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Task based learning

The approach of this method offers an opportunity for students to gradually assimilate

cultural aspects and their role in the evolution of a society and its language. Hence, Nunan

(2004) states:

Task based learning a is a piece of classroom work that involves learners in

comprehending, manipulating, producing or interacting in the target language while

their attention is focused on mobilizing their grammatical knowledge in order to

express meaning, and in which the intention is to convey meaning rather than to

manipulate form. The task should also have a sense of completeness, being able to

stand alone as a communicative act in its own right with a beginning, a middle and

an end. (p.4)

Furthermore, Ellis (2003) process describes task based learning as follows:

Pre-task activity an introduction to topic and task

While: Task > Planning > Report

Post: Language Focus and Feedback

In addition, an example of the implementation of TBL approach can be found in

Peña & Onatra (2009), emphasizing the process stablished by Ellis:

Figure 1 Task-based learning

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