Grammar 1

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Rocks in His Head


Possessive Pronouns
Some pronouns show who or what owns, or possesses, something. This kind of
pronoun is a possessive pronoun.
Possessive Pronouns My, mine, your, yours, her, hers, our, ours, his, their,
theirs, and its are possessive pronouns.
• This is my gold rock, and that is hers.

Directions Write the possessive pronouns in each sentence.

1. When Tracy visited her granddad, she looked for rocks on his farm.

2. Her favorite rock was limestone.

3. Its color was pale gray.

4. Her brothers found rocks, and they put them in their granddad’s study.

5. They had a shelf for theirs, and Tracy had a shelf for hers.

Directions Choose the possessive pronoun in ( ) that could replace the underlined
words in each sentence. Write the sentence.
6. I found a piece of marble, and the marble’s color was pink. (their, its)

7. Your favorite rock is quartz, and my favorite rock is marble. (mine, my)

8. Is this quartz the quartz you own? (his, yours)

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Home Activity Your child learned about possessive pronouns. With your child, take turns using
possessive pronouns in sentences about objects that family members collect. Have your child identify
the possessive pronouns in the sentences.

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Rocks in His Head

Possessive Pronouns
Directions Revise each sentence. Replace the underlined words with possessive
1. Daniel chose certain rocks because the rocks’ color was bright blue.

2. Daniel and Matt spent all day at a creek since the creek’s shores were covered with

3. Daniel and Matt looked for interesting rocks, and Daniel and Matt’s bag was soon

4. Matt found a snowy white rock, which was Matt’s favorite.

Directions Write three sentences about a collection owned by you or someone else.
Use at least two possessive pronouns. Underline the possessive pronouns.
© Pearson Education

Home Activity Your child learned how to use possessive pronouns in writing. Have your child write
two sentences about his or her favorite toys. Have your child underline possessive pronouns in the

70 Unit 4 Week 3 Day 3 Grammar and Writing Practice Book

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Rocks in His Head

Possessive Pronouns
Directions Mark the letter of the pronoun that correctly completes each sentence.
1. I have cool rocks in collection. 6. My sister Tara got down on knees.
A him A mine
B yours B yours
C my C her
D mine D its
2. My dad gave me a rock from 7. She found quartz on
collection. first try.
A mine A him
B theirs B her
C his C yours
D ours D mine
3. The rock is odd, and color is 8. That is your rock, and this
orange. is .
A its A my
B her B mine
C our C her
D their D their
4. Dad taught family about rocks. 9. You will know a rock by color.
A our A their
B mine B our
C hers C its
D its D her
5. We went to a big hill for first 10. Rock collecting is a good hobby, and
lesson. it could be .
A yours A my
B its B yours
© Pearson Education

C mine C her
D our D their

Home Activity Your child prepared for taking tests on possessive pronouns. Play a board game with
your child. Have your child identify possessive pronouns used by any player as you play.

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Rocks in His Head

Possessive Pronouns
Directions Circle the correct possessive pronoun for each sentence.
1. Gems are some of (our, ours) most valuable rocks.

2. (Their, Theirs) favorite gem is bright green.

3. Diamonds are found in (my, mine) state.

4. A ruby is a beautiful gem, and (her, its) color is red.

5. Ruby is my birthstone, and diamond is (her, hers).

Directions Write the possessive pronouns in each sentence.

6. Our grandmother has some beautiful gems in her collection.

7. I love the diamond for its brilliant sparkle.

8. My brother James likes the rubies and their deep red color.

9. Grandma has a gem called a moonstone, and it is her favorite.

10. He wanted an emerald, and he received it for his birthday.

Directions Revise the sentence. Replace the underlined words with a possessive
I found a piece of marble, and the marble’s color was pink.
© Pearson Education

Home Activity Your child reviewed possessive pronouns. While cleaning a room in your home, ask
your child to use possessive pronouns to tell who owns various items.

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