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Single Answer Questions

   
1. What is the angle between P  Q and Q  P ?
(a) zero (b)  / 2 (c)  (d) None of these
    
2. Figure shows regular hexagon PQRSTU. Find the value of PQ  PR  PS  PT  PU .

U  R

   
(a) PO (b) 2PO (c) 4PO (d) 6PO
  
3. The x and y components of vector P have numerical values 6 and 6, respectively, and that of P  Q

have numerical values 10 and 9. What are the numerical values of x and y components of Q ?
(a) 4 and 3, respectively (b) 3 and 4, respectively
(c) 4 and 4, respectively (d) data insufficient
 
     R1  R2
4. If R1  A  B and A  B, then   will be along
R1  R2
     
(a) A (b) B (c) A  B (d) A  B

5. The resultant of the two vectors having magnitudes 5 and 4 is 1. What is the magnitude of their cross
(a) 5 (b) 0 (c) 1 (d) 9
 
6. The dot product of the vectors A  2iˆ  3 ˆj  kˆ and B  3 ˆj  2kˆ
(a) 7 (b) 0 (c) 12 (d) 13
 
7. The angle between vectors A  4iˆ  3 ˆj & B  3iˆ  4 ˆj is
(a) 90º (b) 0º (c) 120º (d) 60º

8. For the figure

C 

           
(a) A  B  C (b) B  C  A (c) C  A  B (d) A  B  C  0
      
9. If A  B  C and the magnitudes of A, B and C 5, 4 and 3 units respectively, the angle between A

and C is
(a) cos 1 (3/ 5) (b) cos 1 (4 / 5) (c)  / 2 (d) sin 1 (3 / 4)

10. The velocity of a body moving in a straight line depends on time according to the equation
v  20  0.1 t 2 . The body is undergoing
(a) Uniform acceleration (b) Uniform retardation
(c) Non-uniform acceleration (d) zero acceleration

11. A body travels for 15 sec starting from rest with constant acceleration. If it travels distances S1 , S 2 and
S3 in the first seconds, second five seconds and next five seconds respectively the relation between
S1 , S 2 and S3 is
(a) S1  S 2  S3 (b) 5S1  3S 2  S3
1 1 1 1
(c) S1  S 2  S3 (d) S1  S 2  S3
3 5 5 3

12. A particle is thrown vertically upwards. If its velocity at half of the maximum height is 10 m/s, then
maximum height attained by it is (take g  10 m / s 2 )
(a) 8 m (b) 10 m (c) 12 m (d) 16 m

13. A boat is moving with velocity of 3iˆ  4 ˆj in river and water is moving with a velocity of 3iˆ  4 ˆj
with respect to ground. Relative velocity of boat with respect to water is
(a) 6iˆ  8 ˆj (b) 6iˆ  8 ˆj (c) 8iˆ (d) 6iˆ

14. If A  i  j and B  j  k , then angle between A and B is

(a) 30º (b) 45º (c) 90º (d) 60º

15. A vector perpendicular to the vector (3i  5 j ) is

(a) 5i  3k (b) 5i  3 j (c) 3i  5 j (d) 5k

16. A man can swim in still water at a speed of 6 kmph and he has to cross the river and reach just
opposite point on the other bank. If the river is flowing at a speed of 3 kmph, he has to swim in the
(a) 30º with the river flow (b) 60º with river flow
(c) 135º with the river flow (d) 120º with the river flow

17. A man is walking towards East at 4 kmph. Its raining at 6 kmph with 30º east to vertical. The
velocity of rain w.r.t. man is
(a) 8.718 kmph (b) 10 kmph (c) 7.718 kmph (d) 5 kmph

18. Rain drops are falling down ward vertically at 4 kmph. For a person moving forward at 3 kmph feels
the rain at
(a) 7 kmph (b) 1 kmph (c) 5 kmph (d) 25 kmph

19. A ship ‘A’ steams down to North at 16 kmph, and ship ‘B’ due west at 12 kmph. Relative velocity of
B of w.r.t A is
(a) 10 kmph (b) 25 kmph (c) 6 kmph (d) 20 kmph
20. The path of one projectile as seen from another projectile is a
(a) straight line (b) parabola (c) hyperbola (d) circle

21. A body is projected horizontally from a height of 78.4 m with a velocity 10 ms 1. Its velocity after 3
seconds is _ [ g  10 ms 2 ]
(a) 10iˆ  30 ˆj (b) 10iˆ  10 ˆj (c) 20iˆ  30 ˆj (d) 10iˆ  10 3 ˆj

22. The horizontal and vertical displacements x and y of projectile at a given time ‘t’ are given by
x  6t meters and y  8t  5t 2 metres. The range of the projectile in metres is
(a) 9.6 (b) 10.6 (c) 19.2 (d) 38.4

23. The equation of trajectory of a projectile is y  10 x    x 2 . If we assume g  10 ms 2 the range of
projectile (in meters) is [05 E ]
(a) 36 (b) 24 (c) 18 (d) 9

24. A body is thrown with velocity (4i  3 j ) metre per second. Its maximum height is ( g  10 ms 2 )
(a) 2.5 m (b) 0.8 m (c) 0.9 m (d) 0.45 m

25. If the equation of motion of a projectile is y  3 x  x 2 , the range and maximum height are
respectively ( y and x are in metres)
(a) 18 m and 24 m (b) 24 m and 18 m (c) 24 m and 6 m (d) 12 m and 9 m

26. The velocity at the maximum height of a projectile is half of its initial velocity of projection. The
angle of projection is
(a) 30º (b) 45º (c) 60º (d) 76º

27. A body is projected at an angle 30º with a velocity 42 ms 1. Its maximum height is
(a) 22.5 m (b) 32.5 m (c) 42.5 m (d) 52.5 m

28. A ball is projected at an angle 30º with the horizontal with the velocity 49 ms 1. The horizontal range
(a) 122.5 m (b) 245 m (c) 245 3 m (d) 122.5 3 m

29. A body is projected with velocity 24 ms 1 making an angle 30º with the horizontal. The vertical
component of its velocity after 2s is ( g  10 ms 1 )
(a) 8ms 1 upward (b) 8ms 1 down ward (c) 32 ms 1 upward (d) 32 ms 1 down ward

30. For a projectile, the physical quantity that remains constant is

(a) Vertical component of velocity and kinetic energy
(b) Potential energy and kinetic energy
(c) Horizontal component of velocity and acceleration
(d) Potential energy and acceleration

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