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1140 Boylston Street, MS 939 SAC, Boston, MA 02215-3693 Tel 617 747-2560 Fax 617 747-2120 www.berklee.

edu Student Activities Center

To Whom it May Concern: I am writing this letter of recommendation on behalf of Geoff Campbell. In the time that I worked with Geoff, I was impressed with his positive attitude, creativity, and willingness to lend a helping hand, as well as his dedication to the many roles he played within our department. Geoff worked with the Student Activities Center (SAC) as an intern in the summer of 2009. It was a busy summer and we really needed someone who could step in, learn the ropes, find their niche, and keep us moving forward. Geoff was able to do all of that. Geoff contributed to our office by creating a series of dynamic flyers that advertised the summers activities. He even helped us in our strategic goal to better use social networking by suggesting, creating and editing a Student Activities Center blog. Student activities at Berklee requires high capacity team members especially in the summer when we support a number of college-wide initiatives including the Five-Week Summer Performance program that brings 1000+ high school students to campus and orientation which brings 1000+ new fulltime-enrolled students to campus. There are many long days and long nights including some weekends. Geoff enthusiastically and energetically worked those hours. More specifically Geoff worked to interview and hire a new crew of orientation leaders. He organized the FA09 Orientation Resources Fair which required managing many details with on and off campus vendors. Additionally Geoff helped to organize the SU09 Berklee Life Off Campus workshop and also provided 1:1 support to students who had off campus living questions or concerns. Geoff is thoughtful and hardworking and he contributed to our success that summer. He always looked for ways to improve his skills and he supported the team in any way he could. Thank you for your time. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require additional information. Sincerely,

Tamia Rashima Jordan, M.Ed. Director of Student Activities

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