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1- Say the date of the month:

Yesterday was __________________________________________________________
Today is _______________________________________________________________
Tomorrow will be _______________________________________________________

2- Answer these questions:

a) What’s your attitude towards a challenge? ________________________________
b) What can be obstacles to your success? ___________________________________
c) Do you prefer winter or summer vacations? Why? __________________________
d) What kind of gifts do you enjoy receiving? _________________________________
e) What do you need to refrain from doing? _________________________________
f) Do you believe in fate? Why or why not? __________________________________
g) Are you constantly improving yourself? How? ______________________________
h) What is a good way for balancing work and family? _________________________
i) Do you feel guilty when you tell lies? _____________________________________

3- Translate the words in bold:

a) Who’s going to wash the dishes? Let’s toss. ____________________________
b) Shane fell asleep while watching TV. _____________________________________
c) Mary told me she would be here at 4:00 on the dot. ________________________
d) Never honk the horn near schools. ______________________________________
e) Don’t be crossed. I didn’t mean to hurt you. _______________________________
f) Acarajé is too spicy for my liking. ________________________________________
g) I’m totally beat. I had a tough day. ______________________________________
h) Do you agree or disagree with death penalty? _____________________________
i) This coffee tastes awful. _______________________________________________
j) Jessie, could you please fold my gray shirt? ________________________________
k) The car bumped against the curb. _______________________________________
l) The goats leapt the fence. ______________________________________________

4- Fill in the gaps with the following expressions:

shrub honked the horn on the dot wrong at last

a) You got it all __________________.

b) Alone _________________.
c) I’ll be there at 8:00 __________.
d) She stopped the car and _______________.
e) The kids were hidding behind the ____________.
5- Relate:

( ) ivory ( ) tusks

( ) louse ( ) flea

( ) axe ( ) siren

( ) cinnamon ( ) timber

( ) roar ( ) nutmeg

6- Choose the right answer:

a) This fabric _______________ so soft.
( ) feels ( ) tastes ( ) sounds

b) I’m so tired. I must _______________ a while and rest.

( ) lie down ( ) lay down ( ) lie

c) The sun _______________ in the east.

( ) rises ( ) sets ( ) raises

d) Some banks _______________ their customers.

( ) must ( ) gathers ( ) exploit

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