Mist Loch Places of Interest

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The Wilder Table

Run by the self declared and never disputed gourmand Atrocious. His likeness is
rather atrocious, though hair and beard are lovingly groomed and his form richly
Atrocious is in it for the food. He, like most Ogors, views eating as a religious
or spiritual experience and holds it above all other pursuits. He makes good food,
great food, simply because he enjoys eating.
Atrocious has been letting others sample his food for close to a decade now, and
he's even received a few visitors from other realms just to sample his cuisine.
This fame hasn't changed him though, not on the inside, and he is still happy
cooking in Cloud Breach.
Atrocious holds that the best food comes from the best ingredients and the best
intentions. No where has better ingredients than Ghur, even Ghyran's panoply of
lush vegetation can't compare with the wild freedom of flavors from around the Mist
Loch mountains.
Most everyone in Cloud Breach likes or at least respects Atrocious. He has quite
some sway with the local populace, though he finds politics distasteful.

Melter's Mill
Jhimen and his daughter Della operate the local mill. Situated upon a flowway for
melt water coming down from the peaks, they have a very consistent supply of fresh
water and power for the mill. Grinding a variety of mundane items, farming an
impressively large lot for two people, and providing a stop-off for the Grunta-
Herduz on their migration. Jhimen's wife was Grekkin, and her family never forgave
the act of forsaking their traditions and lifestyle. Della is not to 'associate'
with Grekkin.

Coastal Sprawl
In addition to the native Grekkin, other humans have come to the Mist Loch
Mountains for various reasons. Most of them as refugees from some conflict or
another, stumbling into the peaceful ocean-side crescent of land and deciding to
stay and make a home. Along the coast there is a small sprawl of almost two dozen
wooden huts. Most of them single-room abodes, a few are larger and more skillfully
constructed. The primary engagement for these individuals is fishing, and there is
a veritable fleet of fishing canoes and skiffs brought up on the soft sand of the
gentle stretch of beach by the Sprawl.

Shade Hammer Clan

Shade Hammer Hydroponics

A network of glass-bubbled enclosures barely underground. Each seedbed is nourished
by the near constant runoff from rainfall above and the condensation of the fog
drifts upon metal channels. These hydroponics bays have natural sunlight
suplemented by light from large Wyldspark clusters. The Shade Hammer clan provides
for a lot of the food of the region, with most of the mountain side near Cloud
Breach being dotted with the glass bubble signatures of their operation. Degrel
runs a tight ship and feels the burden of agriculture upon his shoulders. He knows
that his clan is responsible for the comfort and security of most of the populace
in Cloud Breach, as well as some smaller settlements beyond. Degrel can be
headstrong and outspoken, but ultimately cares for those around him.

Shade Hammer Clan-Hall

The seat of power for the Duardin in Mist Loch. Not so grand or imposing as the
duardin halls in other lands, but cozy and lived in. Much lower ceilings dominated
by hanging gardens, dim tunnels lined with mushroom cultivation, humble dwellings
with a responsible use of space. Even the forges are on the small side, built to be
efficient rather than impressive. Here they used Wyldspark to imbue their creations
with the tenacity and determination of Ghur. It's also where Beedley works on his
engineering, much to the chagrin of the older more traditionalist duardin.

Entrace to Shade-Hammer Halls - 'The Well'

Circular stone portal laid flat into the earth. Probably 20 feet wide, whith a
large iron and wood scaffold built over the opening. There's a dual lift system
installed, chains and counterweights constantly rattling. Small stone parapets
around the entrance, and it's located on top of a small hillock on the side of the
mountain. Good view in every direction. Coming down it's a long way to drop, the
lift goes fast enough that it's a little worrying, but seems stable and dependable.
At the bottom there's a huge stone archway that leads further into the mountain
side, into the Clan Halls proper. Small kiosks and storage pallets arranged,
'Landing Market'.
Goose and Wren - General store "Northerner's Nest". Small tools, supplies, basic
manufactured and bartered goods. Mostly sell to travellers/Grekkin.


Glyph Garden, a mountain-top chateau of magically masoned stonework. Geometric

galleries covered over in carefully curated mosses and lychen, frames of flowers
over each arched opening. Symbols of greenery and mineral forming circles of runic
power. A thrum in the air, the stone, the sway of leaves. One of the few places in
Cloud Breach that sees a lot of sun and stars. Short walk from the seer chambers.

Pilus' Stone Temple. Another construction shaped from the mountain. This one
obviously built for defense, small tall halls and rising tiers. Rooms with
surrounded entrances and 'built in' tables that could serve as cover. The chambers
of the seers themselves are off limits to all but Syawla, high atop the temple.
Pilus is the guardian of the temple and the surrounding area, his eyes sharp,
quiver full, and hawk alert.

Taric's Hermitage. Located along the peak of the mountain range, it's a few hours
of difficult walking with fantastic views. Moulded from well respected stone by
Taric himself, this refuge is fairly modest in size with every inch of space being
used for something. Cookware is tucked up into corners, every bit of free wall
space is carved out to house books, Even the ceiling has been hollowed for garment
storage. The ground floor 'door' is simply a stone slab which can be raised and
melded into the front of the structure, making it all but impenetrable from the
ground level.


Bexar's Lodge, a huge (for the Grekkin) structure built around the trunk of an
ancient tree. Can house a dozen or more families comfortably. Room for many cooking
fires. Storage pits for dried goods and other kept supplies.
Bexar himself speaks as loudly as the entire tribe, but does not speak *for* the
entire tribe. He sees the Duardin as foreigners despite most of them living in
Cloud Breach since before he was born. Beleives they are noble, but don't belong
here in Ghur.
Sees the Auriscen as suspicious and possibly even as a threat. In Bexar's mind the
Aelves go against the nature of Ghur, additionally their hauty attidues lead him to
beleive they are plotting against everyone not of their kind.

Druid's Watch. An old and well worn cave-like recess in a shore-side stretch of
exposed granite. So named for the mystics who call the place home and 'keep eyes on
their water' from the edge. The stone is all smooth and almost always wet, the
ubiquitous moss especially prevalent here, piling up on itself in huge cushy
clumps. The druids essentially worship the natural cycle, though they would not
describe it as so. They know much of life, and of death. They are frequently called
upon to perform healings, blessings, cleansings, births, and burials. Most
importantly, the Grekkin are superstitious about the mist and the forest, and see
the druids as 'agents' of nature. The druids must be consulted before a tree can be
chopped down. The druids are frequently asked about the weather and the seasons,
their predictions unerring. Ieum, the arch-druid, is said to have supernatural

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