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I studied this handout on: /

Describing People in your Family

Using ‘be’ and ‘have’ to talk about members of your family.

1. Warm up
Discuss the following with a partner.

1. Who do you live with? 3. How many members are there in your family?
Fill in the gaps and tell your partner.
2. Did you ever meet your great grandparents?
I have...
brother(s) sister(s) cousin(s)
aunt(s) uncle(s) pet(s)

2. Vocabulary
Look at the Jones family pictures and fill in the gaps with the correct word.


Lucy Elliot

…… son …… grandfather …… husband …… daughter

…… sisters …… wife …… grandson …… brother
…… mother …… grandmother …… granddaughter …… cousin

e.g. Roger is Jim’s father.

1. Lucy is Maggie and Roger’s 6. Nora and Lucy are

2. Elliot is Kate’s 7. Kate is Elliot, Nora, and Lucy’s

3. Kate is Jim’s 8. Maggie is Elliot’s

4. Elliot is Maggie and Roger’s 9. Nora is Jim and Kate’s

5. Jim is Kate’s 10. Roger is Lucy, Nora, and Elliot’s

3. Descriptions with Be and Have

A. Read the sentences. Underline the main nouns and adjectives after the verbs Be and Have.

1. My brother is tall. He has blonde hair and brown 3. I have short, brown hair and my eyes are brown.
4. My sister’s eyes are blue and her hair is brown. She
2. My mother has long, red hair and green eyes. She is has a small nose.
short and slim.

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B. Circle the verbs to complete the rules about the sentences in Part 3A.

1. When making sentences with adjectives, use the verb: be / have

2. When making sentences with adjective + noun, use the verb: be / have

C. Write the descriptions under the verb Be or Have. Add some of your own ideas.

…… tall …… tanned …… green eyes …… overweight/chubby

…… dark skin …… brown hair …… slim …… attractive
…… a small nose …… short …… a dark beard …… a small waist

Be Have

1. 6. 1. 6.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

D. Complete the table with the correct present simple form of the verbs Be and Have.

Singular (1 person or thing) Plural (2 or more people or things)

Subject Be Have Subject Be Have

1. I 4. We

2. You 5. You

3. He / she / it 6. They

E. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs ‘be’ and ‘have’.

1. My eyes blue.

2. My brother long, brown hair.

3. I short and slim.

4. All of the people in my family big noses.

5. My hair too long!

6. My hair blonde.

7. My mother one blue and one brown eye.

8. All of my brothers very tall.

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F. Look at the picture. With a partner, take turns describing different people. Your partner will
guess who you are describing.

4. Conversation
A. Write the names of six people in your family including any pets you have.

1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

B. Look at your partner’s list of names and ask about them. Take notes.

e.g. A Who is Cory?

B Cory is my brother. He is tall and chubby. He has short, brown hair and blue eyes.






C. Tell your class about your partner’s family members. Use your notes to make sentences.

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