3 Campaign Summary

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Campaign summary.

The Death of the legendary Avatar Kyoshi at 230 years old in the year 82 BG, left behind a
legacy that would be told for another 230 years and more. Though she would become a
formidable enforcer of justice, she was born to an infamous pair of criminals who left her in
the care of strangers who, upon learning of her parents' eventual death, abandoned her on the
streets to starve. Years of deprivation, study, and conflict ensued, molding Kyoshi into an
Avatar as celebrated as she was feared. Her most well-known exploits happened later in her
reign: the creation of Kyoshi Island and the founding of the Dai Li, the cultural authority of
Ba Sing Se who, by the time Aang encountered them, acted as a brutal secret police force.
The former event, in which she bent the earth down to its magma to split off the tip of a
peninsula and make it an island, was to keep the village located there safe from Chin, a
fearsome conqueror.

After the death of any Avatar, there are at least 16 years until the next one is finally
announced, this Gap as it is commonly called is filled with darkness, spirit unrest, world
crisis, and general chaos. Even with the return of the Avatar, it is followed by dissidents who
seek power over the weakness of the new Avatar. Although we enter the Gap the world is at
peace, Chin the conqueror was defeated and peace prevailed in the Earth Kingdom as the
royal family is once again put in place, although many duchies and warlords still hold a
tremendous amount of power. Many gangs, mercenaries, communities of pirates, and other
groups of mischief and evil create chaos and take advantage of the poor all over the world.
Some of these groups are the Kutar pirates of the southern water tribe who ravage the coasts
and ships from every nation all over the southern seas, The Sandbenders who lay waste in
every corner of the Si Wong Desert, and several gangs in the Fire Nation.

As beacons of order and justice and in some cases resemblance of godhood the leaders of
each nation stand, in the Earth Kingdom, the tyrannical Jialun of the Hou-Ting dynasty, he
was a cruel man who cared little about his people, and very much for maintaining power.
Under his reign, the Earth Sages were dissolved in the Night of Silenced Sages, and the
government began to foment xenophobic hate for the other nations and internal squabbling;
then Skiri of the Water Tribes. He believed that the other nations had taken enough from the
tribes, as foreigners patrolled the waters with abandon and were ignoring the outcry of the
spirits, who were growing increasingly agitated and aggressive at the poles (leaving the job
to take care of the spirits to the Air nomads); and finally, Fire Lord Rozai The Peaceful,
who ruled in an era of peace, while the Fire Nation experienced a period of industrialization
and great prosperity. Trade flourished, and the country's society was enamored with
progressive thinking, spreading new ideas to other nations. Based on this material wealth and
his country's size, Rozai believed the Fire Nation to be supremely mighty. He imparted this
thinking, according to which worldly power and a country's landmass corresponded to
greatness, to his son Sozin. During his life, he pitted his firebender son against his nonbender
daughter, Zeisan. Despite this, Sozin maintained a good relationship with his father, whereas
Zeisan would come to regard her family as morally corrupt finally leaving the royal palace to
join the Northern Air Temple as an acolyte of the air nomads' traditions.

Although the Fire Nation experienced years of prosperity, the absence of an Avatar created
the opportunity for gangs and crime bosses to quickly search for power amid the chaos in the
world. One of these gangs is the Han Family, under the leadership of Mother Zulan a lovely
but feared woman, caring but severe, whose job is to fight the other gangs in the kingdom to
ascend higher in power. Her gang focuses mostly on the shipment of illegal substances from
the Earth Kingdom and dealings with pirates from the southern water tribe. She handles her
work with a strong hand but treats her town and the people around her with kindness, thanks
to the corruption of the police and the inability of the government to trace these crimes to her,
the so-loved public figure, makes her one of the most powerful allies and an even more
dangerous enemy.

When she was just a child her parents were also crime figures in her hometown of Shu Jing,
but they were stopped and killed by the avatar. One night they were ready to hit a major score
in a group of carriages of the earth kingdom, with the added intention of killing the noblemen
inside. It was a trap, of course, her parents and her brother fought valiantly but the avatar
Kyoshi was stronger than anyone she had ever seen. After taking her mother's life she entered
the Avatar State and murdered her parents. At that moment she swore vengeance on the
Avatar escaping with her brother.
After that fateful night, both siblings escaped to the Fire Nation’s capital to live with their
uncle. There they built the gang and gained tremendous power over their lives following their
parents’ philosophy of life and the crime strategies they’ve learned with them. Though they
later separated after a fight their separate growth didn’t diminish. Though they think their
time might be over, the new avatar’s announcement is close to coming, and are desperate to
grasp their power, protect their families, and save themselves.

On the other side of the world, the infamous Earth Kingdom dynasty once again claims
control of every square centimeter of their recently lost kingdom. Over the last 10 years, their
power had been lost in the war (Earth Kingdom Civil War) against Chin the conqueror, and
was obligated to hide in the capital Ba Sing Se. Although Chin was a tyrannical figure he was
a smart politician, everywhere he went he raised the people’s spirit and living standards,
giving him thousands of soldiers and his popularity grew and the Royal family’s popularity in
comparison diminished. Once he was stopped by Avatar Kyoshi the power was returned to
the dynasty but the peasants were not happy with their return, they demanded better
conditions and rights throughout the kingdom and for the king to be ousted if they were not
met. Avatar Kyoshi forced the king to listen to his people and peace was brought again to the
kingdom. However, the armies of Chin the Conqueror, which numbered in the hundreds of
thousands, didn’t return to the earth kingdom, instead, they returned to their home villages
leaving the generals as powerful warlords seeking power and influence against the other
warlords. Some of the most powerful of them were Sun Tsi in Omashu, an amazing
strategist who served Chin as his right hand; Feng in Gao Ling a fearsome warrior that
didn’t believe in the Earth King and searched for his power; and finally Wan Yu in
Chameleon Bay. Together they have plans of displacing the Earth King's tyrannical rule and
place themselves as power figures and formed the secret Tri-dynasty Order.

The water tribes were not the exception to chaos and disorder. Angry spirits that filtered into
the human world attacked more often than ever, and pirates broke havoc and gained power all
over the southern seas. The corrupt and xenophobic ruler of the Northern Water Tribe Skiri
sat waiting for an opportunity of conflict in the Earth Kingdom to claim territories for
himself. It is customary that the leaders of the tribes were spirit guides and gurus, living
alongside them or at least in peace. But Skiri didn’t pay the attention they deserved and so the
spirits were angered and this responsibility was put on the air nomads to ease the spirits.
From each temple, young pupils were sent to investigate spirit unrest worldwide, waiting at
least for the avatar to be announced.

In this climate of chaos and fear, the coming of the avatar is awaited, and is hoped that their
return is one of a strong hand to settle all the conflicts in the world…

The story begins in the fire nation, on the birthday of Prince Zozin heir to the throne.

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