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Slide 1 :

Good morning, everyone ! My name is Akonedo Esosa Justice .

Today I stand before you to give a presentation on the topic, DESK MANAGEMENT AND BOOKING

Slide 2 :

The Agenda of today’s presentation is to get you all well-versed with the topic by focusing on the
following items that include:

1. introduction to the system in which I would be talking system background , objectives of the
system and the significance of the system.
2. Description of the system that includes the system environment, product scope , product
functionality and uses and characteristics
and lastly
3. Specific requirements like functional requirements, design interface diagrams, USE CASE
diagrams, sequence diagrams and flow charts

Slide 3:

I’ll start off this presentation with the introduction to the topic

Desk Management and Booking System is an individual project designed in Net beans Java.

It is designed in such a way that it allows the management of a set of desk bookings from users in
reference to a group of desks designated by administrative users

The background of system includes the fact that it allows a set of desks to be added to a system of users
so that it allows users to make and manage their desk bookings. A database needs to be hosted on a server
which is queried by the client-side application. Additional Admin capabilities are also accessible by users
marked on the system as admin.

Slide 4:

The objectives of the system are as shown on the slide that include :

1. Login to the system(as an Admin or and user)

2. All rights have been given to Admin
3. Add Desk Booking
4. Remove Desk
5. Update Desk
6. Search Desk
7. View All Bookings
8. Capacity for each desk
9. Unique ID allotment to each Desk
Slide 5 :

Its significance is associated with the fact that it is been used with many other booking systems like :

1. Room Booking Management

2. Hotel Management System
3. Hospital Management System And many more.

Slide 6 :

Moving on , the system environment includes

1. OS: Windows 10
and the
2. Database server (JAVA, MySQL, NETBEANS)

The product scope is that it can be used by both users and admins . The coming user can log in as a user
while making an ID password Apply for desk arrangement and check out from the desk management after
using it.

Slide 7 :

The product has the following functions:

1. Enter Desk
2. Update Desk
3. Remove Desk
4. Manipulate hot desking management as an Admin

It should be noted that the Admin is able to manage the students and perform a basic operation on the data

Slide 8:

There are some functionality requirements too which include:

1. Login to the system(as an Admin or and user)

2. All rights have been given to Admin
3. Add Desk Booking
4. Remove Desk
5. Update Desk
6. Search Desk
7. View All Bookings
8. Capacity for each desk
9. Unique ID allotment to each Desk

Slide 9 :

Next up, we have the design interface diagrams which is basically a visual overview of the interface
relations between the technical objects .
For the DMBS, this diagram includes user id and password along with other details as shown in the slides

Slide 16:

Now I would like to talk about the graphical depiction of a user's possible interactions with a system also
known as a use case diagram. These diagrams also identify the interactions between the system and its

In a use case diagram for the desk booking system, we can see a standard user, new user and the
administrator. It shows how each one interacts with the administrator.

*try to briefly explain what is happening in the diagram*

Slide 17:

I have also included the class diagram which clearly maps out the structure of a DMBS by modeling its
classes, attributes, operations, and relationships between objects

*explain the diagrams in slide*

Slide 18 :

Another important thing that I must discuss is the sequence diagram for the booking system.

*explain the diagram*

Slide 19:

Lastly , we have the flow chart which shows what happens after a login is made by either the user or

*briefly explain the diagram*

Concluding remarks:

As I bring my discussion on DMBS to a close, I once again would like to thank you for this opportunity
and hope that this presentation has given all of you a much clearer understanding of DMBS. But if you
still have any questions, feel free to ask! Thank you!

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