Activity 2 English

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Adolfo Muñoz Botello Al03070761 Tecmilenio 18/08/2022

Activity 2: A Trip to Remember Write a 3-paragraph story about a memorable vacation, real or
fiction. Include as much detail as possible about the places, the visits, dates, weather and all the
things you can describe to make the reading realistic. Don’t forget to use past tenses (past simple,
past continuous).

EXAMPLE: Notice how the answer is not just a city or a place, it contains additional information.
Once, I went to… visit South Dakota with my uncle, my cousins, and my grandma during the
summer of 2015.

1. My most memorable vacations are the ones in __


2. The year was _in 2016 _______________ and I was ________13__________ years old.

3. The places I visited were _ incredible, for example when I went to the vusentenario park I got

on the roller coaster____


4. But the one that I liked the most was __when I got on the go cards in the park__________


5. The weather was __fragrant and very pleasant____________________________________


6. The food was _incedibele cause we eated things like pizza an other fast



7. My favorite thing / place to eat was __a place beatubul but I don¨t remember his name, in this

place we eated a Mexican food ____________________


8. Trips can sometimes be exhausting. A stressful experience was when we went on the road it

was very dangerous since it was raining

9. One thing I would have liked to know before my trip was there were more places to visit
Adolfo Muñoz Botello Al03070761 Tecmilenio 18/08/2022

10. A funny memory from that vacation was that I travel with my whole family and we have a lot

of fun living together and traveling

Activity 2.1: A Trip to Remember Write a 3-paragraph story about a

memorable vacation, real or fiction. Include as much detail as possible
about the places, the visits, dates, weather and all the things you can
describe to make the reading realistic. Don’t forget to use past tenses
(past simple, past continuous), time sequencers, connectors and time

It all started when my father decided that one weekend, we would go out to a natural
forest to get out of the routine. When we arrived, we would prepare food and talk for
a while. Then we went swimming in the afternoon and when it was getting dark, we
got ready to sleep. but there were a lot of mosquitoes and we didn't have repellent
so it was very uncomfortable all night since we stayed camping and we have to
slepp whit the mosquitoes.


The next morning everything got better, the weather was very nice, it was warm and
there was mist over the water, the first thing we did was have breakfast and then
leave the area to buy more things to eat and mosquito repellent so they wouldn't bite
us again because we would stay another night, and so it was. When night came we
were in better condition and ready to sleep but suddenly my mom told us to look at
the sky because there was an eclipse

That night was incredible since we managed to see how wonderful the universe is
and we also managed to sleep very comfortably, and to finish we made a bonfire to
Adolfo Muñoz Botello Al03070761 Tecmilenio 18/08/2022

burn chocolates. everything that night was wonderful and I remember it very happily.
The next day we took our things and we went home

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