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name: look Circle one from each list,

or make up your own: what is the tinker?

• Covered Eyes, Inquisitive Eyes, or Piercing Eyes
suit: • Mess of Hair, Shaved Head, or Horns
Choose the option that best represents your people:

• Buff Laborer, Child-like Genius, or Mischievous Imp cyborgs

Choose one or two from each, or make up your own: You ARE your battle suit. You can never be separated from it,
• Cool Scarf, Face Mask, Gnarly Scars, or Goggles and you always have access to its benefits. Also, you can use your
Call Signs: Bravo, Cat's Claw, Drag, Eagle, Hero, Hot Shot, battle suit as armor, having it fall apart to protect you from harm.
Jet, Lemondrop, Mercury, Nova, Rocket, Skeeter, Vivallian, Zero
Battle Suit Names: Arm's Race, Battle Suit Alpha, Dead Man,
Final Prototype, God Puncher, Last Laugh, Living Doll, Megalo X,
agenda When you know not what to do,
consult your Agendas.
When you would take damage, you may mark one of the
following instead. These marks can be removed by using items with
the Repair or Fuel tags, one Use per mark.
Nemesis Breaker, Spike Justice, Stoic Joke, True Vision, Volcano Rock, You have these three Agendas: While an option is marked, you cannot use the Gear option
Wasted Rebellion, Winged Girl • Be Brave, Take Risks • Tell Us Of Your People listed by it or roll +Iron for the associated Basic Move.

• Improve The World Around You O Disabled: You cannot use your Advanced Movement and must
roll +Grace to Get Away.
And circle a fourth Agenda that only you follow: O Disarmed: You cannot use your Advanced Weapons and must
roll +Courage to Keep Them Busy. You still have the Melee tag.
Don't Scratch The Pain O Disrupted: You cannot use your Advanced Systems and must
Punish anyone who distrupts technological advancement roll +Blood to Overcome.
or damaged valuable technology, especially yours.
Hot Rod Your people rebuild and modify things endlessly. Your Battle
Show off your inventions and your battle suit Suit has one extra option from each Gear list.
at every opportunity. When you Fill Your Belly, you may swap any one Gear option for
any other from the same list.
Natural Born Genius goblins
Prove to the world the value of your ideas. Your people have never been at the top of the world, and must
make do with less. You do not need to spend anything to use Jury Rig.

stats Your Iron stat is +2.

Assign +2, +1, +0, -1, -1 to your other stats.
Also, the Spare Parts in your Gear gain the Useful tag.


You are in Despair when you roll a damaged stat.

Your people live in underground tunnel-based societies,

When a stat is damaged, mark the small box.

defended from more powerful foes using traps and explosives. You use
both to great effect.
When you Jury Rig a trap or an explosive device and get a 6-,

you may act as though you roll a 7 instead.
Also, you add explosive traps (Trap, Dangerous, 2 Uses) to your
Gear. You can use them to cave in a small room or narrow tunnel, or
to blast open a wall or door on cue.

playing as the tinker
Sense The Tinker is a brilliant inventor with a powerful vehicle or suit
of armor of their own creation. Their people are heavily technology
focused, but even among them the Tinker is a standout genius. The

Wisdom Tinker may not be particularly big or strong, but they make up for it
by building their own size and strength, far disproportionate to
their stature.

the tinker
Play as The Tinker if you like creative problem solving, if you

Iron love technology and science, if you want to play a weakling reliant
on their skills and intellect for power, or if you just want to have a
big cool giant robot.
tinker's core tinker's custom tinker's advancement
The Tinker has the following Moves. Choose two of these Moves When you Level Up, increase your level by 1,
to further define what it means to be the Tinker. then choose an option from the list and mark
iron shell clear the path (iron)
it. You may only choose each option once. You begin the game at level 1.
Your people may be small and weak, but their battle suits O Increase your Grace or Courage by 1 (to a maximum of +3).
When your Battle Suit charges through something standing in
are not. You have a sixth stat, Iron, and you have an its way, roll +Iron. O Increase one of your stats by 1 (to a maximum of +3).
additional -1 to assign between your other stats. Iron On a 7+, you charge through and leave a path for your allies to follow. O Take another Tinker's Custom.
represents the strength of your inventions, including your On a 9-, your reckless charge causes problems. You have to go alone, or O Take another Tinker's Custom, or ask another player to
Battle Suit and anything you Jury Rig together. leave yourself open to danger, or damage something important, your choice. Share a Move with you.
When you Finish Them by outlasting them in a O Take another Tinker's Custom, or two more Tinker's Gear
contest of power or endurance, roll +Iron. On a 10+, chart the course options. You cannot choose a Gear option you already have.
they pass out. When you plan a route, hold 2 Map. When you reach your
destination, you lose all held Map. O Share either one of your Moves that does not require your
When you Share this Move with another, their Iron Battle Suit with another player, or share your Battle Suit with
You may spend 1 Map to do one of the following:
stat is +1. When someone who does not have an Iron • Reveal a shortcut or detour. Taking it will avoid trouble. them. If you do, they gain the Iron stat at +1, the suit has
stat uses a Move that rolls +Iron, they roll at +0. • Reveal a safe place to rest or hide. You will not be found there. one Gear option from any Tinker's Gear list, and you can
Your Iron stat can only be healed by items with the • Command Lore about an expected threat or danger. both pilot each other's Battle Suits without the (Clumsy, Slow,
Repair or Fuel tags, instead of Healing or Food. When you Dangerous) tags. You or they can spend 1 Fuel to exchange
Fill Your Belly, you may spend 1 Fuel to heal your Iron stat, fast learner their suit's one Tinker's Gear option with any other Tinker's
either instead of or in addition to spending Food. Take a Custom Move from any basic playbook. Gear option.
You may also take an Agenda from the chosen playbook.
O You have Changed. You must be level 5 or higher to take
battle suit This move cannot be shared.
this Advancement. When you Change, choose a Destiny
You have a battle suit, unique to you, which is a machine
bigger than you that multiplies your strength and power free ride you meet the requirements for and take its first Move.
You can carry all of the fellowship inside of or on top of
shared customs
while you ride it. Many of your people use technology to
your Battle Suit. When you Get Away using your Battle Suit, you
empower themselves, but none are quite like yours. Describe
may bring along as many allies as you'd like.
or draw your battle suit for us.
When operating your Battle Suit, you roll with +Iron quick fix Record the moves you've learned from your allies here:
to Get Away, Keep Them Busy, and Overcome. You can use Jury Rig to quickly Repair mechanical objects,
Only you can operate your Battle Suit smoothly. In the vehicles, allies, or your Battle Suit. When doing so, if you choose
hands of anyone else, it is Clumsy, Slow, and Dangerous. Unstable on a 9-, the damage returns at the end of the scene.
Your suit's abilities are listed in your Gear. When you
have time and safety, you can spend 1 Fuel to change one
robot butler
You have a robotic servant that does whatever you need it to. Add
Gear option for another option from the same list. the Robotic Butler to your Gear, and write an extra stat for it describing
This Move, and the Gear associated with it, cannot what you need it to be able to do.
be Shared, except through the Tinker's Advance option. When you Fill Your Belly, you may spend 1 Fuel to heal all of your
Robot Butler's stats and change its bonus stat.
jury rig (iron) take the bait
When you fabricate a new device out of existing
When you Keep Them Busy, they tend to chase you.
materials, tell us what you want it to do, spend 1 Use of
On a 7+, you may move them away from wherever they were.
something, and roll +Iron. On a 10+, they end up exactly where you want them to be.
On a 7+, it works! It does what you wanted it to do,
more or less. the big red button
On a 9-, it has some problems. Choose one: When you slam your fist onto the big red button, you eject from
• Unstable: It will fall apart quickly. The device has only 1 your Battle Suit and then it explodes. Damage your Iron stat, damage everyone
Use, and it breaks at the end of this scene. close to your suit, and tell us where your ejection launched you. You cannot use
• Defective: The device has a weird quirk or limitation your Battle Suit for the rest of the scene (even if you are the Cyborg).
If you are the Cyborg, you can damage one of your suit's stats instead of
that requires you to use it only under specific circumstances. your Iron stat to use this move.
The Horizon will describe these circumstances to you. You cannot use The Big Red Button while your Iron is damaged.
Hey! Don't touch that! I know it looks cool, but you can't touch
that. It's delicate machinery at work here and anything out of place
would be bad. Like real bad, explosions kind of bad. I generally like
bonds tinker's gear
explosions but not when they're on the thing I'm riding inside of for You start with 4 bonds with the other members of the You carry a repair kit (Repair, Slow, 2 Uses),
Fellowship. Use these, or make your own: hard rations (Food, 3 Uses),
protection. some spare parts (Fuel, 3 Uses),
I know I'm not the most impressive girl in the room, but trust me, _______ is as brilliant as expected. and a simple weapon (Melee).
my partner here can more than make up for me. Look at her! She's Your Battle Suit is a weapon (Melee) while you ride it.
so big! And wait 'til you see what that energy cannon can do, it's a I know _____________ is capable of truly great things.
Your Battle Suit has Advanced Weaponry.
beauty. No no no I'm not going to just fire it off in here, just be I would trust _____________ to pilot my Battle Suit. Choose one:
patient. These things have a proper time and place and we aren't O A full arsenal. Your suit has the tags Dangerous, Ranged,
there yet. The Horizon's a big place, there will be opportunities. I have repaired something for _____________ in the past. and Piercing, but only one at a time (your choice). You
Besides, it isn't done yet. never run out of weapons to use.
I'm the reason _____________ is even alive!
I'm the Tinker, and I'm never really done with anything. It can O A rocket punch, that returns to you by some means.
always be better. I wouldn't even be here without _____________ 's help. Once per scene, you can make a Move against anyone nearby
as if they were right next to you.
_____________ is an excellent assistant. O An energy cannon (Ranged, Reload, Piercing).
O A missile barrage (Ranged, Area, 1 Ammo).
I'd still be back at my lab if _____________
hadn't dragged me away. Your Battle Suit has an Advanced Movement ability.
Choose one:
I need to make sure _____________ O Arachnoid: Your Battle Suit can walk on walls and ceilings.
never does anything too stupid.
O Drill: Your Battle Suit can dig through earth and stone.
I can never tell _____________ what I really think about them. O Glider: Your Battle Suit cannot fly, but it can safely fall
any distance and you can control where you land.
Record your other bonds here: O Jumper: Your Battle Suit can jump incredible heights,
and it takes no damage from falling if it lands on its feet.
O Rockets: Your Battle Suit can dash along the ground at
very high speed, and take long horizontal leaps.

Your Battle Suit has a set of Advanced Systems.

Choose one:
O Advanced Seasons. When you Look Closely in your Battle
Suit, ask one additional question, even on a 6-.
O An armored core (Armor, 1 Use).
O Deployable drones. You have one Bond with them.
O Environmental protection. This is Protection, giving
your Battle Suit immunity to a Location Stat of your
choice. This immunity does not include you, and you
are only protect while inside of your Battle Suit.
O Remote Control. You can pilot your Battle Suit without
being in it. If you are a Cyborg, you can control your
body parts even when they are separated from you, and
your pieces are capable of moving around on their own.


tinker companions earned fellowship tinker notes
Tinker companions are those allies who are particularly likely When you gain Fellowship with a community, Use this space to take notes.
to join arms with you. Many of them are available as Gear the Horizon chooses three Fellowship moves from the book. Write about the Tinkers, write about the people you've met,
Choose one of those moves and take it, writing it down here. the places you've been, and the things you've made.
options - a Companion in your Gear will always return to you, If you think it's important to you or your people,
heal, or be replaced by another when you Recover. write it down.
deployable drones
Flying robots that work with your Battle Suit. Anything they see,
you can see from inside your suit.
name: eye in the sky targeting computer

robot butler
Or maid, if you prefer. They are capable of doing whatever you
require of them.
Extra stats for the Robot Butler may include Flight, Combat
Protocols, Internal Encyclopedias, or anything else you can think of.
name: custom stat: ____________________
perfect servant backup battle suit pilot

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