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Voc autodidata e se dedica, com muito esforo e fora de vontade, prtica de escutar msicas, ouvir gravaes, assistir filmes,

s, e leitura de textos, tudo em ingls. Exemplo de material til: o site Voice of America Special English (com textos e arquivos MP3 que podem ser baixados gratuitamente, alm do canal de videos YouTubeVOA), o site BBC Learning English, o site do British Council denominado Listening Download s, o site ESL Pod, ou a revista Speak Up com seu respectivo CD. Wellcome to taking a taxi Taking a taxi has three parts vocabulary, conversation and listening. When you finish each parts, simple go to next part Vocabulary this section gives you commom words youll need for to take a taqxi in enghish. Listening In this section, youll learn to understand the words and conversation to ride taxis in English. Conversatio Youll practice conversations for using taxis whit a native enghish speaker. These conversations will give you some real practice in traveling by taxi. Now lets build our vocabulary! In this lesson, youll learn common vocabulary for taking taxis is Enghish.After this lesson, youll be able to travel by taxi more confidently in English. Choose the correct answer Raise your arm to hail a taxi The best definition of hail a taxi is

( ) drive a taxi ( )dance a like a crazy person ( )walk past the taxi so he wont see you. ( x) get the taxi a drivers attention so hell give you a ride

LISTEN Choose the correct answers.

What are the best definitions for each vocabulary word! The driver can answer your questions. A It measures the distance and show the cost B someone who operates a (taxi) C cost to ride the taxi D a traveler on a (taxi)

The passenger has a question. A It measures the distance and show the cost B someone who operates a (taxi) C cost to ride the taxi D a traveler on a (taxi) Watch the meter to know how much the trip will cost. A It measures the distance and show the cost B someone who operates a (taxi) C cost to ride the taxi D a traveler on a (taxi)

The taxi fare is $ 15,75 A It measures the distance and show the cost B someone who operates a (taxi) C cost to ride the taxi D a traveler on a (taxi)

Chose the correct definition What should you do if the driver says-hop in Run like the wind

Get into the taxi Buy him a soda, He sounds thirsty Get out of the taxi

Drag the correct answer into the empty box below Does he have any luggage Yes.He has two pieces of luggage. No.He just has a bag Yes. He has three pieces of luggage.

How will he know when hes at the Marcini Hotel He wont know Hell have to find the address X The driver will tell him Itll be in about fifteen minutes.

CONVERSATION Practice taking a taxi with a native English speaker Listen to the conversation. Repeat each line after the speak. Where do you want to go To the Mancini Hotel.Its ata 334 First Street

Hop in. Do you have any luggage No .Just this bag About how much is the fare

Around $15.Is that okay Great.Ill let you know when we get there

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