The Mercenary Prof

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Defining Skill
“I'm a mercenary, not a monk, I work for
Cover The Costs anyone willing to pay for non-human heads.
During the war my unit provided cover for
retreating civilians, the Scoia'tael were the
Vigor vanguard of the Nilfgaardian army... they
0 slaughtered my whole unit. Merciful, given
what they did to me.”
Magical Perks - Rayla of Lyria, Mercenary

Skills "Never say mercenaries are simple folk. Sure, you get
your share of mindless fools, but the same can be said
Any 5 Combat Skills for any village idiot, too. No... a good mercenary
Business learns from their mistakes, the old ones are living
Wilderness Survival proof of it! Weathered and worn they grow into a
Dodge/Escape survivor, an experienced professional with more
scars than stories from the battlefield. Such a veteran
Physique costs any lord or king an arm and a leg, but when one
Courage good merc' makes up for ten shite-eating peasants...
we'd be fools not to pay up!

Mercenaries are a common sight these days, they're

Gear (Pick 5) bleedin' everywhere! Though, let it be known that it
Gleddyf takes a lot to make it in the business and most go off to
Battle Axe form their own companies, standing with brothers
Throwing Axe x3
and sisters, reliable sorts they've battled side by side
with in former wars and skirmishes. But that's not
Brigandine always enough. No, ya need a reputation, ya need
Armoured Trousers word of yer deeds to spread. Take it from me, a
Chain Coif trader... i'd never hire any old tom, dick or harry just
because he could swing a sword. It's the one that looks
Crossbow & 20 Bolts
me in the eye, the ones with fire for it, with cuts on
Steel Buckler Cover The Costs (INT) their knuckles and a scar over on their brow, its the
Satchel After agreeing to provide their services, a mouthy bastards that get my attention. Sure, they're
Mercenary may roll Cover The Costs against hardy folk, but the good ones are sly and smart. At
Large Tent
their employers Resist Coercion. If successful the Brenna, mercs' were everywhere, wearing colours for
Mercenary convinces their employer of their both sides, fighting old friends on the front lines... but
personal need to source fresh equipment and at the end, who do ya think really won those wars?
Starting Money supplies for the task ahead, gaining an Eh? Them! Being a mercenary is all about the money,
150 crowns x 2d6 allowance of money equal to the total result it'll either kill ya or make ya dirt rich! Take it from
rolled in addition to any other fees agreed upon. me, i've seen more than enough sellswords who piss in
For every 3 points rolled over, the Mercenary golder pots than court knights and noble advisors.
gains half of that rolled value again. If an The thing is, most don't know when to stop, so it's a
employer is unable to Cover The Costs, the GM rare sight indeed to see a retired old war dog. Eh, they
may have them provide services equal to or say combat takes us all in time, but the careful ones,
greater than the value of money owed.
well now, they're still going strong!"
- Bronn the Blacksmith

Mercenary Skill Tree Feat of Expertise

Cover The Costs (INT) Feat Name

Delayed (Small Blades Only)

After agreeing to provide their services, a Mercenary may roll Cover The Costs against The damage and effects dealt
from this strike trigger 2d6
their employers Resist Coercion. If successful the Mercenary convinces their employer of rounds later.
their personal need to source fresh equipment and supplies for the task ahead, gaining an
allowance of money equal to the total result rolled in addition to any other fees agreed Pressure Point
The target staggers in agony
upon. For every 3 points rolled over, the Mercenary gains half of that rolled value again. until healed. Attempts to track 3
If an employer is unable to Cover The Costs, the GM may have them provide services them gain +1 per location hit
(repeat locations do not stack).
equal to or greater than the value of money owed.
The damage dealt from this
The Professional The Veteran The Specialist attack is split evenly between
the target's HP & STA.
Risk Appraisal (INT) Soldier On (BODY) Weapon Of Choice Pinning (DEX Only)
The target is prone & rooted to
As an action, the Mercenary may
A Mercenary who visits a staging With at least one rank in this skill, the floor. DC15 to break free,
ground or area designated for
roll Soldier On against a difficult
a Mercenary chooses one of their increasing by +1 for each 5
wound or lower. Once per fight, location pinned past the first
conflict, prior to it happening, weapons to become their Weapon
using the same DC as if healing it, (repeat locations do not stack).
may choose to roll Risk Appraisal of Choice. This chosen weapon
the mercenary can temporarily
against a DC set by the GM. gains a +1 to its reliability and Knock Back (excluding Crossbow)
shift that wound to 'treated' for a
Success allows a Mercenary to damage dealt for every two ranks The target is forced backwards
number of minutes equal to the
spend an hour learning all there is
Mercenary's ranks x10 in this
gained in this skill. A Mercenary a number of meters equal to 6
to know about the terrain, any only loses their connection to the Mercenary's BODY/3.
skill. Furthermore, the Mercenary
possible advantages, dangers or their Weapon of Choice (or may
also gains +1 to their maximum Sunder
environmental threats potentially replace it) when it is lost, sold,
stamina pool for every rank they The piece of armor this strike
posed by the location. broken or deconstructed.
have in this skill. hits becomes sundered and
loses a quarter (or a half, for a 6
Faction Neutrality (EMP) By Land Or Sea (REF) Feat Of Expertise (REF/DEX) crit) of its current SP value.
Works only once per location.
A Mercenary swiftly learns how to When wielding their Weapon of
When faced with an influential
travel best By Land Or Sea and Choice, and at the start of their Nerve Damage
figure, vendor or service provider
may roll this skill in place of any turn, a Mercenary may mark a A strike that lowers the targets
who tolerates, fears or hates the
Sailing or Ride checks. At rank 5, target and roll Feat Of Expertise REF or DEX by 1 (2 for a crit)
Mercenary, Faction Neutrality per location hit (the stat is
boats or beasts at the Mercenary's against this opponent's BODYx3.
may be rolled against this targets
Resist Coercion. Success increases
control now move 1 SPD faster. At If successful, the Mercenary may chosen before the attack is
made, repeat locations do not
rank 8, any time the Mercenary combine a feat to any strike made
the Mercenary's social standing stack). Victim rolls Endurance
must roll on the control loss table, during that turn at the STA cost at the start of each turn vs the
with that target (or area, if they
they roll twice and take the better listed. Any feat, if used, must be attack roll to recover by 1.
are important enough) by a single
result. At rank 10, the Mercenary declared before rolling an attack.
level for a number of weeks equal
no longer suffers negative mount At rank 10 the Mercenary may
to their ranks in this skill.
or vehicle control modifiers. pick another Weapon Of Choice.
Free Company School Of Hard Knocks Combat Clarity (WILL) Faction Neutrality
For every two ranks a Mercenary Whenever a Mercenary fumbles A mercenary that fails to uphold
With at least 1 rank in this skill a has in School Of Hard Knocks with their Weapon Of Choice their professional intentions by
Mercenary becomes the captain they gain one temporary health they may spend 5 STA and enter a getting caught causing trouble or
of their very own Free Company, point against poison or bleed state of Combat Clarity, rolling offence to the target of this roll
gaining a number of perks to help damage suffered at the start of against their own REFx3/DEXx3 loses any beneficial effects granted
them manage their followers and their turn, as well as a +1 increase (depending on the weapon's skill). from this skill. A critical success
a selection of roles that can be to their DC10 defence from being On a Success, the Mercenary may with Faction Neutrality raises your
assigned to both player characters made helpless or from suffering reduce their fumble by a number social standing by 2, instead of 1.
and NPCs to help shape and the stunned effect. Any temporary of points equal to their ranks in
define their contribution to the health points that are lost to these Combat Clarity. At rank 10
cause. Further information on this conditions are replenished after the Mercenary may pick another
skill may be found on page 3. taking a full night of rest. Weapon Of Choice.

Free Company
The Mercenary becomes the captain of their very own Free Company and may manage it as they see fit. A Free Company can
serve as a useful source of income if contracted out to important and influential figures or simple serve as the captains own
personal fighting force. Each rank gained in this skill opens up a new perk or role available to the Mercenary and though perks
have a broader use, its important to note that a role can only be given to one member or recruit at a time.

Perks (Odd Ranks) Roles (Even Ranks)

Rank 1 - COMPANY ROSTER: With one rank in this skill, Rank 2 - COURIER: A player assigned the role of Courier
the Mercenary becomes the Captain of their own Free gains a circumstantial +2 to Awareness and Persuasion
Company. For every rank gained thereafter, the Mercenary checks made when delivering a letter, package or
may initiate one player character into becoming a member information on the Free Company's behalf. If a recruit is
or hire an NPC to become a recruit. Player characters may hired to fill this role, they gain a base 15 in Awareness and
freely negotiate their terms for working with the Persuasion in addition to their base stats and replace their
Mercenary, but recruits must be paid a minimum of 10 Iron Long Sword for a riding horse.
crowns weekly and use the Bandit stats provided in the
core rulebook. Not paying a recruit, or asking too much of Rank 4 - TRACKER: A player assigned the role of Tracker
them, will risk that NPCs insubordination and disloyalty. gains +2 to Trap Crafting and Wilderness Survival checks
The Mercenary may spend 20 crowns a week to hire special made when actively trapping or tracking targets on the
recruits that provide better skills (see ‘roles’ for more info). Free Company's behalf. If a recruit is hired to fill this role,
they gain a base 15 in Wilderness Survival and replace their
Rank 3 - UNIFORMS: At the cost of 100 crowns, members Iron Long Sword for a dog.
and recruits can choose to represent their Free Company
by having a tailored tabard or uniform made for them. Rank 6 - BATTLE PHYSICIAN: A player assigned the role
When a Mercenary rolls Faction Neutrality, the outcome of of Battle Physician gains a +2 to First Aid checks and may
that roll also affects any members or recruits wearing the treat one wound per day as if they were using the Healing
company's colours or uniform. Hands profession skill (providing they own a surgeons kit).
If a recruit is hired to fill this role, they gain a base 15 in
Rank 5 - REDUCED RATES: Mercenaries provide regular First Aid, may also treat one wound per day and replace
business opportunities for local folk. Sea fares, horse their Iron Long Sword for a surgeon's kit.
rentals and travel expenditures, such as road taxes and
bridge tolls, cost only half their standard amount if the Rank 8 - QUARTERMASTER: A player assigned the role of
provider of the service at least 'tolerates' the Free Quartermaster gains a +2 when making a Crafting check to
Company. Certain Inn's and Brothel's may also benefit repair broken or damaged items in use by a member or
from this perk at the GMs discretion. recruit of the Free Company (provided they have the tools).
If a recruit is hired to fill this role, they gain a base 15 in
Rank 7 - MILITARY CAMP: By setting up a camp with at Crafting, come equipped with a Tinkers Forge and replace
least two large tents and a campfire, sentries on active their Iron Long Sword for a set of Crafter's Tools.
watch gain half of the Mercenary's ranks in Free Company
toward their Awareness checks. Rank 10 - LIEUTENANT: A player assigned the role of
Lieutenant gains a +2 to Business and Leadership when
Rank 9 - CONTRACTING: A mercenary may now outsource making checks to manage and organise the Free Company
their Free Company recruits to an employer or person of or when contracting recruits in service to interested parties.
importance for guard duty, escort detail or to bolster their If a recruit is hired to fill this role, they gain a base 15 in
military forces. Doing so either earns the company a Business and Leadership and can fully manage the company
stipend of additional income or provides benefits as in the captains stead providing weekly income and contract
decided by the GM. The Mercenary may roll Risk opportunities.
Assessment to learn the contracts odds of success or
Business to negotiate payment.

The Mercenary profession is a fan made profit-free homebrew supplement by Leon M. (Leothedino). Using the contents of this guide is
done so at your own discretion. The Witcher TRPG, its rights and trademarks belong to R.Talsorian and CDProjekt Red.

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