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Kaylee Evans

EDUC 359
Professor Reilly
3 October 2022
Learning Styles

After going through all the different questions to figure out the five types of learning
styles I may have, the way I best learn is boiled down into these five concepts: Visual, Applied,
Spatial, Social, and Creative. In the following paragraphs I will be explaining the five different
learning styles.
The first one is Visual. Visual learners best lean by reading, studying pictures, reading
diagrams graphs, etc. Anything that can be placed in front of the student that gives them a visual
representation of what they are trying to learn about will help them tremendously. Things to
incorporate into the classroom to address visual learners would be writing things down on the
board, you could have them visually demonstrate what they were learning in class (concept
map), use visual aids when discussing, etc.
The second learning style I got was Applied. An applied learner learns best by engaging
in direct application of skills, theories, and models. These learners need examples to see how
things are done. In other words, they prefer real objects and situations. Practical, real-life
examples are very much needed. Things to do in the classroom would be provide examples if the
concept is hard for the students. In science, when that are to perform an experiment, provided a
demonstration of everything they are going to be doing. Something that I truly enjoy in college
that is applied learning would be the student teaching aspect because it’s a real-life example of
what we teachers need to do.
Next, Spatial learning. These specific learners are able to visualize or mentally see how
things work. They also may be good at drawing, assembling, or repairing things. These students
can look at anything and either figure out what to do or figure out how it works. Things that you
can do in the classroom would be allow time after the lesson for the students to close their eyes
and visualize what they just learned, or you can allow the students to draw or building replicas of
what was learned in the lesson.
The fourth learning style was Social learning. This type of learning is exactly what you
think it is. These students learn the best when with other people. They need interactions with
classmates or instructors to be able to work to the best of their ability. Social learners prefer to
work directly with classmates and instructors. They are people-oriented and enjoy interactions
with others. Things to incorporate into the classroom would be group work because it allows the
students to bounce ideas off of one another, and just simply allow quite discussions with other
classmates. You, as a teacher, could also group the desks instead of spacing them out.
Last but not least, Creative learning. These types of learners prefer to learn through
discovery and or experimentation. They are imaginative, innovative, and not afraid to take risks.
This type of learning style is best done by indirect learning because the students direct the way
they are taught. It is not teacher directed. To support creative learners in the classroom you could
give them options of things to learn and allow them to pick what is to be learned. The teacher
could also loosen the reigns a little bit and allow the students to do some of the learning for
themselves. For example, at the start of a new chapter allow them to flip through the chapter and
come up with some questions that they have about the information (discovery).
In conclusion, knowing the students different learning styles can help not only them to
succeed in school, but it can also help you as a teacher because you would not have to re-teach
topics if you just start out by knowing how all your students learn. This can especially help
during the student’s potential transition to a new school and environment because you can relate
things back to what they are used to while including your own teaching techniques. All of these
different strategies and instructional ways are all to better help the student succeed in the
academic field.

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