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A GOBLIN MARKET he Crossroads Market takes place once a month where an area of the Prime Material Place meets the Feywilds. At sunrise the Fey portion ofthe market is pulled through to coexist with the Prime Material and st sunset the Planes separate once again. Faerie and mortal shopkeepers set up adjacent booths, and patrons are as likely to pay for goods with songs or childhood memories as with coin. The Market is unaligned ‘with any faction, and its goblin proprietors make sure t maintain its status as neutral ground. THE CRrossiIncs Every other day of the month, the location of the Market is a simple intersection of two cobblestone roads with nothing notable about them save a tiled design where they meet. On market-days, two meandering unpaved roads appear crossing teach other atthe same tiled stone. Visitors may enter the Market along any of the roads from either Plane. Those hailing from farther afield make the teleportation circle at the center of the crossroads, Anyone who wishes to stay on the Prime Material Plane ‘when the Market separates at dusk must make sure to purchase an iron anchor bracelet from either the Old Smith at the Northernmost edge of the market or the Young Smith at the Southernmost end, which will prevent them from being pulled into the Faewilds rae es ee cof COLD IRON In the world of Gwedhenos, iron is powerful protection against the Fae, Nothing made of iron is ‘capable of entering the Faewilds unless it is contained within a Bag of Holding ora similar cextradimensional space. Fae creatures will not touch iron if they can help it, and they are ‘vulnerable to iron weapons. = THE MARKET GOBLINS ‘The goblins who run the Market can be seen bustling about ‘ensuring that everything is running smoothly, They look like the other goblins seen throughout the Prime Material Plane, but the fashion of their clothes has « distinct Fae influence, ‘They also are not afraid to chastise even the most powerful visitors to the Market, knowing that they are protected No one knows exactly how this goblin tribe came to be involved in the fae crossing, or when the Market began. There are tales of goblin warlocks who made pacts with the Archfey ‘or goblin wizards who studied long and hard to raise their ‘own enchantments at the crossing:place. Whatever the truth is, the agerua tribe is now inexorably ted to the Market. Their tribe name means "Crossroad" in the Goblin tongue, and between market-days they live unmolested, traveling between the nearby villages and the woods of Faerie as they please. NAVIGATION ‘They say that you can find nearly anything at the Crossroads Market if you're willing to pay the price. That's all very well but what todo if you're just looking for some candles or the best booth to buy candied nuts? ‘A crew of kenku provide directions throughout the Market. ‘They wear tunics emblazoned with large yellow question marks, and can direct visitors to any booth in an exact echo of the shopkeeper's voice. When not engaged in conversation they wander the aisles calling out advertisements, First SIGHT Especially fa visitor is teleporting from a quieter area, arrival in the Crossroads Market assaults the senses. The airs filled with the sounds of children laughing, creatures roaring, and vendors hawking their wares. The smells of spices, arcane incense, and flowering vines mix with musk and the ‘overpowering residue of magic, a sensation like the scent of snow and the taste of tin. Fae and mortals and animals that may or may not be enchanted race through the avenues between the lines of tents. Wandering vendors with trays of trinkets and sweetmeats around their necks do their best to flag down passers-by. ‘The Market is an explosion of calor, with stalls that range from elegant tents of patterned silk to bizarre eye-searing patchworks to canopies of living vines. The shopkeepers are just as varied. Some add a touch of extra glamour to their appearance, but many view the Market asa rare opportunity not to disguise their unearthly forms. Grinning hags peer out from their booths as their familiars prow! through the market stalls, searching for information. Darklings cloaked in impenetrable shadow dart from booth to booth. Satyrs wiggle their eyebrows and offer free drinks to anyone who can keep up with them for a dance. Pixies giggle and blink into invisibility as soon as someone turns towards them, Part-fae wanderers clutch the trinkets they were found ‘with and sean the stalls in search of answers, Pe PAYMENT AT THE MARKET Shops indicate their currency of preference by displaying either a horseshoe (for coin) or a sprig of stelplena, 2 flower that only grows in the Faewilds (for less tangible methods of payment Shops inthe lst below ae keyed for con and F Le a Sxops By SEcTOR ‘The Crossroads can be used to divide the Market into eight sectors, described here clockwise from the top center: The ‘Smiths have their booths outside the market proper and are not included in a sector SzcTor 1: Music AND MERRIMENT ‘Taz Gemronp A stream from the Faowilds collects in a small pond lined ‘with rocks and filled with waterlilies. In the pond lives a Fossegrim, a fae fidder, who gives lessons to bards ifthey provide him with offerings. When he isn't teaching, his ethereal music floats out over the Market. ‘Tar Raves Beside the Grimpond is an open green sward There are always people playing music and dancing there. Around the ‘edge ofthe open area, pixies and other fae have set up booths that provide illusory facepaint, flower crowns, and magical temporary tattoos. The booths are swarmed with children, ready to pay with a story or a song. ‘Those who wish to dance for more than entertainment may ‘choose a fae partner and compete in the Revels. They earn gifts and favors the longer they dance. Some have been ‘tempted to remove their anchor bracelets and follow their partner into the Facwilds at sunset, lured with the promise of wilder music and greater boons. They seldom return. Suors + Love THe Luraizr (C) ‘Mundane but well-made instruments and repair services run by a cheerful half-dragon. + Inspreation (CG, F) Enchanted instruments and bardic paraphrenalia sold by three changeling sisters. + Taz Neume (C) Sheet musi, broadsheet ballads, and instructional pamphlets sold by a wandering gome minstrel. + LARKSHRAD INSTRUMENTS (C) Higher-nd shop with a focus on traditional Ebish instruments + Honzymap Mapzry (F) ‘Mead made from honey gathered in the Faewilds and sold by a family of pixies in exchange for compliments, pretty ‘winkets, oF « round on the dance floor SzcTOR 2: MAGIC AND MYSTERIES + Morais’ Macrcat Misczttany (CG, F) Run by the ghost ofthe eponymous Morris and his tsbaxi assistant Marginal, this large and eclectic shop contains both mundane and magica! items, not all of which have been identified + Misraess Tammstzron's POTION Ewporrom (C) ‘The elder human proprietor ofthis shop offers heating potions forsale along with rarer brews. Shel give you a better price ifyoure ind to her pet toad Palchritude. + Honzvep Worps/Tue Brrrer TRuTH (F) ‘These two identical wagons are owned by twin hags who tread fortunes in tea leaves. Depending on how you take your tes, they may tll you the things you want to know, or things you need to + Tur Hers Hur (F) ‘There's no signage oulside this tur-roofed hut and all that ‘can be seen of the owner isthe glint of eyes from a ple of leaves and rags, but it sells plants that could otherwise talke a lifetime to find + Tur Srom (F, C) Magic shop with a wide selection of arcane focuses. + Amatvis Zoxe's Foxty (F) A disgruntledJooking halfelfin a blue robe offers spell scrols and magical services while mocking laughter echoes around him, + Tar Enp-O'-Davs Seinwars In the center ofthis large round tent one woman spins raw into gold while another cards the fur offa shadowy animal that rest in her lap. A third stands at the tent’s entrance with a drop spindle inher wizened hands. They sell magicinfssed cloth and garments made from it ey COMBAT IN THE MARKET Fighting is only allowed in one of three designated ‘Combat Rings. Anyone caught breaking this rule is instructed to move to one of the rings, and if they refuse they are banished to a harmless demiplane for the duration of the Market. Goblin referees witness the fights are are ready to rush in with healing potions as soon as one party yields, Most fights gather crowds of onlookers, ‘who are protected from miscast spells or badly aimed projectiles by a magical wall of force that ‘causes anything that hits it to ricochet back into the ring. Ta” SzcTor 3: WEIRD AND WILD + Heart's Desire (F) ‘The Market can give you anything you want, if only you ay the price fort + TENT or Many Fatzs A grinning woman sits in a ragged patchwork tent. She thas nothing in front of her except slow table and a deck of ivory cards + Buss While other stalls may extract memories as payment, this is where people come when they want something removed from their minds. Whenever someone enters the limit tent the dried eaves onthe ground whisper with tales of fresh horror and lost loves. + Kisszs ANp Curses (F) Three fae women of unearthly beeuty whisper to passers by about how they can take revenge on anyone who has vwronged them ‘Taz Musroom MEzcHAnt (F, C) ‘This sprawling stall s made of enormous white-spotted mushrooms, The owners lok like hallings except for the strange glint in thei eyes. They sell mushrooms for cooking, alchemy, and poison, and assure you they keep the stock for each purpose fully separated. ‘Tur Darx Ants (F) Ina large ten that ets no sunlight i, a group of Daridings teach mortal visitors how to pain a Fae landscape. ‘Waxps AND ALL (C) ‘This shop focuses on talismans and defensive magic. The aarakocra shopkeeper brags that his wares can protect you from anything, and he demonstrates on caged imps and sprites to prove i Bony-Lzes (F) ‘Athag who lives in an enormous skull it by smaller skalls and attended by skeletons sells scented handmade soaps (ea, also poisons and necromancy supplies, but if you don't say flattering things about the soaps she won't ell you any. A shambling mound covered in poisonous herbs travels with her Marsuwarer (C) This shop sells frogs and newts. There appears to be some kind of newe-trading fad among the fac. CHARMING AND GLAMOUROUS (F) This is where people come to alter their appearance with the gift ofa fae glamour or to buy charms and love spel ‘Tax Trroxsren's Promisz (F) This structure has no visible entrance, although sounds of laughter emerge from within. Hearnentozs Artary (C) ‘Ahalfing man and his adopted goliath daughter sell candles, honey, and small quantities of spiced mead. Most oftheir stock is mundane, but one of their hives brings back nectar from a witch garden, creating intoxicating honey and candles infused with subtle magic. Tom Tupzum's Court ‘This tent is filled with cats who seem to be conducting some sort of ritual If you go inside they stare at you ‘alefully until you leave. Canrraxe (G, F) A fae and an elderly human laugh as they lay out their joint display of sweaters and periwinkle. DELPHINIUM HoRNBLOWER, PROPHECY Consurant (C) ‘Ahaling sts ata small roundtable handing out informational pamphlets and lecturing about the dangers of kag raat cteoletrepcoes bapcoptite pronouncement, however dir they may appear Szcror 4: THE Far-Trer's SHADOW ‘The great oak tree that shades most ofthis quadrant is native to Facrie and disappears at sunset when the market ends. Hosts of facrie dragons and sprites nest in its high branches and faint specks of light wreathe it like stars. + Tar GrgzNwoop SHIELD (F) Nonsmetal armor laced with fac enchantments, made by a dryad + Prerry Pzase (F) Clothing and housewares crafted fom enchanted flowers. ‘There's an upper level high n the tree's branches with ‘merchandise designed for pixies and other tiny folk + Tax Sowine (F) Strange and magical seeds of many descriptions. Grow a worldspanning beanstalk, sn army af skeletons, of new family member + Hzarrwoop Czarrs (C) IRems carved from wood gathered inthe Faewilds, The ‘owner males no claim that this changes the properties of the carvings in any was + Tur DreamwnicuT Brwinc Company (F) ‘This stall is filled with glowing, whispering glass vials that contain carefully-brewed dreams. Visitors can purchase a ‘sweet vision o calm nightmares or a horror to inflict on ‘an enemy, and iftheir own dreams are interesting enough they may give some up in rade, Tuly original nightmares, fetch quite a high price. + Tar Branpy Teer An elderly ote sits in the crook of the tree. A steady stream of animals approaches him, but no one esle seems to know what their business is Szoror 5: ARMOUR AND ELF-SHOT ‘The Crossroads Market has a great variety of armour and ‘weaponry, not only in type but also in size. A sprite smith ‘works from a booth built out ofa converted silver birdcage. A slant stumbles from a tent that doesn't look large enough for its bulk to fit inside, sporting a new set of facrie-rafted plate [A goblin visting from a different tribe grins as she tests the balance of silver dagger. + Furronmr's Fuerouery (0) ‘The no-nonsense name belies the sheer variety of bolts ‘and arrows available in this ibotg-un booth, + Funrazarr Armory (F) To enter this toe, visitors must step through a stone doorway into an underground room that resembles a grassy hillock from the outside. A korred and a svirfneblin sell their wares in the rocky grotto befow. + Cure Epes (C, F) ‘Te tieling proprietor of this shop and her aarakocra wife like to use extravagent displays oftheir blades’ sharpness to lure in customers. + Tar Fray SHALL Wett Become Yz (C) Armor for everyone who sill wants t look fashionable mid-batle + Musrcat Bows aNp MugpEzous PEns (F) Multipurpose and stealth weaponry. + StarForcE Armory (C) ‘An ore warlock creates beautiful and magical armor. SzcTor 6: Books AND BEASTS ‘This sector isthe loudest area of the Market, as the cries of ‘caged animals compete with the music being played to soothe them, + Maps! Mars! Maps! (C) What the kenla and tabaxi who run this booth lack in clegance they make up for in enthusiasm. They sell ‘unsurprisingly, maps. Some oftheir wares are pages cut ‘out from the betterknown atlases, Some of them have detailed routes but no identifying information. Some are ‘more cryptic-damaged or encoded or partially blanc unt some unknown condition is met. + Tux Ow1sEan AND THE TuzTLe BOOKSHOP (c,F) ‘The winding mazes of shelves inside ths tent scem to go ‘on for much longer than should be physically possible. It has a focus on fairytales and manuscript books that were never completed It also sels ink, paper/parchment, and blank books + Gorpgnzoc Beasts (F) very animal inthis stall was born with some kind of, enchantment, or good ori + Warrz Hinp Menacenre (CG, F) Captured creatures are sold as mounts familiar, and quard bossa, Pats of magical creatures that can be used to craft items are also bought and sold here + Heng Bz Monsrzrs (C) ‘ag sells purebred cockatrices from a bird-legged hut + Taz Goop Gary Haws (C) A very talented frbolg faleoner, + Sronzretat (C) (anger berslhes the head of wc) ieSolded eink they raised from a hatchling whose gaze turns ving matter into quart. They demonstrate is power by showing it oses from the florist next door and then selling the erytalized flowers. + Buns & Ross (C) ‘A combination bakerflorist. She used tobe just a baker bout acquired a magic item tha gives her endless Nowers (che though it was Mlours! when she bought it) and is making the best oft SzcTor 7: FATE AND CHANGE This sector is filled with game stalls where visitors can test their luck and skill-knocking glowing orbs out ofthe air, following a quickling’s deft hands as they hide a magic bean, of at one of the few human-ran stalls, tossing horseshoes. Most ofthe things people gain or lose at these booths are aguite small-a child may give up one of their nightmares or a smooth skipping stone and come away with a newt in a jar or a strange undying flower. But there are exceptions-the child who expects a stuffed toy but instead gets to draw from a Bag, of Tricks and ends up taking home an elk, much to her parents dismay, or the man who gives up one memory too ‘many and is left a blank slate, stumbling out of the Market ‘with no idea who he is or where he should go. Among these games is a very large tent which serves two purposes. First, vondors too small to secure an entire booth ‘ean rent a space there. It's filled with junk and brica-brac and rand designs not quite brought to fruition. Secondly, there is. ‘a space for those who come to the Market seeking help for their problems, A burly dwarf offers to return to a nearby village and fight the banshee that has been terrorizing its residents, A tall fae whose face is cloaked in shadow draws a ‘man aside and asks what he will give her ifshe makes the foul well on his farm run clear again. A halfore brother and sister walk stubbornly up to every passing fae, begging for information on how to cure the illness that has befallen their mother Szcror 8: Foop, GLorious Foop ‘Aromas from this sector wall throughout the rest ofthe ‘market, Some seem almost supernaturally delicous; others are clearly acquired tastes, There are carts selling produce, sausages roasting on spits, and stew served in bread bowls. There is fried everything. ‘The goblins’ fruit cart is mobbed by people clamoring for just one more taste. One of the bakers has a booth made entirely of gingerbread. The proprietors of the Proper Copper Coffee stall and the Arcanists Teaspoon booth glate daggers teach other. The workers atthe brewery stalls laugh raucously and appear to have sampled more than a litle of their own wares, One desperate-looking family whose booth is carved out of a pumpkin 20 feet tall wave signs that say, “FREE! PLEASE TAKE ZUCCHININ” One tent advertises that it can produce any foodstuf in existence. It does not advertise the price. On the ground outside this quadrant sit several old beggarwomen. Cats and other animals prowl around, begging for scraps, a ae Crepirs Created by scribefindegil forthe Friendship Campaign (endshipcarpaigntumblscom). Arby Peep -edelkitch. Shop inspiration included input from tumblr users animatedamerican and rmarypsue. Made using the Homebrewery. You are ‘welcome to use this material in your own games! a a”,

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