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Minsitry of Megapolis and Western Development.

Metro Colombo Urban Development Project.

Design & Building of New Mutwal

& Torrington Tunnels Project.
Contract No. MCUDP/SLLRDC/W/14/ICB/2016.

Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of

Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal
Tunnel by Employer’s Engineers in Huizhuo Shi,

From 2nd to 11th June, 2019.

1.0 Introduction. 1
1.1 GOLIK Holding Limited/GOLIK Precast Limited. 1
1.2 Scope of Work. 2
2.0 Inspection of Pre-Cast Factory and Testing of Concrete Segments. 2
2.1 Observed Component of the Process of Pre-cast Concrete Segments Casting
during Inspection visit. 2
2.1.1 Erecting Reinforcement Cage of Segments (B 02 Type Segment). 3
2.1.2 Preparation for the cleaning of Steel Molds of Segments. 4
2.1.3 Cleaning the Steel molds. 4
2.1.4 Placing the Reinforcement Cage into the molds. 5
2.1.5 Tying the mild steel reinforcement spirals around the embedded parts. 5
2.1.6 Closing the mold for concreting. 6
2.1.7 Placing Concrete into the molds. 6
2.1.8 Spreading the Concrete evenly using Poker vibrator. 7
2.1.9 Activating the vibration of the steel molds. 7
2.1.10 Curing of Concrete Segments. 8
2.1.11 Storing of cured Concrete Segments for Inspection. 8
2.1.12 Rejected Concrete Segments. 9
2.1.13 Repairing of Concrete Segments with Minor Damages. 9
2.1.14 Stacking of finished Concrete Segments for transport. 10
2.1.15 Transporting the Concrete Segments to harbor for shipping. 10
2.2 Test of Pre-cast Concrete Segments which was witnessed by Employer’s 11
Engineer during the Inspection visit.
2.2.1 Compressive Strength Test for Grade 50 Concrete 12
2.2.2 Erection Test. 13
2.2.3 Permeability Test. 16
2.2.4 Flexural test. 18
2.2.5 Pull-Out test (for grouting insert). 19
2.2.6 Concrete Cover Test. 22
2.2.7 Rebound Hammer Test. 23
3.0 Test conducted for Grade 50 Concrete. 24
3.1 Testing for Grade 50 Concrete 25
4.0 Suitability tests of Raw Materials. 26
4.1 Testing for Fine Aggregate. 26
4.2 Testing for Coarse Aggregate. 27
4.3 Test for Cement. 28
Annexure 30
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

With accordance to the clause “Pre-shipment Inspection and Testing at
Manufacturers Works by Employer’s Engineers” of Section VI , Employers Requirement
of the Signed Construction Contract Agreement of Design and Building of New Mutwal
and Torrington Tunnels, “The Contractor shall arrange for minimum of two (02) SLLRDC
Engineers for each pre-shipment inspection visits at manufacturers Works before
dispatching the goods. Goods shall be inspected and tested by SLLRDC Engineers before
dispatching at Manufacturer’s Works.”
Hence, to inspect the first batch of Shipment of Pre-cast Concrete Segments of New
Mutwal Tunnel, a visit was organized by the contractor, China Petroleum Pipeline
Company Limited for Pre-shipment Inspection and Testing of the Concrete Segments.
Two Engineers participated, representing the Employer. The details of the participants of
the above referred Inspection visit are shown in Table No.01

Table No. 01 – Details of Participants of the Inspection Visit.

No. Name Designation Organization

01. Eng. D. N. L. Jayathunga. Project Engineer. MCUDP.

02. Eng. E. H. Senewimala. Earth Resource and Mining Engineer. SLLRDC.

1.1 GOLIK Holding Limited/GOLIK Precast Limited.

Founded in 1977, GOLIK began as a small producer of welded mesh used in the
construction industry. In 1997, GOLIK successfully listed on the Hong Kong Stock
Exchange giving us further momentum for growth.
GOLIK Precast Limited was incorporated to the GOLIK Holding on 16-MAY-2003 as a
Private company limited under the Main Company’s Building and Manufacturing

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Figure No. 01 Group structure of GOLIK Holdings Limited.

Having being the Selected Sub-contractor of Precast Concrete Segments of New Mutwal
Tunnel Project, the Pre-cast Segments were manufactured in GOLIK’s Huizhou Segment
factory, located in Guangdong Province, China
GOLIK Precast Limited commence the Casting of the New Mutwal Tunnel segments on
mid-April 2019 and during the Inspection Visit on 03rd June 2019, 297 Rings were casted
(out of 300 Rings of the 1st Shipment batch).

1.2 Scope of Work.

According to China Petroleum Pipeline Company Limited, GOLIK Pre-Cast Limited is

under a contract to cast 778 (1 meter in length) Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segment Rings for
the New Mutwal Tunnel Project.
Each Ring comprised of 6 segments; the details of the segments are mentioned in below;

Table No. 02 Types of Segments to be used in New Mutwal Tunnel Project.

Type of Segment Standard Block Segments. Adjacent Block Capping Block
Segments. Segment.
Segment Marking A1 A2 A3 B1 B1 C

Therefore, an overall 4668 segments must be casted and shipped to Sri Lanka. The
Segments will be shipped to Sri Lanka in Two Batches. The first batch (300 Rings) has been
shipped on 13th June 2019, and the second batch (478 Rings) is schedule to be shipped on
the 1st week of August.

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

2.1 Observed Component of the Process of Pre-cast Concrete Segments Casting

during Inspection visit.

During the Inspection Visit the last rings of the first Shipment batch were being casted in
the factory. The following photographs along with the descriptions are the observed
components of the casting process of the segments.

2.1.1 Erecting Reinforcement Cage of Segments (B 02 Type Segment).

Figure No. 02 Erecting Reinforcement Cage on the Erecting Platform.

• Tor Steel, with diameter of 16mm and 12mm were being used as main tension
reinforcement for the bottom half of the segment, minimum reinforcement was
provided in the top half to prevent thermal cracking.
• Mild Steel, with diameter 8mm was provided as minimum reinforcement around
embedded parts for the reinforcement cage.
• Arc welding was used for erecting the reinforcement cage.

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
2.1.2 Preparation for the cleaning of Steel Molds of Segments (A 01 Type Segments).

Figure No. 03 vibratory molds waiting to be cleaned from debris.

2.1.3 Cleaning the Steel molds.

Figure No. 04 Cleaning the molds by hand.

• Cleaning of dust and left-over particles were done using compressed air.
• The attached cement was removed manually by scaping and brushing.
• All cleaned molds were thoroughly inspected prior to placing the Reinforcement

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
2.1.4 Placing the Reinforcement Cage into the molds.

Figure No. 05 Cleaning the molds by hand.

2.1.5 Tying the mild steel reinforcement spirals around the embedded parts.

Figure No. 06 Tying of Mild Steel spiral around embedded parts.

• The 8 mm mild steel spiral around the embedded parts is the only rebar element
which was tied to the cage using steel wire.

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
2.1.6 Closing the mold for concreting.

Figure No. 07 Manually tightening the bolts of the Mold housing.

2.1.7 Placing Concrete into the molds.

Figure No. 08 Placing concrete into the molds.

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
2.1.8 Spreading the Concrete evenly using Poker vibrator.

Figure No. 09 Using Poker vibrators to evenly spread the concrete in the mold.
2.1.9 Activating the vibration of the steel molds.

Figure No. 10 Removal of Air voids using inbuild vibration system of the molds.

• The vibration is kept for 10 minutes to achieve maximum compaction.

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
2.1.10 Curing of Concrete Segments.

Figure No. 11 Water tanks used for curing the Concrete Segments.
• Once the Concrete Segments are hardened, they are removed from the molds and
submerged in water tanks for curing. A gantry crane is used for lifting and
transporting the segments to the tanks.
• The Segments remain in the tanks for a period of 7 Days.
2.1.11 Storing of cured Concrete Segments for Inspection.

Figure No. 12 Stacking the cured Concrete Segments for inspection.

• During the inspection Segment having major defects were rejected. Segments with
minor damagers or defects are sent for repairing.

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
2.1.12 Rejected Concrete Segments.

Figure No.13 Rejected Concrete Segments (Honeycomb in concrete around embedded


2.1.13 Repairing of Concrete Segments with Minor Damages.

Figure No. 14 Repairing of Minor chipping surfaces of Concrete Segments.

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
2.1.14 Stacking of finished Concrete Segments for transport.

Figure No. 15 Placing of Wooden Blocks for stacking of Concrete Segments.

2.1.15 Transporting the Concrete Segments to harbor for shipping.

Figure No. 16 Transporting the Concrete Segments.

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
2.2 Test of Pre-cast Concrete Segments which was witnessed by Employer’s
Engineer during the Inspection visit.

With accordance to the Design and Building Contractor, China Petroleum Pipeline
Engineering Company Limited’s Specification for Shield Segments, an Inspection and Test
Plan (ITP) was proposed by the contractor, which was to be conducted by GOLIK Precast
Furthermore, with accordance to the Signed Construction Contract Agreement, a selected
Independent Agency must perform the tests required in the ITP. Accordingly, The Lab (Asia)
Ltd, and SGS Laboratory were selected as the Independent Agencies. The Approved ITP is
given below.
Table No. 03 Approved Inspection and Test Plan submitted by CPP.

No. Inspected Test Description Frequency of Test Frequency of Test

Content Performed by Factory performed by the Third-
Laboratory Party Laboratory.
1 Fineness. Once in 100 Rings.
2 Initial Setting and
Final setting time.
3 Compressive
4 Cement. Bending Strength. Only once for the entire
5 Stability. Once in 100 Rings. Casting process.
6 Acid Soluble Once in 100 Rings.
Sulphate Content.
7 Chloride ion Once in 100 Rings.
8 Fly ash. Strength Factor. Once in 100 Rings. Only once for the entire
Casting process
9 Silica Powder. Silicon Dioxide Once in 100 Rings. Only once for the entire
Content. Casting process
10 Clay Content. Once in 100 Rings.
11 Flakiness.
12 Coarse Crushing Value. Only once for the entire
13 Aggregate. LAA Value. Once in 100 Rings. Casting process.
14 Alkali-aggregate Once in 100 Rings.
15 Fine Clay Content. Once in 100 Rings. Only once for the entire
Aggregate. Casting process.
16 Fluidity. Once in 100 Rings. Only once for the entire
Additive. Casting process.
17 Chloride ion Once in 100 Rings. Only once for the entire
Content. Casting process.
18 Rebar. Yield Strength. Once in 100 Rings. Only once for the entire
19 Re bending. Once in 100 Rings. Casting process.
20 Compressive According to the
Concrete Strength. Casting date of Cubes.
21 Sample. Penetration. According to the Only once for the entire
(Cubes) Casting date of Cubes. Casting process.
22 RCPT. According to the
Casting date of Cubes.

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
23 Segment Horizontal Once in 200 Rings.
Errection Test.
24 Flexural Test. Once in 200 Rings.
25 Initially once for every
100 rings, if three
Permeability Test. successful tests are
Segment. performed, then once Only once for the entire
for every 200 rings. Casting process.
26 Pull-out Test. Once per 200 Rings.
27 Initially once for every
Concrete Cover 100 rings, if three
Test. successful tests are
performed, then once
for every 200 rings.

During the Inspection visit the Employer’s Engineers were able to witness the following Tests.

Table No. 04 Witnessed Tests by Employer’s Engineer.

No. Content Inspected. Witnessed Test* Remark

01. Grade 50 Concrete. Compressive strength test for 2 Cubes were testes (09 Days and 28 Day)
Concrete Cubes.
Erection Test Segment Rings. Test was performed on Ring No. 0101 &
Permeability Test for Test was performed on Segment No. B3P2
Segments. 0100.
Flexural Test for Segments. Test was performed on Segment No. B2P2
02 Pre-cast Concrete 0100.
Segments. Pull-out Test for Segments. Test was performed on Segment No. FP03
Concrete Cover Test for Test were performed on Segments No.
Segments. L1P04 0106, B2P01 0103 and FP04 0206.
Rebound Hammer Test. Test was performed on Segment No. B1P02

2.2.1 Compressive Strength Test for Grade 50 Concrete Cubes.

Test Standard.
• European Standard of Testing hardened concrete, making and curing specimens for
strength tests. (BS EN 12390-2 – 13 2009,2013)

During the Inspection Compressive strength tests were conducted for 09 day and 28 day
casted cubes. Testing of 09 Day Cube compressive strength test were done because, during
the day of the testing 07-day Casted Concrete Cubes were unavailable.

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China. Compressive Strength Test for 09 Day Casted Cubes.

Figure No 17. 09 Day casted Cube being tested for compressive strength. Compressive Strength Test for 28 Day Casted Cubes.

Figure No 18. 28 Day casted Cube being tested for compressive strength.

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Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Table No 05. Test Results for the Compressive Strength test for Concrete Cubes.

Days after Crushing Load. (kN) Compressive Strength. Requirement of Relevant

Casting. (N/mm2) Standards of test. (N/mm2)
09 days. 1234.0 54.84 Not Defined
28 days. 1495.6 66.47 50

2.2.2 Erection Test.

Test Standard.
• Code for Construction and Acceptance of Shield Segments (GB 50446-2008), (Chinese
• Technical Standard for Quality Inspection of Shield Tunnel Segments (CJJ/T 164-
2011), (Chinese Standard)

Purpose of the Erection Test.

The Erection Test of segments, is conducted, to determine if dimensions of Pre-Cast elements
are within tolerance, and position deviation after erection of segments. The test is also used to
inspect segments and molds.

Test setup
A demonstration lining consisting of two or more test rings shall be erected on a flat and level
base, with the top ring rotated one bolt pitch from the bottom ring with bolts inserted.

Figure No 19. Erected Rings for the Erection Test.

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
Test Frequency.
Erection test is carried out once for every 200 rings segment produced, which conforms to
Code for Construction and Acceptance of Shield Tunnel Method GB 50446-2008. (Chinese

Erection inspection items.

In the Erection Test, following four items of the segment rings were inspected to check
whether they conformed to the provisions of GB 50446-2008 Code for Construction and
Acceptance of shield segments and Technical Standard for Quality Inspection of Shield
Tunnel Segments" (CJJ/T 164-2011) (Chinese Standard).

Table No 06. Permissible Deviation and Inspection Method for Erection Inspection of
No. Items Allowable deviation Measuring Positions. Measuring tools
01. circumferential joint 1 6 Positions measured per Feeler gauge.
clearance slit.
02. longitudinal joint 1 2 Positions measured per Feeler gauge.
clearance slit.
03. inner diameter after ±6 4 Positions in 90 Degree Steel tape.
ring formation rotations (without cushion)
04. outer diameter after +6,-2 4 Positions in 90 Degree Steel tape.
ring formation rotations (without cushion)

Longitudinal Joint.
Circumferential Joint.

Figure No 20. Checking Inner Diameter of Erected Ring.

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Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Figure No 21. Checking longitudinal joint clearance of Erected Ring.

Figure No 22. Checking circumferential joint clearance of Erected Ring.

During the Test performed during the inspection visit, the internal diameter of the erected
rings was 3000 mm without any deviations and all the inspected joints had gaps which were
less than 1 mm. (The inspected ring’s test report is attached herewith as Annexure 01 (01

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
2.2.3 Permeability Test.

Test Standard.
• Code for Quality Acceptance of Underground Waterproofing Engineering (GB 50208-
2011), (Chinese Standard)
• Technical Standard for Quality Inspection of Segments of Shield Tunnel (CJJ/T 164-
2011). (Chinese Standard)

Purpose of the Permeability Test.

The permeability test was performed to determine the permeability of Pre cast shells/lining.

Test setup.
The support used for fixing the specimen shall be rigid, and the fastening bolts and the steel
plate of the test rig shall be firm and solid. The sealing surface should be in close contact with
the segment, and the rubber sealing gasket should be sealed at the joint. The water inlet should
be evenly distributed on the axis of the water-bearing surface, and the sealing area should be
one third of the area in the middle of the outer arc surface of the segment.

Figure No 23. Test setup of Permeability Test.

Test Procedure.
• Place the segment on the test rig and check whether the sealing rubber pad is close to
the outer arc of the segment.
• Three rubber strips are placed on the inner surface of the segments in the direction of
the arc, one in the middle and one on the edge. The distance between the sealing gasket
of the segment and the edge of the segment is 50 mm.
• Press the fastening rod in the radial width direction of the segment, connect the bolt
with the fastening rod on the upper and lower supports, and tighten from the middle
to both sides.
• Open the exhaust valve, then connect the intake valve and inject tap water. When the
water is discharged from the exhaust hole, close the exhaust valve, start the pressure
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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
pump, press the pressure speed of 0.05 MPa/min, add to 0.2 MPa, constant pressure
for 10 minutes, check whether there is leakage in the segment, observe the lateral
permeability height, and make a clear record.
• Continue to pressurize to 0.4 MPa, 0.6 MPa and so on.
• The constant pressure time of each stage is 10 minutes, until the pressure reaches the
designed pressure 1.2 MPa, and the constant pressure is 2 hours.
• Checking whether the segment showing signs of seepage, if seepage is observed
measure penetrated seepage depth, and record.

Test Frequency.
Permeability test is carried out once in every 100 rings produced; one segment should be
sampled for leak detection. If test result meets the standard three times in consecutive, one
segment should be sampled for each 200 rings produced, and If test result meets the standard
three times in consecutive and the final detection frequency should be one segment should
sample for leak detection test one in 400 rings.

During the Inspection visit Segment No. B3P20100 was tested for permeability. The results
showed that there were no leakages and water penetration height was recorded 0 mm.
According to Code for Quality Acceptance of Underground Waterproofing Engineering
(Chinese Standard, GB 50208-2011) the allowable penetration depth was less than one fifth of
the segment (50 mm). Therefore, the segments impermeability was satisfactory. (The
inspected segment’s test report is attached herewith as Annexure 02 (01 page)).

2.2.4 Flexural test.

Test Standard.
• Prefabricated concrete lining segment (GB/T 22082-2008). (Chinese Standard)

Purpose of the Flexural Test.

It is suitable for the flexural test of segments, in order to test whether the bearing capacity of
segments under the prescribed test methods meets the design requirements.

Test setup.

Figure No 24. Test Setup of Flexural Test.

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
Test Procedure.
• Place the segment on the test rig smoothly and place a rubber pad with thickness not
less than 20 mm on the loading point.
• The system of Jack distributing beam is used to load, and the distance between loading
points is 900mm or determined by design. Cars supporting both ends of the segment
can slide along the ground track.

Load classification and duration.

Using the graded loading method, the loading value of each stage meets the requirements of
Table 05, which was derived from the Technical Standards for the Quality Inspection of
Segments in Shield Segments, and the standing time per each dead load is not less than 5
During the applying of dead load, displacement of each measuring point under the action of
each stage load value is recorded and the next stage load is applied.

Table No. 07 Test Loading Value of Flexural Performance.

Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV Stage V Stage VI Stage VII
Loading Value
Graded Loading
26 26 26 26 13 6.5 6.5
Value (kN)
26 52 78 104 117 123.5 130
loading value (kN)

Test Frequency.
Flexural test is carried out once in every 200 rings segment produced.

During the Inspection visit Segment No. B2P20100 was tested for Flexural performance.
The bending design requirements of New Mutwal Tunnel project is 130 KN, and during the
applying of design loading the crack width of the segment should not be more than 0.20 mm.
However, the tested segment showed no visible cracks during the entire testing process, and
therefore was satisfying specification. (The inspected segment’s test report is attached
herewith as Annexure 03 (01 page))

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Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Figure No 25. Inspection of cracks on segments after applying maximum load of 130 kN.

2.2.5 Pull-Out test.

Test Standard.
• Prefabricated concrete lining segment (GB/T 22082-2008) (Chinese Standard)
• Technical standard for quality inspection of shield tunnel segment (CJJ/T 164-2011)
(Chinese Standard)

Purpose of the Flexural Test.

The pull-out performance test of segments is conducted, in order to determine whether the
pull-out resistance of segment hoisting hole bolts meets the design requirements.
Test Instruments and Equipment.
1. Tension bolts and nuts.
2. Supporting steel plate and rubber gasket (side length 300 mm, middle hole, diameter
90 mm).
3. The center hole Jack.
4. Micrometer (range 0-30 mm, accuracy 0.01 mm).
5. Micrometer bracket, reading magnifier (accuracy 0.01 mm).

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Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
Test Setup.


Movement direction

Centre hole Jack

Steel plate

Grouting insert


Figure No 26. Setting up equipment for the Pull-out test.

Test Procedure.
• Place the segment on the test rig smoothly and screw the tension bolt into the grouting
• Fix the tension bolt with the jack.
• Install the force sensor and start loading test (the test device is shown in Figure No 27).
• When the uplift test load reaches the design load (250 kN), the load should last for 30
minutes, measuring the displacement every 5 minutes, recording the load and
displacement, terminating the test and observing the crack development of concrete

Load classification and duration.

Using the graded loading method, the loading value of each stage meets the requirements of
Table 06, which was derived from the Technical Standards for the Quality Inspection of
Segments in Shield Segments, and the standing time per each dead load is not less than 5
During applying of dead load, displacement of each measuring point under the action of each
stage load value is recorded and the next stage load is applied.

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Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Table No. 08 Loading values for pull-out test.

Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV Stage V Stage VI Stage VII
Loading Value
Graded Loading
50 50 50 50 25 12.5 12.5
Value (kN).
Cumulative loading
50 100 150 200 225 237.5 250
value (kN).

Test Frequency.
Flexural test is carried out once in every 200 rings segment produced.

Test Results.

During the Inspection visit Segment No. FP030100 was tested for Flexural performance.
When the pull-out test of segment hoisting hole bolt and then loaded to the design load value
of 250KN, the embedded grouting insert shall not be damaged and should withstand the
applied bear tension.

The tested segment withstood the designed bearing tension and during disassembly, only
minor chippings of the outer surface of the hoisting hole bolt was observed. Therefore, the
results of the pullout test were satisfactory. (The inspected segment’s test report is attached
herewith as Annexure 04 (01 page))

Figure No 27. Hoisting hole bolt after the pullout test showing only minor chippings.

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Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
2.2.6 Concrete Cover Test.

Figure No 28. Conducting Concrete Cover test using Rebar Detectors.

During the inspection visit, 3 segments were tested for concrete cover, they were L1P040106,
B2P010103 and FP040206.

Test Results.

The following average cover values were recorded from the test; (The inspected segment’s
test report is attached herewith as Annexure 05 (01 page))

• Average Internal surface cover – 52.3 mm.

• Average Surrounding surface cover – 52.0 mm.
• Average Outer surface cover – 30.6 mm.

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Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
2.2.7 Rebound Hammer Test.

Figure No 29. Conducting Rebound Hammer test.

During the inspection visit, Segment No. B1P020033 was tested for concrete cover, they
were, and FP040206.

Test Results.

During the test, two test zones (Internal and External Surface of segment) were checked using
the rebound hammer to determine the surface strength, the results are as follows; (The
inspected segment’s test report is attached herewith as Annexure 06 (01 page))

Table No. 09 Summary of results of Rebound Hammer Test.

Test Zone. Average Hammer Reading. Surface Strength (MPa)

Zone 1 (Internal Surface) 48.1 60.0
Zone 2 (External Surface) 47.8 59.5

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

3.1 Testing for Grade 50 Concrete.

With accordance to Mutwal Tunnel Project Contractor’s Specification for Concrete Shield
Segments, Grade 50 Concrete was used for the construction of Pre cast Concrete Segments
(Mix Design of the grade 50 concrete is attached herewith in Annexure 07 (01 Page)).

Furthermore, the following test were required in the specifications, which the Grade 50
Concrete should pass.

1. Compressive Strength Test. (Accordance to European Standard BS EN 12390-3:2009)

2. Water Penetration Test. (Accordance to European Standard BS EN 12390-8:2009)
3. Resist Chloride Ion Penetration Test. (Accordance American Standard ASTM C1202-
Table No. 10. Test Results of Grade 50 Concrete.

Required Test. Test Results. Requirement of

Compressive Strength. (28 Days). 74.95 N/mm2. 50 N/mm2.
Water Penetration. (28 Days). 13 mm (maximum recoded thickness). Less than 30 mm.
Resist Chloride Ion Penetration. 389 coulombs. Not over 1000 coulombs.

The test was conducted by the Third-Party Laboratory prior to the Employer’s Engineer
Inspection Visit. (Third Party Laboratory Test Results are attached in the report as Annexure
08 (14 Pages)).

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
4.1 Testing for Fine Aggregate.

Figure No 30. Storage Facility of Fine Aggregates used for Concrete Production.

With accordance to Mutwal Tunnel Project Contractor’s Specification for Concrete Shield
Segments construction fine aggregates used for the Grade 50 Concrete production requires
testing for clay content.

Testing for clay, silt and dust content was conducted in accordance to British Standard BS 812-

Test Result.

The clay, silt and dust content for fine aggregates were recorded as 2.7% which was less than
the maximum allowed content of 3% (Third Party Laboratory Test Results are attached in the
report as Annexure 09 (01 Page)). However, Third Party Laboratory conducted the test prior
to the Employer’s Engineers Inspection visit.

Table No. 11. Test Results of Fine Aggregates.

Required Test. Test Results. Requirement of Contractor’s Specification.

Clay, Silt and Dust Content. 2.7%. Less than 3%.

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
4.2 Testing for Coarse Aggregate.

Figure No 31. Storage Facility of Coarse Aggregates used for Concrete Production.

With accordance to Mutwal Tunnel Project Contractor’s Specification for Concrete Shield
Segments construction fine aggregates used for the Grade 50 Concrete production requires
the following tests;

1. Clay, Silt and Dust Content. (Accordance to British Standard BS 812: Part 1: 1975)
2. Los Angeles Abrasion Test. (Accordance to European Standard BS EN 1097-2: 1998)

Test Result.

Table No. 12 Test Results for Coarse Aggregates

Required Test. Test Results. Requirement of Contractor’s Specification.

Clay Content (20mm Aggregates) 0.3% Less than 1 %
Los Angeles Abrasion Test 22% Less than 30 %

The test was conducted by the Third-Party Laboratory prior to the Employer’s Engineer
Inspection Visit. (Third Party Laboratory Test Results are attached in the report as Annexure
10 (01 Page)).

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.
4.3 Test for Cement.

Figure No 32. Cement and PFA (Fly ash) Storage Silos.

According to Mutwal Tunnel Project Contractor’s Specification for Shield Segments fine
Cement used for the Grade 50 Concrete production requires the following tests;

1. Compressive Strength of Concrete Cubes. (Accordance to European Standard BS EN

2. Acid Soluble Sulfate. Content (Accordance to European Standard BS EN 196-3:2005)
3. Chloride Ion Content. (Accordance to European Standard BS EN 196-2:2005)

Test Result.

Table No. 13 Test Results of Cement.

Required Test. Test Results. Requirement of Contractor’s Specification.

Compressive Strength. 54.2 N/mm2 52.5 N/mm2
Acid Soluble Sulfate Content. 2.54% Less than 4%
Chloride Ion Content. 0.01% Less than 0.3%

The test was conducted by the Third-Party Laboratory prior to the Employer’s Engineer
Inspection Visit. (Third Party Laboratory Test Results are attached in the report as Annexure
11 (01 Page)).

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Prepared by:

E. H. Senewimala. ………………………………..

D. N. L. Jayathunga. ………………………………..

Date: 18th June 2019.

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 01. Etraction Test Report of Ring No 101 & 102 (01 Page).

Annexure 02. Impermeability Test Report of Segment B3P20100 (01 Page).

Annexure 03. Flexural Test Report of Segment B2P20100 (01 Page).

Annexure 04. Pull Out Test Report of Grouting Sleeve of Segment FP030100 (01 Page).

Annexure 05. Concrete Cover Test Report of Segments (01 Page).

Annexure 06. Rebound Hammer Test Report of Segment B1P20033 (01 Page).

Annexure 07. Proposed Concrete Mix Design for DN3000 Segment (01 Page).

Annexure 08. Third Party Laboratory Test Results, required by Contractor Specification (14

Annexure 09. Test Reports of Third-party Laboratory conducted on Fine Aggregates (03

Annexure 10. Test Reports of Third party Laboratory conducted on Coarse Aggregates (16

Annexure 11. Test Reports of Third party Laboratory conducted on Cement (03 Pages).

Annexure 12. Test Reports of Third party Laboratory conducted on Silica Fumes (01 Page).

Annexure 13. Test Reports of Third party Laboratory conducted on Water (03 Pages).

Annexure 14. Test Reports of Third party Laboratory conducted on Rebar (03 Pages).

Annexure 15. Test Reports of Third party Laboratory conducted on Admixture (06 Pages).

Annexure 16. Test Reports of Third-party Laboratory conducted on PFA (03 Pages).

Annexure 17. Test Reports of Third-party Laboratory conducted on Pre-Cast Segments (06

Annexure 18. Signed Inspection Test Plan (01 Pages).

Page 30 of 48
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 01.
Erection Test Report of Ring No 101
& 102.

Page 31 of 48
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 02.
Impermeability Test Report of
Segment B3P20100.

Page 32 of 48
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 03.
Flexural Test Report of Segment

Page 33 of 48
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 04.
Pull Out Test Report of Grouting
Sleeve of Segment FP030100.

Page 34 of 48
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 05.
Concrete Cover Test Report of

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Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 06.
Rebound Hammer Test Report of
Segment B1P20033.

Page 36 of 48
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 07.
Proposed Concrete Mix Design for
DN3000 Segment.

Page 37 of 48
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 08.
Third Party Laboratory Test Results,
required by Contractor Specification.

Page 38 of 48
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 09.
Test Reports of Third-party
Laboratory conducted on Fine

Page 39 of 48
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 10.
Test Reports of Third-party
Laboratory conducted on Coarse

Page 40 of 48
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 11.
Test Reports of Third-party
Laboratory conducted on Cement.

Page 41 of 48
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 12.
Test Reports of Third-party
Laboratory conducted on Silica

Page 42 of 48
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 13.
Test Reports of Third-party
Laboratory conducted on Water.

Page 43 of 48
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 14.
Test Reports of Third-party
Laboratory conducted on Rebar.

Page 44 of 48
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 15.
Test Reports of Third-party
Laboratory conducted on Admixture.

Page 45 of 48
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 16.
Test Reports of Third-party
Laboratory conducted on PFA.

Page 46 of 48
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 17.
Test Reports of Third-party
Laboratory conducted on Pre-Cast

Page 47 of 48
Report on Pre-Shipment Inspection and Testing of Pre-cast Concrete Shield Segments of New Mutwal Tunnel by Employer’s
Engineers in Huizhuo Shi, China.

Annexure 18.
Signed Inspection Test Plan.

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