Treat Build Report

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Major Announcement! - $Treat on its first CEX!!

We are thrilled to announce that Treat DAO has agreed to be listed on P2PB2B, a top 30 crypto exchange
with a strong history of working with projects incorporating and protecting the tokenomics taxes which are
important to fund continuous development and marketing. On P2PB2B our 2% tokenomics tax will be
enforced on every trade, just as on PancakeSwap and other Decentralized Exchanges.

Building Liquidity
Treat DAO continues to be in discussion with many other exchanges to facilitate onramping investment
from interested buyers worldwide. In addition to growing the list of exchanges, we remain committed to
bridging the $Treat token itself to Ethereum and Polygon for easier access to the Decentralized Exchange
(DEX) opportunities on those chains.

Building Partnerships
If you haven’t checked out the Metaverse gallery in RDLAND with Treat
DAO content from our Treats of the Month, stop what you are doing and
visit this link:
We have a monthly event with content from the new TOTMs in the middle
of each month. Usually there are some announcements and some content
is revealed in the gallery which isn’t available for viewing elsewhere. The
live event is a ton of fun too. Interactions by voice and utilizing the tools
for sharing and moving images as well as drawing in the environment have
created some memorable moments!
This is just the beginning of things with RDLAND. Their developers have already started creating a Treat
DAO world which will have additional Treat branding and space for our creators in their version of the
Metaverse. And RDLAND has invited the Treat community to join them at Burning Man! If interested,
check out this link:

An even newer partnership is developing with Ape In Poker

( It’s very early, but we are super excited
about what is in the works here. For now, our community is simply
invited to participate in their Free Roll tournaments and Treat DAO
is being recognized and promoted as a sponsor. Soon we will have
our own Treat branded tournament starting on a monthly basis.
The Ape In Poker development team is working to help build a full
Treat DAO Casino! Our creators and community members will be
able to refer friends and fans and generate some referral income while providing a trustworthy and fair
(and sexy) gaming solution to those with interest.

Building Structure

This isn’t the sexiest part of what’s developing with Treat DAO, but it may actually be the most important.
The community voted unanimously to form up legally in the Marshall Islands and steps are being taken to
do just that. We signed paperwork and paid our fees to start the process of legal formation for Treat DAO.
Once the process is complete, we will form up subordinate LLCs for the various businesses Treat DAO
directs (for example the NFT Marketplace and the Treat DAO Magazine). This layering of legal entities will
create greater clarity for business transactions and relationships, but will also give the collective a lot more
flexibility in structuring future deals. And it offers significant liability protection to the council, staff, and
even investors. Learn more here:

Building Features
One on One Messaging – Complimenting livestreaming and tipping which have recently been released,
messaging will allow more direct communication between creators and the community.
NFT Bridge – Final testing is being done for multi-edition NFTs before incorporation of this tool into the
platform. Initially users will be able to transfer Treat NFTs between the BSC, Ethereum, and Polygon.
Avalanche will be added next, as directed by over 80% of the community in the recent DAO vote.
Credit Cards – We have a potential solution we hope to make available for creators to sell some of their
NFT and other content by credit card through NFTPay. More testing and dev work is needed, but the
solution looks promising.
Merch Store Revamp – Design work is ongoing for some fresh merch store options!
With respect to the current platform on, at some point in the near future we expect to
feature lock the platform and complete a large-scale redesign before releasing an updated version of the
Treat DAO NFT Marketplace and Web 3 Fan Platform. The community is invited to participate in this
process by providing feedback to our developers and team members about anything you would like to see
added or improved.
Building Community
At its core, Treat DAO is a community project. We are a group of people committed to creating and
improving opportunities for NSFW creators and enthusiasts in the Metaverse. Our strength is in our
relationships. We hope to continuously encourage participation in our monthly events in the Metaverse at
our monthly TOTM Gala in RDLAND. We’re doing what we can to increase the readership of our monthly
magazine, and we appreciate all the help we can get putting them in front of new people
( We hope to enjoy fellowship around the poker and gaming tables as well.
We are very grateful for our staff and the consistent efforts they make to communicate through and grow
our social media accounts. And we are thrilled to work with so many incredibly NSFW content creators.
The Treat creators really are the best!

On a personal note, I just want to share how grateful I am to everyone in the community who offers ideas,
support, and just general encouragement. It really does make a difference. Please continue to be engaged
and help us make Treat DAO the best it can be!!

Dan (aka devan)

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