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Defining Skill
Witch Hunter “The Holy Fire enlightens, burns and cleanses!
Conviction Behold the flame of grace and mercy! Special
pyre for you, freak - nice slow burning. You'll
beg for mercy in all the voices known to you,
Vigor like the others of your species.”
- Commander Caleb Menge, Witch Hunter
Magical Perks "Until recently the Witch Hunters of old (albeit the
None ones in the north) were a casual nuisance and
mediocre threat to even the most lax and laid back of
mages. At the boys college of Ban Ard we would hear
Skills stories of Nilfgaard's Mage Hunters, terrifying
Deduction trackers that cut down hopeless apostates escaping
Monster Lore north and dragging their limbless bodies south to be
Tactics strapped against flaming stakes in market squares
and castle courtyards. Such stories and affairs were
nothing more than horror stories... at least, that was
Human Perception until Loc Muinne, of course. You see, it turns out that
Crafting cutting off the heads of kings, plotting dominion over
Courage the north and inciting fear through an allegiance
with a fire breathing dragon doesn't actually go
Intimidation down well the common folk.. or the kings that they
Resist Coercion left alive, either.
Resist Magic
Soon the stories that hailed from Nilfgaard would
pale before the reality of Radovid's capacity for
Gear (Pick 4) hate... and his sudden faith in mage burning
Writing Kit mercenaries. No longer idiots dressed in tartan hats,
nor man-children with toy swords and fragile
manacles... these men and women were monsters. It
Torches (x2) took only a mere matter of months for the greatest
Brigandine Witch Hunters ever seen to form as one, armed to the
Armoured Trousers teeth and now united by a common cause, marching
Hunters Falchion
Conviction to the rhythm of a dimeritium steel drum. Warriors,
A Witch Hunter's ideals and judgements guide knights and nobles served the Witch Hunters now,
Chloroform them in their righteous crusade against the and any mage worth his salt had fled to Kovir. The
Satchel arcane and the occult. Whenever a Witch Hunter ones that were caught, dragged through the streets in
successfully Resists Coercion, reveals deceit via chains and incinerated before the masses on pyres
Human Perception, or induces fear through built by their own spellbooks..? Well, they were the
Special Item Intimidation they gain a point of Conviction fools history will forget and so my advice to you, any
Dimeritium Manacles which can be used in the same way (and at the mage now in hiding, fear the Witch Hunters for their
same time) as LUCK. It can also improve or fuel hour has come!"
the Witch Hunter's profession skills. The first
Starting Money rank in this skill gives the Witch Hunter a pool - Ebuelus le Tellier, Mage &
size of 1, the limit increases by 1 for every 3 Former College Mentor
150 crowns x 2d6
ranks gained thereafter (a total of 4 at rank 10).
Witch Hunters begin a session with only one
point of Conviction.

Witch Hunter Skill Tree Seal of the Order

Penalties/Benefits Mod.
Witch Hunt Supporter
Bribed (50 crowns) +3
A Witch Hunter's ideals and judgements guide them in their righteous crusade against the Fearful or Afraid +2
arcane and the occult. Whenever a Witch Hunter successfully Resists Coercion, reveals Non-Human -2
deceit via Human Perception, or induces fear through Intimidation they gain a point of
Mage Sympathiser -3
Conviction that can be used in the same way (and at the same time) as LUCK. It can also
improve or fuel the Witch Hunter's profession skills. The first rank in this skill gives the Enemy of the Order -5
Witch Hunter a pool size of 1, the limit increases by 1 for every 3 ranks gained thereafter
(a total of 4 at rank 10). Witch Hunters begin a session with only one point of Conviction. Deus Ex Machina
Preparation Time DC
The Exploiter The Inquisitor The Crusader A minute ago I would have... 16
Seal of the Order (WILL) WANTED Poster (CRA) Divine Intervention (REF) An hour ago I would have... 20
When bartering with merchants By rolling WANTED Poster Whenever an ally in melee range One day ago I would have... 24
for anti-magical supplies, trying against a DC decided by the DM, fails to block, dodge or reposition
to gain entry to crime scenes, the Witch Hunter can appeal for an attack, at the cost of 5 STA the A week ago I would have... 28
prisoners or restricted areas, the people in an area to come forward Witch Hunter may roll Divine
Witch Hunter may roll Seal of the with information or tip-offs in When a Witch Hunter rolls Deus Ex
Intervention at a -3 to block this
Order against the targets Resist regard to the posters contents. Machina they may apply their
attack on their behalf. Failing this
Coercion. This skill imposes This roll gains a +1 for every 50 result against the table above and,
roll has a 50% chance to re-target
certain penalties and the level of crowns invested as a reward into choosing from any of the given
the outcome of this attack to the
success is determined by the DM. the WANTED Poster. Refusing to preparation times that they qualify
Witch Hunter instead. Spending a
Spending a point of Conviction pay up the reward may rile up for, start their plan with that
point of Conviction removes the
keeps this skill from rolling any attitudes, cause fights and even phrase. The Witch Hunter must
-3 penalty when using this skill.
lower than a 15. start pogroms. keep within the boundaries of
reality, allies, resources, equipment
Ceased Retreat (REF/DEX) Thumbscrew (WILL) Know Thy Enemy and time. It's important to note that
At the cost of 5 STA, once a round After collecting at least three vital A Witch Hunter may learn one some plans might require the DM
a Witch Hunter wielding a melee pieces of suspicious or relevant sign, spell, hex or ritual for every to ask for additional skill checks.
weapon may roll Ceased Retreat evidence on a target through level gained in Know Thy Enemy. Examples
to make a single strike, outside of investigation or interrogation, a This magic cannot be cast, taught
their turn, at a target leaving their Witch Hunter may choose to roll or forgotten and does not cost IP "A minute ago I would have unlocked
melee range. If wielding a ranged Thumbscrew against that target's to learn, only time. The Witch that window to ensure our escape."
weapon, the Witch Hunter may Courage. Success either breaks Hunter gains +2 to their skill rolls
fire at any target leaving an ally's their will, reveals a deep secret or when identifying or defending "An hour ago I would have left the relic
melee range instead. A point of forces a confession of some kind. against their magical knowledge. with our friend, it's no longer in my bag.
Conviction may be spent to use Spending a point of Conviction The Witch Hunter may spend a "One day ago I would have scouted out
this a second time during a single allows this check with only two point of Conviction to double this this part of the city for signs of trouble."
round. pieces of evidence acquired. bonus for one skill check.
"A week ago I would have paid two
Deus Ex Machina (INT) Fear & Hysteria (WILL) Righteous Cause mercenaries to arrive here on this day,
Once per session the Witch When successfully intimidating or to help us fight the werewolf."
As an action, and by spending a
Hunter may invoke Deus Ex interrogating a target, the Witch
point of Conviction per target,
Machina declaring, retroactively, Hunter may mark them with Fear
that they 'set something up' prior & Hysteria. This target must Resist
the Witch Hunter can give out a Fear & Hysteria
use of Righteous Cause to any
to the current scene or encounter. Coercion or become paranoid that A target suffering from Fear &
allies that can see and hear them.
Rolling Deus Ex Machina has they are a suspect in a witch hunt. Hysteria is likely to cause chaos in
A target effected increases their
strict limitations and the DM Spending a point of Conviction their social circles, spreading their
next skill check made by +1 for
maintains full discretion to allow causes the target to spread this paranoia to friends, relatives and
every 2 ranks that the Witch
or ask the Witch Hunter to revise effect to a number of others loved ones. This effect can bring
Hunter has in this skill. Righteous
their plan. This skill cannot be equal to the total ranks in this villages and city districts to a
Cause remains until used, but
used to change time or undo skill. This DC is the same as the complete stand still, force common
fades before a new session starts.
events already passed. original skill roll. folk to give up suspects, real mages
and even cause people to turn on
one another to save themselves
from the threat of fire.

The Witch Hunter profession is a fan made profit-free homebrew supplement by Leon M. (Leothedino). Using the contents of this
guide is done so at your own discretion. The Witcher TRPG, its rights and trademarks belong to R.Talsorian and CDProjekt Red.

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