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Located at the intersection between two tectonic upheavals, Cloud Breach is an

alpine mountain settlement.

Rainfall, like the fog/clouds themselves, is persistent and reliable. Because of
this, there are many different cultivators here. Ghur isn't known for its growing
conditions, so Cloud Breach has become a hub of agriculture for the more settled
establishments in the region.

Cloud Breach is named for the huge out-jutting of solid rock at its apex. This is
the temple of the seers. Triplets who have the gift of foresight. The three of them
are able to scry patterns in the fog that reveals to them events which have not yet
occurred. Asur Asrai Druchii. "Please forgive me. Will you forgive me? You must
forgive me."

The city extends North-South along the Mist Loch mountains. Entities from all the
realms have settled in Cloud Breach, as its location in Ghur means that it isn't of
strategic importance to any particular faction. Not until the birth of the Seers
did anyone pay much mind to Cloud Breach.
The populace includes many Duardin and Humans, some Aelves, and a few of the beast
races as well.

The Humans of Cloud Breach are descended from nomadic mountain tribes, more viking
than settler. They still roam out wide from the city and are responsible caretakers
of the fog-drenched woods that spread out at the foot of the mountain range. They
call themselves the Grekken, owing to their white/grey hair and slightly grey skin.
They are natural hunters, gatherers, foresters, and builders of wood structures.
Like Valheim but AoS, yeah?

The Duardin of Cloud Breach are known as clan Shade Hammer. Originally native to
Chamon and known as clan Silver Snap, they made conquest upon Ghur centuries ago to
claim a new hold. Their old home was lost in great disgrace. Clan Shade Hammer is
famous for routing the Orruk tribes from the area. In a famous battle, the humans
cautioned the duardin from fighting uphill, saying the Orruk archers numbered too
many and their arrows would form clouds to rival the fog. The duardin clan master
of the time simply replied that they would hammer in the shade.
Clan Shade Hammer is working hard to build and fortify their new hold. There are
extensive tunnels and chambers excavated out of the sea-side face of the Cloud Loch
mountains. They've grown fond of their new title, and so build their dwellings
close to the surface so that glass canopies can let in the foggy grey light of the

The Aelves are a mixed bag in terms of heritage. What they share in common is the
desire to leave behind the millenia of factors weighing upon their people and start
anew. They've taken to calling themselves the Auriscen. Though there are few of
them, they stick together and support each other well. The Auriscen have
experienced a meteoric rise to power since the triplets were born into their
number. Syawla Esrever is their leader, once a devotee of Khaine she has cut those
ties completely. She now presides over the temple at the apex of Cloud Breach, and
outsiders tend to see her as the de-facto leader of the city, though that's far
from true.

The 'beast' races include a gnoblar family which disposes of the city's trash. An
Ogor entrepeneur who owns his own restaurant, "The Wilder Table". A small gang of
Orruk beast tamers, who bring their Grunta herd through the area every year on
their journey South for Spring. Most of the beast races stay on the Northern edge
of Cloud Breach, where the mountains begin to grow shallow and gentle.

Cloud Breach occasionally sees 'emerald rain' as a wild gate sometimes opens off
the coast leading to Ghyran. The resulting fog clouds will condense small
quantities of Aqua Ghyranis. While not a regular or predictable event, it happens
often enough that there is AqG for needed uses and some trade.

Most mercantilism in Cloud Breach is conducted using Wyldpsark, or Sparks. These

are tiny flects of malleable mineral-like substance that glow with a soft amber
hue. They can be molded into new shapes by hand, are very resistant to breaking,
and will provide greater illumination in larger concentrations. Sparks can also be
used to heighten magical effects, almost like adding gunpowder to fire. The sparks
are rarely found as small 'bulbs' on healthy plants in the Mist Loch region.
Because of this, anyone who is a dilligent gardener can expect to harvest a handful
of sparks throughout the year, enough to keep the currency around but not enough to
provide any real income.

The Grekkin use Sparks for their wild magic and transformation rituals. The Shade
Hammer duardin use it in forging enchantments as well as a fuel source for some of
the more industrious inventions. The Auriscen primarily use it as personal
ornamentation and jewelry, though some have taken to snorting powdered spark for
recreation and 'enhancement'. The Ogor uses it in some of his cooking.


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