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A Research Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of University of Cebu
Maritime Education and Training Center
Cebu City, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Res101


D/C Gamale, Kent T.

D/C Eliot, Martin Jay B.

D/C Ebueza III, Santiago C.

D/C Abarquez, Tristan Jon C.

D/C Tomboc, Carl Davin L.

September 2022


This thesis entitled, “Interpersonal Skills of Maritime Students in UC-

METC” prepared and submitted by D/C Gamale, Kent T., D/C Eliot, Martin Jay B.,

D/C Ebueza III, Santiago C., D/C Abarquez, Tristan Jon C., and D/C Tomboc, Carl

Davin L. of Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation in University of Cebu

Maritime Education and Training Center has been examined, accepted and approved.




__________________ ______________

Member Member



__________________________ ____________________________

Program Research Coordinator Program Research Coordinator

Marine Transportation General Education


Campus Academic Director/Maritime Superintendent



This research work is committed

to the everlasting encouragement

of our cherished families;

to our mentors

for their wisdom and help in molding us academically;

to all the people

who give us their involvement & encourage

us to hold on to our struggles positively

to those who pursue understanding and,

last but not least,

to Almighty God, our source of determination and knowledge.




Title Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Dedication iii

Table of Contents iv

List of Figures v




Rationale of the Study 1

Theoretical Background 3


Statement of Problem 9

Significance of Study 10


Research Design 11

Research Environment 12

Research Respondents 13

Research Instruments 13

Scoring Procedure 13

Research Procedure 14

Data Gathering 14

Treatment of Data 14

Ethical Consideration 15




A. Transmittal Letter 21

B. Survey Questionnaire 22

C. Location Map 23



No. of Figure Title Page

1 Research Flow 12


Table Title Page

1 Statistical Treatment 15





A stable work environment is an important aspect of a stable human life. Work

experience offers a number of experiences with which an individual determines how

many years he has invested in his best working life. Many variables can correlate with

the way an individual sees a work environment and reacts to it.

Across the different fields of society, the interaction between interpersonal

skills and attitude has been the focus of several studies and discussions. According to

the IBS Center for Management Research (2010), the behavioral abilities of an adult

are the way they perceive and recognize themselves as well as the way they

communicate with others, called attitudes.

Furthermore, interpersonal skills among students in the maritime profession

are to be learned and enhanced in order to change or adjust the personality traits that

lead to success in their profession (Hoekstra, 2014). Crewtoo (2015) says that

maritime students often don't know about some career options on land once they've

learned interpersonal skills that are now very useful in the field.

TFMEC (2018) argues that interpersonal skills can help professionals advance

their careers. To bring value to the organization and clients, your interpersonal skills

should be top notch to deliver results. Furthermore, it is the attitude of the maritime

students that helps him respond to a specific situation. This can be seen from the point

of view that a person's personality may affect how emotionally mature and calm he or

she is. This is especially true when a student develops their interpersonal skills by

incorporating personality development into their academic subjects.

In several areas of occupations and careers, the interrelationship between

personality, emotional intelligence, and behavior towards the work atmosphere is also

seen. It is especially present in the most challenging and special working climates.

The area of seafaring is regarded as one of the most challenging and risky professions

in the maritime industry. Regularly, a seafarer has to contend with a specific physical

job environment. He operates on a ship in a dark sea of the ocean that is so far

removed from the shore. The ship had been at sea for many days, and all the seafarers

could see was the deep water and the sky above. Students in the maritime industry

should learn that they don't always have to wear a white, neat uniform when they are

onboard, and that they are vulnerable to man-made and natural dangers like bad

weather, injuries, and bad things that happen. Aside from these, the most dangerous

thing a seafarer can do is cause physical or mental tension.

From what has been said, it is clear that a seafarer must have very high

emotional maturity, temperament, or people skills to be able to handle the challenges

of work and life on board the ship.

As the criterion to be measured and looked at in this study, the researchers

want to find out how well third-year maritime students at the University of Cebu-

Maritime Training Center (UC-METC) get along with other people. 


Theoretical Background

This research is rooted in the fundamental information theory of "EQ" or

"Interpersonal Intelligence" by Robert Strom and Paris Strom (2013), which describes

the collection of interpersonal skills that fall into four quadrants as follows: (1)

emotional self-awareness, accurate self-assessment, and self-confidence; (2) self-

control, trustworthiness, awareness, adaptability, direction of achievement, and

initiative; (3) profound flexibility; and (4) social skills, which included coordination

and cooperation, building others, control, communication management, and conflict

resolution. Paris and Robert Strom (2013) have identified the theory that emotional or

interpersonal intelligence relates to a person's capacity to perceive his or her own

emotions, to consider what triggers them, and to focus on them for the purpose of

emotional and intellectual development. The theory is that individuals who are

competent in their interpersonal aspects will retain stable mental states because of

their willingness to keep their feelings under control. The study showed that high

performers had better partnership competencies than average performers.

The personality of a human reflects the way they feel about something, or their

state of mind. Some of the characteristics of an organization's function will lead an

individual to have a negative attitude towards their roles and organizations. Most

citizens have a negative disposition, so they dislike their world irrespective of what

happens around them. Some individuals, on the other hand, are trying hard to

maintain a positive outlook. These people often have better overall health and can also

deal effectively with major workplace challenges.

Nevertheless, a person's response to a stressor depends on how he's reacting

to it. This implies certain stressors will have severe implications for one person but

not generally for others. And the degrees to which people are prone or resistant to

stress tend to vary. An individual at work can experience tension because of

conflicting positions in a given task, confusion or orders, overloading, work climate,

changes, and relationships with others (Villaluz and Oblepias, 2018).

Marine InsightOne (2019) of the most critical obstacles to the correct

assessment of interpersonal skills is that different positions require a different

collection of interpersonal skills, such as:

Self-awareness—the ship is a unique environment in that it is not only a

workspace but also a sanctuary for seafarers employed concurrently on board.

Shipping operations involve the long-term separation of seafarers from their homes.

This position and other circumstances on board, such as the arrangement for weather

and staff, will worsen the situation of seafarers on board ship (Sevilla, 2014). In

addition, different types of pain and anxiety for professional seafarers could and

should impair their efficiency and profitability. We have a sense of leadership and

changing the world as the main survival techniques through good communication.

Since Filipinos are considered to be good communicators and conversationalists, they

may interact with co-workers. Understanding how to solve problems (and not to

criticize or avoid problems) and being able to thrive under strain makes one a

successful seafarer (Calderon and Gonzales, 2017).

Self-management refers to a person's adaptive capacity to acclimate and

provide the necessary support for the job profile in a complex work situation

(Tolentino and Quiden 2015). Earlier studies showed that once workers achieve any

consistency in their assigned tasks, they try to adapt their attitude and behavior to the

varying demands of their job roles (McAuliffe, 2015). Good competitive success

requires the ability of workers to cope efficiently with unpredictable working

conditions (Baard, Rench, & Kozlowski, 2014), such as behavioral and

communication transitions, shifts in the central task role, organizational reform, etc.

In such changed circumstances, workers are also forced to adapt their behavioral ways

in order to interact with a wide range of superiors and subordinates effectively. In the

sense of healthy work efficiency, Cabas (2015) cited that job skills will help perform

tasks, but it is important to address unpredictable business environments that are

trustworthy and accountable for one's job role.

Profound flexibility—As Suayan and Pana (2016) put it, seafarers who are

willing to grow and learn are often successful in developing skills such as knowing or

being aware of the organizational system pertaining to being capable of illustrating

their skills, building trust, and checking their efficacy and efficiency through

practicing on board and conducting duties with inherent and eager professional

standards to produce the best potential lifetime learning and personal growth results

through a facility tailored to suit the needs of 21st-century commercial vessel

companies. Better situational understanding indicates that one connects with one's job

positions and views work as a necessary part of life (Diefendorff, Brown, Kamin, &

Lord, 2002). Therefore, individuals who score high on the aspect of organizational

knowledge add more value to the role of work in their existence than individuals who

score low. Moreover, high job efficiency is achieved by successfully handling tension

and rising detrimental impacts Fatigue, time demands, systemic and personal

transition, technology, career difficulties, and confrontation are all important

occupational stressors in the workplace (Bal & Kooij, 2011).

Social skills—quantification takes the form of mental blocks and convictions

about the importance of no-work exercises. The increasing commodification and


privatization of recreation experiences was not lost on social studies. For starters,

Kahn (2014) outlined such mechanisms as the cornerstone to recognizing

contemporary socialization at work, alongside pacification and individualization.

Rowe's (2013) research report from the McArthur Foundation presented a concept of

positive ageing which included social involvement as one of three main elements.

The researchers described social involvement in two ways: to stay involved in

positive and purposeful events; and to sustain strong relationships while stressing

constructive and social facets of interaction for good ageing while employed. Studies

also recognize that social competence enhances the physiological and psychological

wellbeing of people.

In addition, psychological effects of exercise include improved happiness,

increased self-esteem, increased social participation, decreased loneliness, decreased

tension, and many others (Leitner et al., 2014). Furthermore, psychological well-being

is enhanced by relaxed recreational practices such as art, sports, and social

interactions such as meeting friends (Siegenthaler, 2013). A socially aware person

refers to a change in the values, norms, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of employees.

Changes in culture and people have to do with the way employees think; these are

changes in mentality. Training and growth initiatives and organizational change are

two basic tools for transforming individuals and society (Daft, 2015). In fact, students

are more likely to change in order to impress others, gain acceptance, and learn about

their working environment. Many of the strategies form the workers ' mentality,

thoughts, and behavior. The big ambience in which people reside is their social

culture. People ought to recognize the importance of cultural diversity and respect it

(Newstrom and Davis, 2014). From a team or organizational viewpoint, Lassiter

(2004) thought the team had to establish emotionally wise expectations relating to

actions and activities that would gradually become routines. Such an approach

encourages activities that create trust, community identification, and group

performance. Seafarer issues on the ship are numerous. All of them might be ethnic

variations. Deale and James (2016) identified that cultural differences on board ship

sometimes lead to conflict and clashes between cultures and nationalities. Some

nationalities can never be brought together on the same ship because, nowadays,

bigotry and violence are rife on many transparent ships in the registry. That is the

reason Strom’s theory indicates that students while on their academic should already

be assessed not only on their knowledge but as well as their interpersonal skills, in

which the group skills were taken from the teaching and learning literature, and

interpersonal communication. Strom & Strom (2013) illustrate the four interpersonal

ability groups that are measured via the Interpersonal Skill Inventory. For example,

students should join collaboration (this peer takes a reasonable share of the work

required of everyone), interact with colleagues (this peer supports and recognizes

others ' contributions), think objectively and creatively (this peer utilizes reasoning to

criticize collective dynamics or operating methods), and get along in the team (this

peer prevents utilizing put-downs or accusing others of issues).

There is an important association between emotional intelligence and self-

efficacy in the job attitudes of 25 seafarers in southwestern Nigeria. Seafarers '

relational maturity and self-efficacy will be improved to improve their approaches to

function (Salami, 2017). Adaptive qualities such as behavioral attributes and

emotional intelligence or interpersonal intelligence function as a tool through which

the communications skills and abilities of seafarers may contribute towards achieving

positive outcomes on their job (Adepoju, 2014). It would be more helpful and

interesting to know how emotional intelligence or interpersonal intelligence affects


success at work, since the specific connections between emotional intelligence or

interpersonal intelligence and important job-related beliefs, actions, and results have

received less research and help (Cherniss, 2013).

According to Baard, Rench, and Kozlowski (2014) getting ahead in a

competitive job market means being able to deal well with unpredictable work

conditions. This is the main point of improving interpersonal skills. 



Statement of the problem

This study aims to establish interventions by identifying the level of

interpersonal skills of the third-year students of University of Cebu-Maritime Training
Center (UC-METC).

1. What is the student-respondents level of interpersonal skills that pertains to?

1.1 self-awareness;

1.2 self- management;

1.3 profound flexibility; and

1.4 social skills?

2. Based on the findings, what sound recommendations can be raised?


Significance of the Study

The present study aims to recognize the steps that evaluate the investigation in

relation to the UC-METC Third year students’ interpersonal skills. Specifically, the

purpose and significance of this research is:

Students. The result of this research should help maritime students

specifically, BSMT and BSME students to build and strengthen their interpersonal

skills as well as boost their social interaction pertaining to attitude and behavior and

attain work environment consistency.

Parents. The study outcome would encourage the parents of the cadets to

provide in-depth guidance for their children so that they can build perseverance and

determination to enhance their interpersonal skills and engage adaptively in the

cultural environment when behavior begins at home.

School Administration. As the foundation of maritime education, the

outcome of this study will strengthen the determination of the school to provide

adequate essential skills to maritime students with regard to their interpersonal skills

and to ensure that the value of delivering good work attitude and behavior is

inculcated as the students go for apprenticeship.

The Researchers. The results of this analysis will help researchers improve

and strengthen both their interpersonal skills for them to achieve career opportunities

and success on their field.

Future Researchers. The results of this study will provide the paradigm for

further studies on the development of maritime students' interpersonal skill.



This part of the paper, introduces and describes the methods used, the testing

environment, the procedures, the research instrument, its assessment, scoring, and the

data collection process, as well as the statistical instruments used. This detailed

information illustrates the processes outlined in this paper. In addition, it incorporates

empirical study of validation and methodology and durability of data tools, as well as

quantitative data analysis.

Research Design

The study will use a descriptive survey methodology to collect data and

answer questions about the interpersonal skills of the third-year maritime students of


According to Bacalso (2022) Descriptive-survey involves collection of data in

order to test hypotheses or to answer questions concerning the current states of the

subjects of study. It further determines and reports the way things are. It has no

control over what is; it can only measure what already exists. This design answers the

question “What is”. It is concerned with the condition or relation that exists, practices

that prevails, beliefs, points of view or attributes that are held, processes that are

going on, effects that are being felt or trends that are developing which uses a survey

questionnaire. Figure 1 below displays the investigational process.



 Descriptive
 Proposed
• Interpersonal  Data
Skills of the 3rd Gathering Action Plan
Year Maritime (Survey)
Students  Data Analysis
 Findings
 Conclusions

Figure 1

Research Flow

Research Environment

The research is to take place in Cebu City. It is believed that Cebu City, also

known as the "Queen City of the South" where one of the best maritime school is

located, the UC-METC that generated many world-class seafarers, which makes it

viable to a research setting. Researchers will guide the review in UC-METC in view

of the fact that it evaluates the required capabilities of the third-year maritime students

as the respondents or participant of this study.

This analysis would describe the student-respondents ' interpersonal skills.

Then, make an action plan to improve maritime students’ interpersonal skills which is

essential in surviving apprenticeship or onboard work.


Research Respondents

The respondents of this study will be the third-year maritime student of UC-

METC assessing their interpersonal skills. They will be chosen as respondents

because before their time on board or apprenticeship they should have strong

interpersonal skills for them to be equipped to be a successful seafarer and survive

onboard life.

Research Instrument

Checklist form of questionnaire is used as this study's sample tool. The

questionnaire is developed, as planned by the writers, based on the ideas and

observations obtained from the various authorities as expressed in the literature, as

well as advice and guidelines from the researchers ' adviser. The questionnaire is

designed to collect data related to the issues of this analysis expressed in the issue

statement such as the level of interpersonal skills that the third-year maritime students


The first copy of the instrument is forwarded for clarification and

recommendations to the researcher's advisor. After which, by integrating the

suggestions made, the device is updated. A test run for inspection and clearance is

performed to assess the accuracy and comprehensibility of each object. The

questionnaire is considered valid for survey after upgrading those portions which

required revisions.

Scoring Procedure

The respondents will express their response using the modified form of

the survey questionnaire, which will focus on markers of interpersonal skills. The data

that was collected from the research instrument that was contained in the rating scale

was assessed using a Likert scale that had five points, and it was interpreted using the

mean indices that were adopted from Mohammed (2016).

Mean Indices Interpretation

1.0 -1.80 Very Low

1.81-2.60 Low

2.61-3.40 Average

3.41-4.20 High

4.21-5.00 Very High

Research Procedure

Gathering Data. A letter of approval will be sent to the respondents asking

permission to enable the researchers to conduct sample questionnaires and gather data

with a result to arrive. Once the respondents have completed replying to the

questionnaire provided, the data will be gathered and analyzed using suitable

statistical procedure.

Data Analysis and Treatment. A descriptive analysis known as the weighted

mean, which can be found in table 1 below, will be used to the information that will

be gathered as part of this research in order to determine the degree of interpersonal

skills possessed by the respondents.


Table 1 Statistical Treatment

1. Weighted Mean

This is used to

answer problem 1.

Weighted mean = Σwx/Σw

Σ = the sum of

w = the weights.

x = the value.

Ethical Consideration

Before conducting the study, the researchers will obtain approval from the

Dean of UC-METC noted by the research adviser. As a first step, the researchers will

present information about the objective of the study; if the consent of the respondents

is granted, they will be surveyed. As part of the survey process, respondents' rights

will be laid out explicitly.

When necessary, the members shall be advised of their entitlement to

discontinue interests. Before marking the information assent structure, the researcher

will heed to the explanations and concerns of the participants. Regard for human

protection will be anticipated during the survey's administration, and respondents'

identities will be kept secret.

The responders will be assured of the confidentiality of their responses and

identities. Members will be assured that all exploration materials and data are

discarded at the conclusion of the inspection.



The following definitions are described operationally according to the sense

that they are used in this analysis to ensure a better interpretation of the research.

Interpersonal Skills refers to the social or emotional intelligence of the maritime

students pertaining to pleasant demeanor and positive, solution-oriented attitude and


Self-awareness refers to a measure of intelligence and social related to interpersonal

competence on its own degree of feeling, precision in self-assessment, self-confidence

Self-management which is an interpersonal intelligence measure that refers to self-

control, trustworthiness, conscientiousness, adaptability, focus to success and effort

that a maritime student would have.

Social Skills pertains to the capacity to help team mates or people, organizational

abilities, power, communication skills, the status of becoming an agent for progress,

the willingness to challenge managers, the ability to create relationships and the

willingness to collaborate or function together.

Profound Flexibility is an interpersonal component of intelligence that pertains to a

measure of emotional intelligence consisting of level of empathy, organizational

understanding, and maritime student service orientation.

Emotional Intelligence is the degree to which maritime students ' interpersonal

understanding of him consisted of factors such as self-control, social knowledge,

management partnership and social skills



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Transmittal Letter
Cebu City, 6000



In behalf of our group, I would like to ask permission to conduct our study entitled,
“Interpersonal Skills of Maritime Students in UC-METC” where BSMT and BSME
are the respondents in UC-METC. The respondents will be asked to answer
standardize researcher-made questionnaire regarding to our topic.
If you have some questions do not hesitate to approach us. Your time and cooperation
are highly appreciated. Thank you and God Bless.

Sincerely yours,

D/C Kent T. Gamale

Lead Researcher

Noted by:

English 4 Adviser

Survey Questionnaire
Name (Optional): ___________________________________________
Direction: Direction: Using a checkmark, please indicate the level of interpersonal
skills the third-year maritime students. Scale 1 to 5 in determining the degree
interpersonal skills adapted from theory of “EQ (Emotional Quotient)” or
Interpersonal Intelligence (Strom & Strom, 2013).
1- Very low 2- Low 3- Average 4- High 5- Very high

Scale of Level
Interpersonal Skills 5 4 3 2 1
A. Self-awareness

Stimulates new thoughts and feeling.

Aware of psychological stress that I may encounter.

Builds up my confidence in dealing with superiors and peers.

B. Self-management

Decrease my fear and inferiority complex.

Allow myself to experience the joy of solitude

Can cope with loneliness and homesickness.

C. Profound Flexibility

Allows adjusting myself with multi-cultured individuals.

Encourages quality of work and promotes work efficiency

even under pressure.
Observant on how the system and processes work.

D. Social Skills

Promotes individual social communication.

Facilitates a compatible and harmonious interaction with

Builds my communication and linguistic abilities.

Location Map

D/C Gamale, Kent T.

Address: Liloy Zamboanga Del Norte

Contact Number:09213885193

Email Address:



Sex: Male

Status: Married

Birthplace: Villa C. Sudiacal Liloy Zamboanga Del Norte

Birthdate: March 9,1999


Father’s Name: Francisco G. Gamale

Mother’s Name: Vevian T. Gamale


Name of School Year Graduated

Elementary: Baybay Liloy Zamboanga Del Norte 2012-2013

Secondary: Liloy National High school 2016-2017

Tertiary: UCMETC 2018- Present


D/C Eliot, Martin Jay B.

Address: Puerto Princesa City, Palawan

Contact Number:09456111251

Email Address:



Sex: Male

Status: Single

Birthplace: ONP, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan

Birthdate: February 20,2001


Father’s Name: Rogelio S. Eliot

Mother’s Name: Sisa B. Eliot


Name of School Year Graduated

Elementary: Compostela Central School 2012-2013

Secondary: Palawan Polytechnic College Inc. 2018-2019

Tertiary: UCMETC 2019-Present


D/C Ebueza III, Santiago C.

Address: Tag abaca Basilisa Dinagat Islands

Contact Number:09635373946

Email Address:



Sex: Male

Status: Single

Birthplace: Caraga Surigao City

Birthdate: September 2,2001


Father’s Name: Santiago A. Ebueza

Mother’s Name: Casaminda C. Ebueza


Name of School Year Graduated

Elementary: Tag abaca Central Elementary School 2012-2013

Secondary: Tag abaca National High School 2018-2019

Tertiary: UCMETC 2019-Present


D/C Abarquez, Tristan Jon C.

Address: Pagadian City, Zamboanga Del Sur

Contact Number: 09195715287

Email Address:


Age: 21

Sex: Male

Status: Single

Birthplace: Cebu City

Birthdate: February 9, 2001


Father’s Name: Tyrone Philipp Abarquez

Mother’s Name: Joan Abarquez


Name of School Year Graduated

Elementary: St. Columban College Grade School Department 2012-2013

Secondary: St. Columban College 2018-2019

Tertiary: UCMETC 2019-Present


D/C Tomboc, Carl Davin L.

Address: Laperian Tukuran Zamboanga del Sur

Contact Number: +639161107902

Email Address:



Sex: Male

Status: Single

Birthplace: Laperian Tukuran Zamboanga del Sur

Birthdate: September 28,1999


Father’s Name: Canisio M. Tomboc

Mother’s Name: Emelia L. Tomboc


Name of School Year Graduated

Elementary: Laperian Elementary School 2011-2012

Secondary: Tukuran Technical Vocational High School 2017-18

Tertiary: UCMETC 2018-Present

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