Career Goals - Ehrlich

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OGL 482 Pro-Seminar II

Module 6 Assignment:
Career Plan
Section I Creating My BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)

1) What is your BHAG ?

“I would like to retire and never work again by 2036 when I am 60 years old. .”

2) Why is this your BHAG?

I count myself blessed to be able to work in a career field that I enjoy. It has not only
given me the ability to care for my family, but it has also been bountiful in regards to my
quality of life, specifically by me ample work/life integration. Another great byproduct of
my career is the income I have gained from my career. One of my greatest desires is to be
the “fun” grandpa. By being able to retire five years ahead of the average schedule of 65,
I would be able to be free to begin check off the dream and desire of living in a 4
bedroom house near my future grandchildren and continue the tough task of attending
baseball games in all 30 baseball stadiums with my family.

3) How does your BHAG align with your vision statement from Module 4?

“I was placed on this earth with a purpose of leaving it better off than it was when I
arrived. My legacy is to provide for those that I come across a pleasant interaction and
hopefully they will pay that forward well after I am gone.”

I believe my BHAG is in alignment with my value statement. Leaving this world in a

better state by paying it forward through positive interactions would be accomplished
through the time I will spend with my family. My kids and future grandchildren are my
legacy. Making positive memories with them and being a positive role model will last
long after I am gone from this world.

4) How does your BHAG align with your mission statement from Module 4?

“I am a servant leader who places others above self with compassion, humility, and

My mission statement also aligns with my BHAG in a similar fashion. As a servant

leader, I am going to do what I can to ensure meeting the Big Hairy Audacious Goal
through sacrificing some of the luxuries I can enjoy currently in order to enjoy the fruits

of the labor later. I am placing the BHAG above myself in order to better serve my family
in the future.

5) List your top five obstacles in order from number 5 being least difficult and number
1 being most difficult you need to overcome in order to obtain your BHAG and
explain the relevance of each one.

1. The stock market will need to cooperate. A little luck will be required in order
for my investments to grow substantially enough to meet my goal. The current
state of affairs in the stock market may be a ripe environment to invest at a low
point. However, there is always risk when it comes to investing. I have been
working with my financial advisor who is alerted to my BHAG. He is doing his
best to give me options that will assist me in making wise decisions financially.

2. Pay off current debt. I am not counting my home at this time as I will explain in
a subsequent obstacle. My major debts at the moment include an RV, my truck,
and some exercise equipment purchased for a home gym during the pandemic.
Clearing off these payments will give me more cash flow to apply towards needed
investments towards meeting my BHAG.

3. Increase the monetary amount I am currently investing. If I continue investing

the current 10%, I will not be able to retire until I am 65. This is where the
challenge comes in; I will need to find additional sources of income in order to
increase my investments. Some have suggested a second job, but this will take
time away from family and is in conflict with my family first value. Hopefully, in
a few more months in my new position, I will be eligible to take part in my
organization’s employee stock purchase plan. This not only allows me to invest
into the company I work for, but they will match my investment up to 5% of my
salary. This is something I am looking forward to participating in to further
expand my ability to increase my retirement savings.

4. Find a well paying job in the state I move to. Anything can happen, but the
current plan for my family is to move out of California. There is currently no date
on this, but with both of my children expressing interest on living elsewhere, it is
a matter of time. The challenge lies on my skillset. I have worked at a spaceport
facility for the past 20 years and it is difficult to apply them to a private sector
position. There are only a handful of locations where a spaceport exists,
specifically Vandenberg, California and Cape Caneveral, Florida. However, my
new position is with the Missile Defense Agency which is based in Huntsville,
Alabama. Either way, by completing my degree here at ASU I am placing a
higher probability of landing a job wherever I end up.

5. Pay off my home. Paying off my home will decrease my monthly debt by up to
40%. This is a must before I retire, otherwise I would not have enough monthly
income to pay my mortgage from my retirement savings. I am fortunate enough to
say I bought at a good time and the current equity I possess is equal to the amount
I originally paid for the home. When I eventually move out of California, which is
very highly likely within ten years, I will instantly pay off my home with the
equity built from my current home.

Section II Career Vision

1) Analyze the type of career you want to have, in terms of an organizational career or
a protean career, make sure it is clear you understand the concepts as outlined in
the textbook. Why?

The career type that I would prefer is a hybrid of protean and organizational. I prefer a
job that is either a federal government position or a federal government contractor. The
position would require a minimum of a secret clearance or above. As such the career field
would be mostly organizational due to the processes and legalities required by the federal
government. This doesn’t mean that it cannot posses protean qualities such as caring for
its employees and ensuring a good work/life integration. But protean qualities such as
individual freedoms would be limited due to government hierarchal standards.

2) Analyze your career with an explanation as one that moves you up the organization
or one you develop seeking alternative career paths. If you see yourself taking an
alternative career path, which one(s) sound the most likely? Why?

For the first 25 years of my career, I selected an organizational path in which I stayed
with the same organization and worked my way up. Going forward, my priority is not
upon working my way up, but to work my way to retirement. My focus has now shifted
away from my own organizational goals and more towards maneuvering to finish my
career strong and in good shape for retirement.

3) Discuss and explain if you see yourself working an alternative or flexible work
schedule/arrangement? If so, which ones and why?

If you would have asked me this question 5 months ago, I would have given an answer
that matched my situation at the time. I worked everyday throughout the pandemic onsite
five days a week. I was proud of the fact that I was one of the few managers that elected
to stay onsite with the technicians I led. I saw remote or alternative work schedules as a
lazy way of doing work. In my new job, I have worked from home the majority of the

time and I realize that I get to spend a little more time with my wife and kids. I am
especially grateful since my daughter is leaving very soon to go away to college herself.
If I can find a job that works remote 100% of the time I can live near family in Texas
while still supporting the career I have enjoyed working near space ranges, It would be a
perfect union of my desires. At the very least, a 9/80 work schedule would be preferred
since it seems as though I work 9 hours days anyway. I would love to take every other
Friday off. I’d gain one more day to hang with the family, or help out in the community
in some way.

4) Job Postings

a. 2 years from today

i. Ground Test Analyst –Description: Provide programmatic, technical,

and analytical support to the Missile Defense Agency test team. 
Individual will support testing through all phases of its life cycle.  Travel
may be required. 

This job is in direct alignment of my current career path. It is with the

same employer and is my counterpart’s position in Huntsville, Alabama.
If I were to move out of state within two years, this would be the job I
would take since it is an easy transfer within my current organization.

ii. Communications Systems Supervisor – Description: Provide

leadership and direction to technicians that maintain both Launch Test
Range System (LTRS) and non-LTRS communications systems.

This position is within a similar vein of my last position, however, a

supervisor vice manager. In two years, I see myself in the same
careerfield that I am currently in. This position is in my current location,
Vandenberg SFB, California. A leadership position within the
careerfield is always a possibility and would

b. 5 years from today

i. Senior Systems Architect – Description: Conduct highly specialized
activities regarding the design, implementation and maintenance of the
organization’s application and/or IT infrastructure.

This position would place me in a position in which I am not only

making more money to reach my goal, but it has now gotten me to a
place where I would no longer have a house payment, thus giving me
more cash flow to place toward an early retirement.

ii. Information Technology Federal Employee – Description: Plan,

install, configure, test, implement and manage the systems environment
in support of the organizations IT architecture and business needs.

Due to the flenature of the Government Civil Service, this position

would place me in a perfect position to be able to move anywhere my
children end up after college. This job would give me the flexibility
required to move almost anywhere.

c. 10 years from today

i. MilSuite Community Manager – Description: acts as the milSuite

evangelist and champions the numerous ways DoD members can use
milSuite to connect with colleagues and share information through
popular methods like status updates, forums, blogs, wikis, and other
methods of communication.

This position is a turn from my current career field, however since it is a

remote position I can have the ability to work and live near my future
grandchildren. It also gives me the ability to use some of my people
skills. The pay would allow me to continue toward my BHAG of an
early retirement.

ii. Senior Associate, Integration/Test Engineering – Description:

Responsible for supporting integration, trouble-shooting and testing of
various communication and surveillance systems and subsystems on
complex ground/airborne electronics systems on aircraft platforms and

This position allows me to utilize my technical experience in
communications while being a senior position. This job is located in
Texas and in the same company that my brother works in, so working
with my brother would be a great experience.

d. BHAG Achievement Year

i. Program Management and Operations Support – Description: a

leader with relevant program management, project management and/or
team leadership experience. In this role the successful candidate will
provide extensive program support to multiple portfolios, including
development, production, and sustainment programs in addition to
program management development and operations support for
Enterprise Performance.

This position combines many of the characteristics of my current job

along with my previous job as a operations manager. This supports my
BHAG as it would pay well enough as well in order to increase my 401k
investment. It is also a job I would find joy in doing, thus increasing the
likelihood of contentment.

ii. Operations Management Supervisor – Description: Support the

Manufacturing department. The Operations Management Supervisor will
be responsible for organizing and leading Aircraft Mechanic personnel
on day-to-day production requirements to include; scheduling,
budgeting, quality, and performance. Team will consist of 15-20 direct
reports. Successful candidate must be a self-starter and familiar with
mechanical assembly, assembly fixturing and applicable tooling.
Candidate must be capable of understanding policies and procedures and
executing them in a manufacturing setting. Candidate must possess the
ability to communicate in a positive and persuasive manner, supporting
departmental organizations.

This position would be a perfect fit for my skillset of managing and

working/helping others. It places me in a geographic location close to
family. The company also has a wide array of benefits including 401k
matching that will assist me in reaching my BHAG goal on time.


Section III Long-Term Strategy

1) Critically think about and then list out the interim steps or milestones you have laid
out for yourself that will aid you in reaching your BHAG.

I am currently 46 years old. I have 14 years to meet the goal of retiring when I am 60.
The following milestones need to be accomplished in order for me to meet my BHAG

1. Invest $100,000 savings into existing IRA account immediately (Today)

2. Cancel all non-essential subscriptions for extra cashflow December 2022 (2 months)
3. Increase Investments to 13%. January 2023 (3 Months)
4. Graduate from Arizona State University with my Bachelors in Organizatioanl
Leadership. May 2023 (8 Months from now or 4.5 years total from beginning)
5. Become debt-free except home. September 2024 (2 Years)
6. Increase Investments to 15%. May 2024 (2.5 years)
7. Get promoted to an even higher paying job. September 2025 (3 Years)
8. Pay off my home. September 2028 (6 years)
9. Move to a lower cost of living area/state. September 2029 (7 Years)
10. Increase investments to max 20%. September 2031 (9 Years)

2) In addition to career-related roles, consider your other life roles in relation to your
career goals. Revisit your responses to the Identities Exercise that you completed in
Module 1 of the course. Based on your long-term strategy what are the 3 most
precious things you are willing to sacrifice, besides time, to achieve your BHAG?

Sacrifice 1: I am willing sacrifice my identity as a Californian. While I identify as a

Native Californian, I am ready to move on and relocate to a lower cost of living state
where I can save more of my income for retirement. California is one if the highest taxed
states which takes away from some of the income I can use for retirement.

Sacrifice 2: I am willing sacrifice my time spent on volunteering, specifically coaching

baseball. While coaching is important, I find that my time that I spend takes away from
my work at times. I will continue to volunteer when time permits, but I cannot continue
to take time away from work which is the sole source of my retirement income. Besides,
if I reach my BHAG, I will have plenty of time to volunteer after retirement.

Sacrifice 3: As one of my financial gurus Dave Ramsey states, “You;ll have to live like
no one else, so you can live like no one else”. I will need to let go of some of my creature

comforts like HBO and Netflix in order to gain more cash flow to pay off my debts. I will
likely sell my RV in lieu of paying off the loan which would take me years. This would
help me save hundreds of dollars a month which can be applied to my retirement savings.

Section IV The One to Two Year Plan

1) What is your #1 Goal?

Graduate from ASU with a 3.9 or better.

a. Specific – I have three more classes before I graduate in the spring. Up until this
class, I have not been prioritizing my schoolwork. I took a new job in April and
ittook priority over my school and my grades have lowered because of it. I
currently have a 3.87 grade point average. I will need to receive an ‘A’ in all three
classes to meet this goal.

b. Measurable – My Grade Point Average is the perfect metric to track this goal. In
order to meet the goal, I must finish with a GPA of 3.9 or higher.

c. Attainable – This goal is very attainable, yet it will require my utmost attention in
order to earn ‘A’ grades in all three classes.

d. Relevant (explain why this matters to you) This class has rejuvenated my drive to
finish strong. Prior to the spring, I had a 4.0, however I let a few of my
assignments go to the wayside since I knew I already had a passing grade and
received a ‘C’ grade in the class. This lowered my GPA and I regret giving up on
myself. My pride and determination to finish strong will be my motivation.

e. Time-Based – 10 Months (August 2022-May 2023).

Finish Arizona State with a 3.9 GPA or Higher

7/15/22 9/3/22 10/23/22 12/12/22 1/31/23 3/22/23 5/11/23

Earn an A Grade in OGL 482Aug 18 22

Take the ALEKS Test for Math Placement Oct 15 22

Earn an A Grade in MAT 117 Jan 09 23

Earn an A Grade in OGL 260 Mar 13 23

2) What is your #2 Goal?

Become debt free other than my home mortgage.

a. S – I currently owe approximately $52000 in loans and credit debt. My goal is to

erase this debt in two years or less.

b. M – This goal is measured by lowering my debt to $0

c. A – This goal will be attainable through sacrifice. “Live like no one else, so you
can love like no one else”!

d. R – With the extra cash flow, I will be free to invest more into my retirement
saving accounts. This will be a major step toward achieving my BHAG.

e. T – Two years

Debt Payment Gantt Chart

6/8/22 9/16/22 12/25/22 4/4/23 7/13/23 10/21/23 1/29/24 5/8/24 8/16/24

Pay off Treadmill Sep 30 22

Pay off Elliptical Oct 15 22

Pay off Credit Card Feb 12 23

Pay off Furniture Loan Mar 14 23

Pay off Trailer Loan Apr 28 23

Pay off Truck Loan Aug 26 23

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