Eapp Week 5

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Alhysa R.

1. A


Learning Task 3:
1. Formalist criticism
2. Biographical criticism
3. Historical criticism
4. Feminist/Gender criticism
5. Psychological criticism
6. Sociological criticism
7. Marxist criticism
8. Reader – response criticism

Learning Task 4:
1. Statement: "Better educational outcomes are a strong predictor for future
economic growth," said OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria.
Reaction: This is a truth statement that we need to keep in mind
because education is one of the keys to success.
Critical Writing Approach: Formalist Criticism

2. Statement: "Boys don't cry"

Reaction: This is wrong, everyone has feelings, boys are also crying.
All feelings are valid.
Critical Writing Approach: Gender Criticism / Feminist Criticism

3. Statement: " In a statement, the DFA said the Philippine Embassy in London is
assisting 55-yearold Violate Aylward, who was caught on a CCTV turning off
the life-support system of her British patient in January 2009.
Reaction: This is so unfair for those people who are fighting for their
Critical Writing Approach: Marxist Criticism

4. Statement: " To bait fish withal; if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my
revenge. He hath disgraced me and hindered me half a million, laughed at my
losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled
my friends, heated mine enemies - and what's his reason? I am a Jew.
Reaction: This is to jew people.
Critical Writing Approach: Sociological Criticism
2. 5. Statement: "A hound dog found a bone and held it tightly in his mouth. He
growled and scowled at anyone who attempted to take it away. Off into the
woods he went to bury his prize. When he came to a stream, he trotted over the
footbridge and happened to glance into the water. He saw his own reflection.
Thinking it was another dog with a bigger bone, he growled and scowled at it.
The reflection growled and scowled back. "I'll get THAT bone too," thought
the greedy dog, and he snapped his sharp teeth at the image in the water. Alas,
his own big bone fell with a splash, out of sight, the moment he opened his
mouth to bite!
Reaction: This statement shows a greedy personality.
Critical Writing Approach: Psychological Criticism

Learning Task 5:
News clip #2
All minors in areas under general community quarantine (GCQ) will be allowed to go out
and shop in malls for the coming holidays if they are accompanied by their parents,
Interior Sec. Eduardo Año said Monday.

I choose this news clip #2 that I can totally relate as a minor. This is good news for
us who were restricted to go outside in longer span of time. This is somewhat helps us as
young people to release the stress or sadness they've been through during pandemic.
Being imprisoned into your own house is not a good idea especially that depression to
young children might occur. However, this is also a dangerous act because children ought
to play without safety protocols that's why parents are important to have accompanied
them to guide their children.

Learning Task 6:
1. Formalist criticism
2. Psychological criticism
3. Feminist/Gender criticism
4. Sociological criticism
5. Biographical criticism
6. Reader-response criticism
7. Historical criticism
8. Marxist criticism

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