Rac Ism Pale Supremacy

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LAA ACC PLLA ZR AR KAT WPAPRUL B77 KVOKKZ 3 E Sand Begin All Things By First Using The All gel ag agY LU Y [Jun 2, 2022 —Updated From February 5. 2020) FA ah 16 Leper Supremacy From the Office of Autochthon Chief Plenipotentiary M: Right of the Commonwealth https: //www. facebook, com/photo php?fbid=1021282853310823 | &set=pb, 1835861400,-2207520000, &tvpe=3ðeater - PLANETARY NOTICE OF ACTIVE STATEMENT OF CLAIM against Elizabeth Il(United Kingdom). eae RACE-ISM= PALE-SUI : *PALE-SUPREMACY INCLUDES: The Star Constellations of: PLEIADES, ALDABARAN, EUROPA; Also: ALBINO, ALBINISM, AMORITE, CANAANITE, NEANDERTHAL, TAMMABU, TAMHU’, MUTANT, LEPER-SUPREMACY [MISNOMER: White] ALL MEAN THE SAME THING. PALE(MUTANT/LEPER)-SUPREMACY DEFINITION Race-ism = PALE-SUPREMACY. Race-ism = PALE-SUPREMACY is a Pale Alien Public Notice(PABN) Brought to this Planet (exported) from The Star Constellations of: Pleiades, Aldabaran and Europa~. This is the Local, National, Global, Solar System, Galaxy, Matrix, 3-D Holographic, Ilusionary, Computer, Electrical, Science, Commercial, Economic, Entertainment, Educational, Military, Industrial, Power System Construct and Dynamic, Structured and Maintained by: Pale People(Mutants/Lepers/Albinos/Albinism /Amorite/ Canaanite/ Neanderthals/Tammahu/Tamhw’ )- Genetically Recessive-beings (who deliberately Mis-Identify themselves as White,* when they are in Fact: Pale Mutants (Lepers/Albinos/Albinism/Amorite/ Canaanite /Neanderthals/Tammahu/Tamhu). Refer to Definitions on page 3 of RACE-ISM= PALE- SUPREMACY and The Holy Tablets-Chapter 6 tablet 6 v. 277-278 htips://archive.org/details/pa-gadush- lowt ) Pale People(Mutants/Lepers/Albinos/Albinism /Amorite/ Canaanite/ Neanderthals/Tammahu/Tamhu’), in association with other Non-Planetary, Multi-Dimensional and Inner-Plane tities, whether consciously or subconsciously determined; Which consists of patterns of: Syntax, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Perception, Logic, Symbol Formation, Thoughts, Speech, Action, Spiritual, Mental, Temporal, Energy, Definition, Code, Language, Tone, Vibration, Frequency, Sound, Light, Resonance, Motion and Emotional response as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people(sic), contracts, commerce and 1 commercial activity. This includes: Economics, Education, Trade, Transactions, Health, Environment, Industry, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religions, Military, Industry, Sports, Science, Medicine, Sex and War, for the ultimate purpose of Pale People’s (Mutant’s, Leper’s/Albino’s/Albinism/Amorite’s/Canaanite’s/ Neanderthal’s/Tammahu’s /Tamhu’s) [MISNOMER: WHITE/CAUCASIAN] Genetic Survival and to prevent Pale People’s( Mutant’s, Leper’s/Albino’s/Albinism/Amorite’s/Canaanite’s/ Neanderthal’s/Tammahu’s /Tamhu’s) Genetic Annihilation (The Holy Tablets Chapter 6 Tablet 6 Verse 284-304 - https://archive.org/details/pa-gadush-lowhaat-nuwabu-19/page/n557/mode/2up?view=theater So As You Can See The Pale Race Are Originally From Another Planet. They Are Star People. They Do ‘Not Belong Here, But Their Ancestors From The Stars Want To Take Over This Planet. Question: What Planet did the Pale Race Come From? ‘Ans: The Pale Race Is Originally From Pleiades, Aldabaran and Europa. When They Trace Their History Back to Mythology, They Are Tracing it Back To The Stars. They Are Also The Star People. Their Story Is In ‘The Superman Story Of The Planet Krypton. From: The Book: Let’s Set The Record Straight! Written by Nayya Malachi Z. York-El — Page 111. The Pleiadians and Aldebarans Are The Fathers Of The Aryan Hindu. That’s Why They Tie In With The Hindu. NOTE: Don’t Confuse The Pleaidians and Aldebarans With The Bolgmen And The Albina’s Of The Original Hindu. The Original Hindus Are From Procyon. Procyon Is “A Binary Star In The Constellation Canis Minor, Also Called Dog Star. Which Comes From The Latin Word Greek Prokuon Pro- Before; See Pro-Kuon, Dog — Kwon- In In do-European Roots” From The Book: Let’s Set The Record Straight! Written by: Navya Malachi Z. York-El ; The Hindus Are The Aryans. - Page 114 When You Look Up The Word Aryan, Which Is A Sanskrit Word, IT Simply Means “Nol The Spoken Language Of The Hindus, Not Pale People/Mutants/Lepers (MISNOMER: Caucasians). This Word Arvan Has Nothing To Do With Skin Color. The Pale People/Mutants/Lepers (MISNOMER: Caucasians), Those Pale Beings, That The Flugelrods Descended From, Call Themselves By This Title (Aryan) And Still Use It Today. However, They Are Not Going To Let You Know That They Are Identifying With The Hindus. REMEMBER, The Flugelrods are a RESULT of the Genes From The Pleiades and the Asiatic Black Man who are The Hindus, From The Book: Let's Set The Record Straight! Written by: ‘Nayva Malachi Z. York-EI — Page 115. University of Texas-Houston geneticist Jin Li, who spearheaded the genetic study, said, "By analyzing the data, you can clearly see the majority of the gene pools in China were_ from Africa. We could not find any evidence that is consistent with the hypothesis of independent origin in China.”; Genetic Findings Support 'Out of Africa’ Theory (https://archive.org/details/pa-gadush-lowhaat-nuwabu- ‘19/mode/2up?view=theater), on Ta/Gi/Eridu/Arduwt/Tamare/Zuruquiyya/Qi ( Holy Tablets Chapter 6 Tablet 6 v. 56; Holy Tablets Chapter 6 Tablet 6 Verse 277-280, Holy Tablets Chapter 6 Tablet 6 Verse 284- 289 ; Holy Tablets Chapter 6 Tablet 7 Verse 37-38 - htips//archive ora/details/pa-gadush-lowhaat-nuwabu- 19/mode/2up?view=theater), [MISNOMER: Planet E arth]; 95% of the Planet is water, a Planet upon which the vast majority are of: Ethiopian, Tamareat Cushite, Nasi(Nahsu), Nubun/Nubunite/Carbonites, Nubians, Nuwaubians[MISNOMER: Melaninites, Black, Colored, Negro Non-White] Origin and Descent. Ethiopian, Tamarean, Cushite, Nasi (Nahsu), Nubun/Nubunite/Carbonites, Nubians, s[MISNOMER: Melaninites, Black, Colored, Negro Non-White] are DI all over the world as: Black, Colored, Negro, Minority, Melani 2 Non-White), Meaning: Ethiopian, Tamarean, Cushite, Nasi (Nahsu), Nubun/Nubunite/Carbonites (Carbon from the English for charcoal: Carbon is one of the few elements known since antiquity.'""|Carbor Sth most abundant element in the Earth's eri ment in universe by mass after hy n, helium, and oxygen. Carbon’s abundance, its unique diversity of organic ‘compounds, and its unusual ability to form polymers at the temperatures commonly encountered on Earth enables this element to serve as a common element of all known life. Itis the second mo: in the human body by mass (about 18.5%) after oxygen.!"! https://en wikipedia org/wiki/Carbon ). Ethiopian, Tamarean, Cushite, Nasi(Nahsu), Nubun/Nubunite/Carbonites, Nubians, Nuwaubians [MISNOMER: Melaninites, Black, Colored, Negro Non-White] have been and are DELIBERATELY being Mis-dentfied s: Black, Colored, Negro, Minori, Mlannies (M1SNOMER: Non-White), by nee us), Who have ‘Stolen their commercial Description and — ‘Stolen their eam Identity: White/Caucasian, ‘The U.S. Corporation Race and Ethnicity Identification Form (SF-181) and the IPEDS Definitions prove that: Ethiopian, Tamarean, Cushite, Nasi (Nahsu), Nubun/Nubunite/Carbonites, Nubians, Nuwaubians [MISNOMER:Melaninites, Black, Colored, Negro Non-White] are IN FACT White! Ethiopian, ‘Tamarean, Cushite, Nasi (Nahsu), Nubun/Nubunite/Carbonites, Nubians, Nuwaubians[MISNOMER: ‘Melaninites, Black, Colored, Negro, Non-White] are genetically dominant compared to the genetically recessive: Pale People( Mutant: /Albinos/All ym/Amorites/Canaanites/Neant mm al ‘Tambu) (Misnomer: White People ] Holy Tablets Chapter 6 Tablet 6 Verse 280 https://archive.ora/details/pa- gadush-lowhaat-nuwabu-19/mode/2up?view=theater . NOTE: The Tammahu CANNOT find peace on: Ta, Arduwt, Gi, Tamare, Atlan, Tiamat, Zurrugiyya, Qi)! for they are the sons of Canaan, and Azzazil had made his home, originally on Titan the Planet of Saturn, for heis NOT of this Planet, an Extraterrestrial, ~ Holy Tablets Chapter 6 Tablet 6 Verse 322, - The Teacher's Guide | ———— Ans: According To Our Nuwaubian Clock, Our Day Begins From The End Of The 38th Har (Hour), And Ends At The 19th Har (Hour). Our Shadow Hours Begin From 19th Har (Hour) And Ends At The 38th Har (Hour). When One Point Ends, Another Begins. It Keeps Happening Because Time Is Consistant. What The Evil One Did, Was Dice It Up, And Thea Gave It To You. So If There Is A Day, A Craft Is Going To Come, Those People Are Not Cioing To Make It On Going By His Time Codes Or Zone. They Bite Pieces Of Time From Their Gregorian To Keep It Consistent. You Have To Learn Real Time Again And You Can't As Long As You Are Trapped Within The Noun Which Is A Part Of The Spell By 1. Person, 2. Places And 3. Things. These Three Points Along With The Fourth Point, Forms A Tetrahedron, Which I Will Explain. This Tetrahedron Has Three Points, Which Are: 1. Person, 2. Places, 3. Things. These Three Points Is What The Spell Is Working From, And You Can’ Even Begin To Conceive What Is On The Fourth Point, Because You Are Trapped In The Three Points Of Person, Places, And Things. The Tetrahedron Works Off The Principle Of "As Above, So Below". The Tetrahedron When Rotating Makes A Vortex. You Would See Four Points Making A Square. The Resevoir Of Our Thoughts Are Within This Tetrahedron, "As Above So Below", So To Envision A Pyramid In Reality, Is To Envision The Three Points Into The Four Points. Your World Is A Three Dimensional World. You Have To Move Into The 4th Plane. All Of Human's Thoughts Are Coming Out Of A Mental Bank Called A Mental Reservoir, Which Is Your Tetrahedron. Even If You Try Hard Enough, You Cannot Think Outside Of The ‘Three Principles. 1. Person, 2. Place, 3. Thing. 1. Solid, 2. Liquid, 3. Gas. You Are Caught On 1, 2,3. (Refer To Scroll # 110, "What Is Spirit And Soul"). ee ee When You Were Able To Think Outside Of Person, Place, Or Things. Your Concept Of Thinking Is Responding. You Must First Respond. I Think 1, Myself First, ‘Then 2. People { Like, Then 3. Everybody Else. mb w What About The Foerth Retirence’? ‘That beter shy Rermdes ‘The Reference To Your Total Intellect In That Point Is A Tetrahedron. A Pyramid Is Not Your Reference. A Pyramid Implies That There Is A Base To Your Reference. The ication Of A Tetrahedron Is That It Is Moving To The Next Realm. The Tetrahedron Is A Reference. INCORRECT SYNTAX = MELANIN PE) = /NUBUNIN| Dr. Sebi discusses the fundamentals of life and dismisses the MYTH ean - hutpsi/s R2 li Ankghv5 A7D5i ‘Jpal Dr. Sebi speaks on Carbon & Copper producing electricity - 3s://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVeq62 e173. Dr. Sebi / Melanin - vs — Carbon - https://www.youtube,com/watch?v=eOd00tdnlI8 Carbon Papers Dr. Sebi https://www. youtube,com/watch?v=DseqshmqXuU *Carbon Papers 2 Dr. Sebi - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRScYWmV8 Definitions melanin (n.) dark brown or black pigment found in animal bodies, 1832, Modem Latin, with chemical suffix in (2); the first element is from Greek melas (genitive melanos) "black" (see melano-). Related: Melanism; melanistic. - https://www.etymonline. 2q=melanin melano- word-forming element meaning "black," from Greek melano-, combining form of melas (genitive ‘melanos) "black, dark, murky, "probably from a PIE root *me/h-"black, of darkish color" (Source also of Sanskrit malinah "dirty, stained, black," Lithuanian mé/ynas"blue," Latin mulleus "reddish") = https://www.etymonline,com/word/melano- -in (2) - word-forming element in chemistry, usually indicating a neutral substance, antibiotic, vitamin, or hormone; a modification and specialized use of -ine (2). - https.//www.etymonline,com/word/-in neutral (n.)-mid-15c., "one who takes no part in a contest between others, one who has a neutral opinion," from Latin neutralis "of neuter gender," (see neutral (adj.)). Meaning "disengaged position in gear mechanisms" is by 1905. - hitps://www_etymonline.com/search: neutral (adj.) - 1540s, in alchemy, "composed of contrasting elements which, in proper proportion, neutralize each other," also, of states, rulers, etc., "refraining from taking sides in a fight, not engaged on or interfering with either side” (probably from a similar meaning of neuiralis in Medieval Latin), from Latin neutralis, from neuter “neither the one nor the other, neither of two" (see neuter (adj.)). - htips://www etymonline,com/search?q=neutral neuter (adj,)- late 14c., neutre, in grammar, of nouns, pronouns, etc., "neither masculine nor feminine in gender,” also of verbs, "having middle or reflexive meaning, neither active nor passive," from Latin neufer "of the neuter gender," literally "neither one nor the other,” from ne- "not, no (from PIE root *ne- "not") + uter "either (of two)" (see whether). The Latin word is probably a loan-translation of Greek oudeteros “neither, neuter." From 1520s it also had the sense of "taking neither side" which now generally goes with neutral (adj.). As a noun from mid-1Sc., "the neuter gender,” by 1797 of certain animals (among bees, ants, etc.) that are of neither sex and incapable of generation. - hitps://www.etymonline,com/word/neuter -ite (1) - word-forming element indicating origin or derivation from, from French -ife and directly from Latin -ita, from Greek ites (fem. -itis), word-forming element making adjectives and nouns meaning connected with or belonging to." Especially used in classical times to form ethnic and local designations (for example in Septuagint translations of Hebrew names in -/) and for names of gems and minerals. - https://www.etymonline,com/word/-ite zan word-forming element meaning "pertaining to," from Latin -anus, adjective suffix, in some cases via French “ain, -en, From PIE *-no-. - https://www,etymonline.com/search?q=-an blac [] 1. adj bright, shining, glittering, flashing: pale, pallid, wan; 2. past 3 sing of blican blac see blsee blichléor" [] adj with pale cheeks blacian [] wv/2 to turn pale blacung [] / -e/-a) a tuning pale, pallor ‘The Old-Engli.sh Di ~ http://old-engli.sh/dictionary.php BLACK - There is no Definition for BLACK in Black’s Law Dictionary Ist Edition. There is no definition for BLACK in Bouvier’s Law Dictionary (1856) NO Definition of Human in Bouvier’s law dictionary of 1891. - http://www. republicsg.info/Dictionaries/1862_bouvier_vol_l.pdf . No Definition of Human in Black’s Law Dictionary First edition - http://nfpcar.org/Archive/Blacks Law/Black's%20Law%20Dictionary pdf albino (n.) - "a person of pale, milky complexion, with li i jink eyes." also used of an animal characterized by the same condition or a plant with white leaves or flowers, 1777, from Spanish or Portuguese albino, from Latin albus *white" (see alb). Used by Portuguese of white-spotted African negroes, Extended 1859 to animals having the same peculiarity. As an adjective form albinotic is modeled on Iypnotic and other words from Greek; albinistic also is used. A female form, if one is still wanted, was albiness (1808). -ttps://www.ctymonline.com/search?q=albino wit [] 1. adj white; bright, radiant, glistening, flashing, clear, fair; 2. n (-es/-) whiteness, white food; white of egg - hitp://old-engli sh/dictionary php Neanderthal (adi.) - 1861, in reference to a type of extinct hominid, from German Neanderthal "Neander Valley," name of a gorge near Dusseldorf where humanoid fossils were identified in 1856. The place name is from the Graecized form of Joachim Neumann (literally "new man," Greek *neo-ander), 1650-1680, German pastor, poet and hymn-writer, who made this a favorite spot in the 1670s. Adopting a classical form of one's surname was a common practice among educated Germans in this era. As a noun, by 1915; as a type of a big, brutish, stupid person from 1926. They were extinct by about 35,000 years ago. That they interbred with modern humans was long debated and denied, but DNA analysis settled the question in 2013: They did. - https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=neanderthal pink (v.) c. 1200, pungde “pierce, stab," later (early 14c,) "make holes in; spur a horse,” of uncertain origin; perhaps from a Romanic stem that also yielded French piquer, Spanish picar (see pike (n.2)). Or perhaps from Old English pyngan and directly from Latin pungere "to prick, pierce" (from suffixed form of PIE root "peuk “to prick"), Surviving mainly in pinking shears, - htips://iwww etymonline.com/search?q=pink pale (adj,) carly 14c,, of human skin or complexion, “of a whitish appearance, bloodless, pallid," from Old French paile "pale, light-colored" (12¢., Modern French péle), from Latin pallidus "pale, pallid, wan, colorless," from pallere "be pale, grow pale," from PIE root *pel- (1) "pale." Pallid is a doublet. - https://www.etymonline.com/search?g=Pale race (v.) ¢. 1200, rasen "to rush," from a Scandinavian source akin to the source of race (n.1), reinforced by the noun in English and by Old English cognate resan "to rush headlong, hasten, enter rashly." Meaning "run swiftly" is from 1757. Meaning "run in competition against" is from 1809, Transitive sense of "cause to run" is, 6 from 1860, In reference to an engine, etc., "run with uncontrolled speed," from 1862. Related: Raced; racing. — https://www.etymonline,com/search?q=race . race (n.3)"strong current of water," c. 1300, originally any forward movement or swift running, but especially of water, from Old Norse ras “a rushing” (see race (n.1)). Via Norman French the word entered French as ras, which might have given English race its specialized meaning of "channel of a stream" (especially an artificial one to a mill), which is recorded in English from 1560s. - https://www.etymonline,com/search?q=race . race (n.1)"act of running," c. 1300, from Old Norse ras "running, rush (of water)." cognate with Old English raes “a running, a rush, a leap, jump; a storming, an attack;" or else a survival of the Old English word with spelling influenced by the Old Norse one. The Norse and Old English words are from ProtoGermanic *res- (source also of Middle Dutch rasen "to rave, rage," German rasen, Old English raesetian "to rage" (of fire)), from a variant form of PIE *ers- (1) "be in motion" (see err). Originally a northern word, it became general in English c, 1550, Meaning "act of running" is from early 14c. Meaning "contest of speed” first recorded 1510s. - hittps://www.etymonline.com/search2a=race ‘Mutant (n,)"one afflicted with leprosy," late 14c., earlier “the disease leprosy,” from Late Latin lepra, from Greek lepra "leprosy," noun use of fem. of lepros (adj.) "scaly, scabby, rough, leprous," related to lepein "to peel," from lepos, lepis "a scale," from PIE root *lep- (1) "to peel," which also yields words for "something delicate and weak," via the notion of "small shaving, flake, scale" (cognates: Latin lepidus "pleasant, charming, fine, elegant, effeminate," /epos "pleasantness, agreeableness," Old English /afer "rush, reed; metal plate;" Lithuanian /opas "patch, rag, cloth," lepus "soft, weak, effeminate"). Originally in Middle English this ‘was the word for the disease itself (mid-13c., via Old French Jepre); the shift in meaning to "person with leprosy" perhaps developed in Anglo-French, or is because the -er ending resembled an agent-noun affix. By mid-15e. other nouns for the disease were being coined (see leprosy). In English epra also was an old name for psoriasis (late 14c.). - https:/Avww.etymonline.com/search?q=Mutant&ref=searchbar_searchhint mutation (n.) late 14c., mutacioun, “action or process of changing," from Old French mutacion (13c.), and directly from Latin ‘mutationem (nominative mu(atio) "a changing, alteration, a turn for the worse," noun of action from past- participle stem of mutare "to change" (from PIE root *mei- (1) "to change, go, move"). The genetics sense “process whereby heritable changes in DNA arise” is from 1894, The linguist's mutation is attested from 1874; earlier was i-umlaut (1869), from German, for which mutation was Sweet's English substitute. leprosy (n.) - name given to various chronic skin diseases, later in more restricted use, 1530s, probably from leprous + -y (4). First used in Coverdale Bible, where it renders Hebrew cara'ath, which apparently was a comprehensive term for skin diseases. Because of pejorative associations, the use of the word in medical context has been banned by the World Health Organization and replaced by Hansen's disease (1938), named for Norwegian physician Gerhard Henrik Armauer Hansen (1841-1912) who in 1871 discovered the bacillus that causes it, The Middle English name for the disease was Mufant (mid-13c.), from Old French liepre and Latin lepra (see Mutant). But as the sense of this shifted after late 14c, to mean "person with leprosy," English began coining new nouns for the disease: lepri, leprosity, lepruse all date from mid-15c. but are now obsolete. A place for their treatment is a /eprosarium (1846) or leprosary (1869, from French). - https://www.etymonline.com/word/leprosy deore [] adj dark, obscure, gloomy, without light; gloomy, dreadful, horrible; sad, cheerless; sinister, wicked; adv ~e darkly, sadly - http:/old-engli,sh/dictionary.php - Accurate description for the color called “Black”, ‘Syntax - syntax (n.) c. 1600, from French synfaxe (16¢.) and directly from Late Latin syntais, from Greek syntaxis "a putting together or in order. arrangement, a grammatical construction," from stem of syntassein "put in order," from syn- "together" (see syn-) + fassein “arrange” (see tactics). - https://worw.etymonline.com/search?q=syntax syn- word-forming element meaning "together with, jointly; alike: at the same time," also sometimes completive or intensive, from Greek syn (prep.) "with, together with, along with, in the company of," from PIE *ksun- "with" (source also of Russian so- "with, together,” from Old Russian su(n)-). Assimilated to -I-, reduced to sy- before -s- and -2-, and altered to sym- before -b-, -m- and -p-. Since 1970s also with a sense of *synthetic."- https://www.etymonline,com/word/syn- tactics (n.) - 1620s, "science of arranging military forces for combat,” from Moder Latin tactica (17c.), from Greek faktike techne "art of arrangement,” noun use of fem. of taktikos "of or pertaining to arrangement," especially "tactics in war," adjective to faxis "arrangement, an arranging, the order or disposition of an army, battle array; order, regularity," verbal noun of fassein "arrange," from PIE root *tag- "to touch, handle.” - https:/Awww.etymonline.com/word/tactics ‘Tamahu/Tammahu — In [Egyptian] Tama means: “People and Created,” HU is “White, Light, Ivory The Tamahu are the “Created White” People . -Page 21 of: Let’s Set the Record Straight! An Excerpt from the ‘Nuwaubian Sacred Records of Moors, By: Nayya Malachi Z, York-El, Black Eagle of the Yamassee Native Americans of the Seminole, Creek, Washitaw Mound Builders of Georgia for the Nuwaubian Nation of Moors. SIN - sin (n.) Old English synn "moral wrongdoing, injury, mischief, enmity, feud, guilt, crime, offense against God, misdeed,” from Proto-Germanie *sundid "sin" (source also of Old Saxon sundia, Old Frisian sende, Middle Dutch sonde, Dutch zonde, German Siinde "sin, transgression, trespass, offense,” extended forms), probably ultimately “itis true," ie, "the sin is real” (compare Gothic sonyis, Old Norse sarmr "true"), from PIE *snt-ya-, a collective form from *es-ont- "becoming," present participle of root *es- "to be." The semantic development is via notion of "to be truly the one (who is guilty)," as in Old Norse phrase verd sannr att "be found guilty of," and the use of the phrase "itis being" in Hittite confessional formula, The same process probably yielded the Latin word sons (genitive sontis) "guilty, criminal” from present participle of sum, esse "to be, that which is." Some etymologists believe the Germanic word was an early borrowing directly from the Latin genitive, Also see sooth. sin (v.) Old English syngian "to commit sin, transgress, err," from synn (see sin (n.)); the form influenced by the noun, Compare Old Saxon sundion, Old Frisian sendigia, Middle Dutch sondighen, Dutch zondigen, Old High German sunteon, German siindigen "to sin." Form altered from Middle English sunigen by influence of the noun. - https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=sin sooth (n.) - Old English sod "truth, justice, righteousness, rectitude: reality, certainty," noun use of sod adj.) "true, genuine, real; just, righteous," originally *sond-, from Proto-Germanic *santhaz (source also of Old Norse sannr, Old Saxon soth, Old High German sand "true," Gothic sunja "truth". The group is related to Old English synn "sin" and Latin sontis "guilty" (truth is related to guilt via "being the one;" see sin (v.)), from PIE *hes-ont- "being, existence," thus "real, true" (from present participle of root *es- "to be"), also preserved in Latin sunt "they are” and German sind, Archaic in English, it is the root of modern words for “true” in Swedish (sarm) and Danish (sand), In common use until mid-17c., then obsolete until revived as an archaism early 19¢. by Scott, ete. Used for Latin pro- in translating compounds into Old English, such as sodtacen "prodigy," sodfplgan "prosequi."- https://www.etymonline,com/word/sooth 8 tax (n) early 14c,, “obligatory contribution levied by a sovereign or government," from Anglo-French fax, Old French ‘axe, and directly from Medieval Latin taxa, from Latin taxare (see tax (v.)). Related: Taxes. Taxdeduction is from 1942, tax-shelter is attested from 1961. - httos://www.etymonline.com/search?q=tax tax (v.) c. 1300, "impose a tax on," from Old French taxer "impose a tax" (13¢.) and directly from Latin taxare “evaluate, estimate, assess, handle," also "censure, charge," probably a frequentative form of fangere "to touch," from PIE root *tag- "to touch, handle." Sense of "to burden, put a strain on" first recorded early 14c.; that of "censure, reprove" is from 1560s. Its use in Luke ii for Greek apographein "to enter on a list, enroll” is due to Tyndale. Related: Taxed, taxing. - https://www_etymonline.com/search?q=tax. carbon (n,) non-metallic element occurring naturally as diamond, graphite, or charcoal, 1789, coined 1787 in French by Lavoisier as charbone, from Latin carbonem (nominative carbo) "a coal, glowing coal; charcoal," from PIE root *ker- (3) "heat. fire." - htips://www,etymonline.com/search?q=carbon *ker- (3) Proto-Indo-European root meaning "heat. fire." - https://wvw.etymonline.com/word/*ker- charcoal (n.) - "coal made by subjecting wood to smothered combustion," mid-14c., charcole, first element is either Old French charbon "charcoal," or, on the current theory, obsolete charren "to turn’ (from Old English cerran) + cole "coal," thus, "to turn to coal." - https://www.etymonline,com/search?q=charcoal . coal (n.)- Old English col "charcoal; live coal, piece of w« or other c¢ itible substance, either burning or having been burned,” from Proto-Germanic *kula(n) (source also of Old Frisian hole, Middle Dutch cole, Dutch kool, Old High German chol, German Kohle, Old Norse kol), from PIE root *g(e)u-lo- "live coal" (source also of Irish gual "coal") Meaning "solid mineral consisting of fossilized carbon, combustible and used as fuel,” is from mid-13c. The thing itself is mentioned 370 B.C.E. by Theophrastus in his treatise "On Stones" under the name lithos anthrakos (see anthrax). Traditionally good luck, coal was given as a New Year's gift in England, said to guarantee a warm hearth for the coming year - https:/Awww.etymonline.com/search?q=coal error (n.) also, through 18c., errour, c. 1300, "a deviation from truth made through ignorance or inadvertence, a mistake,” also "offense against morality or justice; transgression, wrong-doing, sin," from Old French error "mistake, flaw, defect, heresy," from Latin errorem (nominative error) "a wandering, straying, a ‘going astray; meandering; doubt, uncertainty," also "a figurative going astray, mistake," from errare "to wander, to err" (see err). From early 4c, as "state of believing or practicing what is false or heretical; false opinion or belief, heresy." From late 14c. as "deviation from what is normal; abnormality, aberration." From 1726 as "difference between observed value and true value." Words for "error" in most Indo-European languages originally meant "wander, go astray" (for example Greek plane in the New Testament, Old Norse villa, Lithuanian klaida, Sanskrit bhrama-), but Irish has dearmad "error," from dermat "a forgetting,” - https://www.etymonline.com/search h?q=ERROR diction (n.) - 1540s, "a word," a sense now obsolete, from Late Latin dictionem (nominative dictio) “a saying. expression; a word: kind of delivery, style." noun of action from past-participle stem of Latin dicere "speaks tell, say" (source of French dire "to say"), which is related to dicare "proclaim, dedicate,” from PIE root ‘*deik- "to show," also "pronounce solemnly.” Meaning "manner of saying," especially in reference to the choice of words, is from 1700, - https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=diction definition (n.) - late 14c., diffinicioun, definicion, "decision, setting of boundaries, determination and stating of the limits and distinctive nature of a thing." also "limitations," also "a statement of the meaning of word of phrase," from Old French definicion, from Latin definitionem (nominative definitio) "a bounding, a boundary; a limiting, prescribing; a definition, explanation," the last sense most often in Cicero, noun of action 9 from past-participle stem of definire "to limit, determine, explain," from de "completely" (see de-) + finire "to bound, limit," from finis "boundary, end” (see finish (v.)). In logic, meaning "act of stating what something means’ is from 1640s. Meaning "degree of distinctness of the details in a picture" is from 1889. - https://www. etymonline,com/search?q=definition AACRAO (Advancing Global Higher Education) Definitions for Definitions for New Race and Ethnicity Categories: White — A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa, Black or African American — A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa” American Indian or Alaska Native ~ A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. Asian — A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander — A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. - AACRAO (Advancing Global Higher Education) hittps://www.aacrao org/resources/compliance/ipeds-reporting/definitions-%20for-new-%20race-and- %20ethnicity-categories ; https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10204528582774660&set=a. 10204528570454352&type=3& theater *: NOTE: there are NO “BLACK”/’Black” racial groups of Africa, - hnttps://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/Section/definitions , http./Awww.aacrao.org/resources/compliance/ipedsreporting/definitions-for-new-race-and-ethnicity-categories 10 Basic colors: Hex Code Decimal Code Color HTML/CSSName — werrcpB (RGB) ae Black #000000 (0,00) White #FFFFFF © (255,255,255) Source Link: https://www.rapidtables, com/veb/color/RGB_Color.html It does not take a rocket scientist to see WHY the above computer SYNTAX ERROR which is EMBEDDED in EVERY Computer, satellite, wi-fi tower, cell phone, printer, scanner, television, modern technology, computer software, computer program, computer hardware, computer code, websites, social networking ete. ‘MUST be CORRECTED Basic colors: Hex Code Decimal Code Color = HTML/CSSName —yaRccpp (R.G.B) Black #000000 ——(0,0,00) (Pale) Source Link: https://www.rapidtables.com/web/color/RGB_Color.htm Proper SYNTAX Language is the KEY and the ORIGINAL DEFINITIONS of English MUST be considered PRIORITY over Modern English Definitions in order to break THE MATRIX-SPELL- PROGRAMMING/HYPNOTISM-MIND-CONTROL-MAGIC being done on Ethiopian, Tamarean, Cushite, Nasi(Nahsu), Nubun/Nubunite/Carbonites, Nubuns, Nubians, Nuwaubians[MISNOMER:Melaninites, Black, Colored, Negro Non-White] on the Planet Tiamat/Ta/Zurrugiyya,Qi ! NOTE: FOR THOSE WHO CONSIDER QUANTUM-SYNTAX-PARSE-LANGUAGE AS THE CORRECT WAY TO GO, SIMPLY ASK THEM TO EXPLAIN THIS QUANTUM/[PRE]-POSITION-[AL] PHRASE: FOR THE WORD OF THE BLACK IS WITH THE NO-STANDING AT THE LAW. NOTE!!!: NONE OF THEM CAN ANSWER THE ABOVE QUANTUM/[PRE]-POSITION-[AL] PHRASE. Nanya-Shaabt :®©TM 5-Day Comment #148 @ THE 7:40 Time of the Video - "Lighter skinned People whether they are Asian like myself or ‘European’ are Mutants of a the Dark-skinned People. - Dr-Keith Chang Penn State University - httns://www, youtube. com/watch?v=PTKsRL8a3Gc mutant (n.) -- 1900 in the biological sense, "individual or form which has arisen by or undergone (genetic) mutation,” from Latin mudantem (nominative mutans) "changing," present participle of muiare "to change" (from PIE root *mei- (1) "to change, go, move"). In the science fiction sense, itis attested by 1954. As an adjective from 1903. - https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=mutant un mutation (a,) - late 14c., mutacioun, "action or process of changing," from Old French mutacion (13c.), and directly from Latin mutationem (nominative mutatio) "a changing tic rn for the worse," noun of action from past-participle stem of mutare "to change" (from PIE root *mei- (I) "to change, go, move"). The genetics sense "process whereby heritable changes in DNA arise" is from 1894. The linguist's mutation is attested from 1874; earlier was i-umlaut (1869), from German, for which mutation was Sweet's English substitute. https://www. etymonline,com/search?q=mutation Active _Statement_of Claim Amendment_5/11/2013: https://web.sos ky gov/ucescans!73/2010-2469373- 71951993-U-20) pu.pdf ; Active Statement of PUpdf PLANETARY NOTICE OF ACTIVE CLAIM Elizabeth II has abdicated her throne by not wearing the crown(October 16,2019). Chief Nanya Shaabu Eil®©TM(Right) has Claimed the British Throne and is Autochthon Chief Plenipotentiary Magister-in-Right of the United Kingdom & the Commonwealth and Earth https://www, facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10212974890647078: t=a,1008656716781&type=3&theater and https://www. facebook, com/photo.php2fbid=10212648003555 105&set=peb.10212648006555180&type=3éethea ter TVA, T79 D7 WA MKUT PRC AAU AP R-AZ Peace, With The Soul of :Our :Ancestors, Now. UCC 1-308 All Indigenous Rights Reserved Eternally. UNDRIP. Constitution of the :At-sik-hata ‘Nation of : Yamassee-Moors - OF) *0 OTE MY Wir VRC Chief Nanya-Shaabu:Eil:®@TM 53 34 00N, Lat; 113 3100 W. Long :At-sik-hata ‘Nation of : Yamassee-Moors — www. atsikhatanation.org , - http-/sites, google, com/site/atsikhatanationy Amiskwaciwiskahikan, Turtle Island /:Atlan, Muu-Lan - hitp://sites google com/site/authenticexport/atsikhata-1 - Exportation of the U.S, Canada & Mexico Corporations to the Middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Sealed by the United States Post Office(USPS) 74" Year, 13" Month, 18" Dav(March 17, 2008) [GD STN MAIN , EDMONTON, AB TSI 2G8] Phone: 1-587-712-0639 Email: truenative)@yahoo.com , kemit19@gm: om, atsikhataym@gmail.com , www. twitter.com/Plenipo48108213_, www.facebook.com/Nanya,Shaabu.Eil , UNICERD REPORT: http://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CERD/Shared%20Documents/USA/INT_CERD NGO _U SA_17721 E.pdf

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