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"I heard Beedley has been really down again lately, any idea what happened?"
"Happened? Does something need to happen to that fellow? Feel like he hardly needs
an excuse to be down."
"True enough, just wish he would talk to people a bit more. Can't help if he never
leaves his workshop."
Beedley is working on a new project, something very important to him, but he's hit
a serious snag. The Piston-Powered Plate-Mail works for short durations, but he
needs a material to act as an insulator for Ghurric magic. Right now the capacitor
overpowers the housing and melts it, catastrophically, posing extreme danger to the
operator during prolonged uses.

"Yeah I heard it, spooked me too. Like feeling spiders crawlin' in yer beard."
"Did it really sound like something crying?"
"Aye, the wailing of some creature echoing up through the tunnels. Sounded like it
was coming from deep beneath."
The Shade Hammer mines are actually extremely shallow by Duardin standards. The
ones under their hold barely even reach all the way to the bottom of the mountain.
One of the tunnels that came out the Eastern side of the peak was sealed off, but a
cave was left behind when they did so. An adolescent Gargant has taken up residence
there, morose over the loss of his mother. He spends the nights crying himself to

"Have you seen the druids about? One was supposed to come by and check on my son
several days ago."
"Haven't seen them wandering, no. Did you go by their spot out near the sea?"
"Not yet, but I guess I could. It's nothing urgent though and that place always
kinda made me nervous."
The Druids have been dealing with odd wildlife lately. Specifically some aquatic
creatures, crustaceans of alarming size. They haven't been seen on the beaches
before and this upset in the natural order is alarming to the druids. They think if
they could get a fragment of shell, or even a whole specimen, they could discern
what has caused this change in the local ecosystem.

"I saw something this morning, near the split, a thing in the mist."
"Well don't be cryptic about it, what did you see? Was it a person or an animal?"
"That's just it, the outline I saw looked like both. Head of a beast but the stance
of a man. Something about it, it made my blood run cold."
Beastmen and an Arachnarok. Worshipped. The beastmen tribe on the other side of the
mountain has been growing more bold. A massive and ancient arachnarok spider has
come to them, and they have begun worshipping it. Now, instead of heeding their
instictive fear of the mist, this tribe has begun to see it as a simile of the
spider's silk hung through the wind. They want to claim the land of the silk winds
for their new deity.

"Did you feel those tremors a few nights back? I wonder if Taric had something to
do with it."
"I travelled across the peaks to ask him about it, but the way was shut. No sign of
the mountain master either."
"Taric has always seen himself as the hermit. He probably heard you coming and
decided he didn't want any visitors."
Taric has gone away to try and solve what he views as a potential threat to the
Auriscen. He has left some signs behind in case he cannot return. A series of
stones arranged to show his pathway. Granite piled with a blue-cloth-wrapped stone
atop it. Then four small basalt obelisks sat upon squared pallets of grass, in
sequence. Then a Hyishian Dagger set upon something wrapped in black cloth tied
with silvery twine.

"Snowfall this far into Spring. Truly nothing in Ghur is beholden to reason, not
even the weather."
"I've heard some of the wanderers speak of horizon spanning storms approaching the
Southern peaks. Snow and ice greater even than during winter."
"Let's hope they don't continue this way, it would be a death knell for the budding
The everwinter blizzard is forming down on the Southern tip of the continent. An
Allfrostuns clan by the name of Frost Fangs is coming through the area. They drive
their mounts ever onward, the great hungering caravan tearing it's way North along
the Mistloch mountain range. They devour everything they can as they travel and
pose no insignifcant threat to Cloudbreach. Stupid, but fearless and unified under
a strong young chieftain. Thruumsah Winter's Bite, with ever ice shards as 'teeth',
seeks to keep his ogor kin satiated and in doing so obedient to his rule.

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