are you doing with
all those ho iday :1,i ?

Muno.'Oh, 'm just doing a bit of research

on ho iday deals in Thailand. Have you
ever if there?
(otie: Yes. We had a famiy holiday there
a'j. of years ago.
Muro.'So, which places did you go to?
(otr'e: We l, we spent a week in Bangkok
to get a flavour of the city life and then
two weeks on the :4)
in Phuket.
Munor i'm su.e that was beautifull
(otler lt was amazingl I realy enjoyed it.
Wel, we all did. There was something
fot ti,
Mrnoj We're lookinq for a
i6l deal.

Kotiej That's a good way to do it. At least

you know where you're going and what
you're doing. And lt often works out
r7-l in the long run. Have
you found one yet?
Mund: No, but there are two or three that look really qood. Which hotel did you
stay at in Bangkok?
(dtier We stayed at the Co den Palace for the first two nights. Then we moved
on to the Marriott. The service was iel in both of them.
Mrroj And what did you think of Thai food?
(otlei Oh, it's delicious. Haven't you ever tried it?
Muna: I had green curry once- I really didn't like it.
(otiej Why not?
Mur?oi lt nearly burnt a ho e in my i!,' !

Underline examples of the present perfect in the conversation. Circle examples

of the past simple.

. Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.

We couldn't get a room
because we hadn't booked
Match the sentence halves.
1 | We cou dn't get a room a) because I had already been
there twlce.
z f] t couldn't board the p ane
b) because lhad lost my boarding card.
:! sn" *u, nervous on the plane
c) because we'd left our drivlng
4! The airline company gave me a
licences behind.
new suitcase
5 I L didn't go on the excu.sion
to Khor Al Zubeir in Basra
d) because mine had been damaged
on the plane.

6 tr We complained to the manager

e) because our room hadn't been c eaned.
7 tr We couldn't hlre a car
because it had changed so much.

a fl I didn't recognize the place

g) because she hadn't flown before.
h) hc.."s" tt" h"dn', OooU"O

. Mat(h five of lhe senlen(es to the pi(tures.

. Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.

The atmosphere
was really peaceful
. Scan the text about a holiday in Tunisia. Find one piece of information about
each of the following:
. the journey . the food
. the hotel . the activities

My cousn and have recent y returned froTn a beach and \,re elen h red surfboardsfrom the
\londerlu foftnght n theTunhian Ke*ennah hoieland earnl to windsurl. \Are aso wentfora
sands. t vr'as a package dea and cosl Ls t180. rde ln a donkey cat aid ioured some v ages.
Ths nclded the i ghl lrorn London lo Slax bus Whai realy irnpressed me was ihe hosplalty ol
transJers to and irorn Sfax airpod and iheferryto the oca peope. Severa slanders invited !s into
and irom the sand The accornrnodaion was in a ther homeslor minttea and cakes We aso took
three-slar hoiel with breakfast and dinner every thelerry backto ihe rnainand io see ihe
day. The cost even nc uded eniedanmeni n lhe magnlicent Boman theahe ai E Jem. Someth ng
even ngs. co!dn'l beleve ho\\, cheap it \",asl ese lhai we realy enloyed was the free
enterianment if the hotelafter slrpper One
From Sfax arpofr, vie were taken iothe ferry poft.
evening a lakir afd hisieam gave an ncred ble
where boarded a rather od lerryl t took us
dsplay of lying on a bed ol nals and glass
across io the islands, \!h
ch ooked realy beaut ful
walking o\rer hot coals. breath nq ire and lettinll
in the evenrng suf. We were de ghted that our
scorpons wak al overihe r laces We shal
hole overooked the beach and waslust a shod
ceria ny never forget lhal ho day.
,r'/alk away. Althouqh
nol very luxuroLs, it was a
Anna Johnson, Reading, Berkshire
rea y pieasanthro slorey buld ng that was set n
an aliraci ve garden with ils own swimming poo
and tenns couns.our roorn had its own p,vate
bathroom and balcoity wiih a speciac!arvew ol
the cam bLe Medteranean Sea The atnrosphere
lJas rea y peaceiu lhai's what lrealy lked.

The lood was exceptonaly good. Thele \|as a

selJ-serv ce blffet in lhe d n ng room wth a var eiy
of dishes. both regionaland nternatlona. You
cou d eai as mlch as you wanted Breahiast
conssted ollrLit cereal, eggs cakes. bread
honey olves and cheese. There vr'as a different
seectior oJdshes forslpperevery n ght and
there was a loi oi great seafoodI oved the
octopus, whch is a specaliiy in Kerkennah

We vreren'i bored for a momeni One day we h red

a lax and went on atour olihe island. We saw the
vllages where the lishermen catch octopus ncay
pois. Another day we ,leni lor a came I de on ihe

. Now do Exercises A to F in the Activitv Book.

Beautiful Kerkennah

. Read these sentences and underline the relative clause in each one.

Kerkernah s |he in e of a qroup of slands Lhrt a€ strated
oif Lhe easr: co,r5L o: Lrrlsa

Tne mar'r l:\"rc lslands are allerg! ald Gnarbl are

boLh ln.abl:eC

The slands are reacheC by; l'erry lhit oPeral:es th crlholrt

the yea'

The nrost l'arnc,rs be;cfl s Mkare| Kl la l"rhere the lnra're ls

;r nc-edlbLt, clear bLle

Thee are.,nany colclriul ies.lt''ais, /r1rch are a lreEi aLtract
ior tolrnsr:5

L'vas also
A fomclrs son c[ Kerkenn:h r''tas Hei Berkh]ss;r' L"'ho
kno,,"n as 3al.ha Hei r';hc r','a: a \.ior[l c[ass footballe ' '1eC
.lLrrllq a niaL.h nTJ"s

Kerkenrah s rr de;l pLace fcr ioLrrsts r'\/hc llant a qilei

Are these relative clauses defining (D) or non-defining (ND)?

Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.

I.K.n( s and I !| AB 107 l'17

Why are holidays so important?

.lngroups,discussthetitleandpicture.Whatdoyouthinkthetextwill be about?

.ski mt he te)(t and match the headings with the correct paragraphs.
tl What stress can do 4| Time to re ax is important
2 tr A change can do you good 5 Too busy to eave work
3 il
D Peop|: likc rhi. r'isk hultnrg
mrr onh rheil lrtalrh LLrL rhcir
pcl L.LL r,1.rri ,n hq.. r,,"
E.,., r. n. d. L 1..r ,! riro.
rrirh fami[ or'lir:ncls, and t]is
1;re nrrds io bc molc lliin thc
oco.iolal snarr Ic<] hour hclc
oI Llrc|c. Pcoplc rho ale r:losc
ro u. nccd ro kno$' thrl \1c
calc ib(lI rhcrn. (jirine rhcrn
a si-..rilicinl arrrount ,rf our_
rirrr: ir hor tc shot rhis
H0lirla| tirne carr gire us this
q4or ruritr:
A .Ina.r iL is Llore iLlpuranr dccp :rncl our licc tnre is rnir:n
E uut;a".. alc imponant lirr
durr r:rcI ro rnsurt Lh:rt rre talc intcnrqrrr:d hr phol,: cells l lr
.:rrr\ orc. uot ilrlr t|c
croLrgh Ilr:als and hoftlars hunrar bodi canroL colLilLL,.'
busrncssmen. \!c alL nr:r'd :r
Li[ n so lill aLl.lnc s]r.nd !rr.h likc this inrlcfinitclr: Both blain
rd l)odltcr.l a llr:el ll rc
(haner: oi scr:nc ancl a charee
r lrlg..c par L r:rl out Limr: r'rorhing ol nrce. \\c ner:cl ro rr:lar and
hard rhar \c l1:al]r eed to lakc pur1, rhcrrl Loc, 1ir; rhq \ill
err:lLuelh lct L,s dol n
,.r.'. ,',,' ",inc]s oll' r'rrl.
sulllcicnt tirre out. Tl rir: dcrr't. school, lhc h,rure,rr rhatcrcr'
thc pLtssu,L ol Li[ cxLl l].r alc totltit,g LLs at
boLlr our phlrnal rnd mcrrral C rt,"", u," m.r't e'cl mo.e plolncrnr tilrrc. 1l docsn r nart.r'
hc;Llth. rruLaholirr rhlsr: clals rtlro rhe
thirk rhar rheil lort is Lotr rhctlcr rir: choosc ro rpclrd
Llris rine lrilq on a bearlr
B 1r,. ol- mochll lili impdranl Lo Learr: irr rhr: Larxl u ekkir g rhrough lainlllcsrr ot'
.ii11 c:lu\lr scvcrr ploblcms 1t ol orlrr:r's. l heri pcr:,pl ciurlot
crn causc higi bloocl prsure, arrr'liorl Lhi oliicc ;ightsr:cing: \\'hrL ischanee
lrcar ro bc
irn;ror Laut

rhich r:arr rhtl carrr('irtolies folrolc thar I lil houls fhcr is Lhc chalgc. -\ ol
ollen hr:lpr ur ro Look
rrd hr:alL aLtalks. It ds,r has eLr put 0ll rakDg holida\ s orbr{l&s
at our cl1\r lires irr a dillclcnt
cllict orL otu li,cls. Il tlc ate becausc drclc is ah,als anodtcr
rvar Holidar. erc lital to r-rrLt'
ahrrvs orr Lhc nr-'rr:- rrr: doni ,1,'rrllirrr: oI rrrorhe| dcal rround
ll,ci oiicl ecrclal lr:llhcing. Arrd lcurirlg
ah,:i. rroLice hol lar lc push Lhc rolncr: discorct'
i1,c nrdrile phor,c s.itch,:d ofl
oul bodir:s. \\'e clon't eat rr:gllar Loo laLe thar rh:n: is rrrr:rle to lili:
l lrul is \]t.Ll tool
rrcals. tc dcn\ gcl cn(rugl!

I Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.

What does it all mean?

. 6d @ Listen to Rami and his brother talking. Underline the items on the bank
statement that they talk about.

Rank Statement
RFI'I I IDFH Accountnumber: S78230I0

Witlxlrawals Deposits Balance

Date Tiansacrion

bl / h5/ la OPEN BffLNNCE

1Eb -bb
bE"/88/ ra CHE[tUE N. 401 -28 -AA

CFSH [IITH'RNl/JNL -3A.AA t56,00

01/85/ rA
+425 .00 815.84
L0/a5/13 OEPOSIT

N. - 14 ,75 s60. t5
t2/05/ !A CHEflUE OO2

N. 803 -4E. S0 514.45

22/ b5/ ta CHEIUE

N. -e3 .05 49r.4b

2t/05 / r3 CHEffUE OO4

-88 -AA 441-40

2E/A5 / \3 cAsH UJI THDRAIi,AL

-183.60 +428 "Ab 441.46

31. /h5/ 13 TOTNL

r Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.

Which account should I get?

. Read the information about the bank accounts. Use the glossary in the middle
of the page to help you. Then do Exercise A in the Activity Book.

CCB Chil&cr! accotrnr

CCB Savirgs account
' 1,,: .irjl,tr, r:1,,,.,, r i;
' (_t _..,,ir! ,,,, , it 1,il . 11 ,, -l.il l, r 1..1,,,,,,r.

CCB Curretrt account

CCB Universiq student lccount
' ir,, .:j..r,. , , L
. li'r. \ f\ 1 .., i
, \l I L
. -\l,iirirl. r,:, i -ril...1,ir.
. \ i'i:,n.r,,r.,l.ui.r :Li,iL tr..il
' \, i:ii lr,,,,r-.,t:r,,r.
,1.1 . ,r rlll L..r '.r i;L.rrrl
' - rr ,tt.rir ' r.Lr.lirr.
l'...1i .iiri. .,,!, i, j I
' ( , . r t I , , r .'
-r , . l , L r l , ,

Overdrcft facilities: ability to use more money than you have in your account
at the moment.
Minimum balonce: sfiallest amount of money you can have in your account
wlthout paylng bank charges-
ATM (Automoted Tellet Machine): a machine you can withdraw cash from.
Credit cod fee: marey you pay the bank every year if you have a credit card.

f,d O Listen to the conversation between the girl and a banker and tick the
things they talk about.
1' savings account 6 minimum balance
zl current account zll bank staternents
:! a student account a credit card
oE a cheque book n! ATM card
5f l overdraft facilltles 1o fl bank branches

. What kind of a.count does the girl decide to get?

a Now do Exercises B to E in the Activity Book.

Meet a banker

. Skim the text. What is the main topic? Choose the best description.
1 ll e dno rr1 0 mona lrd'r\'r. ndlp.
2 Whdl \oJ 1L.. \luo\ ,r \' 'ool io b'r o 1e d ba_ler.
3 What a banker's job is like.

,drother ofnv nxln nspo!siblttics work vith a cornPrnl' $tt nakes

$ to de.ide rl'hciher o. not to qre chernnal producs, for errnPle'

peofle or busincsses ioms Tln is lo! hNe to undca.and ho{ tld
orc u'4 the barh uscs thc morcl "nducrs
re nrde ud uscd. NIr
peorle put into dreir xccouts Th. ].ri. r'orl is $'ir| nrdivi.lurls

rnorer docoi snrpll sit therc but n .'nxll busin.s:es \rhar I

uscd to mrke
no'eY X{ml Ir ullL, e.io. rt"ur ihi- ;' '],.tr
teotlc lolns
need for r sPcclal I n !., r lrriic !t d,tlLretrt P.ofLe
poiect su.h as bu1iry a cu or r It i! also \,cn srtisiing to bc xble
house. \Ve also le,d ronel to to hch tlcm lvnh rne; t'.blcms
pcople 14rc wrnt to str thelr ort rnd nrfte rrtiffcrcncc in thcir lircs'
brsilesscs. It
is oiiet uP to me to
dccide !'heth.r tle |usincss is a Being i bdkc' requires m,nv
good .x or ror, L1d soin.tilres I diffc.e.t sliills. To begl. llLth. rou
nNt .r,&. suRqcsii,)ns to ;ntrort lNc to bc good at \hths ud,ble
tt& plm. lio, damPlc, if a nxr to rerd and urderstard -era|hs ud
aants to olEn !bookl.F on a suect ch.rts quictll: Anotber
tbn rlrcrdv hes :everal |ooklots' I sHl1 ]s |eug a|le to lvork
niglt {gger irat he otens it oo orhc, elten-r who can tou
dot|e! srred Erc he cr! get idpor nr i ;r.latlor' Whc. a

U.fo.tumtchl I ,1i.".-'r.F t lo.. to bur. house,

Ive bccn a banher for twern vcars cmnot ftx1s aPpove rlod Llbis ii for .aantLc. I necd to knoN xlott
the lilLre and stru.nre o{tfehouse
and I lore nl \\rhn nrkcs it
job. r diilcult lan of ir1 iob as I do not it
is the liLe to disTtojrt m-l clicrts. rnd u.lnt sort ofneighbourlood
priti.ulerh inrt.cst;ng j..
1s A stec;alist caD givc me Lhis
larienr I fN. to do man! different
nfornati.n. FinaLlv, I bukc.
tli.gs uJ ue a runber ol Sdne bxrkm wo* niostLr. rvitb
t'hile othcrs hrvc nceds to le t good co.rnuniotoi
.liffere'rt slills. No 6vo d$s dc 1a,ge conprnics,
mo,e to ilo rdth smrll bus;resses Your .]ic.ts nced ;ntormanon
cvcr thc sanc. l\'Ios i,nlortandv difcrent dnngs, some
mdi1,iduils. Botlr qPes of abolt
wc fat to c.n!in.e Pcotle to us. ald 'nr.r
ca. bc eijo]$le Baiks ofdrm qulte conpler' Thev rced
thc |xnk, a.d onc Nal to do this is bxoling
to offer nciv s€rrices. For e\anPle, th.rirc.kwi$
lfge.ornFD;es ca. r brLko who .d crtLa;r thesc
tliirgs clearh and q-lo ciiols
ve can rttr.cr itudc.ft bY o*eiing hell rhem ir;rore
rnd ertend
srudent x..ou.r\ lftle bank their busin.ssc:.
This .rn be rerY
t interesting rnd ercltirg, rs vou lave
is cltxc to unn'ersin or coilege. .rdl t.Gon ur oerru,n'on $I. n'rl'!
We also adr.ise pe.lle on tb. nost to te qu;te tno$lcdge.Lble xLott sk ofr protc\no rl, e g, r hrnl.eq or 'r
sftable accouns for thcl. nanr different subjccrs lf rrn

a Now do Exercises A to E in the Activity Book.


. What kinds of problems are these people having? 6d @ Listen to the

conversations and match them with the pictures.

6 G

. Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.

The big day

Read the e-mail and do Exercise A in the Activity Book. Then use the
(ontext to help you match the words in bold with these pictures.

iffiiiffi- f'
EE--rrrrirlGl 1;
E.lrr7rrlE \
ffinirrll?]lm I

_'---:==+=,=:'- gEi

Gless what? Tonorrow rs the b I da-vl My p ane eaves for London at 3.OO and soof j be ?b e to see al ihe sghts
we read abo!t n th€ gu debook

'!e readv lacLe.l m! suLtcase. rolqhtsomenewcothesafdacolpenioregudebooks L tr ed not to

pack too
mucn Uut t s otti her'y. Onre
p gearoEiqa.d'havetotakeataxi There s no wav I can carry t a I on tire
Underground! wonder how mlch yo! tLp iax drves n ErglandT

Last Monday weni lo the bark and got some travel er's cheques for mv trip Thev re g'eat becalse thev're saf€r
than.ash. siqne.lllr€ cheques ln o.; place:t the bark andwhen waht to buv soneth ns in Lordon haverosLgn
$e cheque aga n n front of lhe cash er' Th:t wav, nobodv e se ca. lse lhem
l,Iy bankertod nre tsho!d atso ger some ocalcurrency becalse not aiplaces take tmveleis cheques ' take my credr
c;rd too. Thafs a.cepted rtern;tona v but lcaf i rea Lj' use t to iip the tai dnver or trave round bv bls or Llndergrolndl
So w del ntey .eed sone cash r mi pocket. As you probabv know, manv countres n Europe lse ihe Euro blt in lhe UK
p"ope,." pornas. oo yo, kro$ the exchange rate between raq dna6 and polids? 'l 000 L'aq diaF s amdn 0 57
pounOs. Vy fater totcl me everrthng . L.ndon s erpensve, so l'lhale to be caEfu what spend'

' brngyoubackasorvehir.Letmek.ow f there's anyth ng pan: cu ar you d I ke me to let vo! Andkeep ntolch
Th€re s af nter.et cafe next to my hote so can check my e_mai whenever want

a With a partner, match the currencies and their names.

s ft*;l ql

"-". -ii

US dollar lapanese yen Austra ian dollar Chinese yuan lndian rupee
euro lraqi dinar Syrlan pound Saudi riyal Pakistani rupee
. Now do txer(ite5 B to E in the Activity Book

A car loan

6d @ Read and linen to the conversation.

Ahlom: Wowl ls that your car?

Nourr Yesl Nice, isn't it? I bought it
yesterday. Do you want to go for a
drive? We could go to the beach.
Ahlom: Sute, that's a great idea. l'd
love a car like this one. How did you
pay for it?

Nourj I got a car loan.

Ahlom:fhal's a good idea. Maybe
should do that. lf I got a car loan,
would I have to make a big down
Nourj No. I didn't pay any money in advance at all. ljust have to pay a certain amount
every month.
Ahlom:Ihal's even betterl But the monthly instalments must be pretty high. What
are they?

Nourj About 2 million lraqi dinars. lt wasn't that expensive, because it isn't a new car.
Abldnl lt looks newl
Noun The owner took really good care of it. lt's actually three yea6 old.
Ahlom: How larg do you have to pay it back?
Nour; Five years.
Ahlom:fhal's a long time. Won't it cost you a lot in interest?
Nour: Yeah. But it's worth it. This sort of car is a real investment. lt won't lose mon-.v.
n fact, it may even go up in value.

Ahlam: Well, I suppose it's more enjoyable than putting your rnoney in the bank and
waiting for it to earn interest! Maybe lshou d make an investment like this.
Nourj Here we are. The beach. Do you think I can fit into that parking space?
Ahlam: Surc. Uh, no, maybe not. (Sound of crash) Oh, no. I think one of your lights
is broken.

Nouri Luckily, the loan also includes free car insurancel

. Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.


Read the letters. Which is a letter of thanks? Which is an answer to a request

for information?

Horne Sawihgs Bank

(974) 4t59375

16 April,2013

Dear Mr Nasir,

enclosed the inlormalion you Iequested aboui

Thank you for youl letter 0f 10 April, 2013. Please find
our accounts,

are sent to clients three

I am haDov to inform you that all our sewjces are available onLine Passwords
ouv, .{r, i.'.",oLnt We also orovioF a 24-hoLr leleohone ba-k:ng sear'ce
Pl€ase contact me again if you need any more information

Yours sincerelY,

Fadi Malouf

''1"J' zor3

-lho"K€ i- Jour tetter c^J t\.e ?\.oto€ r! -r \.aJ a Jlitto\ ca_e.o) :! nou\J have
taKer <*e ?icturee) Ioo. 1'€ nice to,""ue 3".J vi..tte o^,1 p,t ir.e- o. d ldFop

r or ro: a
)a. o r,.e
.o)d ,a, a
a.e et I,o-r "o ^ Jo. .- : oe <o ..el..
',- a.--."^ .,-r _.
" ,o<te- .a_.". ..;J.
rt ,ro< Sreat {o €ee Jou dr rhe ?o+5 1 _ eor.J r coulJn,r <to5 for lo^.J.

F aree.1

. Now do b(ercises A to D in the Activity Book.

lesnn\ s and 9 q As l'lA 144

Making money

Read the title of the text. ln pairs, talk about what points you think might
be mentioned in the lext.

. Now read the first sentence of each paragraph and check your ideas.

vtaKtn0 more money

Saving for the future is Flrlanc ally-mjnded PeoP e UK al the mornent. People are
sornething that ls instllled in us \\rho fo ow ihe markets invest begnning to see the ,ralue ol
from an early age As children, in stocks and shares For buyng up propeftY to rent out
we to spend all our
leaTn not nany, thjs can be both a The rent pays the nstalments
pocket rnoneY at once but to hobby and a way of making a on the oaf or morigage, and
pui some aside to buy loi of money lt's risky a ilren when the lnvestor needs
something b gger ater on. busness, however, and there the money he or she can sel
When we stad woTk, we are are no guarantees. The major up and realize the Profit. Tfr s s
encoLrraged to put rnoney lnio players ln thls game are th-' pad cu ary PoPUlar wth
pension pans to save for our speciallsts. You can certa nly peope who inhert an amount
ret Terfent so that \,!e can lose a oi of money as we as of money \!ho vr'ani to do
continue to enjoy a good galn !t, and lt s noi the answer more wth the money ihan let li
standard oi ivlrg when vr'e for peope who need a Jlxed st n a sav ngs account.
are olde: sum at the erd of the r Ho\,vever peop e choose to
ne e are man\ ,^/ays rl nvestment perlod. nvesi tfrelr money, wheiher t
\'^J r ch vre can make our [4oney can aso be rnade ls n savlngs accounts Penso-r
moneY v'/ork for us. Banks ihrough lnvestlng in ProPetY. pJans siocks and shares or
lnfofir us of dlfJerent types ol Spendlng a loi of rnoney to property, etc , t ls rnore
savings accounts, wlth more begln wth can bring slgn fcant senslbe than keeping lt n a
or less Interest the onger vr'e proflt if ihe propedv is so d on box under the bed as oLlr

leave our money wllh them. ai a later date \,,rhen ProPedY grandparents often used to do
Some savings accounis sult prces have increased Once And alihough some Young
reg!lar savers, others are agan, there is no guarantee people cannot see the value ln
more appropr aie for ihose of thai you will make a Proft or savlng for ther old age \^/hen
us who wish to invest a llxed elen bTeak even, but generaly they are stlli in ther t$ienties,
suTn Savings accounts speaklng, money lnvested ln there are a loi of retlred People
benefit peope who do not property s safe in the iong loday who wish they had done
need io access this money, tern. t is th s iYPe of more wth iheir money when
and lf \ ie can forget t s there investment that ls beconllng ihey were younger.
so much the better rnoTe and more poPU ar ln the

a Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.

{.mstT 7
What can I study?

a Discuss the following three questions with a partner Use the pictures to prompt
your discus5ion.

i Why do people study after they've left schoo ?

2 What can peop e learn when they've left schoo ?

3 Where do they earn?

Write your ideas in the Activity Book, Exercise A.

Read what these people are sayinq and add more information to your lists.

I can't find a l'm enrolled on I want to take I'm a scientist.

job that really a language a summer class. I attend
interests me. I sent rny
I think I need to I love to travel. application
learn new skills yesterday but a year to hear
to enhance my I'm worried I about what
chances of other scientists
getting a good admitted. are doing.

m Now do Ererclses B and C in the A.tivity Book.

A language school

{t Read the brochure. Does it give you the information you need to choose a course?
{, Now do Exercise A in the A(tivity Book.

LANGL,AC]L SCHOOL Improve your language skills
Why take our classes?We can help you:
. Lrretarc ior lannursc sdDs
. improve vourjob
. lcdD dbolt orher cltrlres

We offer:
. ,{.rbi., Dnghl\ Stturjsh, French, Chincse
. small classes (10 strdenrs md;mtrtu)
. CDs, DVDs and a conprter roon
. irrensivc exam treparatjon for quick rcsults

To erol:
. phemelr Gsts ar mandatorv to heJ; rs setccr thc right level tbr iou
. recrsicr,r person o, oilitrc rt drc end of-dr nnndr
. course fees: hall x nj]ll)n tilqi dinars for 28 h.urs (.h$es mcet t1{.ice x weet )

!D Complete the rules

future continuous going to future simple present continuous present simple

s Use the for fir(ed arrangements.

l'm meeting Hasan at 7.00.
e Use the for a fixed time in the future where the
focus is on the action.
At 7.00 l'll be sitting in my English closs!
o Use the for schedules.
The closs storts qt 6.0A.
o Use + infinitive for plans and intentions.
l'm going ta wark on my English a lot this yeor.
for predictions.
l'll get o better job marc quickly.

6 Now do Exercises B and C in the Activity Book.

Improve your computer skills

o Discuss in pairs the kind of computer skills you feel it is important to learn.

3 Read the article below and see which computer skil15 are mentioned.

. Now do Exercises A and B in the Activity Book.

Work Today
There are many ways n whch P€op e wth these sk s can he p
you can lmprole your job create llustrallons for pub shers
prospects. One of tlrem s to or advertisng agences, or work
take complrter c asses n teevison Casses in web
Computers are used in more design which teach how to
and more llus nesses, and mosl create and ma ntan a company
jobseekers shoud be fam iar webslle are becom ng more
wlth basic cornpLrler prograrns. and more popular
Learning new computer sklls
cen aso hep you change Whlle computer classes are a
careers, and ilre n!mber of pad of many universty
peope enro ng n computer programrnes, you don t have io
classes s incrcaslng be a student lo take a computer
cass. Many Lrn vers t€s ofler
Depend;ng on the cass ihey cont nuing educalon classes
choose, students can learn that you can take n the even ng.
basc or more advanced There are aso an fcreasng
computer sk s Casses that nur.ber of onlne classes that
teach the use of spreadsheets you can take from home. The
are popu a! since spreadsheets advanlage of these classes ls very good F naly ifyou are very
are used in many busnesses to that you can siudy whenever self-d;scipl;ned, and can work
show ifformaion n table form. you wani. f yoLr decide to take a wihout ateacher you can buy a
For exarnpe, spreadsheets are cass onlne, make sure yoLr get book about computers and
very oflen used io show financra informalion about the slte lhal s teach yourself bL.rt exp anat ons
fformaton Phoiographers and offering the cass. Some are can sometimes be quite
afists may wani to take c asses exce eni and can hep you g€t a cornp ex and need practca
n dig ta graph:c design better lob lrut others are not

o Now do Exercises C to E in the Activity Book.

Summer courses

{,r Read the catalogue to find the answers to Exercise A in your Activity Book.

Gourse eatalogue: summer courses

vve.0rrer a.wtde range of courses for people
who want lo change iobs, get a better job or
study lor pleasure. To enrol, please complete
the application fo;m at tf,, *l i"rrf"g"".
Gomprltels: Brs c w€b des qr "i,f,"
ye.Le or /rre Drtes i Md!
ia tA A.i.,r)--t
."r 'oo,o.-o...oo"o /.oo" q.
^ - ".q".o
1 -1-:-p .".g rp. "o,"
English: Eng sf lor wort

Th s .olrrse s for peoLr e ,h a qood e et of Eng sh

who !,vant ro learr voc6b, ^ury |liy can ,ie ur
English: Pr0tecl ng our envir0nfir€nt
rrn e/slly dertrrtrs Drias rrd a//resr 23 & 2q June
^o-oa o . o-op.
6 rdarooo ' ., o . o. .l
:1.:-"-:" d - ooeo o
proreclrnq o!r er, i onme.r
English: Secrerarta sk h

! : io tl1tt.da\ 9aa l20a -o '

D" o-o e

i.-1:: ". .o Woo oo,o o.

. p..opo..6.00.
ro efn.nre /o!r" ob p ospe ts ^oooo,\€

6l Study these two sentences from the listening:

I thought I would study histary ond become o teocher.
Next, I think I will study business.
Th;nk about Nisrin's attitude to the future in the two sentences. She talks in
one about what her views on the future used to be and in the other about
her current views on the future.

6I When we talk about the future from the point of view of the past, we
use the past form of vert s that we usually use to talk about the future.
I will study ... t)ecomes lwould study ...
I om going to study ... becomes I wos going to study ...
I om tlLtdJiag... becomes I wa\ ttudtiag .

@ Now do Exercises B to D in the Activitv Book_

Volunteers at the
Children's Hospital
Discuss the following questions in pairs:
. What is a volunteer? . Whydo peope volLrnteer?
. How can you find volunteer work? . What can you learn from vo unteering?

0r Read the three paragraphs and make notes in Exercise A in the Activity Book.

-ihece have bedn a lot o€ naluc€t aisastor5 rn the last €er3*rs, and thl made oe rmtize A ,;an+ed to

do so,nerhrr5 thai ,,rootd hetp o*ec peopte. I I

das.\o'nlto bacoi\e a loloileer,
dec;ded then rhat
,,.,ocr,no €oJan ocaan,zat,on r'rho,r oenaoo'd. I toolz+d ar lnterner sireio qer ato,t
JJJIJ "foc.ar,o"
rolontelr oppoct,,rnriie:. I sad that the Chitdcen s Hosp tal nerded {oc rna'g d'C{ecentybs,
sucn a5 D,a\,S-rn rhe ch:ldcei,S.,t Da r'enis direc+'ons and tgi3Gttec:. Ln a Lbra",ar, ro I
dec,ded lo ;t,Jrtee" *o rorL ,n 'l^e hospnal l,ocac5 I oSrtze lne ned cat book. ard nasz,ms +4.
the dociocs and nors6 cead. I also soper-vr* lp11 ,otunteecs, so I nor have nanSelrenr :krtt: a: ,;etl
ds librat aL,,t1. Ih. eioe"ence has heloed oog:1 aloD'r,th nore.e)po^SbJ't'es.

j- J\6,!,.o.< c\a o"J l- 1-odrol"g r" !-\.e <?rinl I lhi^h ! -i1ht "rdnt ro oe .
r'- vc\u^tee.i"q at the c\.,i!,'e^'€ uo€?itdl to \.e\? -e
"-..", U"rt l'- "o!. eu.e
JecrJe rf ;..Ki"l ,. a ho€riloi 13 tf.e .i.lf.t gcb !c. -e I ro.K d ;ou.-f,ou. €.\.iit)
cnE.ierlnl lF€ pr.c"e: a"l irio.-ar,roc lo ?dltenlE o.d tf.eir ?a.ent<. allho!1\.
1 J."'t ;. rFal nlr<es io, t x.A nrtf. lhe- d I.l 4"J t"lh ro t\.e- dboul hci.
gob A< c .ecull, I - -.\erti"1 a ve.,r locJ iaea o! ot ol a "u.<e < Jaq ,< \iKe l
.ed\lq e^Joj -j j.b, ."" I ve -aie o \ot c:.
"er i.ienl<, loc ri a.(.^e .ianl<
lo !,o volu"tee. -Jo'K) I dJrse tr.e- tc co"locl a .!.c.ilf, l!.er o.e i"le.c<ic,l

'tther, I slaied volunleerE:l lle hospi.:J, I s3nl a ial al I'o,e -iA .lAe cAlJ,en. Beng ;11 ;s

fun, bul cA,ld'en *n gel sca'ed wAen *Aey;re in a Aosp'tal and I wanled la ,ake ll'e,,
feel be\e.. I wenl lo .s} lle,' ,n lle. mo-: and played 'v'll lAem and read tAer slorle.:.
Afte,llal,I ga! a dffe.ent 'olunlee. yb w.l,.g a4 c)es n tAe Aospt:l newslellet ,le lwo
ybs are very d,ffe,enl. t'o l!'en, vau ha,e la e.1oy -ol'<rg w'll peopie, wle,eas
"oJ w'11 cA
lo 'v"L yau la,e Ia be abJe Io wo.l< on your own. I mlss wo.l,19 wlh lhe clid,en, buI
on lle A:s l:u9A1 -e u 1ol of sL;lls.
",o.1'ng "ewsle#e. ".'v
@ Now do Exercises B to E in the Activity Book.
Learning experiences

. 6d O Listen to five people talking about their learning experiences. Find the
name of each speaker.


o Now do Exercises A to C in the Activity Book.

Books and the Internet

Read about essays that express opinions in Exercise A in the Activity Book.
What do you say in the body of the essay?

A On the ohole, I think that the .Lntecnet is recj r-rse€t-rl i$j>,,r rrant io5>tSenecat

in{oi-mation abool a topic. 6ot lfjco ceal\ oanl io leacn, a book is bettec.

6 !4!@ the at-r'thors o{ ,,rebsiies, the aothocs o€ booE; ace eal io identi\. ilt
is theie€oce easiec to decide if a hooE is cetiable.6ooLs alsojreSo oore
in-depth in€ormation than the .Intecnet becacrse theX ace lor5:r' than the iexts
on oost "rebs'tes. In addit;on to h6\in( rnore content, qou can cead a book
----T osinq the
ohecevec doo ace. Altho(nh Iniecnel ,s conven,ent, i' is becooinq easiec
r\ -J J
toS)t books oithoot lear;5gow hone ocdecir3 theo onl;ne.
C Wi-th the arrival of ihe Intemei, some people thor-r3frt ,,.re ooold not need books
anX lor5rc, bt-rt people ace 6iitl b$r3books and boccooir5 hool:s €com the
libcal ingreai nr.lmhers. In ihis eraaj ! rrill took- at sone o€ fhe advanta5:s
and disadvanta5>s of osirSthe Iniecnet and bo$r5books.

One of the main advania5> o€ the .Iniecnot is ihai it ii convenient. ?oo do not

nerd io5 to the bookshop or.the lihrar5 l€j>,-r hare an Internet connection,

can3rt infocmation €com home at ar5 time. -ihe Iniernei lets jroS:t
in{ocmation €com a lot of di€€ecent ;oocce;, foc instance, €com articler, €rom
explanations in an online encjclopedia, oc even €co,'r chattirs dith othec people

aboot a ro\ect th6t inleresis joo. Oncejco hale an In+e.nel conneciion it it

also cheapec ihan b{5booEs. Hou.tever, ihe dif€erenf so,-rcces ol infocmation
ace not aloals reliable. Peopte can ddle iJhatevei tht dant on their debsite,
and ii is not aloags troe.

m Now do Exercises B to E in the Activity Book.

Le55onsSand 9 g AB l61 169

Using the library

Read the text and choose the best title.


d, Read one paragraph and then explain the content in your own words.

gave people in{ormation about their

When I left school, I started working for a bank l
I decicled it wasn't what I
accounts ana casfreO cheques l enjoyed it for a while, but then
quite tike a iob which involved
*ui t. a. ro.ar,","st of my tife. I had this idea that twoutd or what I needed to study'
iru*ffing. ffo*uu"n I didn't know what sorts of iobs there were
regularlv to look-for inlormation that
ioi J"i"a "o-lng to the Central Library ot Baghdad people like me'
might help me. I w;s astounded by the help that is available lo
The library has a range of inforrnation for learn another language, too. ln addition to
oeoD'e w1o are tool^,rg for rhe r'ghl ca'eer. information about the classes, the
jts own materials to help rne
i'r.itu *'"r"s a wl_oe secrio,l o' boo^s also has a lot of
do thls. lt has books in Eng lsh, and also lets
aboui djtferent careers. They describe the rargLage l'arn'ng
varjous jobs and also tell you whai skills or vou borrow DVDS w'rn
qJa f cat'ons you 'leed 1o do lnem ' ve beel qames ard ererc ses. T']ev have l"'or^ aI'on
rakir q a o'fle'ent oool. oLt eac,l wee(. ' s aDo rr lanquage tesls. and p'acl'ce ooo(s to
really raterest 19. A lol oI rne tin'e we ollv hep prepare for exaaninations if you need
rnink aooLt the tobs lrar we ofien h'al the qualifications.
about, but there are so many unusual jobs
around. And wth new technology. new jobs Arotl_er importalt sectior at the 'iorary is
are appearing all the time There are also Its daily selection of newspapers and
books with advice on how to find iob magazines. I look through these to find iob
vacancies and also how to prepare for and offeTs because ii's good to know what jobs
qei through interuiews. l've learnt a lot about are available. lalso look at interestlng job
how impoitant body language is in an sites on the lnternet. The librarians have told
inler./iew and also how to look businesslike. me 1ow 10 get I formal'on aooLll compan cq
They expLajn how to write a good CV too, I can find out where they are, what they do
whjch is reallY imPodani. and how bjg they are. This wjl be useful
information when I decide to app y for a new
lf I need to learn new things or take extra iob. l'rn sure allthis research will pay off and
qualificatons. I can get information about ihat one day lll/ill have my dream job And it
classes at the library, too. They have some will al be thanks to the library
school and college cata ogues, and there are
computers where I can look for information
about evenlng and summer classes lhadn'i
realjzed there were so many different things
I could study! Sinee I want to travel' l'm sure
I'll need better language skills, so Idefinitely
need to improve my English, and maybe

! Now do Exercises A to C in the Activity Book.

Our natural resources

a Look at the pictures. Which are natural resources?


. With a partner, disctlss the following:

I What other natu.al resources can you think of?
2 What do we use them for?
3 What problems are caused by the way we use some of them?

a Skim-read the texts and match each paragraph to the most appropriate photograph'

H t"n,r"t l.."our""" materials that are found in nature A t water, land and lrees are all natural
resources, as are "re
peiro and gas. we use natura resources in hundreds ot d fierent ways For example,
we use land to grow food and water to drink We use petrcl and gas for energy Because lhey are so
essentialto hlrman life. natural resources must be used wlseLy.

f, Some naturu resouTces are renewable. Thls means thai they do nol d sappear completely when ihey
are used, or that they can rep ace thernselves as qu ckly as they are Lrsed Trees are a renewab e
resouTce because Tnore trees can be p anted and grow. Some resources, however, are nonrenewable
These cannot replace themseves as quickly as they are used. Petrol is considered a nonrenewab e
resource becaLrse it takes thousands of years io form, We know ihat nonrenewable resources mLrst be
used as efficiently as possible, and we must concentrate on developing other methods oi using
renewab e resouTces, s!ch as energy from the sun.

E Somet mes, tt *ay we use natural esources can harm the envlronment Coal and petrol cause greenhouse
gases that contribute to globa warmlng. Another potentia ly disastrous aci vjty is ihat large n Lr nrberc of trces
are cut down by larmerc or logging companles, and new ones cannot grow fast enough to rep ace them'
Thls process s called deiorestation, and endangers the habltats of other plants and many anima s
Destruciion ofthe prev ously peniiful rainforesis is padiculady worrying. as these trees are the source ol
much of ihe wodd! oxygen. Fodunately, scentisis are find ng ways 10 rnit damage to ihe environment
when these resources are used. bui a lot of work si I needs to be done

. Now do Exercises A to D in the Activity Book.

Recycling waste

. Look at the piatures. What do these products have in common?

a Read the text and check your predictions.

Deolng wlh wosle o mojor problem ln most

s ploce lheir wosle n some c lies lhey use
countres. Slolislcs show lhol eoch person n green bogs for poper {envelopes, newspopers,
nduslr ol countes lhrows owoy on overoge of h^?o wri ng poper ond so on), ye ow for p osl c
kiogroms of wosle eoch doy. Thols14kgoweek, lposTjc boiT es, ploslic bogs, eic I, bue for g oss
or more lhon 700 kg o yeorl Ths wosle js oflen ond brown for boogico wosle (food ond
burnl or buried under lhe eoirh ihese rnelhods gorden wosle).
bolh couse polulon Slreoms ond rive6 ond even
lhe seo con be poluted try bured wosfe. Todoy more ond more peope ore recycling lher
wosle ln some counldes, more thon 50% of
One soulion s lo encolroge people lo recyc -o wosle h recyc ed G oss, poper ond p oslic con
lire r wosle A s mple methocl is lo g ve eoch o I be used ogo n, both soving money ond
home d fferenl'coloured pioslic bogs n whch lo helping lo prolecT lhe envronmenl

Do Exercise A in the Activity Book. fd @ fnen listen to a description of how

waste can be recycled. Complete the flow chart with words from the box.

Col erl ( ean u,P tafP pla(e (Fpar,lc

It k a1l
Waste is sorted at home. + in different bags. +

It is a!,i It is i!.r to
in special ma(hines. :l into differenl types. a waste treatment plant.

Class, paper and plastic are
io) asain.

a Now do Exercises B and C in the Activity Book.

A renewable resource

Look at the pictures. Then, with

a partner, discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of wind power.

Scan the article and the letter

tind one advantage mentioned in
the article and one disadvantage
mentioned in the letter.

The wind is a ratural resource tliat people have been n11, re land under die ruLbhes can siill be used
rr' nq fo'rnorr. o oi\.-r,.'"op- r. ,r .d r. o
porvcL sailing boats alL over die wodd, and h *as used
ni Europc for a long tlne to grnrd corn nrto llour foL Wind poner does heve some disadvanrages, horvever.
b e. . \o" " h..r d.\ctoPcd Pcople s'ho live nerr rhe rurbines find then
proiide clecrriciw ftL many odrcr purposes. un.ftracrive. and rhink rhey spoil rlre landscrpe. ILre
, ,b,,e. ,e ",^."id,o Le qu,e "i ) "l-hough ,i
The mah advanrage ofwnrd power is tliat n is cLean qufte possible that new technologies nay nake rhen
enerpx. Vind power doesri produce anv nrte or quleter in the fumre. The.e ;s rko .t lor of expense
qr, ",,l,ou e q ."\ c .. e' . d\. ,". P . h" i involved i insralling and maintaining rhe wind
renoable. V/nrd is caused by changing ternperatures tu$ires. Final\, rvind rurb;nes cannor supp\.aJ1 of
in the air, and ir vill never run out. Fnralll', wind oui ene.gy needs, so rve will always haic ro rely on
tv"riln e,',.81...e w:nd u :e.Je1,,.,e additional sources of energy.

am wrt ng about the governmert's plan to build a wind farm off the coast. th nk this p an s
rid culous. Wind turb nes are incr€djb y l]g y and rea y no sy, and I can understand $rhy people
don\ want them on and. But that is no reason to put them n the sea! Peope who live on the
coast want a ve!! of the ocean, rot of a w nd farnr. Some scentists say wind pow€r s clean
energy and s good for th€ environmert, but it's certain y not good for the birdsl Hundreds of
them fly into wind turbines and dje €very year. They're also bad for flshing. They scare away th€
fish. I am a flsherman With a small boat and I can't go into very d€ep waters to catch fish. tf th s
wind farm project is conrplet€d, lwon't be able to earn a livlng any more a'rd lwon't be the only
one. Fira y, 've heard that wind turbines might nterfer€ with the radars on boats. f that's true,
the turbin€s could cause dangerous acc dents at s€a. Sure y th s project can't go aheadl

I Now do Exercises A to E in the Activity Book.

Careers connected
with the environment
. Match the jobs with the illustrations.
t f ] nea th, safety and environment manageT
z l -..] recyclinq coordinator
3 ! water qua ity planner
4 | park ranger

. Match the jobs above to the job descriptions.

tr i:ilrr,ilt.-S',j.itr: ir!.:i_ii::i.r' 1i "irs ,1,:-;':.. r . . a.! :,j a i (., .i iei ii ,:j ll rI r i,, ii
i :.'. :

Makes sure a factory is following regulations to keep people

and the environment healthy-

Encourages people to sort their rubbish. Gives people

information about where to put glass, plastic and paper

Collects information about animals in their natural habitat.

Enforces laws for protecting them.

6d @ Listen and check your answers.

Now do Exercises A to C in the Activity Book.

Lessons 5 and 6: AR l7R lrl

The Euphrates River

. Look at the photos. What do you think the article will be about?

. Read the article and write a headinq for each section.

The Euphrates River, which ls 2,800 km long, is the longest river in the Nliddle East. lt
begins n the Caucasus lvlounta ns, and flows through Turkey, Syria and lraq. The upper
part of the river runs through steep gorges and cannot be used for navigation. The lower
part of the river is quite shal ow, so only smaller boats can use that. ln souihern lraq,
the river joins with the llgris River to form the Shatt al Arab, whlch then flows into the
Arabian Gulf .

The area between the ELrphrates River and the Tgris River, in what is now lraq, was the
birthplace of some of the ear lest civi izations ln the world. At that tlme, the river was used
for trafspoar, and some of the most famous ancient cities were built on the banks of the
Euphrates. The rulns of anc ent BabyLon can still be seen near the river. Today we can see
some important modern cities, such as An Najaf n lraq, along the banks of the river.

Theriverisan important natura resource forthe region. All three countries have dams
on the river. The Euphrates dam jn Syria forms a reseryoir that is used fo[ irrigat ng
cotton crops. lt also has a hydroelectric power plant, which uses the water to operate
turbines that generate electrlcity. Thls plant is extreme y important, as tsuppliesa
large percentage of Syria's electrlcity. ln Turkey, the Ataturk Dam is the largest of a
series of twenty-two dams that are planned on the Euphrates and lgris rivers. ln
addition to providing hydroelectrlc power, it prov des irrigation for crops such as cotton,
wheat, barley and lentils. The dam has created a lake that is also used for sail ng and
other water sports, and it holds a famous water sports festival every year.

. Now do Exercises A to C in the Activity Book.

Grammar and Functions Reference

a) Samiw.rked very are lan night lr4/e ore rorr,.g oro,l ore
.r..eon whe. SoniNatke.l lot. )
a Past simple and past continuous (poge 7) b) Fuad uied to work late (Fuatl wa/xed lare tot a white,
but he L1oeift tu.tk l.tc n.|| )

a To say it is necessary
to do something (pdge 7Z
Use the pan jinp e ro ta I about linis]€d a.t ons.r ritLations Llrem!n, ,e.d ro or hdr? lo+ nfniule. To mate a qleniof
with m!n, plt nrljl beioE Lhe subl€.t
E{onpler Mult you eare s. soon?
Io ma[e a quett on w th h.re to, ute d.] did + nrbie( +

Ero,nplzr Do you have to be l3 to qet a d ver's l.en.€?

To say it is important NOT to do something

(page 17)
Us€ the Fan .onl nuou5 to ta I about an action $al was tak r9
Exonpler Yo! na6ln't drv€ ro 1an when Lhe roads are wet
P a.e at a speciic fine I the pa5t, orwaj nledupLed by

To say it isn't necessary to do

llrad d nnerwth Ali alt n ghl. f/rriJbed d.tio,) something (pdge 17)
At / o.lo.[ last n]ght wa5 do nq hom€work.
Lrs€ dorl rdr t + il]f n tive .t .eeth't + nlti:i rp
lo.ttan Lhat\|ostuknrg pki.e.t o spe.ili. tine)
TheJ' dro're 10 the hoipira mnred arey ili,iJh€d,.r'o,) ' YoL doi t t.
wajh the car roday tt ooks very c ean.
lvas drvln! tD the hospita whei h)' mob € phone ranq ' Aba needn 9o to
L the sLpennadet today be.a!5e
(o.tian lhat ||ot rnteiupted by anarlret a.i.n) ua.a weft ye(erday.

. Past simple and used to (poge 1 1) . Civtng advice (page 18)

Ite j/t.rt,l ,LDlnL to gt p d d d+ tor aJ .e

u5e !jdd r. + nflntivetotakaboursituariors and repeare.l

a.tons in the past that are no onger rrLe or r. ionger happen

a Making polite requesrs (pdge 18)
U5€ these exp.eslo.s 10 make polt€.equesG
. l4/.r/d rcu+ inn.iuve.. ?
. ao!/d you+ lnrlnlnv€ ..? . Conditional senten.es (page 27)
. Cd, tou+ infirriUve ?
. Mrfl+ nf i live...? ThereareloLrmaln corditonalsltri.ture5 n Engi5h: thezero
.onditional, therirst.onditional, therecond.onditional and
. yo! qet me a drnk of water? the thnd condilional.
. Could yo! ihow meyour pa$Po ? Con.liuona (tu.i!re5 rave two calses: the tlcaLs€, and lhe
. Ca. yor open you 5!ft.ase, pease? maln cause.Ihe il.alse.an be pla.ed al the beqinf nq or
. May Lree your lcketi, Please? the end of th€ senle.ce. f lt.omes flEt, it 3ho!ld be sepaEted
lrom the na n. ar se by a comma.

a Making suggestions (pdqe 78)

Ll!e these expresons to nal(e slgqesuoxi

. tr., h€ + iifLnltne...?

. l{e.ould + nfln tive

. Shal {e nreet al 3 00 n tlre departue lounqel

. Lefr wat.h Lhe lilm
. We.o! d take a taxito th€ a rport ifyo! ke.

u5e these expr.$iofs to make offe6:

Llse thezeo.o.dillona when the a.tof n the ma n.ause i5
a waysltu€ when the l. aLs€ s ttue:
Jholl/+ .fniuve Exodplej fyou.l.l o. this icon, rhe.ompLter save5your
' ..?
do.um€nt. frrery t'ne llr./'.k.n thit i.ah, Ih. .anpotet
soves y.r da.unenL.)
. r,{o! d yo! lrke a.!p or.ofiee? Lrse th€ f 6t cond Lionalwhen yoL th nk the l. ause is ikey:
. Sha open the w ndow? E\anpb I , -o n. .,old F.
. helpyou wnh your srit.a5e (lthink t\ likelf thot iI wil be sunnt tonan.w)

Ll5e the s€.ond.onditioia to

make senten.€s about eve.ts
thar arc not lik€, mpo$ibie or untrue in the presenl or turtuie
a Should and rhorldn't for expectation fxo,npl€i lf I had €nough mone, I wou d bly a car
(l dor't have enolqh mone, so .a.'1 bly a .ar.)

sror us€ th€ th rd .ond tonaL Lo ta k abolt imaqlnary €v€nts a.d

t)se 5hortd or shaul'1nI + ntinitve to saywhatyou expe.t
fxanpier I we had knoan aboul tlre pobenr yesterda, we
r .ou d hale so ved it lan nighl. (Dut de di.tn1kn.|| about
Yo! stldied a ot,soy.u shor d qet a good mark on
the tu.bten fettetdaf ta@ didnl tolte n bst night )
. Shou dnt she be here by now?
, we shou dn t 9e1 osl. \^/€ have a CPs system in olr.ar

. Compound nouns (poge 44)

Compound nouns arc no!ns lhat are nrade !p ol tlvo erEt ng
words. Some .ompoLnd .ourr are wrtten ar.1€ word, odied
o . d.o F""l,Pt"."d
. a Port Gn + por.)
' Fat be t Geat + belr)
. crp kG +p k)
. pon offi.€ (pon + ofii.€)

a Present perfect simple + evet/nevet/just/ . Present perfect simple and past simple
alrcody/yet (poge 45) (page 17)
tke.re, and ,er.rrilh the present perfe.t s mpe to ta I llj,. the pr€jent p€rfe.t slmple to talk abort i nralo.s thal
abolt ylur re erperen.e. Llj€ reLr.wth n€gatve narementi 5tarre.l i lr€ pan and .onunu€ now t i5 .llen used ,rilh
and .r.r w th queslon!. words rle Lrard ii,...
. Sabah has nev€r llave ed outsde ot raq . Ma[k has !€d r Baya fof tef yea{
. Ha!. !ou e!er bo!ghl airplan€ ti.keti on nel
trj.lhe prejent Ferfe.t5lmple to talk ab.!t ere.t trrat to!k
use trr\r'rh tho presenl perferl lmp E to ta I abour a.toni pa.e i. a t rne thar rarnl fnrhed t n.tten !s.d wlh orar
that have fntrhed lery r€.e.d_v (e 116
f€dr and r.drf
. Aki ha5 iurt lrot ba.[lrom ho iday . I harEn't seen sam th5 momnrg.
tke.t odl,aid !.rw rh 0re present perfe.t slnFle io talk use lhe pan simp e t. ta I ab.!t evcnt! lliat nafted an. Jir nred
.bo!t a.tons that happenelj if a tinie !p unt nov Llie I lhe pan tiioften used(itr words lrie rrjl re.i and ,, 1].d ddc.
olr.rdf t. iuqgest trat somelh.!r happen€d soon€r than . They eft ror EqypL an Tuerday.
Eipe.t€d Lrre f.t to make qlcit oij oi negiuve sralemerts
.bo!t an a.uor that ir erFe.ted to happef
. Kamaland Ma k are eav.9 n sx months and they hare . Past pefiecl (poge 48)
akeady bo.led th.n ti.lersl
. lave you bouqhlyolr ti.[ets yet?
. raven i pa.l€d ni! ruit.as€ yet. I m going to do it lon'qhl

a Present pedect conlinuous + for/since (poge 46)

Haveihos+ bEen+ she hasbeen nrlmm rg

Prese.l Pa l. p€ if the pool

u'hen yo! are ulk n9 about two elents n the pJsr, u5e the
pan rerre(l Lo Glk about tne ev€nt nrat lrappe.ed ftn Llse
the pan s rnp e 1o t. k aboll Lhe .trer eveft
. u/e had to bq/ new.iothes be.aure the anine hrd on
UsE lhe pr€reft terre.l s mpe.nd the pres€nt Feil€ct
.ont n!oLs t. ta k ab.!t a.r ons or stares rrat nafied if the . lwas watin! n the che.k n ne lvh€n I rca zed I had
pajt buL a to re ate to the Fre5eftj e th€r tiey .Dnt fue, or lDrg.tler my pa$porr.
the! hale an efle.t on nre pres€nt
. hale b€€n lvorl nq a day Llre the pan 3 np e, nol th€ pan p€rle.t, whe. ret€ in9 a
rerle! ot event in oder
(.nd l'tr :til \|.Jtkirg)
, $'e !ro\red the aq€nt our boardnig pas€s and got.n
hare nappetltuatking os I on lnet!)
U5e the !rerent perl€.t slnpe Lo talk about n3res, \rith verbs ' bolqht some poncard5, the. left ba.l lo my hote.
lke {ro( ii{e. b.and rn./PrtfirJ
. lhare ln.wn Atf lor L€nyea^.
Ll5e 1li€ present perie.t .ont iLou5 to ra I abo!t a.tions. Defining and non-defining relative clauses
. ye b€en sropp fq. tlhat li.ve yo! been do r!r? (poge 50)
Ute lhe pr€seft perte.l r nrpe and the pre5e.t pcrre.l Reatve.auis are. a!5o that 9!e more ffonnat oi ab.ur a nD!n.
.o.t nuous !!itr lor af d Jir.. to ta I abolt h.r onq lrit r a rcatre ponoln su.h d 4ho, llrdt or l .h.
They oiLen beg n
Jotrrelh nq hai tLeen tr!e. . [e hotes that have a $v m]n f! pool
Ll5e lor whe r tal(.!r abo!t a perod ol Inre, ror,p:anrp e !! th Defl. i!l rc ati're.La!5ei gve nfcdi.r Dn abDUt the no!. thal
prra5es re ,ld.itlre..l,yJ, t||. h.r., c lang tin?. 5 nc.e$ary to ufde{tand the 5enten.€.
. have be.n ook ig ror you lor Lhree houE. . Th€ maf frho own5 5arar Tou6 ii or n/ rongrit.
Ure rtrewrien rles.rb nq io.rethi.q Lhat begrn al a pdrt.! ar ' .. a aa ag
poift n l nr-o,lor eiampe r!th phras.s ke 2,,J,ldrr.r, ne..\on/ tat ,t Ia Nndeatond ||hrh nan I gahq ta be .n rv )
lestetd.f. u'r' bifthdaf, and..u t nle t. the preienL
. we have been .om n.J hee ior our ho days since 2002.
. The boy whose book iotrowcd 5 n my.!a$ flle reltri€
.to6et.ll: rt ||hi:h hay the tpeaket ntalki.g obart ) Llre the pa$ire iorm !!hen tou dof t tnovr who n !'ari.tnr nll
Tfe rclaule pron.unslou.an !r ln a det..!l r. atNe. ause at: an arL.i !r you.lont thlnl n! ver! impodant to iif !ro t (
. My.heque bo.k was slo ef yeiterday l'n. jpeoidr.oej"l
. that and whi.h for tlrlngs
E)" o . o . odLd "o'
. whore t. shovr p.$e*lon (ll..or gt45 th.t n)e bank.h.qet the l.e, t. it in't tetf
n.pattont to nentnnthn h the tent.n.e )
Nor dcnnifg r€atNe.auier glve add t..aiLln. mau.n about
Lhe.o! r, but nre not...e$ary to helplou !fderstand the U!," the pasve t.rm vrth lfltyo! want t.lo.us on the
re len.e There are.omnrai beiore and atler non det r ng a.L.n, bll(llwant tD say nho perro ned t
' Tr 5 b I was pa d ast vreek by niy rather
. Sam,rrohasieler.ttthe.ounln s goig to Enqand
for liis horiday flh. r€l.tiva.rortre gLfts nt tetthg fiam.n.n
.ba sara, brti: n.t ne.etotylot D\ t. unt1.t:t.n.l Nha
. The slfbeam rot€,!!h.r r!Er!.loselolhebEa.r, srhe
ben hote n tow.. lnr. r€rdlr€ .loote gire5 u. nat? iilamoti.h
ob.rt the h.iel, brt the .enten.. traoil nial. sefie with.Jut iL )
a Future simple (pdge 55,
The rcanre p Dnor tyou .af lre in no. rleiiii'r! reatvE
r ausej are tre rame aj ior def n nq relau!e.la!5e5i er.ePt that

a Passive form (pdEre 55,

Lrse the l!turE 5 m! e to ! ve orinions, make pr.d'.tio n or
Ir€ pan !. 5 ronned w th the verb l. lre + Fan pau. ple erpre$ hoFes abo!t the turture, and to ma[e pronr ses
. lvon i get a qood ma onthtreram twastoodlfl.!t
" (llhep you wlth !o!r aPPl.aton.
Present continuous for futute (page 65)

Lr5e .onlif!ou5 to L. k aLr.rl ii{ed t!t!rc pax

the pre!ent
', I i o .rF .Fd
. Sawa s Lali.! a. exanr at nine o'.o.1iomoro$ nror. nq

. Coing to fot fulute (page 65)
. enro ed in a.la$ o. web de5qn b..ause tholqhl

' lhe ..!ldil.onre to the party be.a!5€ nre lras ial nq an

. d.,,o.o q. qD'drtd, ,9F 'Fit.,.,

" knew Rash dawou d b€ sleep n9 late that nrornlnq, 5.

did r't.all
her 0f ul att€r f oon.
. \reni to the lbhry at nine o'cock, but when airlled
satr lt dldnit oper lnt

U5e 9oirg t. to ta k abolt an ntenton or a plan

. larar i go 19 to learn a .eu anglage 1o impEve h 5

Prefixes and suttixes (poge 71)

a Future continuous (page 6J) Prel\er af d arff res are ette[ that \re add to the beg]i..9i
ind ends oi wodr lo.haflle then nrea.nigr. Her€ ar€ ionre
exanFles ol.omnbn prel rei a.d nilf {es

amonq, between I lnlenraUona

if rer.a.l

Use the flture .onunuoli to .mphasize tlr. onllo nlJ .iUrc of

the a.uon ov€r a perod ot time The period of I me.an be
anythlng iron an ho!r to a year or
. BFr..- lodd nro. 'nore4 9, po
, Nert year \ril be nudr' rq EnglGh and lapanese.

Present simple for fulute (page 65)

U5. the pr€sent sim r € to ta k about f!t!re e!eft5 rrat ar o.

. My.a$es na tomoftow at fife ot o.l.

Future in the pasl (page 67) lhere are other m.a.i.!ri tor sone tlfixes For erampe, ol
r,!hen talk r9 abo!t tlre pa.t, we someLmes raanr ro say how
.in als. n€an 'the a.l or pro(ea of' as a noLn suff* (e.9.,
/.I'tr.|i tis a50 rou.d n.onmoi{ods k€ l,mii,l!r,
the futu e looled at nre t nrc. T. do th r, we !s€ the past forn
oi th€ approFr aienx!re te..e
Future in the pa.t form

Jm iJ/or. + pres€nr part. ple rldrlkE + pre5ent part cir, e

annorc+aalnao+ nlntt'e t
wrt$,ere + qoiro +inlfitive
tri/l+ ba + pr€senl pa t.pe world + be + pres€nt Dadi.ir, e

a Some irregular verbs . Phonemic alphabet

g 9r

tt a !he


a Adjectives + prepositions
Adie.Lles f. o(ed by dbo,i
. dngry langry ab.ut s.nethinS)
. onnayed (.nnoyen ab.ut sanething)

Adje.ines to .wed by with

. ongty lanqry wth s.ne.n.)
. onnafeLl (.nnoyed th sone..e)

Adje.ule5 t.ll.wed by oi

Adie.Lles f.llo$€d by in

Adje.t res i.llon€d by ton

Adie.tl!es l.iiow€d by dt

Literature Focus

Section A: The Swing

Mohammed Khudhair
Moharnmed Khudhair is an Iraqi ivriter. He was born in Basra in 1942. He
ffnished his prima4', internrediate and secondarv study in Barra. He joined
the High School for Teachers and ffnished his study there in 1961. He
taught at schools in Diwanilya, Nassiriya and Basra for more than thirtv
years. His ftrst short stories appeared in TIte Iruqi Writer (AI Adeeb AI [rnai)
magazine in 1962.

His short stories are translated into English, Russian and French. He has
won nrany prizes, incltdlng the Suban AI Ownis's Auard in the lJnited Arab
Emirates in 2004 arrd th< Gold Pen Award from the General Union oflraqi
Writers in 2008.

Hc achieved fame in the Middle East after publishing his two short stories 'The Swing'
and 'Melodies on the String of Rubaaba' in the Beirut Arts nrgazine.

His best works include 'The Black Kingdon', 'At 45 centigrade', 'Autumn Dream',
'Embalmment', 'Gardens of Faces' and the novl Basriata,

The Swing
'The Swing' is one ofthe best short stories about qar. Mohammed Kfiudhair wrote
this shon story after the stmrner 1967 war against Israel. Khudhair later wrote:

I was 25 years old when I wrote 'The Swing'. I actually found it wery difficult
to control the personal feelings stolning inside a young man with q!t{s
experience in politics and war. Ycl I was tully aware ofthe conditions of
'The Swing' is a severe condemnation ofwar wherever it happens. It is a sincere
invitation to sustain farnily life, to rnake childhood secure and to love one another.

It tells about a soldier,

Sattar, who has just retr:rned frorn the hell ofwar carrying a
message for the farnily of his friend. His friend, Ali, was killed in batde, leaving his
modrer, his wife and his litrle daughter, Haleema.

Arr indescibable dialosue goes on
between Sattar and the little girl while he
svayl her in her s*ing. He tries to
conwince the child that her father is like
srnoLe arrd she can see him only when she
closes her eyes. Sattar cannot ffnd arry
other ea1 ro inforn, rl,e linle girl and h.r
family that his friend AIi ha; left forewer,
though he left honourably.

The story stresses that war destroys

everything. It leads to nothing but death,
deo:,iqtlqa and destruction.

Excerpt from 'The Swing'

Halcema s gLandma sald, As for your fither's nervs, vor till jLLst have to rvait until he s here on le.rre.'

The visitor said, 'Yes, s.hat nerlsl Great ncivs, Haleena.'

He heard Haleema saving, 'The s*ing has sloircd dorvn. svay mc norv.' He came out ofrhc trcc's
shadorv *.irh r *.et face.

H:leema asked him, 'Have lour e,ves rurncd red?'

'No, rhis happens ro fiose *to sirim,'he repiied. Haleerna saicl, 'No, Dadi eyes ner.er nrned red.'

Tire r.isiror pur 1is hands on rhe nvo ends ofthe swlng sear and pLLshed ir up. He couldn't see her
in dre sLur and l'hen rhe srving came down he embracecl it. stopping its movement. 'Hov are you
feeling nol, Haleema?' he ,rsked her.

'Vhv did,vou stop iti It r',as an excellenr push. No one eler srva,ved ne llLre th.rt before,' she said.

She disappe.rred again in rhe sun, her head lving on her srretcied arn, her face straighr and her c'1.cs

clc'sed. She said. 'i drd. Here he is, sriaying me in his lap. l3ur hc s nor trlkine, likc a
c:rn see my
mute. He shaved hls hair just like vou, and as if I were a *r.rnger ro him, hc didn't rccoqnlzc mc ror
did he ralk to rne.'Then she opened her q'€s .tnd said, \\'here dld hc go? He iras right herc widr
nle, sFarring m€.'

'He vanished. Even tirne you open your eves, he vanishes.' the rlsiror replied.

The glrl asked again, '\Xhere did he disappear to?'

'Let us look lor hirr, Halccnra. Has he clirrbed rhe palm rree? Wel1, I guess nor. or else rve woLrld
have seen hin. Has hc djved inro dre watcL? No, had he sraved long undenvater, he rvould hrve
droivned. Ohl \V€ll do )rcu know \\.her€ he !€nr? He s in drat bag ... do yor see ir, Haleema?'

'\\tich bag?' rhe gnl asked.

'That one, on rhe other banh oir rhe rirer. dre bag hanging from rhe bicycle.' he replied.

'That small bas? Hoiv could his bodv fft jnto it?' the giLl rvonderecl.

'vell, he s tike smoke. Alvays remember, Haleema, he s like smoke.'

'l didn't see him rvell, I was sirti.g jr bls lap,' Haleerra said.

'Do vou rvant rne ro sir with you on the siving?' the lisiror intelrLLpred. He stoppecl dre ropes and
lifted her onro his 1.rp rvhile he set dorvn on dre srving. He was sw+ng dre swing wirh his feet when
her grandna cane up with a loalofbread in her h,rnds.

'Arcn't you lcellng hungr) ).et? Lat ihis while we wair lor 1'our grandpa t'ir lunch rogether. I am
gohg up ro leed the pigeons.'

She divided the hor lo.rfofbread benveen them. They.rsked her to srva1, drem belore she headed to
rhe rooftop. 'An I able ro sway you?' the grandma sald before leavhg.

The sving ropes moved slorl,lr, , then dre swing s movement becune laster .md firster LLntil it w.rs no longcr
in dre uee s slude. lt fle*,oler rhe stre.rm ofvater rvhiLe dre gnndma disapperJed lthind the shed.
't.can on my chest, Haleerna, and close
1'our eves,' dre visiior said.
'But r,'our clodres are werl'said Haleema.

'I didn't dry rny bodv well.' he ansnered.

'Do you like bamber?' the gn1 asked.

'Ycs. l'd loi-e to have some,'he replied.

'l don't like it ... \\,hat s vour nane?' she added.

'Srrrar.' rhe visiror :nsvererl

'You have rhe same nam€ as the mavor's son. \i/e phy behind rhe dead parlour and he *'ants us to
go in.'

'You mean dre funerai parlour?' he asked her.

'Yes, sirow me mv dad now.'

'l can him cotring oLLt ofthe bag and heading roward us. Wirhour
see a he.rd or hands and legs or
evcn clothes, just like smoke,' he added.

'Yes,,vcs,' she murtered.

'Let hin cone close. Prerend thar vou are sleeplng. Do not lr;ghten him because he only likes
drose rvho are sleepnrg like the dead,' ihe \,isiror said.

'Havc you slept, Haleema?' Sanar said, after a sbon *'hile.

'He came out ofthe bag Like snoke and didn't speak ar :ll,' Haleema said.

'And r',,here G he noui' hc askcd her.

'I don't knoiv. Hc's gone. He has dned into the river.'

I Give suitable meanings lor Lhe underlined words and expressions.

2 Complete the following statements with information from the text.

1 Sattar ca me to his friend's house to
2 l. 1967,
3 Sattar and Haleema ate before lunch.

3 Discuss how the visitor tried to convey his message.

4 What moral lessons does the writer try to give in'The Swing'?

Section B: The Canary

'The Candry',
by Katherine Mansfield

... You see that big nail to the right ofthe front door? I can
scarcely look aI i1 everl now and yet I could not bear to take
it out- I should llke ro think it was rhere always even d/ier
,n tllre*. I sometimes hear thc ncxt pcoplc saying, 'There
must ha\,e been a cage hanging from there.'And lt comfofis
mc. I leel he is not clujte forgotten.

... You cannot imaginc how woDderhLlly he sang. It u'as not

like lhe singing of other canarics. And rhat isn'tiust my
fancy. Olten, from the $'i11dow I used to see people stop at
the gatc to lislen, or they rvould lean over drc fcnce by the
mock orangc for quite a lolg tirne-canied away.

for instancc, whcn I'd finished the house in the aftcmoon. ald changed my blouse and brought my
se$'ing on to the vcral'Idah herc, he used ro /?op*. hop, hop lrom onepercr* to anothcr, tap agairrst the
bars as if 10 attract my attention, sip a little water, just as a profcssional singei might. and thcn break
into a song so erquilile* that I had to put ml' nccdle down 10 listen to hin. I can't describe it; I I'ish I
could. But it was always the seme, every afternoon. and I felt lhat I undcrstood cvery note ofit.

... I loved him. How I loved himl terhaps it docs not matter so very much what it is one loves in this
world. BLL1 love something one must! Olcourse thcrc was always my litt1c housc and the garden, but
for some reason they uere llcvcr enough. Flo\vers respond wonderfully, but they don't .rl,npatlrlse* . .
I loved thc cvening star ... But aftcr hc came into my lile I forgot lhe eveniig star; I did not need it any
more. But it was stlange. When the Chinanan who came 10 thc door with birds to sell hcld him up irr
his lin), cage, and instead oI !4leti]tg, fluttering, like the poor little gridfinthe'*. he ga';e a faint, snall
chirp, I fuund mysclf saying, jusl as I had said to thc star ovei the g1rm trcc, 'There you are. my
darling.' l_rom that momcnt hc was rninel

It surpises me even now to rcmcnlbcr ho\r'he and I shared cach olher's lives. Thc rnonren! I came
do$n in the moming and took the clofi off his cage he lireeted me \\ith a drct$y litrlc note. I krew it
mcarl 'Missusl Missusl' Then I hung him on thc nall outside whilc I got rny thr.ee young nlcn their
breakfasts. and I never brought him in. to do his cagc, until ."r,e had thc housc to ourselves again. Then,
lvhen the $'ashirrg-LLp was done, it was quite a little entcfiainment. I sprcad a newspaper ovcr a comer
oflhe table and when I put the cagc on ir he used ro beat $'ith his wings, 1e.\pdi-ir?g/r,*, as ifhc didrl'r
know what was corning. 'You're a regular ljltle aclor,' I uscd to SgqLl him.I scraped* the tray. dusted jt
with fiesh sand, fillcd his seed and watcr tins, lugkgl a piece of crlclr.Lecl* and halfa chili bctwccn the
bars. And I am perlcctly certain he understood and appreciated cvery item ofthis little performance.
You see by nature he was exquisitely neat ... And vou'd only to scc him enjoy his bath to rcalise he had
a rcal snrali passion for cleanliness ...

... Company, you sec, tl,at was what he was. Ped'cct company. Ifyou havc livcd alone you will rcalisc
how preclous that is. Ofcoursc there were my three young men who came in to supDcI e\ ery e\ enmg,

and somctimcs they sta)ed in Lhe dining room aftcn\,ards reading the paper. But I could nol expect
tbcm to be interested in tbe liLLle things that made my day ... But I remember' feclirrg so espcciall,v
thankful that I was nol rluite alonc that evening. I told him, atler lhey had gonc out. I sald, 'Do you
know \\fiat they call Mlssus?'And he put his head on onc sidc and Iookcd at me u,ith his litde brjsht
cyc until I could not help laughi g. Ii seemed to ilDuse hirn.

... IIavc you kept birds? Jfyou havcn't all this nusr sound, perhaps, rrrlggel'./ted*. People have the
idca drat birds are heartless. cold littlc .r€dtr.//e-r*. not likc doE:s or cats. N4y washerworna Llsed to sa!
cvcry N{onday \r'hen she wondcrcd $'hy I didn't kecp 'a ce lbx tcfiier' 'There's no conlfort. Miss. in
a canary.' Un1ruel Drcadfulh untruel I lemernbcr onc night. I had had a very allfrl* drcam ... eten
after 1 had wokcn up I could not get ovcr it. So I put on nry dressing-gown alld went do\\'n to the
kilchcn lor a glass ofwaLer. It was a $inter nighl and raining hard. I suppose I was stil1 halfasleep. but
through thc kitcheD wjndolv... it sccmcd to me fie dark $as slaring in, .tprl/?s*. And slLddenly I lell lt
was unbearable lhat I lrad no orc to wllom I could sal 'l'\'c had such a dreadful drearn.'or or 'llidc
rne lrorn the dark.'I clen covered my lacc lor a nllnutc. And thcn there came a liltle SweeLl Swcctl'
... 'S$cctl S\1'eet!'said fie darling littlc 1illo$ again, soft1y. as muoh as to sey. 'l'rn here. l\'tissus! l'm
hcrcl' That was so beautilully con1lorting that I ncarly cried.

... And now he's gone. I shall ncvcr havc anodler bird, anolher pel ofany kind. ilo\1'could I? Whcn I lbund
him, lying on his back, r'iLh his cl'c .1h* and his claws ry-r/?g*. $hen I realiscd that ncvcl again should l
hear my darling sing, soncthi g sccmed 1() die in me. N,Iy hcan fcll bq!lo!', as ilit was his cage. ...

afier her death
slnall jump
a placc $hcrc r bjrd resrs
vcrl bcautiful
sho$' undclstanding
small birds \\'ith ycllo$ on thcrr \\'ings
witi srdncss ard s,orr).'
rcmo\cd the d]lI
small plant uiti rvhlte flot'ers
madc morc iDportanl lhan ll reall,v is

upsetring. tcrriblc
\l'alchins hcr socrc!]]
curlcd up

1 ln no more than 200 words, write a summary of Katherine Mansfield's short story

2 Do you find il easy to sympothise* with the woman? Wh, or why not?

3 Match the words in list A with the words in list B that have the same meaning.

i scarcely a enjoyed, was grateful for

2 fancy b cleaning the dishes
3 blouse c tidy
4 washing-up d imagination
5 appreciated e woman's shirt
6 neat t hardly
7 precious s asked or thought about
8 wondered h

4 Look up the ten underlined words in the story in your dictionary. What does each word mean?

5 Try to use five of the words from the Clossary in sentences ofyour own.

6 Choose three phrases in the story that create a strong imageforyou, e.9., the nail thatheld
the cage (described in the first paragraph). Try to explain how each phrase creates an image
when you are reading it.

Checklist for written work
Planning your work
. Read the question carefully. Underline the important parls. Do you understand it?
f it is not clear, then ask your teacher.
. Brainstorm as many ideas as you can of what you are going to write about.
Write them down as a list or mind map.
. Look up any vocabulary that you are unsure of.
. Select the ideas yor.r want to use and d-"lete any that are not relevant.
You don't have to use everything.
. Put your ideas into a ogical order and group ideas that go together in sections.
. lf you can, find a model text and ook at the sty e and layout. Are there any phrases
or vocabulary that you can adapt for your own work? (Be careful not to copy chunks of
the model text without changing it though-)
. Think about who you are writing for and decide on the sty e and layout. For example,
ifyou are writing a letter to afriend, the stye wil be different to a formal etterandthe
layout wil be different to a story

Writing and revising your work

. Use the ideas from your planning to write the first draft. Don't worry too much about
accuracy or choosing the right words.
. Remember to start a new paragraph every time you move on to a new idea or topic.
. Read through your first draft and check that you have answered the question correctly.
. Decide if you want to de ete, change or add any more ideas-
. Decide whether you want to change the paragraphing or the order of the ideas.
. Check that you have linked your ideas using connecting words and phrases
(e.9., first, next, then, eL).
. Walte a second draft more carefully and s ow y. Make sure your writing is clear.

Editinq your work

. Read through your work. Check you have answered the question correctly, every sentence
is cleat the grammar is correct, you have used suitable vocabu ary and linking words, the
spelling is correct. (Check with a dictionary.)
. Show your woak to your family or a friend and see if they can he p you edit it.
. Editing tip: You could try reading the text in reverse order, starting with the final sentence
and working backwards to the first sentence. This will stop you being distracted by the
content and al ow you to focus on technica details.

Unit 1 Lesson 1 Unit 1 Lesson 2

6) Section 1 6i Section 2
D Listen ond choose the correct word Listen ond check your dnswers.
to end eoclr senten.e.Write the Adil: I'ttehurtmv utrisl.
numbers 7 to 6 in the correct boxes. Nurse: Sit tlo*'n, please. I need to take
One 1'our details
-\tontan: \\.'bat did the doctor do? Nurse: The dctctr.tr piLl sec tnu uen,
Gtrl: Slte told me to open nl sttv, Adil.
mouth anr:l sa1' 'Aah.'Then Doctor: Ho*- did lctu do iti
she looked at m1'throat. Adtl: I uas ice skating and I fell
Two At|l:Do 1r:u think it's broken?
Bct.r.: ()ne ninute I feel bot anl the Doctor: Prrtbabll'not. BLrt yrtu need to
naxt m)nute I feel crtld. I houe an x rat' to make sure
think I haue a tenPerature. l'dtl ls it brcken?
Adil I'm afraitl xt.lt's ftctctured
Three here.
Cil I spib brlLing water on ny l)octor I'1114oiltgtoPut)t'Ltt t)stil1
foctt. lt's ue.';1 badly btntt. ,lasLel.
Adil: How long will I haua to keeLLl
Four 1y?
Bov: lV/rat does the a rd) shou, Doctor: lir zeeA-s
Female drlctor: Yolr zlist is frartwed.

Girl: I was rLtnning in high heek
dnd ml foot u,e1i orer. Noa Unit I Lesson 4
ntl enkle is reaL\ s*c'llen.
6) section 3
six A Listen ond checkyour onswers.
Mother: \V/:l'arer't I t)u edting Jour MarL. Euer't year, around 714,040
Lunch, smolrcrs h tlte United
Sm:rll boy, I tdl1't. Mt'throat butts tot) Lngdom die frm their habit.
nurh u:hen t sulalkru. That's abr.nt f,!!perf le ereD'
\X/oman: .!mr.,Alrg ill Btitclin is highest
i the ).0-U dge gtuuq.
NIan: It is illegal to sell .igarettes to
cltilt)ren under the age of 16.

Yet 20"/o of Btitdtu's Li-,\ear- kneut I was driuing trxt fast.
olds are rcgular xnokers. They pulled me ouer and gaue
tr[ore than E!:L c'i smokers me d speeding ticket. I u,ds
tdke up tbe hdbit LUbe11 the! about tct leaue u,hen cne ctf the
officers gare me a piece of
tr{an: Peofle urbo smoke d Pa.ket of paper. It uas a phcttr:t from a
cigarettes a day die on auet age neuspaper tbat shou,ed a fiue
Z ) ectrs edrlier thdn Peo7le cdr crush. It was terrible. The
a'ho haue net,er stnoked. police ctfficcr told ne it
\Ibman: I'.L,ery ddy ;n the Ullited happened because someotte
l<intdo1n, d, p tox ilndre lt' 1.i A ads speeding. I rcalked that
yaung pal+le undet the dge of by t1ri.-ing toct fast I could get
L8 sxnt smoking. hw[ dnd hwt other people tao.
The Brit ish Gt rlernment *t I decided neuer to speed
c rtentlJ's7ends draund lIA agdil1. If I trdnt to go last, I
nillin a lear on anti snctking can go on a rcilercoastar!
educdti)n ccl111f dig11s. A
fwther Lllntillutn is spent on Spe.rkcr 2: Ytu .ai1 get d bt af
rneasurcs ) help people girc infurlndtion from a trime
scene. h)alPbtts .dn teLl )eu
lt[ora people in Britain die wlldt 4tpe of sh)es d thief wds
frm smoking than fxm rcad aearing, how big his feet are,
accidents, poisoning and and euen hrw tall he is.
A/US. Sontetimes u,e lintl
fingerprittts. A person can
leaua fingerPrnts if his hands
are dnty. Then the fingerprutts
dre edsy tct find. B1,tt t)eoPle
leaue fingertrtrints euen *,hen
their bands are cledn. \Ye can
see tbem onlf dfter PLtttlng a
CdSection 4 sPecidlPuudet on them.
Now listen to two people tdlking. Matching fingetprints used xt
Speal<er l: I used to dlirc tc).) fdst. I he dilfcult. Nout it's mucb
thougbt speedutg *as fun and easiet betause tomputers ccln
I didn't realiza how dangarous tltt a ktt of the utn'k.
it a-as. Then one day I drctue
b,." a police car. The sPeed limit
u:as 11A, but I uas driuutg
nuch faster. The lolice olrtcers
had a radar gun, and they

l-irit -t Lersan ? llr-.it ? 9".ecson 3

6dSection 5 6; Section 6
B Listen dnd onswer the guestions. Listen ond <heck your dnsweis.
Question: Is beiag a folicetuan Conversdtion I
dangerous? Airl;ne agent: lTellct. I'd like to ask you a
Answ,er, Sometimes. lt can he fetu 4uestions about tout
dangerous *-hen yn haue to baggage.
drrest sonlebody t)r stop a Fathet Of ccturse.
light. Btlt it isn't ddn.gerous dLl Airline agent: Cc*ld 1'ou tell me *'ho
the time. \Xlhen you dre trying packed yow bags, please?
to fintJ driuers nho are Father: \Ye did. Ldst 11igbt.
speeding it can euen be a bit Airline agent: Si ce then, hat,e )'ou left
borfug, because y'ou spend a y()tr bltggdge undttended dt
lot of tinte waitit'tg. One of tbe any tine?
most imPartdnt qudLities d Father: Nr;, we hauen't.
po[tefidn must hdue is Airline agent. Are you carrying dn]' sbdtp
patien.e. objects, gascs or chenical
Qnestion: Do yr-,a Daue ta u)ork dt night? prctductsl
Answer: There are alway off':ers at the Father: Nct, we aren't.
stdtion to belp pe()l)le at aq Airlinc :rgcnt: Has anyone asked you to
time of the day or night. But cdrrt' anythitl7 't] )uuj
up don't hat,e to uork euerJ baggage for them?
night. \Ye usually take tums * Father: No, i1o one has.
u)e cdn spend some tine dt Airline agentr Thank you, sit'. Haue a got:'d
btne toith our fatnily and 1'light.
Quesriorr: Wbat do lxn like ltest about Converotion 2
heing d po[i.eman? Security guard,Gr;od morning, sir. Would
Ansrver: \1.'e11, I like soluing crimes. lt )tou Put tow bdg on the
.a11 be uery illteresting. ronuey,r beLt, please?
Sometimes it's a bit like soluing \lalek: O/:. Of course. Vbat is that
d pu.zle. I also like tbe feeling machine for?
thdt I'm helping people. If Securit-v guard: 11 r-r'ays yow bag. That
per.tpledr.n't obq, the law, Lua)1Loe cdl1 mdke sure
others call set bllrt. So tuhen I )oLt're not cdtrling dn)'thing
drrest d crimindl or st(), d dangerous.
driuer from speedhg, I knotu M^lek B t I'm nat!
that I'nt making our city a Securit,v guarcl: Iia sare y.)u're not. But lre
batter placeto liue. hdLe ta .hetk etetybodt's
bag. That's the rule. Could

you efitPtl yout pochet, Fathcr: V'hat's the matter?
Pledsel Malek: I rliz& thdt's mj'bdg!
Malel<: U/::, srrz.
Security liuard: N.r?r' p lease ualk tbrough Convercotion 4
the metal dete.tor. Passport agcnt: tr:[d] l see yollr f)dssl)(r't,
lbeeping noisel pLedsea
Security guar,:1: /-. r/:ere
anything left in lrnr Father Certainly.
pocketsi Passporr agcnt:,4r'c I'ou trauelling aLt)ne?
\Ialek: O/:, 1es. Af1'fre1s. Sorry'/ F;rtlrer: No, tt,ith n^,, tuife antl nl
Secnrit,v guard:TDar'-r dll ritht. .lust put so11.
them in the trdr dild LlaLk Passprrrt agcnt: Cr-,r;ld I haue their
through again. Thank ytn. pdssports?
Harc a grtrd flight. Father: Here you are.
lassport agent:Are 1cn trarelling for
Conversotion 3 business or pLeasure?
Fathet Shall ue get some Father Frtr pleasure.
,,tap1,n, . [..1. jc 1.,,a,d,\!- Passport age nt:W:ere aill you be stafitg?
Malel<: T,lalt a gor;d ided. Let's get Father: With my brother, in
some drinks too. Baghdad.
ir{other: t'l/ -sta1 /:ere tuith the bags if lr'.1''11.1""n'.Ihdttl )^u. In1"1 1. .u,
lou wafit. cd11 yau get me uisit.
an otange soda?
Father: ()f course. Conversotion 5
Lourlspeaker \YrtuLd tbe owner of a red Cusroms ollicial: Good mcn ning. Do lott
nllon bag tlith green straps haue anything n declare?
llease come and get i't Malek: lvell I't:e brtntghr stnte
immediatelyi Rcmintler tct gilts lor m), aunt and uncle.
all passengers: please dr: not Customs olfcial: II,'/:ar haue 1'ou bx:ught
leate lour baggage thema
undttended. unattended Mdek: A book for m1, untle and
baggage will be disytsed of ..,'.t, . h..-olat,, t.,r ,t )
by security staff. dunt.
Malek, Wbdt does tbdt med ? Custonrs o6cial:,{rc 1()u cdrrJ.ilt dnt'
Father: It means ytu should aluays cig ettes, plants or
haue your baggage tritb animals?
1'ou. If l rn don't, stnteone Malek: No, I'z ror.
ft om se.uritj, \11igbt think it Customs oflicial: WricD bag is y()Ltrs, pLeusr,
has sontething dangerous in sir?
it altd tdke it dwdt'. Malek Tbe red cne .
Malel: Oh no! Cr.r,.n.offcr.rl:C-al.1 y^u, l ea !. !,1, d,.:
N{alel<: Yes, of ror.rrse,.

fzipplng soundl wdlking an*nd the building,
Custrrrns oHlcial: \Ii/r/1, that's fine. then. y-tu'll haue to u.atch
d rledsant std)'h Brghddd. telerisin scrcans that shou)
\4alek: TDar& 1,orz. *,hat is htppening )n different
Samir V'ill I haue tt) dtrest PeoPle?
\{r Hazem: No! lf se e anYbing
tutuval, y"'u ll call the P,tlice.
Senir: OD. gor.,1
l\4r Hazen: You also must he uerl
l-.1d) n,t I I t:. tdlL.\- t
C) Section 7 peoPle, esPccial\ if ),ou tr(" k
Listen ond complete the notes. t a ,.tll ' d' lljr'I u.t.1.\,.
Sanir: ()tuld I speak tct \Ir Httzem? tLt'[2"71 ;''t-!]) '
Secretarv: M;rr I ask u,ho's callingl buildings, and many of thent
Samir Thts is Samit Esatn. t, ll -t.L [.. .][ '..at. . ,

Sccrctaty: .lust d tl1t)n1ent, pledse. directins.

tr{r Hazcnr: Hello. Sanir: That's fite. I enjoy tdlkillg to
Sarnir: (lrt nutting. Is that llt Petf le .

Hdacltta Mr Hazcnr: Then 1ou should enjoy thc

l1r Hazenr: Yes, sredkiil:<. iob. ()ne ntn'e thing: you
Samir l'n caLltug abotlt yaut ddult nead to be camputef literatc
in t'estetddtis ltl/)?r. flt this job because you need
Mr Hazcnr: \tery good. Shall I tell"tt:u a t() Lurite ref)orts dt the end of
hit db(ntt the jaba euery day. Can ,'t,tu use a
Samrr: Yes, please. .ohlpLttefa
trIr Hazerr: \\'e nced soneone ul:,t is ue4' Samir: )'c-s. n4, fdthet's got d
telidble dnd call c()me t() colnrulet dt h.)krc.
*,ctrk rn time ereD, dat- l\4r Hazem: V'alLthen, ytu sltctuldn't haue
\\brk stdtts at 6 d.n. You any diflitulty using rtur
filal need tu wotk s()1ne ct)111putcts. A LI i gbt tb en,
k'eehe11ds, but not dt 11ight. arvld y'u like tt, ome m for
Sanlr: That s fine. l lihe gettutg uP d11 dPloilltmenti
edtb'. Samr: Yes,I wr:uld. \Yhat is a Bood
lr{r Hazen: Good. ()ur securit..,t guards tinea
:1, t.cdt, l, tctfi,. tl', '. \l H..,er: H u rh.L! 1^at.,.jut ol
arc seaurit,\ cdlneras in the 14.40?
building, but you ll haue to Sanir: Tlar! fae.
walk around the building lr{r Hazerr: Drt ,trtu baue an e-mail
euery baur, njld jt .d11 bc d bir r'ldress?
ti i11g. \Vben )oLire nat Samir: Yes, 1do.

Mr Hazem: Cood,I'lLsend lrn the Unit 3 Lesson 2
directions by e mdil. Thelre
tery cLedr- Y()u shauldll't hdk O Section 9
akJ trauble frndint us. Listen dnd cheak your answers.
What ur.tuld you like to dct
uhen yr.tu finish studying?
l\n not sure !et. But I'n uerj
interested in eatktgl and the

Unit 3 Lesson I Advisor: lf you're gctctd at science and

ge.)grdpht', there are lots of
fd Section 8 jr:bs to cbctctse fron.
Listen dnd motch. Rarriz: I loue them both. Tbe1rrc my
Zaid: Hello. l'm Zaid. |mtbe fduoutite s bjects.
manager of the Shentr:n Hr.ttel Adlisor: Well, hob dbaut d cdteel ik
in Hurghar:la, F.gpt. I htte my n-dtet te.hkolog\a That's real\'
job because it's so uaried. illlpottant ;n this counh!-.
Nada: Ml ramet Nada. I'nt a R:rrniz: What e::actly dctes water
Ttresenter on AI laltera technoktgy iuolue?
teleuision. I reaLly anjr:y m)' Advisor: lf you work in water
uttrk, but it can bc tluite technohgl', ytu look for *-ays
s h' e s s f Ll s olnet i I ne s.
of conseruing aater and
Ousama: -i zr Ousatna. I'm a pilot a,ith
Purifying it.
Iraqi Air*'ays. M.t fat,ouite Ilanriz: Yes, l'd like to uu'k in tbe
route is Bagbdad - Bangkok. t il \X/dt e r
u) d te du s h t.
1r tttY riai ' 1. L. t,t.P d Pl t t, t r nts cruat i on an d pur ifi cation
the ntost satisfyrng jctb in tl.te are really intpottant fu this
urn'ld. country. \\rhat kind of
Faten: l\4y nante's Fdten. l\11d qualifications do I needi
computer pt()gtammet. I Ltark First of all, rou need to get a
fit a big cunlnny and l'nt degree. Y,-,u cauld cboose from
quite uell-paid. en u itonmenta L s c ien c e, geo kt gy
t)r euen engine eri17 g.
Ramiz: \Y h i ch u niuersitl' offers th ose

I hdre to check. If ytu come

batk next ueek, I'Ll hdue the

Unit 3 Lesson 3 Unit 3 Lesson 6

O Section l0 6) Section ll
Listen ond redd, Listen dnd complete the coptions.
Cath,r: If 1ot; could haue any career in Hello. my name's J\Tustafd Ali dnd I'n d
the urttld, what utuld you mo1lie ,:lilector. l'm prett! successful and
choosc? I really enjol'my job. But it uasn't eas1,
Mar,rarn: I'd like to he a piLot. fi'.d.t y tl c.\ht .orc.,. \\/ , / r'1rs
Cath,v: Do you think that drcant rc young, I tried ql1ite d few courses atzd
euet g)ing t() .t)me tr ea jc'hs. Somehoo, n.)ne of them u'ere ight
Mar,vamr Nr), I don't.lt's iust a drcaln.
My parcnts wouldn't apprctue
,,[ tt. l1 "; u dnr nl. t^ t'a.]t d< \Iy ntotber I should tran as a
pil.)t. So I uent to the flying acadenl,
What if 1,ou rcfused:
Catl, r': whcre I had to take a bt ()f tests. l
l\{arvam: Are 1,ou iokng? They'd be feiled the eye test and thel told me I
realLy upset if I refused. couldn't becone a piktt.
Cathy: tsut it's yrnr drean.
Maryarn: I knou. But I could neutr he a \\. lte't Ia: "telttccq. I srat t, d tt a rt,t
s ..essfuL Pibt, dnylrdl. to be a doctor. Halfudy thrcnrgh my
Cathy \\'hdt do 1ou mean? caurse, I redlized thdt I was scared of
I,{aryam: // I ruds d Pibt, nc,b,.td1 uould bloc'd. So I kneu' it ttasn't the righl
fly aith ne. prctfessirttt fot ne.
Cath,: \Vhy not?
Malyanr: Eecczse I'm a bit scarcd of NIy father uas an engineer. \Yben I g'aue
beigbts! up tuedicl11e, he said I sbould beatne an
Catht: Lf I uere yotr, I'd train as a engineer like hin. One ddy, I went uith
doctor antl hare fl,.',ing lesst:,ns hnt r 'c. t dant'l-n. h uo' Lu.ld.'9.
rrt tn1 ft'ee time. It tt'as real\, bigb and I suddenll' gr.tt
Martam: V'hat free tine? Nledical tlizzy. M1, legs felt u'eak and I nearly fell
:tud a'. d.' t ]:tt a D ['e, off the side ,.tf the dan. I realizetl then
that I uas scared of heights and I tokl
n1 fatber I could neuer be d su.tcssful

'"'nc m ,n'h. la',,. I , it'rd tltc potrc

ftrce. One day,l had to chase a thief
but I touldn't run fast enaugh. I iust
l.rdsn't frt enough. So I gauc up being d

Liter, I pat d iob as d tolit Kui[le. Therc exl)etie11cefamib'hfe in Btitain. you
utere burists from a[L ouer the u,,n Ld, will also be able to practise your English
Btitdin, Frante, Jdpdn, China,Ita[y. I
couldn't crntmunicate *'itb nt)st t)f
then because I dtdn't spedk enougll ln 12 of ctur lctcations. t'.)u .a11 choose
languages. So I utasn't a rety g)od tour tesidential accanmaddtbll. \Ye haL,e
g ide and n1l boss dsked me to ledL,e. our own students' hastels where tue can
offer cctmfortab le ac ccnntodation in
single rctoms. Breakfast is prouided and

"tudcnr' ron I u1 orh' t

.t"al'.4 tl." t

Unit 3 Lesson 7 Dou:nloatl an application f(n11 fronx

tua u:.b ir c h u., tt, dco LIege.org. u k an d
O Section t2 return it 1lith d rccent pdssr()rt fhoto to
Listen and check your" dnsweis. B i rc h tuoaLl I nterndtionaL Crilege, P O
Learn English in tbe UI( at Birchtuxd Box 222, Truro TR-22 9DR.
Internatictnal College! \Ye bdue coILeges
in 24 dilferent locatiolls dttoss the
crnntry. Chctose a buq tity, whele )ou
can enjoy shopping, edting aut dnd
nightlife. Or opt ft a uillase in the
t ,ry|,,b r^unt'1s.d, . u 1., + y..u tnl, Unit 4 Lesson I
enj oy bea ut iful su rroun dings, lr tue lt
u,alks and a slr'*'er face of life. 6d Section 13
Listen dnd aheckyour dntwers.
All our teachets ate qualifed antl highll Dear Badria
expetienced. Classes arc snal[, uthich l'm sorry I hauen't becn in tou.h
meatts that \'ctu u'ill be sure of a high te.entb'. This j'eat has been rcally busl'.
let,el of indiidual attention. Our M1, brother, Rashid, and I set up our
anrses, uthich run throughout the ),etlr, ow11 ct)1fipany ldst September. It's calletl
arc tailot'ed to tour needs and our Rashid and Rana Designs. We produte
ft'iendly staff arc always an hdnd to sbirts and jeans. I an tbe designet, and
offer expert adtice. Chutse from Rdshid does all the ntarketing. ()ur
courses of one u:eek to .3 montbs cousin, Salima, wrtrks as Rashid's
Personal assistant.

\Ye offer a choice of accommrxlatictn to \Ye inuested a lot of ntonel in the

suit )'out needs- If l,rtu chottse hontestal', business, so tue are nat let makhg d
lou tuill stdJ' i1 dn English hctme, Luhich frofrt. But sales arc 1rcry gxi and we
means you uill haue the opp.)ttullitt to arc expotting d lot .)f cl.)tbes t() the

UAE, Oman, Bahrain and et,en tbe UK. Unit 4 Lesson 6
Af course, it is Llifficub tc' conpete with
tlt, r L, t,s, qa,] , t. llc,, l,, d'tt,'surl. O Section 14
cheap cktthes in Cbind. But our designs LiJten dnd check
are ue1 c,t'iginal. Attd they are uary Dear Ms fu*ton
popular in the Gulf. So tbe future krtl<s I saa'the aduertisement in the Times of
rcry bright, thank God. 23''t .lune for customer seruice staff and
u,ould like to appLy.
Ttro months ago ue uent t() Lebdnon
and \Torocco to choose cl,.'th for our As you *ill see from n ,enclosed C\t, I
spring designs. \Ye found s,-'ne beautiful left school a year ago uith A letels in
sill< and cr.tttcn fdbrics. And last month Ceography and Meclid Studies. Since
we lTeL'to La11d(n ta shott ()ur ileul th. r I I-a, e do,t, d att ,), d, I .u,tdott..r
shirts at Lrntdon Fashion Week. \Ye had course in Business Studies. I dn notu
d gredt tjfie. Tbere Ltds a lot af interest l<een tct fnd a full-titne jctb in an
in ctur designs. We signe':l collttdcts with canpdn) which u:ill gite me
tbree London department stt)res. And a oppottuniti?s for.dteer deueL4ment. I
lctt of tich and intportdnt People bought am uety imptessed wnh'falkTeLs

On our way back, guess tuha ue sdu itt I haue ansiderabLe experience r.tf saLes,
Heathrow Aitport? \X'e were tuaiting for bauing worked part-time as a sales
our flight batk to Baghr:lad when , assistdnt dt weekends dnd in the
oltl schottl frienrl, Muna Shakir, *alked httlidays for the past two t'edrs. My
pdst tLith ... Ytu u,illneuer guess! cwrent pdtt-time job is in an e[ectrical
Chassan Ahmed! Yes! Apparcntb th4' gocttls store, uherc I hdue d goo':!
got mdrried hL\) Jedrs ago. Anrl they record. The store mdnager, N[rs \Yillis,
11.)u) hdrc a bedl.iiful little boy calLed uill be happy to confirn this.
Although I do mt hal.,e any ,reuious
Let's keep il1 tauch. Come dild st,l\' tuith experience in tustunet seruice, I feel I
t.ts in Baghdad *heneuer yrw like. hat)e tbe Petsondl qud[ities thdt t\)u ctre
looking ftn.
Lots of ktue
I hx:h fonuard tt, hearing ftom yrn.
Yours sincerely
lackie Liu

Unit 5 Lesson 2 Announaer:Six
b t: l tterc
' pl. a!, !, d,,
6) Section t5 golf, tennis, u,indsurfing,
Listen to diffetent people tdlking dbout u,alks.
points reloted to holidays. Match them
to the topics below. Write the correct Announcer.' Seven
number in eoch box, Ctrl: l{hat shall I book for next
Announcer: One week-ahoteloraseLf
Girl: lt tr.tok six hc*rs fnm Londtnt cntering d'drtmenl,
to \Ydshiflgtt)l1. The food uas
aaful but the films *'crc OK. I
udt.bed hro and slef)t the rest
of the tine.

Announcer:Two Unit 5 Lesson 4

Boy Haue a lctok at then. Thel're
full of colour phoros of luturl 6) Section 16
hotels on the beach and Listen to the didlogue and fill in the
bedlrtifLi pldces to t,isit in gops with the correct wotds.
the dred. Katie: Hr, itluna. \Yhat are you doing
with allthose hoLidal'
Announcer:Three brc'chures?
Cirl On tbe first day tllere's d ieep Muna: OD. |m just dcing a bit of
tr+ t() the .lesert. O tbe ., s. o-. It , l- .lida1 .1.
"t "1,
..,. '.d ]d\ !l.r't < d Lu, !\p t Thailand. Haue yrtr eur been
a stn,:1. On the third day thetea
there's d trip to the camel Katie: Yes. \Ye had a fantily hctliday
rdces. there a cot,tpLa r:f years ago.
\luna: 5o. uhich p[aces did you go
Announcer: Four
P>oy: The u'atters *,ere lerrible. Thel' Katie: \Vel1, 0e srent a u.)eek in
n-erc rcalb sktu and one of Bangfuft to get a llauour tf the
then spilt saup ctn my shit. tity life and then tuto weehs on
the beach u Phuket.
Announcer: Five I'tn sure that was baautifii!
Gtrl: There are candles and llouers "tluna
Kattc: It was amazing! I realll'
,,,")u.hr.c a,td l-c,t,t s r r enjoyed it. Well. u,e all did.
amazing. Tbe people there are There Luas something for
alu'ays realh, friendlt, and euer)'ane'
cheerful. It's a place *,here ,-ou Muna We're lctokng for a packagc
always feel gord. deal.

Katic: Tlat! a good wdt to do it. At stdtement. This is tl Palet
least ytu know tuhere yrtu're that 1rn'LI gel etrrl ntonth
g,.tin8 and ubat )ou're doittg. fron your bank. It's really
Ant) it often urn'ks out chedPer imPort':nt be.ause it shou)s
in the long tu . HaL,e )ou )ou h(nti mu.h m.)ne! utent i11
found one yet? a1ld came t)ut af Jtout ac.ount
Nluna: No, but tbere dre ttL,() or three arery mt)nth. You sbcnld knk
that lcxtk realll good. \Yhih at it carefi,rlly antl cbecl< it to
hoteL tlid y)u stdJ' dt in mdl?e sure there aren't an)
Bangkok? mistdkes.
N{uni: We std},?d a/ the Cr..tld.en llami: Can you helP me ligure out
Palace for the lirst two nights. what it all meansl
Then u,e noued on to the Aziz: Sure. Loak, t., the left af the
Nldrriott. The setl)ice uds title'bdnk stdtement' is the
exccllent in both of thent. name of yc'ur bank. Tben
Iluta: And what did yn think of there's infomlatioll to identifJ'
Thaifitttt:l? the bdnk dccount. Your name
Katie: O/,, it's deli.ious. Hduen't )()u is tn the left. Your acct:'unt
euer tri?d it? nutnbet, tthich is an eight digit
Muna: I had green curry cnce. I really nufiber, d11ears o11 the toP
didn't like it. rigbt. T h at's str a ight forna r d.
Katie \Yhy nr:tl ight?
tr{una: It re.arl1 burnt a hle in n1y llarni:Szre, thdt's edsl.
AzjT) A trdksdttion is dn dctititt'i17
y()uf atcou11t. So the second
tolumn is u.,bere the bd11k srrts
uhat happened in your
accaunt .lurilB the ntonth, if
\oL! LUtOte d aheque or
Unit 6 Lesson I noney, fot' e xamP Le.
de pr tsited
The date tuhek rhat trunsdcti()n
6d Section t7 bappened is on tbe left.
Litten to Romi dnd his brother talking. Rami And u,hat d.oes'bald11ce'
Underline the items orl the bdnk
stdtement thdt they tolk dbout. Aztz: The balance is tbe totdl thdt is
Aziz: Hi, Rami. What are ytou lefi in 1'our accctunt after each
doingi trd|tsdctioll. The lirst entry,
R^fni l'm tryint to understand *'hich says opening balance,
sotnething I got frr.tm my bank. shou's the dmount thdt u'ds in
I'm tu)t \utc u)hdt it is. jnur dc.aunt at tbe begjnning
Aziz: Let me see. Oh, thdt's yout ctf thc mr'nth.

l\almi: And undar that it sqts theque Credit cad: A pie ce t)f Pldsti. J)t)u .d11
nunber. 001. Tbat must be a use to buy things and pq fol them ldtet.
cheque l wrote.
Aziz: l'es, and further drlwn tbere
dfe hlat e abeques. see?
Numbets AA2, aA] and 001.
Yau urcte d lat af tbeques last
month! Unit 6 Lesson 2
Rami: Yes.I remember no.001 u'as
ta fiy (lentist. The otbers are O Section 19
.)n the sanle da)). ThL'se must Listen to the conversotion between the
be fron the d,tt' I uent tt) the girl dnd d banker dnd tick the things
ntall. I bought sotne LDs, they tdlk obout.
some ck)thes and s()me Cirl Good morning. I'd like some
comPLtter gdmes b)' cheque lnfom1dtio11 dbout oPening dn
that ':laf'. attount,
Aziz: Oh, cdn I see y()ur tdnes? \(/onan
Rami: Sz;re, but can you belp me with banker: C)/rr-,r.r'se. What kind of
tbe rest firsta dr., u.1t ,,ould \.,u I.k t,,\,.t:
\tit: \.,. w.tl, ra,lt u tltd,nu, CirL: \{?11, I'm not really sure. Vlhat
med11s yt)u took monet'()ut of kinds of accounts do you
y.)ut a.c.)u11t, ptu)bdbb' dt an haue?
ATM. \Vom:rn
Rani: Yes. I dlri. banker: \Yell, first of all, are you oL,er
Itziz: And deposits are tQnsa.tions 17?
uhen yau put n1()nq int() )'aut Girll Yes, I'm 18. V'byi
accaunt. \X/ornan
'Well, ue
Ranri: Yes,th,tt trds t1r'l1tst pay banl<er: baLte sltecidl accounts
cheqtre frctm my netu jctb. for per4tla under 17. But if
ytu't e 18, lou hat,e different
6dSection ?8 accctunts to chr.tose from. lf
Complete the detinitions. you get d sduings dccaunt, yau
Bank card: a piece of pldstic ),ou can use get d ctedit c d. The intercst
to pd! for things ar get non4t i11 the is paitl by the bank euery

ATM: sontea-here.,tctu tdn get mo11et Cirl That sounds like a good
usingdbdnkc d. dtcoLtnl. Cdn I Ket a.he.lue
PIN: A secret number yn can use witlt boctk? I thmk I'll need a
d ha11k cdrd ta stap ()thers using it. .heque book to pd)' bills.
Cbeque: A trtiece of paper y()u cdn use to \X/onan
,dy f(r'thinss. banker: No. Cheque books aren't

prcuided with a sauings Unit 6 Lesson 4
dccount. BLlt J\)u !{et d free
.heque bo.)k if 1r,u oPen a 6i Section 20
current daaornt. Listen to the converiotions. Mdtch
Clrl: And cdn I get di1 ATtr4 cdrd them with the pictures.
toa? I u'dnt ta be dhle tt) get
Conversotion 1
Batker: ()ootl ntorniry. Can I help you?
-fhe cards can he used at
Yes. Customer: Yes, I dd1't hnou uhdt to do.
anl' ATltl macbine in tbe I'ue ktst my handbag. \Iy
counhl'. Ytn can also nake *,allet, with all n4 mctney and
*-ithdrauals aLI ouer the utxld banh cards, was in it.
if 1',-,u need tnoney wbile Bar l, r: { y u .t11 t u t.l '.t .1:
t'ou're trduelling. r oul tn' r'u l'L't Fn l , tt .'t
Cirl: \Yhdt do I need ta ':1.)
to o1en bomel
Customer: No. I definitelJ'bdd it tuhen I
Vorran u ds d! th . a[.. 1 1ta. ta]Lt tB
Yau need t() haue dn identit,\ to m1, friend uben a'e Left and
card and tr.t daposit 6A.A00 I'h.rl II tt ,t t'tl)c t,t l .
lraqi dinars. lf you haue less Banker: Did y'ctu go bach tct kx& for it?
thdn 2(.),000 ltuqi din s in Customer: Ycs, it u'asn't there. If I badn't
jouf accaunt, ue ahdrge a fee I
been in such a hutr,",,
of 1A,A00 lruqi dindrs Per Id l,, .t tl " ";
kt .!'1d\ t
Bankcr: Dcn't urtt'y. If u,e cancel l,:tur
clid: That's d ktt of mr,tney. I hduen't cards nt:a', m, r,ne eLse u,ill be
got a job. I'm a student,I'nt able to use then. Nerl ones
startikg uni,ersit:} next k,ill be sent t() \au uefi s.)on.

U/ooran Conversation 2
banker: ()h, then )ou should get a Custonrer: Do )'oa l/i ke credit cdrds?
Uniue1si t)' student dcct)unt. Cashier: I'nt sor\', a-e don't.
Yalt don't hdte to fi1di11tdil1tl Customer: Carz 1pa1 b1 cheque?
mininarm balance. Cashier, No. u,e only take cash.
Girl: I)o you haue a brcnch near the Cust:mer: I didn't know that.
C:rshier: looA. it's on thc sign.
$/oman Customcr: Or, no. If I'd knou'n that, I
banker: Yes, we do. lt is being u,ould baye brtnght cash.
renaudted, but it u'ill aPen Cashier: W?/1, if yalr Luetlt to the bdnl.
dgdin next nlonth. in tbe next street, Jb toulLl
Girl: That's great.I thtuk l'll oPen a get casb fron the ATM.
student dtcaunt then. Custoner: Tlarl 1'rtu ueD, much.

Conversdtion 3 Unit 6 Lesson 6
Waiter: Iiz solrl; sir. Y()ur cred.it.drd
isn't uorhing. O Section 2l
Custrrrner: Cr-,a111'oLt tDt it .ttdit, fledsea Redd dnd listen to the conversotioh.
It u:orked yesterday. Ahlan: \Voa.,I Is t/:at your car?
\;rr,-: /,r , ',:.,t t.ll t""t u ,lint. N^:r: \"s.'\,.1..sr'/./.- 1t, Ul., i,
Sometitues if )'ou put in the )'esletddy. Do you u)dnt t() 8a
w; rtg 11'al "' dl t.'11.r. tl for a driuel \Ye could go to the
gets blocketl.
()r rou ma) haue
reathed your credit limit. Sure, that's a gredt idea. I'd
\X,ould 1,ou like to pat by hnc a rar like this one. Hout
.heq e illstedda did ytu Pay for it?
Custrrrrer: Yes, that's a gctod idea. Nour:
That's a good idea. Maybe I
Conversdtion 4 should do that. If I got a car
Custon,er: Good n r.,rning. Can you help loax, wr:tuld I hate to make a
nte? M1 bank card didn t cctne hig doun paynent?
out of tbe ATM. Nour: No. I didn't pdy .t t money it1
Banker: Of ,--oalse. Can you giue me aduance at alL. I just hare to
lour number? I'll
c!ccou11t f)dj' d ceftdin amount euefl
check your account.
Customer: Yes, it's 92671A98. Does this AhlanL: That's euen better! But the
medn there's no nlone) in m) 111onthly instdlments l1xust be
dtaoLnlt? pretty higb.lX'hat are they?
Brrrl , : \o. lI tl-c'c u as tla tn!]t.) tr Nour: About 2 millioll lrdqi dinrc. It
t'aur dccount. the mtlchine waslit that expensitte, because
would still gitrc you your cdrd it isn't d ned- car.
back. I see the problem. lour Ahlam:
.ard hds exPited. Nour: The ok'ner t(x)k real\ gctcd
Customer: 1t Das? care of it. lt's actually tbrce
Bankcr: Yes. Todaf is April 5 and your
.drd uds udlid until ArriL 1. Ahla m: How k:ng do you haue to pa1
'We sent
1'ou a neu card htr.t
ueeks dga. Nour:
Customer. I neuer receiued it. Ahlanr: That's d l.rry time. \X/()n't it
Banker We'll cancel that ctne and send .ast \ou d L)t in interesti
tou d neL, one, thel1. You Nour: Yedh. But it's w(r'th it. This
should rcceiue il in three or sort of cdr is a rcal inuestnent.
frmr days. It rl,ak't lose mone\'. ln f&ct, it
md,\ euen go u, i11 ualue.
Ahlam: We/f I suppose it's more

eni()!.1ble thd11 putting tnur Not good enolagh. The
monet'fu the bdnk dnd Lditing ttrturany I L\r'k far needs
for it to eam itterest! NLtybe I peopLe trhose EngLisb is lluent
shoultl make an inuestment so that the1, can go on business
like this. ttils to atber cauntties. I'm
Nour: Here pe arc. The heach. Do gomg to *rtrk rn my F,nglish a
y;u think I can fit into that k)t this )tcdt. I'd rc ly like thc
parking space- al)rortunitt tu trdL,el Luitb ml
Ahlam, -!zra. Uh, no, malbe ntt. OIt i"b.
n, . t ,t-i't( .'tt I v u, l4|t .' Zaid,: It must ttlke u, d bt of jnut
Nonr: l-zc&i/y tbe knn aLso includes Hasan: Itdoes. L spend four hcturs a
free car insurance! weeh in cldss, dnd L,hel1 I get
hone I haue to do a lot of

Zaid: I .ouldn't do thdt. \Yhen I get

home from uork I don't want
to do dnythlng. I just tldnt ta
Unit 7 Lesson 2
Hasan: I kno*. It's hard ary'k and
6d Section 22 Pretty tit ing, but it's u,otth it if
Listen to o conversdtiod between unprot,es.I'll get a
m1' English
Hdson dnd his friend,Zoid. better job rcally quickly.
Zaid: Hi, Hasan. I'n neeting Zard: Are the classes expensiue:
Abdulla at 7.00 to uatch the Well, yes. They nst 2 nil[ton
ftxttball game. Whl' dcn't y'ou Iraqi dfuars. But the classes dre
cr:me uith us? fun. And sPeaking l:tettcr
Hasan: Hi, Zaid. Thanks. I'd ktue to Englisb uill help me uhen I'nt
hut I'n dfldid I cd11't. At 7.00 o11 haliday in othet tountries,
I'Ll be sitting in dn Englisl," tao. I'm dttudllJ' quite
.lc1ss, listening to 111y tedcher! eniq'ikg studyillg dgain, tm!
Zaid: Ytu'll be at schctol? I thctught
you had a job.
Hasan: I dr.t. But I'nt dlsa stu.lli1g at a
sPe.ial langudge school tt)
imprctue ny English. Classes
stdtt dt 6.A0, so Peof)le .dn
take them eten if the1, ttrn'k. It
suits me perfectly.
Zaid: But your English is really good

Unit 7 Lesson 4 to learn, and ue all helped
each ctther. If one of us was
O Section 23 goil1g to be dbsent, sbe told tbe
Listen to Nisrin tdlking about her txhcrs so that we utould nake
summer closs.Tick the reosons she liked a4ties of the class notes for
her closs, her. The best thing abr.tut the
Nisr'in: I too& a class in secrctaidl course is that it helped me find
a iob uery quickly. I use all the
'u.t"ttt. and u
sb.lls la't I
uery glad I did. \Yhen I skills I ledmt ol1the c()urse-
linished school h June,l just Nett, I thitlk I'll studt'
didn't know wbat I wanted tct business. Until then,I haue a
do. I thought I'd sturl1'hisary iob ds d se.rctdty that I enioy
dnd become a tedchet, but I
wanr.d ti'nt t'. tl-iak about,t.
I decided to get a iob, so I
enrolled in the class on
,ect, 'a'nl sl,ilt". I .'t1",ed tt a
lot because I learnt sct many
new tbings. 1 knew a [ittle
Unit 7 Lesson 6

dbout .omruterc uiben I

stdrted, but ik tbe tlass I ledtnt O Sectior 24
dbout dll sorts of neL, Listen to five people tdlking dbout theit
Prosrdms, dnd I lednlt to t)t1e leorning experiences.
wuch faster. Tbe classes tuere Announcer: Oze
neuer b,.'ring. ()ur teacber u:as San I work for a large comfdn)
treat clnd ex|ldined euerrthing that bu1,s crafts in many
uery clear\'. She uas also uery countries throughrnt the
kind and sometimes stal'ad wtvld. Tben ne selLthese
after class if *nterne had products allouer C reat
mtre quc:t ,,n.. \t, u,uall,, Britain. I worked as a
did! secretaD, dt tbe com1dn) for
tvdtl) )cdt'. I ltked ny pt a.
Another reastn I liked tbe first, but then I decided I
class is that ue had uerl banted to hdue mare
moderll equipnent, just Like resPons)bili4t. I kne*' a lot
the equipment we urould be dbout the camPdny a1ld the
using in our jobs. I liked tbe prcducts we buy, but I cou[dn't
ather students, tor.t. The class get d bettet iob because I
utds n.)t too big, sa L-e g()t to touldn't sPeak any other
know each othet quite uell. languages. Out tompany r:lr:,es
Eueryhody *,as uery motiuated a lot of business with the

Middle East, so I decitletl I fomd out he was gting to a
utas going to learn Arabit. I painting tlass that euening. I
found a language schooLthat went with him to see tuhdt it
offered Arabic classes in the uas like, and I enjoyed it so
eucning, dnd I went thete tu)i.e nuch I enrlled )nrnediately.
d week dftet tut|k. lt took a Notr I go tu) my Pdinting .Ldss
long titne, but it u,as great fun (n.e a L!.)eek, a17d I dlso pdint
dnd rcalLt interestilli<, dnd n()u dt hamc dt tueekends. lt's
I haue n morc exciting job. I redll! relatillg d11d Ltbo
trauel to the \4iddle East once knnts, I might sell sonte r:f
d m()nth dnd meet the
.ruftsmen. \I) jab is to bel1
decide u)hat Produ.ts tue buf'. Alnouncerr Four
Lalla: When I left schocl, I had
Announcer: Ttuo trouhLe ltntling a jr.tb. Nll
I u,ork fot a company that father sdit) I shoLrld takc a
makes and sells petroleunt class ut uteb design, but I
Pr.)duds. To mdke sure Ihdt ditln't really want tr.t. I kneut
altr pradL!.ts ,tre bigh q dlit), the cldsses stdrted in tbe
tue andbse them in ()ur sunmer, and I tualied t,t go on
laboratory. \X'ben I stntted at holidal'with my ftiends. And I
the.omldn)',I111ds d Llid11't know d k)t ,tbout
laboratcty techniciatt and I ctnll? ters. I utas nxn'e
helped the scienists by interested in fasbion, and I
medsuring the ln)ducts dnd tltougbt the classes ur:uld be
operating the machines. I was hrnittg. But ir the end, my
a gr.:od ur,rker, so ntl' father cr,,nuinced ne antl I
emPIo)er siid tbe .amPdn), enrolLed.I learnt a ktt and I
utould giue ne ur tbe-job ltttls surprised holu mu.h I
traikinB. I ledrnt muth mote enjoyed the class. Nr:ut I
ab out lab oratory P n tcedw es, mdintdin tbe tL,ebsite of d
arul ncta' I su|eruise a team of fanous clotbing .omPdn! and
lab oratory te c h ni cian s. I bue my it,b.

Thrce Fite
Chris: Art tras alu,als my fa*nite Sultan: I worketl for a remr:uals
cLass at school, but phen I &lnpan\' for d yenr. I liked the
starte(l ny job dt the bdnk I utt'k, and I was ue4,
st()pled drdwng d11d tdintiTlt:. dtsaP[).)lnted to learn the
Then one day, I hatl lunch with a*ner Luould be closint the
a friend tuho is a banker too. l conttrtanl' )n the autumtt, srt I

decided t() stdrt nj ()tu11 Unit I Lesson 2
conpa\). MJ friends didn't
thinh it uas a good idea. They 6i Section 25
said I u:ould haue to work Listen to o description of how woste
harder tban if I u,orketl fot .on be recycled, Complete the flow
somebodl else. And thcy u,ere .hdrt with words from the box.
right. lt was uery diff alt at The req.Ling prc.ess bas seretal stages.
tfu beginning. I hdd ta sqend First. the waste is sorted at home. The
all the money I had saued on 111din t\tfes ()f L'dsfe dre fixd u:aste,
office equipnent and a glass and glass trnnductsj pttper dnd
rc1nou&ls ud1,t. I couldn't afford plastics. There are alsrt srnte items (fcn'
to pay mdfiy enp[oyees, so I oidmf le, b ) th at canx tt nr.trnta l l.,,
did nost of the work myse[f. be recycled. The naste is then placed in
That meanl I couldn't spend different bags, rne frtr frxtd u'aste,
much time witb my fantily and anather for gldss, another fitr paper, and
friends. And if there was a so rn. These bags are then placed
ptablen, il tuds m)' outside the house, tuhere thet are
tespohsibilitl to lix it. I 1.0ds ctllected b1' the refuse l.rrry and tdken
tued and tt'orried all the time. ta the udste tredhllefit pldnt. At the
But it was uorth it. M,\ waste treahllent pldnt, dll tudste is
..tn?dnl is daing vell no*',
'., a,a ed iuto difere]tt t\pr.. lht l L,
and I ant uery qroud of ny carcfully checked, and any utaste u,htth
wttrk. I enioy making aLl the cdnnot he rcc)cled is rcmau.d.'fhe
decisions, and tbe best thing u)dste is then.Ledned ik spe.idl
about ruwtutg nty own machines. Finalll', it is taken to different
cafi1Pd11l is tbdt I don'l hdue to fdctolies, Lubere it is treated. Products
do uthat someone else tells me lil<e glass, plastic and pdper cdn dll be
to do. I choose wbo I udttt to
u).)tk tuith taa, sa I get al,ng
with euerJ'bctdy.

Unit 8 Lesson 4 rccy.li :< Drogrdmne. I Like ta feel |m
n.al:.n a ditl, qrc,'1 tl., qual.tt , t, u.
$ Section 26 enuinnment bt' helPing peaple red ce
Listen ond check you. qnswei"s. the amount of rubbish a'e put in landfiLL
?ark ranger: sites or incinerdte.
I't,e bcen uorking as a park ranger ftn'
fiue 1'eats. I lou this job because I lcn e \{hter qualiry pl;rn n er:
animals. I spend a lot of my attrking A utater qua[i4 plawtet has an
1t .tt's..yt'1nc', . roll,rtiug,n[,,-,ati r iklpottdnt jab, betduse Ludtcr is so
abaut ahimals - where they e, Lrhdt inpartdllt i11 our liues. \\'e drink it,
theJ) drc edting, if they are healthy. I alsr.t wash in it, cook a'ith tt and use it tct
nTdke stlte thdt peaple respect the tltles help pldnts grow. Thdt's uhy our uater
fot prcte.titg them. I dr:n't alkta must be as clean as possible. I dm i1
1.u tte'' t4 tb, 1a'l..atd'cnnd,t"t,r' cbdtge of d tedm thdt collects u,dler
not kt leat,e rubbish thdt .d11 hurt the sdmples and mdkes swe thdl the tudlet
nildlife. is clean. If there is a prcblem bith the
*,ater, I helTt identifl the reason antl
Healtl,, safety and environtrrert rr,ranager: k:ok ft solutions.
I *,ork in a petntl refikerl. I m the
health, safety and enuiollment fiandgel.
lettol is dll impa)rtdnt ndturdl resoutce,
bul so arc the air and wdter. Thete are
lots of rules that ue haue to foLhtw to
lake sure thdt our refinar;t drtesn't
datnage tbe enuironment- I also mdke
sure that the peo?le at the refinery uork
in safe conditirns. lt's dn imfottdnt j()b,
and I'nt glad that I can help keep per-tple

Recvcling coordinator:
\s r/r, ,, v, lrrt , " '-r1..tat ,1, 'r, .i'1.
I make surc thdt euei'ybrdy uderstands
the imp(r'tc111.e of re.ycling. I lue talks
to schrnl groups and send people
hro ch nfonnat ktt,
ures w itb re cyc Im g
such as uhich produ.ts lo put i1the
d tfferent c oloure d re cy cling b ins.'X'h en

PeoPle rcdli.e thdL rcqcling helps keep

the Earth tLean for future generdtio s,
theJ'usudlly udnt to pdrticipdte in tbe

Wordlist vocabularyiremsnarke.$,irhanasrerisk(')areno'-testabre

a good experience 3.8

a good record 4.6

a risky business"' 6.10

accon, nT odatiol 3.7

admit (on a course ) 7. 1

advice 3.7

alerted" 2.6

allergies 3.7


arkle 1.1

arnoyed with 3.5

afrr Lr3l L I{)

anytlring to dcclarc? -S. I

application J.2

approprjatel,r'" 7. l()

rlpPr()\'c 6..1

appro|c of i.l

archlaecture -1. I

rstounded': :. 1(l

AT]\I 6.I


attract (customer.s) 6. j


halance (r. I

banl< orline (..t

b:rL sr,rrcrncrt l'.l

be sick l.l

L)ill iprl a -i 6.-

blood l.l

blrncl pres'ure 1.5

board i\'l 5.6

boardrng, card i. I

bo,:1r language '' . ,)

br:;oth'' L l0

branch (bank -l (r..l

hterlr even" 6. l0

breathe 1.1

hlried 32

canrpaigns :l.,-

can ot bear '' i.lLl

c:r hirc t.I

cnsh 6.I

caraloliue'r -. lli

chargc 1a fcc) 6.1

charirv -.i


che:rted i..2.

checkups 1..5

cheque l'. I

cheque l,ook ...l

,'ivili,: n


compere 1.I

competiaiYe salar-r +.al

collllouud 5.1

c(nrcentrxte s,1

c(nlnectioi llnternet -) - ;

conserving': i.l


considcrablv -i.l

considering i..l

!' ntlru nq tLlur-1rl^r -. l

con\.enient a..ll

con\.er the sense': .1.l{)

cosmerics 1.1

c()!cr rhe maj()r

points'r +.I


create a go{)cl/bad

cleclit card 6. I

creclit llnrr 6..1

currcnt (accounrl 6.1

rleforestrtior " il. I

dcn-rilcralizarion " Ll

denv i.l0

deor<-\.gcl ati{ ) n '' 3.1

dcposit (n, \') 6.I

dcrails J.i


dji hctcs L l0

diabcric 1.7



dlseppoint 6..1

disconnecr -l.J

discourage -3. 1

dislile l.l


clispose of



dolphin 1.3

dor,r'r p;rlnent* l'.1'



cffrcicnt '. I

enforce 8.,,1

engireerin!l .1. I

enhance -. I

en\nre': .s.10

entert;unment ).a)

equir:1lent .l.a)

eventuall\' .i.l0


e)ichange ratc a...j

excursion i..l

cxpcrt 6.-j

expired 6.+

export (\'l +. I

cxtcnd 5..1

iaint 1.1

ied up u.ith .i..3

fee 6.1

financialli minded" 6.IL)


llrst airl l.l

fir 1.6

fivc-srar hotcl i.l

l ed sum" ar. l0

lar.our iget a

f)avour ofl -i.,.1

follorr the lar.v


iound 1a cir,ilizarioni" 8.-

fracturc 1.1

furtlernorc 1.7

funrristic" -1..1

geologY 3.2

t.ive up 1.4


graphic desjgn -.l

grincl 3.i

hanclb:rg 6.,i

hearlphones 3.11)

heelth club" -,1.1

herrt :rtt:rcl{ .5.l0

hostel Li

hldroelectric'' N.7

ice sl<ating 1.2

ideal i.l


impolitc 1.,1

in plaster 1.2

in doranrl .l.ll)

in the rgnition

in the Lrng run" 5..1

irr:one ,l l

incon\,enie t" -a..

irrdcfinitelv" 5. l0


inei6cient 1.,1

technologv 3.1

inhabrtcd -r."

insrr ll

ir'rstalncnts l'.6

lntclcst (..l

lntertere rvlth " ll.

inventlon i.2



job prospect .l

johseeker" -. '\


joints 1.1

Iteep in touch '1. I

kno*'ledgcable (-...1

lr n,lfill ll..i

larTdscapc S..1

lasr bur nor least" 1.7

lr rv enforcement

Ioel i.7

librrrian -.i

Lccnsc platc

limlt 8.1

live up ro mr'

lo:rn 6.I

locrrions i.-


logging'' 8.1

lose consciousness il.1l)


marntarn (a rnrnll]1unr
balancel" 6.1

rllajor plalcr s'r (..10


make e\.e contact': .1, i

nraragelnent ,)

rnandato$'r -.-l

marshland'r li.7

nerlical i. i

migrate" I7

nrisspclt 4.. -

lnodcmize '1..1

movie direcror .l. ft

na\igation'' t.l

11()\ ilcla\'s'f 1.6

',c. !p.,ri, 'f I.f

.rfi!pring 5.1{)

on lhe mo!'e' 5. l0

opcn lan accountl 6.1

opr for .l.7

out of e job" L l0

olerarrft f,.:iliric\ a..l

o\ erlook': -i. (i

pacliirge deal .i. I

facked lunch -j. l

palamcdics l L0

park rangcr 3..+

f-l,\\, ! J F.-

pav i;itcrcstJ a). -l

Prv back 6.6

pensron plan't 6.10

perm jr (v) .1.7

pcrsollrl -i. 1l)

persondl trajner': +.6

tersonalitv l ..+

phcrromcno 'r E.-5

phlsical i. l0

phvsical eclucation " -1.)


PIN r. I

placement test" -.)

pleirse lincl encLrsecl'' 6.1

plentiful' ll. I

plenty of 1..5

porentialll " S.l

prior knorvleclge'' -..1

protesslon 3.6


punctual .1..1

pLrrificaflol" i.2

put aside" 6. 1l)

puzzled 1.11)

qLralifications 3.2

r rd.rr spccJ gun

late linrerest -l 6.2

rc.rlizr -r pr,,Ft h lrl

rec:lll 5. 10

regaill consci(rLlsness 1.10


register ifor a coLrrse) 1.I

regul:rr slvers'r 6. ll)

regulations 3..+

reLirionshjps 5. I{)

rene$;able 8.1

rcplacc 3.1

rcscrc i.fl

reservoir't !.r

responsibilit) (r. -l

re\,ised estJnate'' ,:1. I


routine i.10

r0ln't ll.7

sirisl_r/ing r...1

sr|ings lacc()unt) 6.1

scare.l of hcighrs't .l..1


screntific research .1. I

screens 3. 1l)

\clil(JrerIrg Jp-rrnnenr i I

self-disclplined ;.1

selt:scrvrce 5. a)

senrimcnhl v.l,re':

separere li.2

set in': -i.6

sewing"' -.10

\frrl 1.3

\hrit i\orl -) . i

shoulder 1.1

sightseeirg 5.1

sijjn a contract .:1. I

situate.l -;.7

slang -1.1


spe!ialit\ 5.6

sPoil t..l

,,frcs\fL,l i. I

sffoke's i.ll)

suificient'r 5.l l)

sLrit (\,1 l.;

surgeon +..+

surroLrndings -5.-

s\\,rl1o\r, l.l

s\\'ollelr 1.1

trill,rcJ rL, l.-

takc up 1.4

rerms and c.nditions': .l.6

the :rviation indusrrv i.1

thc enlironrrenr .1. I

tbe media i.l


throughout j.7

tip (vl 6.i


ro no evail't l. Ll)

transaction 6.I

rri!el agcuc) -j. I

trll\'clicr\ cheques 6..S

trekking" .S.10

tIU oref.l.i

trY ou 1.:1


unbelievablv i.l

under pressurc'1 i.l0

nnf:rir 1.4

unti)rrunAte 1.,1

unlreaLth\, 1.4



!ilid r...1


!alue 6.6

varlctv ).6

\.enue ;.'1

|ital* 5. 1(l

$'ards 1.10

$'cb dcsign 7..1

wcll-p3ld 3.1

\\isely 8.1

uitncss 1rr)

u.orkahoiic't 5.1{l

worrh ir 3.E

\\()ul.ln't hesirate to

$rriit .l.l


8 So.th€d Courl, South Stre€i,

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rBQrS 59 6thP

The Minirtry of Edu.at on woLld iketothankLhelolownq5pe.aiststorther nvauabte

advl.e, erpert5€ and had wo* tn s!ppo{orthe Editorialan.l Adapraton Commi ee
d!rinq the cou6e ofthe proie.r

Saleda NaserKhLdat 5e.lor Ed!.aton Spe.ia n

Faten FnklrrlKhaar Pimary Edu.auon sLperysor
Eman Seiman Fa an Tea.herol E.g sh
Haa lalib Hammood Tea.her of Eng sh
Componenti of Engtith for lrdq, 6th Preporotory
a Student's gook
I Activity Book
a leacher's Book
. Audio

The Student'3 Book presents new language and provides opportunities to

practise English using a wide varjety of reading and listening materials. Reading
texts include websites, e-mails, articles, leaflets, reports with graphs and tables,
guidebooks and advertisements. The students listen to dialogues, talks, phone
calls, news items and discussions. The topics featured reflect the age and interest
of the students and draw upon their knowledge and experience of the world.
The Student's Book also includes a Grammar and Functions Reference section,
giving detailed explanations and examples of the language points covered in the
course, and a Literature Focus.

The Activity Book contains stimulating activities to consolidate vocabulary

and qrammar, develop phonic awareness and practise the four skills. The
students have the opportunity to personalize the language presented in the
Student's Book, take part in communicative speaking activities and carry out
structured writinq tasks. The Activity Book also has end-of-unit tests that can be
used to monitor the students' progress.

The Tea<her's Book contains an introduction with practical advice and

procedures for using the course effectively. The underlying methodology is
explained, and the teaching techniques used in the course are highlighted.
step-by-step procedures for individual lessons provide a solid framework for
leison preparation. Photocopiable role-play activities are included to help
develop spoken fluency. Appendices at the end of the book provide an
essential reference for the teacher.

The Audio extracts comprise recordings of all the listening texts, exercises,
te5ts and phonic work in the Student's Book and Activity Book.

riilil ililililililil Editorial and Adaotation Committee

Ministry of Education Enqlish Curkulum Committee
Mal€k Mohamed juda Head ol the English Cutric! um
AdilAli Mousa - senior ldlcaton specali5t
M!ayyad NajiAhrned - Head or English Depa ment in the Open Education College
Ramz Nour Abdullah - senior Educatio. Spe.a ist
Batool Faeq Abd!Lwahid Serlor Educatlon specia i5t

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