Food Journal

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Priya Chanai’s Food Journal



Lunch: A chicken gyro with lamb. Water. > Carbohydrate and proteins.

Snack: Boiled chataigne seeds. Water. > Vitamins and minerals.

Supper: Arepa with cheese and lamb. Water. > Carbohydrate and proteins.

Dinner: Hotdog with minced chicken, parmesan cheese. Coca- Cola. > Carbohydrate and

Based on everything I ate for the day, I didn’t ate a balanced meal, because there is no fruits
and a tiny bit of vegetables. There was also no Legumes and Nuts in my meals, which I need
to improve more on eating. I drank a lot of water today, but I drank some Coca-Cola in the
night. The chicken and arepa was fried in vegetable oil, that is polyunsaturated fats and it is
good fat.



Breakfast – Crix and tea. > Carbohydrate.

Lunch – Hotdog with minced chicken and parmesan cheese. Water. > Carbohydrate, proteins
and fats.

Snack – Boiled chataigne seeds and a doubles. Water. > Vitamins and minerals,
carbohydrates, and fats.

Dinner – Bake and shark, guava bar- b- que chicken with fries and a side of salad and a piece
of pineapple. Coca – cola. > Carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals, fats.

Snack – boiled chataigne seeds. Water. > Vitamins and minerals.

Today was much better than yesterday. I ate a balanced meal which is very good and the only
thing I left out was legumes and nuts, but it gives you proteins, as well as food from animals,
which I think may make up for it. Doubles is very unhealthy, since the baras are fried in a lot
of oil. The Coca – Cola is tempting, at least I drank more water today, never-the-less, I have
to try to stop drinking Coca-Cola.



Breakfast – Doubles. Water > Carbohydrates and fats.

Lunch – Spicy ramen, minced chicken, sausage, avocado. Water > Carbohydrate, protein,
vitamin and mineral.

Dinner – Chicken burger with vegetables, a portion of salad with a piece of pineapple. Water.
> Carbohydrate, proteins and vitamins and minerals.

Snack – Peanuts. Water. > Protein.

I am very joyful, because I ate a full balanced meal today and I drank no Coca – Cola.



Breakfast – Hotdog with parmesan cheese. Water. > Carbohydrates and protein.

Lunch – Wrap with vegetables and hash - browns. Sprite. > Carbohydrates and vitamins and

Snack – Caramel Frappuccino and a cake pop. > Proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Dinner – Spicy ramen with parmesan cheese. Water. > Carbohydrate and protein.

Snack – Almonds. Water. > Protein.

Today was a bit successful, I didn’t have a balanced meal, because I didn’t eat any fruits but I
ate vegetables to get vitamins and minerals.



Breakfast – Pancakes and almonds. Water. > Proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Snack – Boiled chataigne seeds. Water. > Vitamins and minerals.

Lunch – Dhal, rice and curry chicken with avocado and boiled chataigne seeds. Water. >
Proteins, vitamins and minerals and carbohydrates.

Snack – Bread and sausage with cheese, almonds and boiled chataigne seeds. Water. >
Carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins and minerals.

Dinner – Fries and popcorn chicken. Red Cold Cold. > Carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Today’s food wasn’t as healthy as the other days, and I kept missing out fruits most days,
which I need to get in my body. I didn’t ate a balanced meal,but there is always room for



Breakfast – Pancakes and sausage with a Tea. > Carbohydrates and protein.

Snack – Boiled chataigne seeds. Water. > Vitamins and minerals.

Lunch – Vegetable soup and Ramen. Water. > Vitamins and minerals and carbohydrates.

Snack – Oats with nuts and milk. > Carbohydrates and proteins.

Snack – Bread and sausage with cheese, cheese sticks, cake and ice cream. Water. >
Carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Dinner – Mac and cheese with fried eggs. Water. > Carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Today I ate more than I usually do and some of the things are unhealthy. Once again, I didn’t
get any fruits in my body but, I ate some vegetables which gave me vitamins and minerals,
even though I still think that it didn’t make up for the fruits. I didn’t ate a balanced meal.



Breakfast – Doubles and a banana. Water. > Carbohydrates, fats and vitamins and minerals.

Snack - Apple, grapes and cashew nuts. Water. > Vitamins and minerals and proteins.

Lunch – Roti and curry cassava, apple and grapes. Water. > Carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and

I did very well today and ate a balanced meal. I got all the nutrients in my body, so it is
working properly.

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