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Social It was originally called Douyin, which

means "shaking music" in Chinese. In

November 2017, Bytedance bought (an American social network) for

$1 billion, and out of this merger came
TikTok as we know it today.

Tik Tok
timeline Whatsapp
According to the official story, WhatsApp was
created in 2009, thanks to the idea of ​one of its
founders, Jan Koum. In the first instance, he
wanted to create an application that would
allow him to send notifications to friends, but
then the idea changed and the goal became to
create an instant messaging application.
According to Mott, Twitter makes its first
appearance on July 15, 2006. The first tweet Instagram
was made by Jack Dorsey, the designer that we
mentioned above, with a message that said
“just setting my twtrr”. At that precise moment,
the history of the Twitter social network begins Instagram was born in October 2010.
publicly. Its beginnings go back to San Francisco,
focusing the efforts of Kevin Systrom and
Mike Krieger on a mobile photography
project. In its beginnings it was not known
by the name of Instagram, but had the name
The story begins in early 2005, when three former of Burbn.

employees of the Paypal company: Chad Hurley, Steve
Chen and Jawed Karim, had the idea of ​creating an
Internet site where they could upload and share videos. It
was thus that on February 15, 2005 they registered the

You Tube
domain, which they themselves did not
imagine of the success that it would have only a year and
a half after its launch.

Facebook was born at the University of

Harvard, in the United States. The social
network was launched on February 4, 2004
from Mark Zuckberg's modest bedroom. The
idea was simple but revolutionary: to create
a new way of sharing day-to-day

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