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Ability Request Permission Offers&Invitations Suggestions

can-could can-could May I Would you like + noun/to+v1 Shall I/we?
be able to will-would Might I Shall I/we Let's,
manage to I wonder if… Can we Why don't we?
Would/Do you mind+Ving Could we How about Ving
Would/Do you mind++if+S+V2 Do/Would you mind We might
Preference Possibility Expectations may
Prefer+N+to+N can/could should+V1 Advice
Prefer+Ving+to+Ving may/might be to+V1 should/ought to+V1
Prefer to V1 rather than(V1)+N be likely/unlikely to be supposed to had better+V1
Would prefer+to+V1 be bound to Why don't you
Would prefer so+ to V1 may/might could well If I were you, I'd
Would rather/sooner+V1 Obligation&Necessity Prohibition must+V1
Would rather have V3 must mustn't
Would rather so V2 have/has to not allowed to
Would rather so had V3 need to
Habitual Past Deduction
used to+V1 must→sure
be used to+Ving/N must not→sure
get used to+Ving/N can't→not true
be/get accustomed to+Ving/N could→not sure
would+V1 might→not sure
Suggestions Perfect Modals → always past
Shall I/we? couldn't have V3 = isteseydi de yapamazdı should have V3 = yapmalıydı ama yapmadı

Why don't we? can't have V3 shouldn't have V3 = yapmamalıydı ama yaptı
How about Ving couldn't have V3 yapmış olamaz
/as well must not have V3 needn't have V3 = yapması gerekmezdi
boşuna yaptı
could have V3 yapabilirdi ama yapmadı
should/ought to+V1 might have V3 didn't need to+V1 = yapmak zorunda kalmadı
had better+V1 yapmadı da
Why don't you can have
If I were you, I'd may have +V3 yapmış olabilir
could have
might have

must have V3 = yapmış olmalı

ydı ama yaptı

runda kalmadı

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