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After reading this chapter and researching more information on the Internet about the
Tuskegee research, answer the following questions:

1. What were the main social issues with ethical implications involved in this study?
There are numerous morally troubling issues posed by the Tuskegee syphilis study's violation of
the ethics rules governing research involving human subjects. Some of these issues are
truthfulness, informed consent, racism, paternalism, and the use of deception in research.

2. Which bioethical principles were violated by the Tuskegee study? Explain.

The primary ethical violation committed during the Tuskegee study was the voluntary informed
consent, one of many codes of ethics that were broken. In biomedical research involving human
experimentation, the justification of voluntary informed consent is a crucial ethical requirement.
The medical expert is required to make sure that the chosen research subjects are given
comprehensive information about the procedures involved in medicine. In order for the
participants to understand what will happen during the procedure and give their informed
consent or informed refusal, the specifics of the procedure must be explained to them in clear
terms. It is extremely unethical to obtain participants' consent through deception for studies
involving humans. Furthermore, when consent is obtained through manipulative means, such as
the case with the Tuskegee study, it may be perceived as a form of human experimentation
carried out by scientists to gratify selfish interests, which may discourage people from
participating in the program. Legal action against the doctors or medical researchers could result
from this.

3. How do various ethical approaches or ethical concerns or dilemma relate to the Tuskegee
Particularly when people are involved in the research process, ethical concerns in scientific
research are commonly addressed. Scientific research is labeled as unethical when it is carried
out in a manner that goes against ethical norms and standards or when researchers conduct
experiments that are beyond the limit. Respect for autonomy, non - maleficence, and justice are
fundamental bioethical principles. In order for the experiment's participants to make
autonomous decisions, the research's procedure was never explained clearly to them. The Code
of Non-Maleficence wasn't implied when participants were harmed, treatment or panacea was
withheld after it became the preferred treatment. And justice was violated when only African
Americans were chosen to participate in this experiment.

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