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Cytogenetic Biomonitoring on a Group of

Petroleum Refinery Workers

Article in Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis · July 2011

DOI: 10.1002/em.20641 · Source: PubMed


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6 authors, including:

Emiliano Basso Maddalena Papacchini

Università Degli Studi Roma Tre INAIL Istituto Nazionale per l'Assicurazione con…


Giovanna Tranfo Antonella Mansi

INAIL Istituto Nazionale per l'Assicurazione con… INAIL Istituto Nazionale per l'Assicurazione con…


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Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 52:440^447 (2011)

Research Article

Cytogenetic Biomonitoring on a Group of Petroleum

Refinery Workers
Emiliano Basso,1 Chiara Cevoli,1 Maddalena Papacchini,2
Giovanna Tranfo,2 Antonella Mansi,2 and Antonella Testa1*
Section of Toxicology and Biomedical Sciences, Research Centre ENEA
Casaccia, Rome, Italy
Italian National Institute for Occupational Safety and Prevention (ISPESL),
Rome, Italy

Workers employed in petroleum refineries are subjects (34 nonsmokers and 16 smokers) were
exposed to a wide range of toxic compounds selected by using very strict selection criteria. The
(benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, comparison of chromosome damage in PBL
heavy metals, etc.) with known mutagenic and between exposed and control populations pointed
carcinogenic potential. In this study, we investi- out a significant increase of micronuclei in the
gated by using the cytokinesis block micronucleus exposed group, correlated with the length of
(CBMN) assay on human peripheral blood lym- employment. Results confirm that smoking is the
phocytes (PBL) whether general occupational ex- principal confounding factor for the responses. In
posure in petroleum refineries resulted in early bi- conclusion, our results are indicative of a potential
ological effects, which would be indicative of genotoxic risk related to the complex occupational
adverse health effects in the long term. In this exposure in petroleum refineries, despite the
study, out of more 500 workers enrolled in the measures adopted in the plants, and corroborate
study, 79 male subjects (46 nonsmokers and 33 the need to increase safety measures to avoid expo-
smokers), employed in two different Italian petro- sure to chemical agents. Environ. Mol. Mutagen.
leum refineries, and a total of 50 male control 52:440–447, 2011. V C 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: petroleum refinery; micronucleus; cytogenetic monitoring; smoke

INTRODUCTION reported to be less than 3 mg/m3, with higher levels in

some operations. Exposure via the skin to high-boiling
In the past decades, the occupational exposure has rep- materials may also occur’’ [IARC, 1989]. Moreover, the
resented a steady problem for the industrial activity IARC reported that occupational exposures in petroleum
because workers are continuously exposed to a wide refining are probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A)
range of potentially toxic agents, and the biological moni- related to skin cancer and leukemia [IARC, 1989]. For
toring has acquired an increasing importance in the this reason, a large number of epidemiological studies in
evaluation of risks to human health as an integral part of the petroleum industry have been performed to address
strategies to improve conditions of occupational safety the issue of carcinogenicity of petroleum chemicals.
and health [Roma-Torres et al., 2006].
Among the many industrial fields, petrochemical indus-
try represents a big source of job, and it hires a lot of
people. As reported by IARC, ‘‘world-wide, the petroleum
Grant sponsor: Ministry of Public Health Project—Occupational benzene
refining industry employs about 500,000 persons in more exposure: Development of advanced biosensors for environmental moni-
than 700 plants. Process operators and maintenance work- toring; Grant Number: PMS/024/2003.
ers may be exposed to a large number of substances *Correspondence to: Antonella Testa, Section of Toxicology and Bio-
which occur in crude oil, process streams, intermediates, medical Sciences, Research Centre ENEA Casaccia, Via Anguillarese
catalysts, additives and final products. Aliphatic and aro- 301, Rome 00123, Italy. E-mail:
matic hydrocarbons and hydrogen sulfide have commonly Received 23 June 2010; provisionally accepted 2 December 2010; and in
been measured in the air of working environments. Less final form 8 December 2010
commonly, polycyclic aromatic compounds have been DOI 10.1002/em.20641
detected at specific process units. In general, the concen- Published online 2 March 2011 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.
trations of benzene in modern refineries have been com).

C 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. DOI 10.1002/em
Biomonitoring in a Petroleum Refinery 441

A review of cohort studies on more than 350,000 petro- et al., 2005]. Another study on a group of workers from a
leum workers in the United States, the United Kingdom, petroleum refinery aromatic plant reported significant
Canada, Australia, Finland, Sweden, and Italy reported no increases in MN and chromosomal aberrations [Roma-
increased mortality from digestive (stomach, large intes- Torres et al., 2006]. Recently, another investigation shows
tine, liver, or pancreas), lung, bladder, kidney, or brain that the frequencies of MN and chromosomal aberrations
cancer [Wong and Raabe, 2000]. For all petroleum work- were significantly higher in workers of a petroleum refin-
ers, a small increase in skin cancer mortality was found. ing industry than in unexposed controls [Kim et al.,
Significant increases in melanoma mortality were found 2008]. A study carried out in Spain during clean-up oper-
in some small groups of refinery workers in the United ations after an oil spill demonstrated that, in hired work-
Kingdom and upstream operation workers in Canada ers, there was an increase in MN, especially in manual
[Wong and Raabe, 2000]. cleaners. Moreover, the genetic damage measured by
A major concern relative to exposure of these workers comet assay revealed a positive correlation with exposure
is constituted by benzene, classified by IARC as carcino- to heavy metals [Pérez-Cadahı́a et al., 2008a,b].
genic to humans (Group 1) [IARC, 1982]. For this reason, In this study, we evaluated the genotoxic effects owing
the threshold limit value (TLV) for benzene has been to occupational exposure in a group of petroleum refinery
reduced from 100 ppm (1946) to the current value of workers by using the cytokinesis block MN (CBMN)
0.5 ppm (1.6 mg/m3) by the American Conference of assay on peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). The
Governmental Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH). Benzene is CBMN assay is widely used in cytogenetic monitoring
a natural component of crude oil (less than 1% by studies as biomarker of chromosome damage. This tech-
weight); therefore, it is found in some refinery products nique, proposed as a ‘‘cytome’’, can provide a lot of
like petrol [Schnatter, 2000], and it is also the main com- information on chromosome instability and altered cell
ponent of the organic solvents that are emitted by viability caused by exogenous genotoxins [Fenech, 2006].
petroleum refinery [Rao, 2007]. Several studies on occu- Recently, the predictive power of CBMN toward cancer
pational exposure to benzene reporting induction of chro- risk has been highlighted [Bonassi et al., 2007; Murgia
mosomal aberrations [Zhang et al., 2005], in particular et al., 2008].
monosomy and trisomy of specific chromosomes [Zhang
et al., 2005, 2007], are available in the literature. More-
over, translocations between chromosomes 8 and 21
[t(8;21)], often associated with acute myeloid leukemia Selection of Subjects
[Su et al., 2004], and between chromosomes 14 and 21
[t(14;21)], associated with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, are Out of more than 500 workers enrolled in the study, 79 male subjects
(46 nonsmokers and 33 smokers), employed in two different Italian pe-
reported. Other studies reported association between troleum refineries, were selected by using two different questionnaires:
micronuclei (MN) and benzene exposure [Liu et al., (a) the ‘‘personal health questionnaire’’ proposed by Carrano and Natara-
1996; Roma-Torres et al., 2006], whereas some other jan [1988] for the evaluation of ‘‘lifestyle confounding factors’’ and (b) a
investigations did not find the same results [Carere et al., specific questionnaire on individual professional exposure (e.g., individ-
1995; Surrallés et al., 1997]. ual benzene exposure, length of employment, etc.). Individuals having
potential confounding factors (other than smoking), like drug and alcohol
Despite the additives containing lead were reduced or consumption, recent radiodiagnostic exposure, subjects with previous
eliminated, a greater amount of aromatic compounds is treatment by chemotherapy and radiotherapy and with recent viral or
mixed in petrol for the antiknock purpose. Despite many bacterial infections, and individuals with known genetic defects and
epidemiological data are present in literature, there are only major illnesses were excluded. All individuals provided informed consent
very few cytogenetic monitoring studies on petroleum in accord with current law; all subjects received a letter outlining the
aims of the research study, in which they were informed that the results
workers. In the last years, biological monitoring has been would be published and that they would not receive any individual
used in cooperation with traditional epidemiological studies results. A total of 50 male control subjects (34 nonsmokers and 16
to have a ‘‘molecular’’ vision of effects from exposure to smokers) employed in administrative offices were selected from usual
toxic compounds. In this context, cytogenetic biomarkers blood donors by using to the same selection criteria. All smoker subjects
are widely utilized in the field of molecular epidemiology (occupationally exposed and controls) reported that they smoked more
than 10 cigarettes/day (mean, 13 cigarettes/day).
to investigate potential genotoxic effects induced by xeno-
biotic agents on human health [Bonassi and Au, 2002].
Exposure Assessment
A study on a group of petroleum refinery workers
reported a significant increase in chromosome aberrations Workers employed in petroleum refineries are exposed to a wide range
related to high-level benzene exposure [Kim et al., 2004]. of toxic compounds, but because most operations are closed processes,
Similarly, a follow-up from 1990 to 2003 on a group of exposures are expected to be minimal under normal operating conditions.
However, there is a potential for exposure to chemicals such as phenol,
benzene distillers employed in an oil refinery reported an furfural, glycols, methyl ethyl ketone, amines, hydrogen sulfide, carbon
increase in chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid monoxide, trace polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), mercaptans,
exchanges (SCE) respect to control subjects [Tompa ammonia, dry chemical demulsifiers, acids, caustic (sodium hydroxide),
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. DOI 10.1002/em
442 Basso et al.

spent caustic, spent catalyst (Merox), catalyst dust and sweetening agents ers, both workers and controls, absorb significant doses of benzene,
(sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate), monoethanolamine (MEA), which is produced by cigarette smoke.
diethanolamine (DEA), methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), and hydrocar-
bons. If diatomaceous earth is used in filtration, it can contain silica in
Lymphocyte Culture
very fine particle size, making this a potential respiratory hazard. The
potential for exposure to hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide exists in the Peripheral blood samples were collected locally at the medical presid-
production of asphalt. During blending, sampling, and compounding, per- ium of the two refineries by venipuncture into heparinized tubes. Blood
sonal protection from steam, dusts, mists, vapors, metallic salts, and other samples were transported by night at room temperature to the cytoge-
additives is appropriate. Skin contact with any formulated grease or lubri- netic laboratories of the ENEA Research center in Rome and put in cul-
cant should be avoided. Working around transformers and switches that ture within 20 hr from the blood collection. For lymphocyte culture, 0.5
may contain a dielectric fluid requires special handling precautions. ml of whole blood was added to 4.5 ml of RPMI Dutch Modification
The volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from the refinery are 1640 medium (Euroclone, Milan, Italy) supplemented with 10% heat-
mainly alkanes, but also include about 5% alkenes and 15% aromatic inactivated fetal calf serum (Euroclone), 2% phytohemagglutinin (Gibco-
hydrocarbons, among which the major concern regards benzene because Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA), 1.5% penicillin–streptomycin (5,000 U/ml
of its ascertained carcinogenic properties. According to the Italian law, and 5,000 mg/ml) (Euroclone), and 1% L-glutamine (Euroclone). Cul-
the extent of exposure of workers to carcinogens must be assessed by tures were grown at 378C. For the MN study, cultures were incubated at
means of periodical measurements, and workers are subjected to the 378C for 72 hr; 44 hr after incubation, cytochalasin B (Sigma, St. Louis,
compulsory medical surveillance. MO) was added at a final concentration of 6 lg/ml to arrest cytokinesis.
The ACGIH states a TLV for occupational airborne benzene exposure Air-dried preparations were stained by the conventional Giemsa
of 1.6 mg/m3 (time weighted average on 8 hr [TWA]), whereas the method. The presence of MN was evaluated by scoring a total of 1,000
Italian law foresaw a maximum benzene concentration in urban air of binucleated (BN) cells with well-preserved cytoplasm for each donor. In
10 lg/m3 at the time of the study (since January 1, 2010, the value has addition, another 1,000 lymphocytes were scored to evaluate the percent-
been lowered to 5) as an annual average. age of cells with one, two, three, and four or more nuclei. The nuclear
Benzene exposure during the entire work-shift (approximately 8 hr) division index (NDI) was used for measuring cell proliferation kinetics.
was measured at the breathing zone level in all subjects (n 5 79), using
personal diffusive samplers containing an active carbon cartridge (Radi-
ello1). The Radiello Passive Air Sampling System does not require any Statistical Analysis
electrical power, what makes it ideal for an industrial site where flamma-
The distribution of all parameters was evaluated by the Kolmogorov–
ble vapors could be present. Its characteristics are light weight, small
Smirnov test and showed significant departures from the normal distribu-
size, and high and constant sampling rate. Analysis was performed by
tion. Therefore, the nonparametric Mann–Whitney U-test (significance
gas chromatography-flame ionization detector (GC/FID) after desorption
taken as P < 0.05) was applied to compare exposed and controls to eval-
of benzene from the active carbon with carbon disulfide, with a detection
uate genetic damage. To evaluate the relationship between the genetic
limit of 0.2 lg/m3.
damage and confounding factors such as age, length of employment,
Even control subjects are exposed to benzene, which is a ubiquitous
smoke, and benzene exposure, we performed a multiple regression analy-
pollutant of the environment mainly because it is a component of auto-
sis, considering time by time as dependent variable MN% or BNMN%
motive exhaust emission, but very likely at lower concentrations. Smok-
and as independent variables age, length of employment, smoke, and
benzene exposure. We reported the R and R2 values to show the good-
ness of fit and the P-value for each independent variable to test whether
TABLE I. Baseline Characteristics of the Population Under
the regression model predicts the independent variables in a statistically
Study (Exposed and Controls)
significant manner. Moreover, to better evaluate the relationship between
Exposed Controls BNMN frequencies and age both in exposed and control subjects, the
Spearman’s rank correlation test was used. Statistical analysis of data
All 79 50 was performed using Graph Pad software Instat version 3.02 (Graph Pad
Smokers 33 16 Software, San Diego, CA).
Non-smokers 46 34
Mean (SD) age (years) 38.6 (10.7) 37.1 (7.0)
Range 23–64 19–50 RESULTS
Mean (SD) length of employment (years) 13.4 (11.7) —
Range 0.5–44 — In Table I, the baseline characteristics of the examined
Mean (SD) exposure (benzene) (mg/m3) 0.093 (0.11) — population are reported. In this study, we analyzed a group
Range 0.00022–0.81 —
of 79 male occupationally exposed workers (mean age,
SD, standard deviation. 38.6 6 10.7; mean working age (years), 13.4 6 11.7)

TABLE II. Frequencies of Micronuclei in Control Subjects

Smokers (n 5 16) Non-smokers (n 5 34) Total (n 5 50)
Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range

Age 39.76 (7.54) 16–50 35.56 (6.35)a 24–50 37.1 (7.0) 19–50
MN tot (%) 5.63 (3.88) 1–13 3.48 (2.22) 1–11 4.35 (3.12) 1–13
BNMN (%) 4.88 (3.03) 1–10 3.35 (2.01) 1–11 3.96 (2.53) 1–11
NDI 1.70 (0.14) 1.5–1.9 1.74 (0.13) 1.5–2 1.7 (0.1) 1.5–2

Statistical analysis performed by Mann–Whitney U-test: aP < 0.01.

BNMN, binucleated cells with micronuclei; MN, total micronuclei; NDI, nuclear division index; SD, standard deviation.
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. DOI 10.1002/em
Biomonitoring in a Petroleum Refinery 443

TABLE III. Frequencies of Micronuclei in Exposed Subjects

Length of Exposure to MN tot BNMN
Subjects Age employment (years) Smoke benzene (mg/m3) (%) (%) NDI

E1 56 34 No — 14 11 1.3
E2 34 3 No — 14 13 1.2
E3 52 — No — 9 9 1.5
E4 57 34 No — 12 10 1.3
E5 56 33 No — 13 13 1.2
E6 34 11 No — 12 12 1.2
E7 55 32 No 0.064 10 9 1.2
E8 33 13 No 0.065 5 5 1.1
E9 40 16 No 0.063 3 3 1.5
E10 23 2.5 No 0.197 5 5 1.2
E11 33 2 No 0.107 6 6 1.1
E12 38 13 No 0.02 23 20 1.4
E13 53 30 No 0.197 25 21 1.4
E14 39 13 No 0.075 7 7 1.2
E15 57 35 No 0.083 16 13 1.2
E16 31 3 No 0.115 9 8 1.4
E17 30 2.5 No 0.08 11 11 1.4
E18 30 2 No 0.188 9 9 1.3
E19 36 11 No 0.039 6 6 1.1
E20 25 0.6 No 0.075 1 1 1.3
E21 36 8 No 0.019 2 2 1.3
E22 34 7 No 0.075 7 7 1.4
E23 31 11 No 0.077 2 2 1.3
E24 35 11 No 0.107 7 7 1.2
E25 56 36 No 0.019 21 14 1.2
E26 64 33 No 0.107 2 2 1.3
E27 42 13 No 0.077 7 7 1.4
E28 40 18 No 0.083 21 20 1.5
E29 55 35 No 0.019 8 8 1.5
E30 33 2 No 0.107 8 5 1.4
E31 31 2 No 0.013 3 3 1.3
E32 39 18 No — 14 14 1.4
E33 55 35 No 0.024 5 5 1.3
E34 33 7 No 0.209 8 8 1.4
E35 58 31 No 0.00043 13 12 1.4
E36 36 14 No 0.0003 12 10 1.5
E37 56 31 No 0.00043 23 18 1.3
E38 55 26 No 0.022 10 10 1.1
E39 37 11 No 0.006 10 10 1.5
E40 32 — No 0.095 3 3 1.4
E41 26 1 No 0.024 6 6 1.3
E42 36 13 No — 5 5 1.5
E43 32 7 No — 4 2 1.2
E44 64 44 No 0.00022 12 11 1.3
E45 32 13 No — 8 6 1.4
E46 31 7.5 No 0.034 4 4 1.2
E47 36 14 Yes — 2 2 1.4
E48 40 13 Yes 0.063 5 4 1.4
E49 25 1 Yes 0.075 6 6 1.4
E50 30 2.5 Yes 0.065 1 1 1.5
E51 24 2 Yes 0.075 2 2 1.5
E52 30 2 Yes 0.197 4 4 1.4
E53 30 2.5 Yes 0.197 1 1 1.4
E54 31 0.5 Yes 0.209 4 4 1.7
E55 42 17.5 Yes 0.083 6 5 1.4
E56 40 17 Yes 0.051 3 3 1.3
E57 38 8 Yes 0.024 2 2 1.5
E58 33 5 Yes 0.065 7 7 1.4
E59 47 6 Yes 0.016 6 6 1.3
E60 30 1 Yes 0.075 2 2 1.3
E61 49 25 Yes 0.071 17 14 1.2
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. DOI 10.1002/em
444 Basso et al.

TABLE III. Continued

Length of Exposure to MN tot BNMN
Subjects Age employment (years) Smoke benzene (mg/m3) (%) (%) NDI

E62 32 8 Yes 0.209 3 3 1.2

E63 61 37 Yes — 7 7 1.2
E64 40 16 Yes — 6 6 1.3
E65 30 5 Yes 0.016 6 6 1.4
E66 32 9 Yes 0.019 2 2 1.3
E67 38 14 Yes 0.05 6 6 1.2
E68 24 1 Yes 0.08 1 1 1.4
E69 34 13 Yes 0.107 5 5 1.3
E70 27 — Yes 0.016 5 5 1.5
E71 31 2 Yes 0.075 2 2 1.4
E72 31 6 Yes 0.02 2 2 1.3
E73 51 17 Yes 0.123 5 5 1.3
E74 33 9 Yes 0.313 3 3 1.4
E75 30 — Yes 0.019 3 3 1.5
E76 34 13 Yes 0.81 1 1 1.4
E77 32 1 Yes 0.201 6 5 1.4
E78 27 1.5 Yes 0.201 4 4 1.4
E79 46 — Yes 0.139 4 4 1.3
TOT 79
Mean (SD) 38.79 (10.82) 13.69 (11.86) 0.09 (0.11) 7.27 (5.57) 6.66 (4.70) 1.34 (0.11)

BNMN, binucleated cells with micronuclei; MN, total micronuclei; NDI, nuclear division index; SD, standard deviation.

compared with 50 healthy male subjects (mean age, 37.7

6 7.0).
Mean benzene exposure of the 79 workers was found
to be 0.093 mg/m3 (range, 0.0002–0.8100). This figure
is significantly lower than the ACGIH TLV-TWA of
1.6 mg/m3, but higher than the limit value for urban air
of 0.01 mg/m3 as annual average, to which controls are
expected to have been exposed.
In Tables II and III, the total frequencies of MN
(MN% tot), cells BN with MN (BNMN%), and the NDI
detected in controls and occupationally exposed subjects
are reported, respectively. Data on age, smoking habit,
length of employment and individual benzene exposure
(only for exposed group) are also reported in the tables. Fig. 1. Analysis of genetic damage in exposed and control subjects (all).
Figure 1 shows the results of the statistical comparison BNMN, binucleated cells with micronucleus; MN, total micronuclei.
(Mann–Whitney U-test) between occupationally exposed Statistical analysis performed by Mann–Whitney U-test: *P < 0.001.
and control groups. The occupationally exposed group
shows a significant increase (P < 0.001) in BNMN % between control subgroups (smokers and nonsmokers) no
(6.7 6 4.7) and in MN % (7.3 6 5.6) with respect to statistically significant differences were found (data not
controls (3.8 6 2.5 and 4.2 6 3.0), respectively. In non- shown). Figure 3 shows the relationship between BNMN
smoker subjects, this trend is confirmed for both BNMN frequency and age in occupationally exposed and control
% (8.5 6 5.0 vs. 3.4 6 2.0) and MN % (9.5 6 6.0 vs. groups by using linear regression analysis. The results
3.5 6 2.2) (P < 0.001) (Fig. 2a), whereas between smok- indicate an effect of age on the MN frequency in both
ers subgroups we found a lower chromosome damage in groups (exposed and controls). The multiple regression
the exposed smokers (BNMN % 4.0 6 2.6; MN % analysis between cytogenetic biomarkers (BNMN %, MN
4.2 6 3.0) respect to control smokers (BNMN % 4.5 6 %) and some confounding factors like length of employ-
3.0; MN % 5.6 6 3.9) (Fig. 2b). Finally, occupationally ment, smoking habit, age of subjects, and individual ex-
exposed smokers (BNMN % 4.0 6 2.6; MN % 4.2 6 posure to benzene showed a significant correlation
3.0) showed a significantly lower damage (P < 0.001) between genetic damage and age, length of employment,
with respect to occupationally exposed nonsmokers and smoking habit (Table IV). We tried to evaluate the
(BNMN % 8.5 6 5.0; MN 9.5 6 6.0) (Fig. 2c), whereas prevalence of BN cells containing one, two, three, or
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. DOI 10.1002/em
Biomonitoring in a Petroleum Refinery 445

Fig. 2. Analysis of genetic damage in (A) exposed nonsmokers and control nonsmokers; (B) exposed smok-
ers and control smokers; and (C) exposed smokers and exposed nonsmokers. BNMN, binucleated cells with
micronucleus; MN, total micronuclei. Statistical analysis performed by Mann–Whitney U-test: *P < 0.001.

Fig. 3. Linear regression analysis between BNMN and age in exposed

and control subjects. BNMN, binucleated cells with micronucleus; R2,
coefficient of determination. Fig. 4. Box plot showing the trend of genetic damage with the increase
in length of employment. The length of employment has been divided in
classes to emphasize the relationship between the two parameters.
BNMN, binucleated cells with micronucleus.
TABLE IV. Multiple Regression Analysis of Confounding
Factors on BNMN and MN Frequencies in Exposed Subjects
Biomarker Independent variables Partial R2 R2 P-value DISCUSSION
BNMN Age 0.0820 0.0023
Length employment (years) 0.1144 0.0107
This study investigated whether general occupational
Smoke 0.1455 0.0334 exposure in petroleum refineries resulted in early biologi-
Benzene exposure 0.0713 0.6356 cal effects, which would be indicative of adverse health
0.3769 effects in the long term. The comparison of chromosome
MN Age 0.0820 0.0010 damage in PBL between exposed and control populations
Length employment (years) 0.1144 0.0077
Smoke 0.1455 0.0489
pointed out a significant increase in MN in the exposed
Benzene exposure 0.0713 0.5040 group.
0.3944 We found out that the chromosome damage increase is
correlated with the length of employment, and this finding
is in agreement with other previous studies on occupa-
more MN, and we verified that the amount of genetic tional exposure in petroleum refineries [Roma-Torres
damage was independent of individual benzene exposure et al., 2006].
(data not shown). Moreover, our results show a positive correlation
Figure 4 shows a positive trend of BNMN with the between age of subjects and MN frequency in both con-
increase in working age. The linear regression analysis trol and occupationally exposed groups, confirming other
performed on NDI and individual benzene exposure literature data [Bonassi et al., 2001; Roma-Torres et al.,
did not show any relationship between the two parameters 2006]. One of the compounds that may be responsible for
(R2 5 0.006984) (data not shown). at least part of chromosome abnormalities observed in
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. DOI 10.1002/em
446 Basso et al.

these workers could be benzene, even if the average expo- can occur at low exposure doses, and, even if there are no
sure levels measured (mean 5 0.093 mg/m3) were many toxicokinetic interactions between the mixture compo-
times lower than TLV (ACGIH, 2009), but our data did nents, there could still be combined effects of two or
not show any correlation between benzene individual more substances on a common organ or system. Under
occupational exposure and genetic damage. this situation, the limits set may not offer adequate pro-
Smoking is an important confounding factor that should tection of workers against possible toxic effects [Viau,
be carefully considered in biological monitoring studies 2005].
because it is itself a well-known cancer risk factor. For For the majority of cases where potential additive or
these reasons, we improved the statistical analysis com- synergistic effects were identified, there is a lack of toxi-
paring smokers and nonsmoker subgroups separately. cological data in the literature [Vyskocil et al., 2007].
Occupationally exposed nonsmokers show a very signifi- Therefore, these kind of studies in occupational exposure
cant increase in MN frequency compared with nonsmoker should be a priority objective for research in this field.
controls, while occupationally exposed smokers show a As it has been recently demonstrated that the frequency
lower but not significant MN frequency compared with of MN is itself predictive of increased cancer risk, rather
control smokers. Moreover, control smokers show a sig- than just a reflection of exposure, our data suggest that
nificant increase in MN frequency compared with non- the population under study could be at increased risk for
smoker controls. This finding was unexpected, considering cancer. This conclusion raises questions about the relative
the results of a huge biomonitoring study demonstrating efficacy of current prevention measures. Because oil refin-
that significant effect of smoking is likely limited to sub- ery is a closed process, exposures are expected to be min-
jects smoking 30 and more cigarettes/day [Bonassi et al., imal under normal operating conditions; however, there
2003], while our control smokers declared to smoke less are many refinery utilities and miscellaneous supporting
than a mean of 13 cigarettes/day. Surprisingly, exposed activities related to hydrocarbon processing in which safe
smokers show a significant decrease in MN frequency work practices and/or appropriate personal protective
compared with occupationally exposed nonsmokers, sug- equipment are needed for exposures to chemicals and
gesting a possible protective role of smoke, in case of ex- other hazards such as noise and heat. Therefore, more
posure to mutagens sharing the same detoxifying pathway attention should be paid to activities like process sam-
based on the glutathione (GSH) as previously reported pling, inspection, maintenance, marine, tank car, and tank
[Ray et al., 2002; Testa et al., 2005]. The GSH is a ubiq- truck loading and unloading, and turnaround activities.
uitous molecule that acts as scavenger for electrophilic
xenobiotics and is the substrate for the glutathione S-
transferase (GST), an enzyme involved in the detoxifying REFERENCES
pathway of many toxic and carcinogen substances. Oesch
Barregard L, Holmberg E, Sallsten G. 2009. Leukaemia incidence in
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