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Tarot Cards: 22 Major Arcana Cards

22 Major Arcana cards represent a journey through life from birth to enlightenment. Also known as Trumps, these cards indicate life’s significant
issues. A high number of Major Arcana cards in a spread indicates that it is now a time of high importance for the questioner.

If you want to learn more about tarot cards, read our guide to the four suits of the Minor Arcana.

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0 The Fool
Faith, hope, trust and contentment, high ideals and the possibility of a brighter tomorrow, choice and personal effort.

You will want to be happy and you are searching for the thing that will bring it/ or for a better understanding of the workings of destiny
and the universe.

You seem to be waiting for all the pieces to fall in place and will be feeling discontent or uneasy as you inwardly know that there is a
better way of life than what you are living now.

A family member will be doing some job hunting, and you will find that you will be required to make a major decision shortly. You will be getting an
unexpected visit for a guest or friend or you will be visiting a friend or guest. You will also visit a friend or relative in hospital in the near future;
nothing too serious.

Someone is going to make you feel a fool for being cheated, deceived or abused. Part of you will want to enter into a relationship with complete
abandonment, while another part of you will hold it at bay, this is due to mixed emotions regarding the other who wants more than you’re ready to
give or commit to. If your relationship serves you or your growth, you will hold on, if it doesn’t, you will let it go and move on.

A decision concerning your career and finances will be made soon. If you’re expecting money, it will arrive. You will begin a new enterprise that will
afford you the opportunity to work with or teach the public on a grander scale. And if you’ve been thinking about leaving your current job or taking
leave of absence, in time you will. There will be a considerable amount of paperwork to be processed or handled, which will require a great deal of
concentrated effort and application. You will see it through to completion and after a brief respite, will take on more.

You are going to profit through a caller or callers, and a business plan or new proposal will be confirmed.

You will be disappointed in your inability to maintain control over uncontrollable situations, you will find that you will have to be the bearer of bad

You may also be annoyed as you have made a mistake, due to not listening to your own intuition. You will no longer be attached to the way you think,
something should end or be dissolved, and so you will take action to do so, and then put it all behind you. Soon you will be realizing that whatever
life hands you, you will always be all right. You are going to begin a new program or a creative endeavor involving papers or studies that will be very
rewarding and fulfilling. You will be terminating the areas in your life that no longer serve you or your growth. You will decide to live life as you see fit,
without the need for others approval. And by doing this old wounds and hurts will begin to mend. To your surprise those around you will be friendly,
loving and supportive, this is because of the decisions you made, also you will experience a sense of godly presence in your life.

Someone will offer their services free of charge or vice versa, there may also be a confrontation over letters or papers regarding someone who is
not willing to extend themselves in any way. Mistakes that you have made in recent past will be corrected and with the releasing of wants, cares,
and worries, you will find that your anxieties that you have been experiencing lately will disappear.

You will be feeling that you are not running at your peak ability and even if you are concerned about your health, you will probably wait it out anyway.
You will be discussing alternative health and healing arts with others around you.

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If you are planning to meet with someone on aPsychic
matter, youChat Now to contact them on the phone instead. You may decide to do a
will decide
disappearing act to get away from it all and all that is around you.
If you are thinking about a change of residence or a major move, you will decide against it for now.

Read more about The Fool here.

1 The Magician
new beginnings, new opportunities to use talents, love urges, finance and the future.

You have a desire to start something new, you wish to do, act or go forth, you may be wanting a miracle to happen in your life to
change what is now. In time, you will experience a new beginning and gain your wish.

You may have to take a new course of action with a relative, or there may be a change in existing plans with a family member, you may
feel that you have been offended or hurt by a family member.

You feel that you are being taken for granted and are not appreciated, you need to assert yourself, and insist on your needs as well as time for

A friend will give you some good advice and will help and support you.

In a relationship, you might find if you can’t have it the way you want it you may not want it at all. And although you don’t think so now, a new
romantic beginning is at hand, this may a new love, or a strengthening of an old one. Whichever it is will bring you great happiness and pleasant
surprises. For those with a partner or lover, friendship is the most enduring quality of this relationship. You share interests and have mutuality in
conversation. You both have the ability to communicate openly and honestly. On the negative aspect of this relationship, there may have been a
communication break down, there seems to be a wall between you and when you try to talk together you both have a hard time understanding what
the other is trying to put across. Be careful of unexpressed resentments about things that have not been discussed by either one of you. And if
things are going wrong you may have a tendency to blame the relationship or your mate.

Expect a new beginning and a fresh start, there may be a new partnership any business transactions to do with finance will result in profit.

If you are doing exams then you will pass with flying colours, if you are seeking employment then you will land a great job or employment
opportunity. If you intend to start a new business then you will that it will be successful, you will be grateful for a lucky financial break or transaction,
new ideas that come to you will boost your business or field of employment. In the selling or transferring of a business, it will be processed and

You will become more goal-oriented or motivated and will attract what you need in your work environment and you will receive a considerable
increase in your income or salary.

Although you may be wound up and ready to go, you must be careful not to curse, be impatient or too headstrong. Be careful not to stress yourself
out too much. In the workplace, relationships and family life you must make sure that you assert yourself as others around you may try to dominate
you or take you for granted. To do this you will have to maintain a consistent attitude and be firm.

You will be successful in any money matters, creative pursuits, new projects or ventures, and any endeavour that you can do on your own.

Someone will try to deliver a package, you won’t be there to receive it, you will receive a letter regarding a financial transaction that will need to be
acted upon.

You are feeling quite stressed at the moment and need to take time out to unwind you may find that any minor ailments will be hard to diagnose or
obtain the correct medication to cure these ailments.

If you are planning a trip or vacation, you may find that it will be cut short or postponed. You will be invited to a social get together, or a pleasant
social event.

It would be better to stay where you are rather than to go on a wild goose chase, if you’re concerned about the sale of a home or property, you will
accept an offer and sell.

Read more about The Magician here.

2 The High Priestess

waiting, learning, trade, finance and negotiations, public activities or public relations.

You may be troubled, frustrated, or upset about your job situation, you may have encountered a situation with sexual overtones, that
has left you feeling shaken or has some great effect on you mentally or emotionally.
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Your desire is to follow through with a course of action or to utilize an idea or skill, there may be a few stops and starts, and things to sort out, but
after that, things will begin to flow more smoothly. A pleasant surprise is in store for you.

You may feel detached, alone or on your own, in your family environment.

You will be able to help those around you with your insight or guidance, especially a friend or relative, Any situations involving family members are
going to turn out quite differently to what you expected, this may bring about a pleasant surprise for you. You do not or should not tolerate any
underhanded actions from friends or family and must take quick steps to stop these.

You may feel you are at a crossroads and wonder if you are going to come together or split apart, once and for all. In a short time, with patience, a
decision will be made and you will know in your heart it is the right one. With a situation with a loved one, you may decide to put them out of your
mind to avoid emotional entanglements.

Once you do this you will find enough detachment to stand back and access the situation, the decision you come to will be correct and beneficial.

Someone from a distance may call to see you. There is also an indication that you may feel anxious or worried about a visitor or a call you have

Your relationship can teach you a great deal about what love is. You may be both very sensitive to each other’s needs and moods. If reversed or
negative – your relationship is not what it seems, you may be longing for someone who is unavailable; emotional isolation is signified here. Even if
you live together, one of you feels like an outcast.

Although everything may appear fine on the surface one of you is lonely or unhappy and unable to communicate this sense of being shut out or hot
is needed. To try and solve this dilemma is to open up and be honest about what you feel and in turn, your mate will do the same.

Business will be slow, to begin with, but will pick up later on. You will make quite a profit and could receive a bonus or two. In looking for work you
will attract an unexpected job opportunity or a second occupation may be in store. You will benefit personally, financially and professionally through
a wise career choice.

Be careful in business or the workplace as there may be someone working unethically or under false pretenses. Any financial arrangements or
hopes will be positive and you will have a pleasant surprise. Discussion involving finances, payments, etc will be productive and the outcome will be
beneficial, but you may need to be patient. You will receive a financial statement or form that will need your endorsement.

There may be one or two pleasant surprises in store for you, You tend to be intuitive and can be quite accurate in your assumptions and hunches,
you should use the ability more and trust in your instincts more often. Sometimes you tend to be impatient with those around you, but most times
you can detach yourself from negative situations and become totally detached or withdrawn from everyone else’s conflicts.

If you have been ill, then you will have a swift recovery, if you think you are pregnant then you may be considering abortion. You tend to be impatient
and intolerant of those around you as you set yourself high standards, and expect those around you to do the same.

You will take a short trip or may travel for work, but in planning a long–distance trip or move, be prepared for it to be postponed or canceled.

You may be undecided on buying a property, once you make your decision, then nothing will stop you from attaining what you wish. You will have a
most unexpected and welcome surprise.

Read more about The High Priestess here.

3 The Empress
feelings, emotions, self-expression, socializing, or short and long distance trips.

You feel that you are discontented because something is missing or lacking in your life. You want to end something meaningful,
creative or fulfilling to do with your life but don’t know what.

You are not saying what you really think or feel to those around you, this may involve a female friend or relative. Your relatives may be
concerned with a sale or purchase of a property or home, there could be communication problems or delays in transactions.

You may also find that communicating with those around you may be a strain, as they seem not to understand what you are trying to put across to
them. To rectify this, get your motivation and intentions clear and then take action to rectify any difficulties.

You long for love and affection and want to express your feelings and desires but cannot, you find you will be re-examining your feeling for others
and trying to sort these feelings out. There seems to be a need to create something more substantial in your relationship because something is
missing or not right. For those who are single, you will meet someone and have an instant rapport, you will find this relationship will grow and
strengthen. There may also be a Want A Free
flirtatious andPsychic
encounter with
stranger, this encounter may open up possibilities for an affair or
relationship, depending on the decision you make.
If you are hoping that you will meet a friend or lover, unfortunately, your wishes will not be granted just yet.

This relationship can be one of long term commitment. Within this relationship, you could start a family as pregnancy birth or growth are linked with
this card. You will be sensitive to each other’s needs and your physical relationship is quite absorbing. On the negative or challenge of this
relationship, you may be feeling that you are stuck in a rut. If trying for a baby, may fail which is putting a strain on your relationship. Finances may
be causing a cause strain as well or something that is beyond your immediate control may be the cause of tensions between you both.

Due to an overload of stress, you may want to put off or delay business transactions and if this is possible, do so, because you may have problems
due to lack of concentration, or confusion.

If you are waiting for finances, expect a short delay, although money is forthcoming. With papers and contracts, ensure that you read everything
clearly, even the small print; you may need another’s input or advice.

You may have overlooked a letter or bill, this may cause upset or a delay or a letter or message has been delayed or misplaced and that requires
your attention.

Any stress or strain that you may be feeling will end shortly, you may feel unhappy about not being able to make things happen now, but if you relax
and take time out you will find that in a short time, things will begin to run smoothly for you. You must use your instincts more, rather than your
intellect and if you do, you will find that life will flow more easily for you.

To help yourself relax, you will find getting back to nature and it will do wonders for you, whether it be a holiday in the bush, a hike in the country or a
walk in a park. Be more positive in your attitude and you will find that others will follow suit, life will improve with these positive changes you
cultivate within yourself.

You may decide to give a gift to someone that you appreciate or who has helped you in some way, do so and they will be delighted and surprised at
your generous nature. Otherwise, you will be the one that receives a gift for your help or kindness.

You seem to be in need of a much-needed rest or vacation, you will find if you take time out then you will benefit greatly. Outings in the country or
getting back to nature will improve your constitution, you may also find that you will be more productive mentally and physically if you eat more
natural and fresh foods.

Travel and work become interwoven, although you may also have some pleasure outings. You may also travel to look at properties to buy or you
may be looking to purchase or rent a new home.

You may be traveling around to find a new home, either to rent or buy, you may be thinking of buying a property or home in the country, as you feel
you will find the peace and relaxation you are seeking there. This is a great idea as the outdoors and country living will soothe your soul.

Learn more about The Empress here.

4 The Emperor
construction and formation, or something or someone will change your present situation or present you with opportunities to enter into
a new partnership or relationship. You may wish that your life would change in some way, it may involve material gain or changes to
your relationship.

You will soon hear something that will shed new light on your present situation and this will come as a great relief.

There may be someone in your home that exerts a very strong influence over you; they may be quite dominant at times. There could be problems
within the family circle because people are not being truthful. If you are wishing to visit a family member, it may have to be canceled because of
another person.

Your friends will be very supportive in times of trouble; they will be understanding and try to be of help. These could be male friends.

You will be thinking of the one you love and you are hoping to be with them soon. They will be thinking the same about you, and arrangements will
be made for the pair of you to get together. You may be worried about a sordid relationship or extramarital affair, someone or something will lift your
spirits, providing a new foundation for your future, this change, of course, will be highly beneficial.

Singles will meet someone, leading to a sensuous, rewarding relationship. You may find that you will be wined and dined, or you may wine and dine
someone. There may be discussions with a partner about plans for the future.

If you have made the decision to end an unsatisfactory relationship, you will put this person totally out of your mind and get on with your life.

If you are waiting for a call or the arrival of a loved one you will be disappointed, you may receive an upsetting phone call or hear some disappointing

This card may appear when your relationship is being tested in some way. If you decide to make a stronger commitment then fears and doubts have
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risen to the surface making you unsure. Free Psychic
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this relationship Nowone of you is not using the other. To help resolve any conflicts with each
other you must be more open and be willing to make compromises.
In business, there will be discussions on contracts, profit sharing, and management. Material affairs or employment matters will improve due to the
introduction of a take charge type of person, expect an increase in earnings and more finances, this will allow you to buy a few luxuries or gifts If you
are waiting on money whether it be money owed or money you may need then you will have good fortune.

You may be considering a new line of work or moneymaking enterprise, you will find that you prosper in all financial transactions. You complete or
accomplish whatever set out to do, you will be quite surprised with the success you have.

Whatever is oppressing or worrying you will dissolve itself conditions around you will improve greatly. Opportunities will surface that will create a
very successful future for you, you will find that your old thought patterns, conditions or actions will change thus creating a more productive,
fulfilling lifestyle. You will be able to fulfill most of your wishes and desires, you may find someone will be beneficial or help you get what you want.
Someone will want to develop a future with you, or legally cement a relationship.

You will receive a social invitation shortly, and you should go as you will experience unexpected joy and good fortune.

You may be concerned about a physical condition either yours or that of a partner, your concerns are unwarranted. And if you are ill, then you will
recover quickly. You may help by having more positive thoughts and attitude towards your ability to get well.

A travel plan or meeting may have to be postponed due to time a consuming work schedule or a legal matter.

Whatever your desires or hopes you will find that they will eventuate, finances will improve greatly with the sale of a home or property, if you need
finance to purchase a home then you will be successful.

Learn more about The Emperor here.

5 The Hierophant
is on establishments, organizations, truth and understanding, new opportunities and family structures.

You need to establish a deeper bond with someone or to break the bonds that block, restrict or hinder you in what you want.

Don’t allow yourself to be manipulated or put down, you must learn to be more firm and insist on respect from those around you.

If there is conflict in the family you would rather give in than take a stand just to keep the peace. There may be some situations and
confrontations that you would rather not face. There is a need for you to stand up for your rights. This may not have to be straight away but sooner
or later you will have to make that stand. Otherwise, you will be restricted or stuck in that situation until you do.

You are going to have some conflicts with those important to you; they could be critical or judgmental of you. Communications with these people
will be wrongly interpreted, as both of you may be not hearing what the other is saying.

You will not be fulfilled in your relationship, because it is non-productive or unsatisfying. You will find that a decision will have to be made
concerning this situation. This may be either to try and improve the relationship or end it. If you feel dominated or manipulated in a relationship then
you must take steps to rectify or resolve this problem, or you will find that you will be stuck with those boundaries until you do.

If you are hoping for romance, it may enter your life, but will not come to anything substantial as you have high ideals and will not settle for anything
less, you may even sacrifice love altogether rather than have a relationship that isn’t right.

This card can represent marriage as the next step to those involved. Each will learn and benefit from what the other has to offer. In the negative, for
those who are married or lovers you could both could be showing the outer world a united front, but one partner may be feeling stifled at present.
There could be a crisis shortly which could cause a split in your relationship – if not, then it will regenerate it along new and more honest lines.

Whatever happens, it will be a necessary experience.

You will question the value of your work and find it very hard to continue with many adverse conditions, you will want to give up but you won’t. Later
you will find a better opportunity in something more aligned with what you want or you will change to a totally different work field. In business,
complications regarding incorrect work methods or programs will end, but unfortunately so will the possibility of merging with another in a business
venture or personal matter. You may need to make mental preparations towards a new line of work and make the move into a less demanding
atmosphere in the future. You will be surprised by the failure of a business venture or presentation or someone in business where money changes
hands is going to give you the runaround or a hard time.

You may need to turn inwards for the answers to your anxieties, or you will seek the aid of others in an effort to find a solution.

You will gain insight into something that has been a mystery. You will also receive assistance from an unexpected source. You are gifted with acute
insight and have a great ability to teach or counsel others. Disappointments are in store for an idea, program or communications as they didn’t come
across just as you thought or had hoped they would.
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Make sure that you don’t compromise yourself or your values in any situation that presents itself, as you may find that you will sacrifice your self
worth if you do so.

You will find that you have to make a decision in circumstances that are blocked or unpleasant this will allow you to change to a new direction or
tear down what restricts and holds you now. Be sure of your communications with those around you for interpretations of what you are saying may
be wrong, causing conflict and problems.

You may need a medical checkup if you are experiencing chest pains, shortness of breath or breathing problems, this may due to stress or could
result in complications.

Travel may be necessary to exchange ideas or communicate needs. There may be confusion over travel plans or unforeseen obstacles.

You will try to connect with a business establishment in order to get an idea off the grounds, unfortunately, you won’t have much luck, if work or
renovations need to be done around the home, you will strike a good deal with a contractor or dealer.

Learn more about The Hierophant here.

6 The Lovers
your focus is on sudden and unpredictable changes, love, friendship, unions and meetings, choice, travel, and personal property.

You may be faced with a dilemma that needs attention or a decision on your part, you will have to make a choice, to continue or move
on in a different direction.

You may be experiencing difficulties with family members, you are shouldering too many responsibilities and this is causing a rift
between you and others in the home. You need to communicate these problems to the appropriate people in order to resolve them as they may be
unaware of the reason for your tension and resentment. Be firm and determined in insisting that the burdens be shared equally.

Your relatives may be experiencing problems with their home, property, or real estate, this may be in the avenue of buying or selling, or major repairs
may be required.

You may also suffer consequences or get into a predicament because of another, but you will do the right thing, or someone will correct the problem
or remove it from you.

You will have a much-needed confrontation with someone you considered a friend, don’t go easy on them as you are justified.

You may be feeling that you are trapped in a dead end situation or marriage, you will have to come to a decision whether to try to improve the
relationship or end it. For lovers there may be a separation on the cards, this will leave you feeling frustrated and alienated. You will be quite
surprised when you can easily put them out of your mind. You will have a social introduction to someone new, or an admirer will call when they hear
the news of your parting. So what you considered a negative situation will turn out to be a blessing in disguise.

The lover’s card suggests a relationship that is enduring and powerful much more than a passing affair. This association could lead to marriage.
Romantic love and sexual attraction is the beginning of this relationship, then deepening to a more connected level when you are both in tune with
each other. On the reverse or challenge of this relationship, there could be a complex web of deception that could create havoc in the end. A third
partner is indicated or eternal triangle or you both may be inclined to infidelity. It is advised not to make any final decisions at this point as your
distress may be clouding your judgment. Wait until you are in a calmer frame of mind and ultimately the choice will become crystal clear to you.

You may be very disappointed about the sudden ruin of a project, plan, or business venture. Unfortunately, you are unable to exert any influence over
the situation. People around you may not seem interested in the work you do, or what you are selling, but you will find that new avenues will open up,
offering unexpected gain in a different direction.

Ideas will flow easily and unexpected good fortune and prosperity will come through things involving papers.

You will have enough money to pay your bills and cover your needs. You will be earning money through commissions, trade, or skills. If you need
money for something, it will be there to cover it.

You are presently focused on your work, studies and reaching your goals. You tend to be a loner but this is going to change as you will begin to be
invited to many social activities and outings. There will be many very interested admirers but past failures will make you very wary of repeating your
past mistakes. There may be a phone call or two from interested parties that will lead to social outings. Although you may be feeling alone and
alienated now, life will begin to offer you many opportunities to get out and about. Be sure you take them with both hands for you will have the time
of your life. You will also be receiving money through the mail.

You may be considering improving your body, or deciding to go on a health kick. If you haven’t already begun, go ahead as the results will boost your
self worth leaps and bounds. As your image improves, the members of the opposite sex will be drawn your new glow and attractiveness.
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You will find that your travel will involve outings with friends and socializing.

You will be very productive around the home. You may be selling your home or property and will be successful. Be careful of faulty appliances or
equipment within the home.

Find out more about The Lovers here.

7 The Chariot
introspection, re-evaluation, decisions of passion and confusing issues. You will be re-examining your affairs and assessing your

You are confused about what you should do or where you are going, you may be afraid of losing control. You would like to force a
resolution but don’t know how.

Situations are going to become very confusing and uncomfortable. You will probably feel totally overwhelmed by your circumstances.
You will be frustrated, confused, and upset and the more you try to push or resist, the worse it will get. Only when you let go will it resolve itself or
get better.

There will be many unexpected problems around the home front that will confuse and irritate you, even so, you will overcome them all and feel a
sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. You will be reassessing your values towards life and changing your attitudes, even though outwardly you
seemed not to have changed. You will be discussing plans and schedules with your relatives, you will be feeling pressured by other commitments,
and lack of time.

An upsetting condition, confrontation or conversation with or regarding another is going to trouble you a great deal, you will not be able to get help
or comfort when you think you need it. Any arguments between friends and family will not last, as these conflicts will be resolved.

There will be some confrontations or problems with your partner, you may be finding it hard to communicate your insecurities and feelings, you need
to look into yourself to help sort things out and then you will be able to express yourself more clearly. You may be thinking of the possibility of a
union with another, you have deep feelings for and you will be wondering what it would be like.

For the singles, you may be afraid of sharing your deepest feelings and may find that hard because you are afraid to be hurt or rejected that you may
have superficial relationships that are unfulfilling and empty.

You are going to receive a gift from a loved one, an admirer or sweetheart. Your relationship is progressing towards deeper commitment. You have
had your differences – there could have been a parting of the ways and now you are keen to make up for lost time.

Circumstances will begin to improve. In reversal or negative, it may be in your relationship that you have little time to spend together due to outside
circumstances and pressures. There may also be a tendency to think negatively, and this is affecting you both. A serious assessment of your
relationship is required now and a little more effort on each other’s part to make it work.

You will wonder if you should pursue a plan or continue a project, but you will be driven to do so. Any problems or dilemmas at work will end up
being resolved for the time being. You could also have an opportunity to be on film or tape or you could be working with film or tape. You may be
presented with an enticing opportunity concerning your home or place of work; this could open new avenues for you and increase your income
substantially. The choice will be up to you.

Any difficulties regarding finance or business will be overcome or corrected. You will have to confront someone over money owed to you, and you
will win this argument and it will be paid.

A fixed attitude or unpleasant experience will come to an end followed by a new perspective, sudden insight or uplifting turn or events.

Events around you may be confusing but you will find that they will work out the way you want. If someone told you that they will arrive, then they

You may also receive a late night phone call from an admirer, you will be looking inside yourself for answers and assessing how you are reacting to
the world, you may need to change some of your attitudes, when you do this, you will begin to deal with some of the wounds and disputed problems
you have from the past. You will gain a new perspective towards life and peace and satisfaction in yourself.

There will be some partying and being out with the gang. You will end up having a rather flirtatious time on these occasions. In the near future, there
will be business opportunities or increases in your income. You will find that you will surmount your weaknesses, doubts, and fears, overcoming
obstacles that life has set you.

You must slow down and take it easy, allow yourself to unwind because if you don’t, you will get sick. This could result in a cold, flu, mental strain or
physical exhaustion. You tend to have an aversion to confrontation and conflicts as they leave you uptight and confused.

You may be thinking of someoneWant
who isA aFree
distance away,
Psychic and wish you
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Now be with them. When you both talk, you will make plans to get together.
Read more about The Chariot here.
8 Strength
on challenging situations in relation to business and finance, family matters that stemmed from the past, new beginnings and results
or rewards for persistence and effort.

You may be troubled by the past or something stemming from the past, or could be disappointed by a lack of results in your affairs.

You also could be feeling that love, business or relationships may be stagnating and need improving. Fortunately, this is a temporary
condition as things will soon take a turn for the better. Situations will surface that need to be dealt with once and for all. Positive
changes will bring a renewed feeling of power, accomplishment, and control to your life.

You may have unexpressed resentment in regards to some family members that need to be expressed and resolved. You feel that you have been
rejected or offended by another’s action. Any adverse situations within the home will resolve themselves in your favour. There may be someone
around you that exerts a great deal of influence over you and you may find that you need to be steadfast in your goals or intention. If challenged, you
will find that you will have your own way.

You will be contemplating a union or discussing marriage and life will become positive and joyful. If beginning a new relationship, you may be a little
wary about committing yourself or getting too involved. This could be because of an old emotional attachment or having your feelings hurt in the

Any dilemmas in work or business will be resolved and dealt with. Results may be slow in coming but you will find that you will be rewarded for your
efforts. At the moment you may find that you will be angry and that the work you did or are doing is not being recognized or acknowledged. Any
financial problems will be handled effectively or any money that you are waiting for will arrive and all debts to be paid. You may find that you will
achieve some form of recognition or promotion in your place of work or business. There will be a marked improvement in your finances and positive
changes in your work area or business.

Any obstacles that you encounter will be overcome with ease. Your energy will be quite dynamic, there seems to be some unseen guiding force that
is around you. This guidance seems to direct you through any obstacles and oppositions. You may experience an upset, challenge or confrontation
with another in the near future. You will overcome this problem with ease and a new sense of power. An encounter with another person may leave a
lasting impression and you will also find that you have more personal freedom or have space to do what you wish to do. You will be getting some
unexpected news concerning your work, this may be a phone call, which dispels some of your doubts, and could possibly result in an increase of
income. You may also be receiving a gift of money or flowers and will be sending through the mail a membership, license or a warranty. There will
be some sort of praise or recognition for your work or efforts that will give you a great boost in self–esteem and although you may have
experienced some ups and downs recently, you will find that a turn in events for the better is on the horizon. Be careful of any traffic violation, or
ticket concerning your motor vehicle. A friend from the past may re-enter the scene and you will both have a great time together. You may also
decide to begin some studies or get involved with a group, and you may find that you become interested in metaphysical or personnel development

Your energy will be quite vibrant and dynamic, if you are ill or not feeling well you will find that you will have a quick recovery.

You will be taking several short trips or outings, or you may hear of a relative or friend who will be planning a trip.

Any work that is required to be done around the home will be achieved without complaint. There may be a few renovations that you may be thinking
of doing, or you may decide to shift the furniture around in the home.

Find out more about Strength here.

9 The Hermit
seeking and finding, completing and perfecting and problem-solving. You will experience the final chapter in one phase of your life and
a dawning of the next. People from the past may re-enter your life in the near future.

You will be experiencing sadness or apprehension due to a sudden development that evokes a sense of loss, but don’t worry, things
will change and with a sense of great relief and accomplishment. Your desire is a need for information or insight to answer a question
or resolve a dilemma.

The completion of a cycle will end your depression and success is ensured. You will be speaking to a relative from a long distance away, and you
will also be spending time with a friend who has come to visit. If you have had a falling out with a loved one, you will soon make up.

A friend from the past will return, bringing good tidings and they could help you find a solution to a problem if you let them help.
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You could be feeling disheartened about your unsatisfactory love life at the moment. You will want to clear any differences with the one you love or
share your heart with. Someone, an old flame or romantic interest may enter your life, but you will feel like strangers. You may also get a call from
someone you haven’t seen in a long time and you will make plans together. You will find pleasure through good friends, books, joining new groups
and entering into new partnerships.

You will be dealing with papers connected with insurance, health or the home. You may be troubled by some upsetting news to do with your career
or business, this may be to do with incidents or actions involving another, or you may have a sudden loss of income. Decisions will have to be made
concerning your career as your position may be unstable. On a brighter note, in a very short time, you are going to receive recognition, acclaim, and
financial success. People may seek you out for your talents knowledge or wisdom. You will also receive money for work well done and have enough
for pleasurable pursuits.

Luck will be with you in reaching positive Solution and in achieving most of your goals in a relatively short time.

Be optimistic for there is an omen of better days to come, Any isolation, restriction or repression is about to come to an end. You will begin to see
the light at the end of a very dark tunnel and the future will start to look much more promising. Don’t try to overcome a situation with force or anger,
but approach it with dignity and grace.

Situations will be out of control and your premonition will probably be right. Get ready for a new way of life because one is about to commence and
you will find this is going to ease your tensions and alter your present circumstances to better conditions.

One minute you feel fine, next minute you won’t. You may not be able to pin down exactly what is wrong with you, although you do tend to eat too
much sugar and starch. You also tend to suppress emotions. This causes these mysterious symptoms to surface. To rectify your problem, teach
yourself to be more expressive and verbal.

You will be considering a major trip or move and will be discussing the possibilities with those around you.

If you are selling your home or property, it will be sold. You may be considering a major shift in your life. If not, you will find that circumstances will
take you out of your home more often and put you into the mainstream of life.

Read more about The Hermit here.

10 Wheel of Fortune
Conflicts of interest, unexpected developments, important news that changes or alters your course, also important news and

You will be experiencing fluctuating mood swings, this is a result of problems related to work and personal situations and you will find
it very hard to keep your emotions under control. You will want to change your destiny or get back together with someone you have
parted from.

Someone in your family will be a tremendous burden or constant source of agitation to you, and you wish you could be free of them. You will also
find that someone around you, a friend or loved one will fall ill, and they could wind up in hospital. Any rifts that have occurred in the family will be
resolved after you both come to a compromise.

You may find that you will be disappointed in the pursuit of love and happiness someone from the past is going to return, but you will be undecided
how the relationship is going to go. Negative conditions are going to end followed by an important decision.

You will be receiving a message from an admirer. A love from the past may appear in your life and then disappear as quickly as they came. If you are
in a situation where you have parted with your partner, you will find that you both agree to get back together.

Your work may be unsatisfactory to you and you may decide to make some necessary changes or new arrangements. Finances may be dwindling
which will cause you to worry, or you may be concerned that your profits won’t make up for your losses. Important news will shed light on these
issues. There is good news on the horizon about your finances, so this would be a good time to begin a business or to make money through
commercial enterprises.

Although you have suffered, loneliness or enforced isolation, a new transition in yourself is about to begin. You will have a change of heart brought
about someone or something and some important news or information is in the offing. You will be making some permanent changes to do with
your business or work. You will also start making changes to your health; this may be changing your diet or beginning an exercise program.

Any goals you set for yourself will be achieved, encouraging you to push yourself more. You may even decide to write something (perhaps a column
for a magazine or book), or there may be an article written about you. You will be gifted with the ability to teach or enlighten others and you may
have an interest in the metaphysical field (life after death, reincarnation, etc). To your delight, someone will give you a nice gift, something that you
need or always wanted. Want A Free Psychic Reading? Chat Now
Also for those who are unemployed, you may be given an offer of work in the near future. You may be waiting for a letter, document or package; it
will arrive soon.

You may be considering a checkup test for health problems now current, all results will be in your favor.

You will travel for work or study and you will hear about someone you care about going on a trip, or a friend from the past will even call with a
vacation invitation.

There may be increases in your financial obligations, living expenses or rent. If you are requiring service people you will find that they will have to
return because their work wasn’t completed.

Find out more about The Wheel of Fortune here.

11 Justice
reaching goals, settlements, legal matters or income.

You have a need to understand the workings of destiny in your life.

You will be troubled about an unresolved dilemma or business issue, unfortunately, you will have to wait, so be patient.

A relative may be experiencing problems with their mate and separation or divorce is in the air. Family problems have to be resolved or cleaned up.
Unfortunately you will have to be the one to resolve these problems and bring them back to a healthier status.

If you are feeling that you are being taken for granted, you will have the strength to stand up for your rights, and confront any disputes that present

You will be reviewing the quality of your life and relationships and you will realize that quality is what you want. You may still feel a little isolated and
unhappy as an essential or personal ingredient seems to be missing. One cycle is going to end and a new one will begin. Any tense situations
around now will become more flexible.

There are hidden insecurities that you are not facing or dealing with, you will need to act upon these and deal with them. This will give you a new
sense of purpose to your life.

This card often denotes a time of mutual reconciliation – You may both have adopted opposing attitudes and have been locked in a battle nobody
could win. There seems to have been a form of compromise and your mutual antagonism has shown you both where your relationship was
unsatisfactory. Within this newly found peace your relationship will become more flexible and loving. If you have just met somebody and you are
enquiring about them, you can expect a very creative relationship and your feelings will deepen and strengthen. In reversal, or the negative of this
relationship, there could be a parting of the ways with anger and pain on both sides.

There will be a new business opportunity available to you soon commercial activities and annoying financial conditions will soon come to an end.

In time, your accounts will be squared, problems solved and bills paid with money spare you will also recognize what’s wrong and come to the right
conclusion or decisions.

You have just completed a cycle of destiny, a brand new cycle is about to commence. The present will have to evolve before it can be weighed and
judged. Time will provide the key to understanding what you need in your life. Fate seems to have the upper hand in how things work for you. You
may have the feeling that you are not the maker of your own destiny, as those around you could make you feel insecure and defenseless. You wish
that you were able to express yourself more. Someone around you will do you a great act of kindness. There may also be a message or letter
concerning an impending injunction, lawsuit or litigation. You will find that others will give assistance when you are in need, and you will be pleased
and amazed at the resolution of your affairs. There may be an opportunity to teach or to learn something new for yourself, you will also find out
something to your benefit through a phone call or caller.

You may need some dental treatment, If you are deciding to try a new physician you will find that they will be charitable and a great ally. An earlier
prognosis will prove to be correct.

You will find that you will be moving into new situations or a new environment, and you may be spending some time away from home in the future,
this could involve a trip. You will still feel dissatisfied with your situation when you return.

Your home or living quarters will no longer appeal to you or it has outlived its purpose. You may have outgrown it, and will want to move to a new
home or begin a new life elsewhere. You may also hear of a relative that wishes to sell their home and move away from the area.

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12 The Hanged Man
your life, values and the way you are thinking.

Your dreams no longer seem valid, and everything that has been done seems hopeless, obsolete or meaningless.

You may be feeling a lack of self-worth in regards to your life, or feeling rather anxious about situations and circumstances around you.
You have a sense of not knowing where you are going or what to do and you may be waiting for someone to make the first move or do
something, and feel that control has been taken out of your hands.

A painful situation is around you at the moment that seems to be restricting or hindering you. You may be feeling discouraged and are striving to
find an answer or trying to work things out.

You will be spending some time in the home of a relative or friend that you haven’t seen for a while, The experience will be quite pleasant and
comfortable. You may receive assistance from a family member or friend in regards to a new plan or venture that you have in mind. Be sure that you
accept their offer of help or else ask them if they do not offer. Their response will be positive. Any matters that need to be completed or resolved will
be accomplished easily. In regard to a particular family member, you may be feeling a little sad, or remorseful. Don’t allow pride to stand in your way
of knowing what you should do.

You may be suffering or feeling restriction within your marriage, this could be because the one you are with is not the one that you really love. You
feel that the relationship or love affair is not working or has become obsolete, and yet you may not be able to change it or end it.

Although it may not seem like it now, the situation will begin to resolve itself for the better. Others could be waiting or hoping that a lover or a partner
will call, or waiting to see what that person will do next.

You may be concerned that the work you are doing has little value or that you won’t be able to sustain or support yourself in the future. You could
also be concerned about the response or opinions of others in your work area or business. There is no need to worry as you will have many repeat
clients and a financial increase or profit in regard to income.

You will find that you will be very fortunate money matters and your luck is at a peak, any negative trends will end and a new beginning and a better
way of life will emerge. You may even be surprised by a financial opportunity or business proposal that will come your way. This will ease any
financial tensions or inject new life into a situation that has fallen into a rut.

Ensure that in any legal matters documents or contracts, that you read the fine print and if you don’t understand it has someone define it more
clearly for you. You will be tired of waiting for news or money because you sense deception and distrust with the party involved.

Unsettled conditions will begin to resolve themselves or work out on their own accord. It will be difficult to keep an open-minded outlook due to your
intense emotional reactions. You may be having reservations about a plan or idea and won’t want to commit yourself as you may feel that the time
isn’t right or there is to much hard work involved. You will find that your thinking will begin to change and be totally reversed from your first thoughts.
You will also be examining other people’s thoughts and actions in regard to a situation and you will both agree to come together on mutually
beneficial terms. A new direction will begin to emerge for you; this will give you new meaning, purpose, and inspiration in your life. You will also
receive a very beneficial gift and a letter you have waited for will arrive.

You will be feeling edgy and restless. You need to get more rest to help re-energize yourself and get away or have a break from those that are
making demands you. Others seem to be taking everything and giving nothing in return.

You will be taking a short trip to a new environment and you may be stranded without means of transport due to repairs or breaking down.

Discover more about The Hanged Man here.

13 Death
endings and new beginnings in career, partnerships, new opportunities or a new lifestyle.

You may be feeling unhappy, depressed or overwhelmed by events or circumstances that seem to be conspiring to change your course
or status. You seemed to have been short-changed as you were hoping for so much more than you received, this may be in relation to
your career or your love life.

It is time to let go of situations that are no longer beneficial to you, and you will find that if you try to hold on to or pursue what you are
used to then you will be alone with no–one to help or guide you. You may be concerned about your future, finances and making ends meet.

A happy gathering of your family and friends may be in store in the near future. There will be some good times with friend and family and re–uniting
with those that have been absent. There may be a situation around the home front that you wish would change radically. You will be pleased to
know that your wish will be granted. A seem
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Nowwhat others think of you. You need to build up your self–esteem and
become surer of yourself– don’t be so hard on yourself.
You will soon come to the full realization that a relationship as you have known it, has come to an end. Unfortunately, your feelings for that person
will affect you for some time. You will soon realize however that you must get on with your life and forget about the past. Although you don’t think so
now you will find that when you begin anew that you will be much stronger in yourself and quite different mentally, emotionally and physically.

You may be worried about your finances because of a sudden loss of income. Things are not going as planned there will be a lot of unexpected
changes and obstacles to confront and you may find that promised or hoped for ventures connected with your profession will not eventuate. A loss
of finances is also indicated, but if you have lost your job, you shall quickly get another. If you are beginning a new business venture you will have
luck and success in your finances.

You may be feeling that you no longer can go with the status quo and wish for things to change radically. You will find that situations will no longer
continue the way they are, and within three to six hours, days, weeks or months, new directions will emerge. Negative situations will come to an end
and although you don’t think so now, you can expect a sudden change in your affairs like a release or reconstruction. You will find the ability and
strength to confront and tear down restricting situations and begin anew.

You may hear of someone going out of your life temporarily, this may be a message or a psychic prediction. You will soon be having discussions
about a gift that is about to be given or received. There may be an arrival of a parcel containing books music or tapes. You could also experience a
disappointment as some you may be counting on will not come to pass. Even though situations may be uncomfortable changes that occur shortly
will be beneficial and more rewarding.

You will be discussing your health with another and you may be beginning to realize that by changing your attitudes and the way you think your
health will improve greatly.

A situation may occur where you feel obliged to travel or take a trip whether you like it or not. Expect a slight delay in any travel plans find that you
will be organizing to go then a delay will make you go later.

New ideas and plans are being considered in relation to the home you may be considering a move or relocation to a new area, home or property.

Find out more about the Death Tarot card here.

14 Temperance
all things that you thought you had completed, that is old friends, lovers, habits, desires, health, money, or business problems and
situations that you thought you dealt with, will arise to test you. You may be experiencing situations that will stir up old wounds or
deep-seated problems and will feel that you have been caught off guard. You will be searching for answers or solutions to your
problems and you will feel that if you continue down the path on your own, you will absolutely explode. You desire to change so
intensely that it will come, bringing the very thing you want.

Upsetting conditions or pressures in the home may induce an old health problem to resurface, this problem may need medical attention. You may
be feeling nervous and agitated and feel that you are out of balance with those around you. There are those around who love and support you. They
are trying to understand how you feel but are confused about how to help you.

You will find that family members and relations will be understanding and are willing to listen and give a helping hand.

You may feel that your partner is ignoring you or not including you in their plans or thoughts, you may also be feeling that they are not being
completely honest with you or not living up to their promises or commitments. It is going to take a lot of discipline or genuine anger to not let
yourself be overcome and to manifest the things you want. You may also have to reach the point where you won’t or can’t make the necessary
compromises to keep your relationship going with another, even if it means a loss. You are going to have an unexpected encounter with an admirer
(someone that you were attracted to or involved with in the past) who has returned to either has one more go at the relationship or to close a
chapter in your life for good. There is also an indication that you may receive unwanted advances from an admirer.

You may be concerned about your financial position or discouraging business situation. The necessary ideas and actions will be realized and with
effort and concentration on your part, you will use them to your advantage. You are going to experience a chain reaction in money matters with only
a partial response at first and then one thing will lead to another you will attain moderate success.

You may need to confront another in order to collect money that should have been paid to you. There may also be the need to regain ownership of
something or to get some paperwork moving; it will prove to be a very delicate situation. You may also find that the boss or your employer will give
you praise or recognition or in some way will favour you.

Many unforeseen and unexpected events are going to come up for you and you are going to feel that you are being tested and you will be under a lot
of pressure. You will be successful in maintaining control over volatile situations and will be able to create circumstances that will benefit you. Don’t
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be afraid of letting others around you know exactly how you feel and if someone needs confronting, do so. Make sure you are clear on what others
are doing and saying before making any assumptions and judgments.

Someone around you who likes you a great deal will lavish their affections on you or be very generous to you. You will find happiness in like minded
people and you shall find any negative situations will be transformed into positive ones. You seem to be very busy at present. Take time out to rest
and recover otherwise you may become run down or ill. You could find that you will no longer be subject to limitations and emotional pressure, as
events will redirect themselves in a more positive direction.

You will be distressed by health problems, financial worries and pressured by too many burdens. Due to this, you may be angry and irritated. Take
some long walks to help balance your mental state, by doing this you give yourself time to assess your situations and will gain the necessary insight
and answers to your problems.

Ensure that you check all the necessary paperwork is present and correct in regard to travel as you may find that there could be a delay due to
missing or incorrect papers. You may also postpone activities or travel plans to a later date because you have been too busy or need a rest.

Learn more about Lady Temperance here.

15 The Devil
adverse conditions or negative cycle of events. You are confused or indecisive about decisions and may not be seeing the whole
picture. You may be disheartened by the never-ending battle to succeed and feel that you are being blocked at every turn. You wish that
you could end a negative situation. In the end, you will be fed up with the lack of results for your efforts and are you trying to keep your
chin up. You are thinking of giving up or withdrawing from a situation.

You know that a loved one or friend is making you unhappy yet you feel bound or obliged to that person and find it difficult to free yourself from their
influence. It is not advisable to force confrontation; this time will not give what you need or want. Family members may be making you feel like an
emotional garbage dump. Ensure that you don’t become negative and resentful as you will find it will just reflect back onto you.

If you are hoping for a union or reconciliation with someone, you will find that you will be blocked in some way. You may still care deeply for the one
you have parted with and wish to recover what was lost or to begin again. There might be some confrontations and arguments with those around
you and unfortunately, they will have the upper hand. There is also some indication of a sexual aberration, bondage or dead-end love affair.

You will be feeling depressed or will be in a negative state of mind. There seems to be no escape from your workload. You seem to have too much
work to handle and you have to work hard for little profit or gain and as a result, you will feel frustrated and irritated. There are financial difficulties
around you at the moment and unexpected losses resulting from bad checks, investments or adverse conditions. You will soon have the opportunity
to make more money, so don’t worry. A business merger or plan will fail because circumstances will impede any further progress or development.

There may also be confrontations with someone in your workplace and you will be extremely angry with an associate and will take action to let them
know it. An unexpected bill will arise that you have not considered or budgeted for.

You will find that you seem to be experiencing situations where you are not in control. The best course to follow is to wait things out. There may be
many unexpected complications in situations around you and you will realize what you have been pursing cannot be continued. Also, there may be a
negative confrontation with someone. This could be someone you dislike or who has done you wrong. These negative situations will help you learn
and gain insight into yourself.

If you forge ahead blindly, without making plans or proceeding with caution, your situation will get worse. It is advisable at this time to be patient and
focus on being in control; soon things will become more positive and clearer.

You will be overtired and run down and things will be hectic at work. Due to stress, you will be having sleeping problems as there are too many
things on your mind. You need to slow down and you may decide to start an exercise program, this will help you burn off excess stress that you will
be experiencing.

A trip is going to be postponed due to unavoidable circumstances.

This is not a good time to push for results or to move to a new home or location. Wait for a short time, as a more positive situation is coming.

Find out more about how The Devil might affect you here.

16 The Tower
Disruption and change, followed by awakening and revelation beyond your control; you are powerless. There is chaos coming for you and your future
but bear in mind that this upheaval will A Freeabout
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personal growthChat
and development.
Ambitions based on false premises or shaky foundations may come tumbling down. This is a time to let go of attachment to the past
and if you do, you may well experience a revelatory event. The change you experience with this card will be permanent and will enable
you to proceed on your journey towards enlightenment. If you remain strong, that is.

This card represents a time when your family could potentially turn against you in a fiery feud. Perhaps you might find out you were
adopted or there are family members in existence you didn’t know about. A falling out with a friend may also be connected with The
Tower in the family context.

This could mean the end for you and your partner if you realise that things between you are not as you thought they were. It could be that you
discover your partner has been hiding a secret life from you; debts, an illegitimate child, or something else. Whatever happens, you must not despair;
remain resilient and hopeful.

You may find that your work suddenly comes to an end for one reason or another. Your business could close down, you may lose your job or you
could even be a victim of crime. This will likely cause your finances to suffer a major blow.

The Tower in relation to money can also mean you should exercise caution when it comes to your investments. This is not a time for risk-taking or
gambling or else you could end up totally broke, or worse still, in jail.

If the Tower pops up in your reading, it is natural and totally ok to feel scared or upset. It is, however, actually positive as it prompts you to reassess
various aspects of your life. It will compel you to come out of yourself and pose those introspective questions you are usually too afraid of asking.

You should allow this necessary experience to take place and remember that when one thing is destroyed, another is created. Allow yourself to be
freed of your self-created shackles. In summary, you should heed The Tower’s advice and begin to take more care of yourself, in whatever ways that
may be.

You could experience an unexpected bout of ill health. If you are pregnant, this could indicate that your gestation period will be a difficult one; either
for you or your baby. Ensure you act carefully by going to appointments and getting checked out if you are worried about anything.

Remember that ill health can come in both physical and mental form; do not underestimate the emotional turmoil you could experience. Do not
ignore any potential health hiccups. If you act sensibly then you should come out the other side recovered and renewed. It does not always mean,
however, that whatever issue you experience will be serious.

If you are going on a trip, some element of disaster will strike, but this does not necessarily need to ruin it entirely. Alternatively, this could simply
symbolize your developmental or spiritual journey forward; perhaps your loss of ego.

A sudden shock is imminent when it comes to your home.

Find out more about how The Tower might affect you here.

17 The Star
The future’s faith and what could be. You will be hurt or disappointed by harsh words, enforced estrangement and circumstances that
block your development for the time being.

You will be unhappy with the status of your work and will want things to change or improve. You will want to find or regain a sense of
meaning, inspiration or purpose to your life and hope your future will be better than your past.

A relative will have problems with bookings, confirmations or legal documents.

Someone around you is going to provide a feeling of safety or substance and respite from the cares of the world. Friends and family will offer advice
and give you insights and these will help you resolve and deal with any problems you may be experiencing.

You will feel bound to another through an emotional link or karmic tie and even if you wanted to let go, you couldn’t. You may be troubled by a
yearning heart that is if you can’t have/you can’t let go. You will be feeling a lack of love or fulfillment in your life and dream or hope to meet
someone special. Something will happen which will inspire you or encourage this wish. Your desires are not in vain and what you are yearning for
will ultimately be fulfilled. Someone new is going to inspire you and give a new meaning to your life and affairs.

You will be involved in paperwork which connects the past with the present and seems to fill in the gaps or elaborates on the original concept.

There will be great strides in your long term professional goals. Assistance will be given to you and you will receive many business calls. Good news
will arrive, offering new hope and the promise of future success and fulfillment. Don’t worry about your finances; you’ll be making money in the long
term. You may discover a new method, talent or ability that you can bring into your work or work that you will be doing in the future. There will be
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people who give you ideas or offer insights into possibilities of expanding your business, or they will advise you on what you need to know. Expect
news, calls or a letter related to financial gain or profit.

Someone or something will give you insight into what your future might hold. This will be a very positive and inspiring disclosure. You will be
reassessing your options and possibilities for your future as a result of a call or caller. Any negative situations will end, and you will receive help or
guidance from a friend, teacher or an adviser. You can expect money in the mail or someone has some money for you and wants you to pick it up.
You will go on a spontaneous spending spree and will like what you have purchased. Expect financial breaks; there may be a win in a lottery,
sweepstakes or lotto game. You may even receive a generous offer or charitable gift. In time, you will begin to feel that things are going to work out
after all and your desire or quest has not been in vain. Someone will call you or call to see you on the way home.

You could be deciding to have some medical tests or check-ups. You may make the decision to start up an exercise program to improve your health
or body shape.

If you own or are looking for real estate, or are concerned about a property, you will sell or maybe lease option it.

Discover more about The Star here.

18 The Moon
inner disturbances or feelings of disquiet or dread or foreboding. Situations are deceptive or changeable in whatever area is important
to you at the moment.

You will be feeling crushed by a huge disappointment, someone or something you counted on has let you down and you will be
completely devastated. You are going to be disillusioned by others actions, words or deeds and you may have been chastised unfairly.

If you are planning to entertain a friend or have a get together with someone on a project at home, it will prove to be a very disillusioning experience.
Upsetting conditions will arise, making you feel confused, uncertain or threatened. There will be many emotional constraints imposed upon you. You
will find that there will be changes and you will gain a new perspective. You’ll become more balanced and a lot happier.

You will be disheartened and disappointed in a relationship you thought would work but it didn’t. You will have a sense of disorientation and will be
confronted with conflicts that will need a great deal of emotional control. Your responses may be inconsistent and changeable. Expect an upsetting
or disappointing message concerning someone you love or care for. You may also receive an unexpected call and won’t be too pleased about it,
because it will upset or bother you.

You will be unprepared for an altercation you will encounter at work. You may be involved or concerned about your mail or the arrival of something
important through the mail. What once looked promising or entertaining will prove to be the opposite. Likewise, what you thought would be
enjoyable will then turn in to a test of endurance.

A new trend or group effort will begin and things will work out after major changes have been confronted and acted upon. You will need to be
strong-willed and call on your strength of character. If money is owed, you will be paid, but you will feel shortchanged or cheated. Expect some very
fortunate adjustments in your dealings with others, group efforts and friendship.

You may be feeling disillusioned confused and uncertain about a friend or lover and won’t be able to sort your feelings out.

You will be looking for answers. The information you receive will be difficult to follow but don’t give up. Strife, conflict confusion and despair from
old wounds and grudges will cease to exist. Try to be neutral and take the middle road as this will free you from the anxieties of win/fail, have/have
not and pleasure/pain situations.

There will be many unforeseen changes and unexpected occurrences and only when you are prepared for things to be the way they really are and
accept them as they are, only then will they change. You can’t run from problems – the only way is through them. Change will bring a new
perspective and a new you. By putting your insecurities behind you, you will be a much stronger happier person. You will overcome your muddled
thinking and your feelings of trouble or dread and after a period of despair and devastation, you will achieve success and all will end on a happy

Something you thought was lost, hopeless, or Impossible will be revived, replaced or purchased.

You could be having some strange physical disorders such as Insomnia, bad dreams, lumps, bumps and sleep more than usual. You may also
experience disorientation.

If you are planning a trip or outing it will be unpleasant due to many unforeseen problems or disturbing influences that will cause you to return
sooner than usual or will make you wish you hadn’t gone at all.

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You will be disheartened or disillusioned with others who let you down, this could be regarding promises of help with renovation or repair or non–
support in the selling or buying of a home and or property.

Read more about The Moon here.

19 The Sun
society and the public, self–image or keeping up with appearances; achievement, accomplishment, marriage unions or mergers. You
will be feeling drained emotionally, you will also be tired and out of sorts. You want to get together with someone or you may be hoping
to have a marriage. You will be troubled because things should be good to all into intents and purposes, but they are not, because your
heart is so unfulfilled.

You may have a visitor who will come to stay for a short while at your home.

You will be talking to a relative but feel that they have other things on their mind or are not interested in what you have to stay.

You will be hoping to get together with another and wish or hope to be in an enduring and special relationship with the one you love or want. If
engaged there may have been a recent separation or could be in the near future. Unfortunately, things will be put on ice, and the future looks
uncertain. Although you may not see the one your heart yearns for, there will be others that vie to take their place.

You are going to experience a problem with legal forms, documents, or contract and will be confused and uncertain about how to proceed or what
you should do. Things will be very slow and you may not even wish to work anyway, you need something to boost your inspiration or enthusiasm,
and soon, something will happen to bring this about.

Be sure not to mix business and friendship, you will regret it if you do. Plans for a project will be suspended for the time being. If you are waiting or
hoping for money to do with the funding of a business or project it will come. You will be successful in a financial settlement that has been a source
of constant aggravation for you, and you will be lucky in overcoming financial difficulties, adversities or getting out of a sticky situation in regard to a
legal matter. You will have discussions about upcoming mergers and business projects.

A public speaking job may also be offered to you, a huge favor will be given that will save you a lot of money and/or a promotional opportunity will
come your way. Finances will be rewarding.

You will be putting on a face or keeping up the illusion of gaiety or well being when there is really none because the thing you really want, the
essential ingredient or heart’s desire is missing.

You will have some simple pleasures in regard to friends and social outings, you’ll be surprised by the high cost of living and you can expect an
unreasonable bill in the near future. Remember don’t judge conditions by appearances. A lack of self-love is indicated around you at the present.
You may consider changing your appearance such as getting a new hairstyle or new clothes. You will feel exhausted in your work environment and
need time to rest and gather yourself.

Ideas for a new line of work will begin to formulate, a tempting offer or partnership will be proposed and for possible court action could also be
discussed. Keep an open mind and you will be able to see or hear the truth that will lead you out of conflict and confusion. You will be grateful for a
second chance that will be given, you will also be grateful for things of value that you do have.

Your work may take you away from your home in the near future and in all situations and circumstances, the right actions and decisions will be

You will be feeling tired and run down, out of sorts and generally flat. You may be considering improving your appearance, this may be a decision to
by new clothing or get a new hairstyle or even begin a new exercise program.

If you are going on a trip or journey, it will end up being disappointing or fruitless. And what you hoped to accomplish or attain will not come to pass.
When you look back in retrospect, you will wish you hadn’t gone.

You will be improving the appearance of your home and will be giving it a general facelift, inside and out. Someone will call you in regard to a new

Discover more about The Sun here.

20 Judgment
new personal relationships, new business ventures or partnerships, beneficial help, improved conditions, changes in habit and

You will be disappointed in something

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Chat as anticipated, but this is a temporary condition.
You could be troubled by an unexpected confrontation or agreement over money or legal rights. You wish you could bury the past and start all over
again. You also need to know whether or not to invest your time or money in a new relationship or enterprise.

Your friends and loved ones will be supportive and nurturing.

You will receive some good news or an uplifting message from or concerning a relative.

There may be some decisions to be made which will be left up to you, you will also receive an unexpected visitor in your home very shortly.

You will be in the process of breaking away from the past. You may be feeling very sad and alone because you feel that you will never forget, or stop
loving that person. Someone’s attitude or actions will make you think twice about seeing them again, reuniting again or continuing the relationship.
You will be remembering an old love and feeling very nostalgic for the way things where and wish with all your heart that you could feel that way

You will be formulating new methods or ideas in your paperwork or someone you’ve worked with will channel more business your way.

You will experience improved conditions in the form of a money judgment, settlement, payment or profit shares. You are going to be paid off for
long-standing debts, and you will find out something you need or want to know. You will receive new inspiration on a dead end or abandoned
endeavor. Any business or work prospects will be beneficial and rewarding, also finances will be improving in the near future.

The resolving of both inner and outer conflicts will mark the red of suffering and confusion. Conditions will begin to improve shortly, changes in
attitude through self-development will bring new purpose, meaning or motivation to your work and life. There will be help given when you need it,
and you will easily be able to resolve any arguments or dilemmas that occur. A situation will present itself that will suddenly change your thoughts,
feelings or plans, this could be in regard to a romantic matter. In time things are going to improve more than you thought or hoped for. You will
experience a feeling of progress and a new beginning. There will be a new avenue or escape brought about by another, and you may receive a gift of
roses, expect a positive response from a favor you ask of another and you will be receiving a letter containing money – something to do with the
past. Some very uplifting news will provide a turning point for you, remember to accept what is going to be offered, it could change your life.

You will hear about someone you care for becoming very ill (this could be to do with their heart) For yourself, you may experience dizzy spells or
lightheadedness, this could be related to your diet.

A short trip will prove to be very beneficial because you will meet a new admirer or someone who will help you with your work. Whatever the case
may be, it will be a significant encounter.

Discover more about Judgment here.

21 The World
world issues or world-shaking events, encounters and gatherings, travel, change, risks, and new opportunities, but also on restriction
wall or blocks.

You will be disappointed in your inability to break free of restrictive influences that are blocking you from manifesting any of your
goals. You want to liberate yourself from limitation and lack other people’s problems, negative attitudes, and force confrontations.

You want to succeed in all areas of your life – your work, your dreams, everything – and you’ll have an obsessive desire to liberate yourself from

Your in-laws will be a burden you won’t want to deal with or a separation in the family will cause unhappiness. You are going to be feeling pressured
and troubled by insurmountable problems and will be almost ready to explode or leave the country so that you can be left alone. You will call on a
sick and needy friend or someone will call on you.

You may also be feeling used by a friend and if you give them an inch, they will take a mile.

There may be some unpleasant communications with family and friends and there may be a discussion about the loss of a loved one or a breakup
or divorce.

You’ll be wondering if you’ll ever have the relationship you want because in your mind it seems that you never manager to achieve the results you
want. Your obsession or preoccupation with the past is hindering your ability to see what is really going on, but no matter how caught up or bound
you feel, you can still break free.

Someone’s irrational behavior will hurt or upset you greatly and you won’t know how to deal with this. This will probably be a friend, lover or a
relative. You are going to run the full gamut of your emotions, hitting the heights of bliss and depths of despair. By assessing your wants and needs
you will find that new insights will be gained and in the long run, you will be a stronger and better person. In regard to unions with partners or lovers,
what has been previously, must be released for the time being, because the world must take a turn before a new day can emerge, bringing with it,
the possibility of beginning againWant A Free
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foundation. Chat
Because rarely doNow
we realize how good the positive things are until we have experienced
You will experience temporary blocks to your progress, with nothing really happening, or you may be unemployed at the present time.

Things will improve considerably, and you will have more work than you can handle or want. New information and helpful hints will be applied to
your paperwork, you will be happy with the finished product. You can expect improvement in business and finance, and also new opportunities and
expansion and increase. You are going to acquire money from more than one source – this could indicate a tax refund or interest gained on an

There may be some recognition and advancements in regard to your profession and this also includes increased earnings.

You will feel that everyone in the world has what they want but you, and you will want to go away and leave everything behind or begin a new life all
over again somewhere else, You will be upset with another who will call and break an appointment or meeting. You won’t feel like dealing with
others who call you on the phone. You will no longer be content to go along with the status quo or accept a subservient role nor will you accept your
fate with compliance.

You are going to be extremely angry and will not take it anymore. It is going to take genuine anger to free yourself from the oppression you are
feeling. Everything must be released if transformation is to occur or a lost opportunity regained. You will eventually transcend all obstacles,
difficulties, and disappointments you have had to face. You will feel great.

You will be successful in your dealings with others, be it in social situations or large groups and you will be able to utilize a new method of operation
that could make your work a lot easier. There will be an increase in work and money and also praise and recognition will follow.

You are going to enjoy several social outings and you will also receive a box or package.

You will contemplate mailing a letter to a company but will postpone it and/or a letter will arrive which will make you angry.

You will be recovering from a recent illness, injury or infection, so you should slow down and take it easy. Also, you may change your doctor and
seek another professional opinion.

A fantastic unscheduled trip is in the offing. Do go, because it could change your luck.

Learn more about The World here.

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Article Info Author: Amelie Estrela Date: Mar 01, 2018

Amelie Rose Estrela is an experienced psychic and recently published, esteemed lead author for the Psychic
Guild since 2003.
She has written hundreds of articles for the website on a range of topics covered within the
psychic niche, including Psychics & Mediums, Tarot & Angel Cards, Astrology & Horoscopes (the topic of her
newly-released e-book), Love & Relationships, and Spells & Magic.
You can find out more about Amelie on

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11 COMMENTS   Newest 

Dallas  2 years ago

So…what’s the 22nd…?

0 Reply

peter Ball  2 years ago

Hi,Amelie Rose Estrela.very good article.This is more informative for us .please keep it up

0 Reply

Irene  3 years ago

There’s something wrong here….

“If you are hoping that you will meet a friend or lover, unfortunately your wishes will be postponed or
canceled, at least for now.

This relationship can be one of long term commitment. Within this relationship you could start a
fancily as pregnancy birth or growth are linked with this card.”

0 Reply

Spectator  2 years ago

 Reply to  Irene

I don’t understand? If you’re confused, they’re different. If you’re thinking they contradict each
other, the first one states meeting / encounter. The second one is about a current relationship.

1 Reply

Alice  2 years ago

 Reply to  Spectator

Thank you – I can confirm this is correct.
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Irene  3 years ago

Card 16 the tower needs the description

0 Reply

Rachel cramer  3 years ago

Soooooo… how do u know wich one u r???

0 Reply

Spectator  2 years ago

 Reply to  Rachel cramer

Through fortune telling? I don’t think it’s necessarily ‘which one’ you are. If you’re one of those
anime otakus and see them using tarot cards, sure that’s a different story. So far I know them for
telling past, present, and future. Or describing what you’re like, etc. You can go to a tarot reader, or
buy a set and try for yourself. I recently got a deck. ^^

0 Reply

Irene  3 years ago

could you please complete The Tower card meaning still waiting

1 Reply

Irene  3 years ago

could you please complete The Tower card meaning

0 Reply

Irene  3 years ago

could you please complete the Tower information

0 Reply


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