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A.What is an art?

There is no universally accepted definition of what constitutes art, and its interpretation has varied
greatly over time and across cultures. Art is a diverse range of human activity, and the resulting product,
that involves creative or imaginative talent expressive of technical proficiency, beauty, emotional power,
or conceptual ideas. Painting, sculpture, and architecture are the three traditional branches of visual art.
A broader definition of the arts includes literature, music, film, and other media, such as interactive
media. Up until the 17th century, there was no distinction between the arts and crafts or the sciences;
instead, the term "art" was used to describe any skill or level of mastery.

B.Define humanities as a branch of science

Science's humanities division examines our history and the topic of what makes us human. Law, history,
classical and modern languages, philosophy, history, religion, and the visual and performing arts are all
topics covered by humanities. Social sciences are thought to be more empirical than humanities are.

C.Define the following fields of discipline and give their significance of studying humanities of art

Philosopy-Philosophy is a study that people pursue to better understand themselves, and it is also a
literal love of information. Many philosophers who are also artists include art and the beauty of their
surroundings in the expressions they have coined, or, to put it another way, in their philosophy.
Philosophy is only any comments or motivating meaning behind the art in terms of art appreciation.

Psychology-Studying the mind and behavior is called psychology. There are certain art forms and art
styles that can profoundly influence how someone thinks about a particular subject. Rock music, for
instance, has a chaotic energy that might influence a person's demeanor and speech.

Anthropology- The study of human culture, behavior, biology, and societies is known as anthropology.
There are many various types of artists, and each group of people also has its own style. For example, in
the Philippines, there are numerous locals and a variety of art forms. For instance, the legendary apo
whang-Od used the batok, a tattoo design created by bay tape plant spikes into the skin.

History- History is the study of previous transnational events. The same is true of art, which can be
traced back to the Stone Ages thanks to evidence found in caves and underground passageways. Most
works of art are produced as a way to remember historical events since they capture key moments in

Sociology - Sociology is the study of how human societies form, are organized, and operate. Therefore,
sociology is similar to history in that art advances alongside human development.

Economy- The riches or resources of a nation or area are its economy. The importance of art in
demonstrating that a nation's economy is well-diversified and expanding is due to the fact that investors
are inevitably attracted to nations with excellent art and talented artists.

Theology- The study of religion and the nature of God is known as theology. Godly meaning can also be
found in works of art. For example, a picture of the Last Supper, which depicts the final interaction
between Jesus and his disciples, Buddha statues in Buddhism, and many others, indicate how important
god is to other religions.

Political science-is the study of politics and power. In politics politicians hire some artist to draw their
faces along with the visualization of their platforms and some ask artist to make them a song for their
campaigns. So what is the significance of art in political science, art can give the sense of power and
trust to people that see or hear art's created for an individual that has motives to rule over a country,
region or barangay. Lest take for example the murals and slogans created by the supporters of Leni that
is running for president and the merchandise created for Sara Duterte that won the election of vice

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