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Sun fruits introduces for the first time a stevia variety with out bitter after taste so common in most of the Stevia varieties available around the world. This has been a major hurdle in popularity of Stevia as an non calorific intense sweetener. SRB 128 Stavia variety is having excellent organoleptic qualities that make dry leaves of this variety most suitable for direct consumption in its natural form. Planting material of SRB128 is sold only against plant variety protection agreements only for large plantations only. SRB128 is versatile variety having excellent growth potential with very high total glucosides and favourable Rebaudioside to Steavioside ratio. The plant is multiple sprouting and very bushy in nature. Specially after first tow cuttings it completely covers the tow rowed beds. There is a possibility of multiple harvest in semi tropical conditions. In temperate climate climates it can produce one crop of high quality leaves. In semi tropical climates it is important to plant this variety early for better frist season results. Detailed cultivation practices of this variety are available on request. Stevia Highlights

Our varieties of Stevia are semi perennial in nature and they thrive in semi temperate and tropical type climates. Our varieties of Stevia require soils having medium Ph values ranging from 4-8 Our varieties of Stevia require soils with excellent drainage. Our varieties of Stevia require moist soils all around the year. Our varieties of Stevia thrive well in temperature ranges of 5-40 degree centigrade. Our varieties of Stevia are multiple sprouting and higher yields Our varieties our Stevia can be harvested all around the year in tropical climates. Our varieties of Stevia are tolerant to most of the pests and diseases. Our Stevia variety SRB 123 is readily available. Stevia variety SRB 128 is available against plant variety protection agreement. We provide with detailed cultivation practices with each sale of our planting material.



Research Three varieties of stevia. High value climate specific medicinal crop cultivation. Unique farming solution for different climatic and soil conditions. Stevia Cultivation in India So far cultivated more than 500 acres Success rate more than 90% Cultivation spread throughout India from Rajasthan to Mizoram and from Punjab to Kerala. Stevia marketing Although introduced in the year 2002 stevia is gaining wide acceptance as a sweetener of choice with Ayurvedic majors. This market is growing at 500% every year. Stevia due its proven medicinal values as an anti diabetic is finding increasing uses in Aurvedic/Herbal formulations for diabetics. Due to very high demand in international market and low yields in China the raw dried stevia leaves are much in demand world wide and so far during last one year alone the internationals prices have gone up by 25% and still climbing. Due to the improved varieties released by Sun Fruits Ltd. And favorable climatic conditions. Stevia yield in India is double than that of world average! Quality of Stevia Leaves If you have decided to use stevia leaves in your products you should always be diligent about Are your stevia leaves harvested from proper variety? Since the advent of stevia farming in India there are numbers of so called small companies who are selling planting material of wild and low quality stevia plants. Since the wild stevia plants are easy to multiply and can be sold at reduced price, these wild varieties produce leaves that are inferior in sweet glycosides as well as in other important phyto chemicals that are responsible for medicinal properties of stevia. Are your stevia leaves properly dried? Since it is found that mostly when the leaves are not properly dried then the active ingredient of stevia leaves that determine the effectiveness of stevia as a medicine are drastically reduced. Are your stevia leaves hygienically grown? Since most of the times stevia leaves are grown using plenty of inorganic fertilizer these types of stevia leaves are generally inferior in active ingredients that determine the use fullness of stevia leaves in medicine. Are you assured of continuous supply of standardized stevia leaves? Sun Fruits Ltd. Can be your one stop answer to all your requirements of stevia leaves any quantity any time! Consumption of Intense Sweeteners in real tons(2001)


Asia tons 375 1.000 16.700 1000 19.700 0 1.050 39.825

America tons 1.175 8.500 4.700 0 6.300 300 100 21.075

Acesulfame Aspartame Cyclamate Glycyrrhizin Saccharin Sucralose Steviosid Total Liquid Extracts

Africa & Oceania tons 100 735 2.200 0 700 0 100 3.835

Europe tons 850 2.950 5.700 0 6.000 0 0 15.500

Total Tons 2.500 13.185 29.300 1000 32.700 300 1250 80.235

Dark A Concentrated syrup derived from the dried leaves. Usually in a water and alcohol base. Sweetness varies between manufacturers. This form will offer the greater amount of benefits from the Stevia plant. Clear A solution of powdered steviosides dissolved in water, alcohol or glycerin. Powdered Extracts [STEVIOSIDES] 40-50% Sweet Glycosides The processed form of the leaves to concentrate on the sweet glycosides by removing unwanted plant matter: An off white powder. Commonly referred to as Stevioside. 80-95%Sweet Glycosides The processed form of the leaves to concentrate on the sweet glycosides by removing unwanted plant matter. An off white powder. This powder is 200-300 times sweeter than sugar. Quality of the powder depends on purity of the glycosides (i.e.90-95% pure) and the ratio of Rebaudioside A over Stevioside. The higher the ratio, the better the product. Commonly referred to as Stevioside. Other Forms [STEVIA BLENDS] Due to the great strength of the Powdered Extracts, it is common to add a filler to tone down the strength so that the Stevioside is easier to use and more palpatable. These fillers are usually some form of the nonsweet food additive that has little to no nutritive value such as lactose or maltodextrin.

Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved by Sun Fruits Ltd.

Planting Material Sale Sun Fruits has developed three varieties of Stevia Rebaudiana having different glucoside concentrations at the same time suitable for different climatic conditions.

SRB -123 - Variety having its parentage in Paraguay suitable for Deccan platue where it can be harvested five/six times in one year. Total Glucoside content varies between 9-12 percent. This variety requires proper soil peparations fo better results. SRB - 512 - This variety is suitable for northern latitudes and this variety can be harvested four times in one year and Total glucoside content varies between 9-12 %. His variety should do very well in northern plains. SRB - 128 - This unique variety has very high total glucoside content of 21 % . suitable for both southern as well as north Indian climates. This variety is on all India trails would be very soon released for cultivation.

We supply high quality planting material under following conditions.

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The planting material would only be supplied after testing the soil and irrigation water quality. Planting material would only be supplied after signing a contract that forbid unauthorized multiplication by any means. Planting material would only be supplied after ensuring the proper transfer of cultivation practices. We grantee minimum steviocide content of 8% under average .management . We guarantee 95 percent establishment with in 30 days.
Special prices for bulk sale. Please contact 09823097662


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As shown in the picture below A & B&C type of plants are having GOOD CROWN FORMATION and profuse rooting. These roots would give moe than 90% percent survivability in open field conditions. D -type of plants would not give more than 25% survivability in open field conditions. Farmer should only buy A , B ,C type plants. D type plants should be avoided at any cost. Check if your plants are tissue cultured or made from stem cuttings. Plants made from stem cuttings give very low yields and Stevioside content is lower than 6%. Plants made from cuttings take more than one year to develop storage crown roots that are very important for proper growth of Stevia plant. Check the variety of Stevia and its performance in your climatic conditions. Get Garuntee for Steviocide content .

Outlook for the future The growth rate for this intense sweetener is projected to be 2.7-2.9% over the next years. This will result in an intense sweeteners market in 2010 of about 95.00 100.00 tons. In the prediction for the year 2010 following assumption are made. Stevioside is not yet approved as a food additive in EU and USA. But in Japan stevioside is in use since more than 20 years. Stevioside will have a high demand because of its good stability and image as natural intense sweetener especially in Asia, may reaching 3200 tons of production. Stevioside will show this rate because of its heavy demand in Asia. Glycerine will not show any increase in sales. In the USA and EU stevioside could enter into the market after an expected approval which may happen 2010-2013. For example in Japan stevioside now has a market share of 25%. In case that in year 2015 stevioside will then gain a market share of about 10-15%. The sales volume in real tons would be 1.800-2.700 tons in EU. With approval from US FDA market scenario for Stevia looks very bullish. There are other natural sweeteners but are still far from the developmental stage. Hence in the years to come Stevia would monopolize the Natural intense sweetener market.. References Rabo Bank: Sugar and Sweeteners (1995) Landell Mills: Landell mills Commodities Studies: Sweetener Analysis (1984-2002). F.O. Licht (1984-2003) World Development Report

Today Sun Fruits Ltd. has fully developed 25 Acres of Stevia Rebaudiana cultivation in different parts of India with another 200 acres in pips line scheduled to be completed over next eleven months. Sun Fruits Ltd Has developed three varieties of Stevia Rebaudiana different glucoside concentrations at the same time suitable for different climatic conditions. SRB 123 Variety having its percentage in Paraguay suitable for Deccan plateau where it can be harvested five times in one year. Total Glycoside content varies between 9-12 percent. SRB 128 This unique variety has high total glucoside content 16 %. suitable for both southern as well as north Indian climates.

Natural Intense Sweetener Market It was seen in the past that Asia favours stevioside and glycyrrhizin as sweeteners. Some of the most important end-uses for sweetener through out Asia include pickled foodstuffs and highly flavoured pastes and sauces derived from fish, milk and soybean ? Interestingly, sugar is not often the sweeteners on test grounds. In 1994 due to the new Dietary Supplement Act in the USA a change came for the use of stevioside. Since 1995 it is possible to sell stevioside as Dietary Supplement in the USA without mentioning its sweetening properties. It was estimated that the sales in 2000 have been more than 10 Million US-$. One important reason for stevioside S popularity in Asia is its image as a natural intense sweetener. As such, it has become a popular ingredient in products such as sport drinks. Food and beverage manufactures throughout the Asian region have also exploited the tests and sweetening synergies that exist between stevioside and fructose. In 1997 stevioside ended a first phase of rapid growth mainly due to the emerging economic crisis of Asia. However it regained the growth rates of the before already in 1998 again mainly due to its natural character. In 1999 a new blend was launched in Japan using acesulfam-K and stevioside (Rebaudio-ACK), for the use in beverages.

About us - Sun Fruits Background A Company owned & run by farmers. A Company dedicated to development of viable commercial horticulture in India. A Company that has many horticulture solutions for progressive indian farmers. A Company that is trusted by corporates as well as farmers alike. Per 2 Teaspoons of Stevia Sugar Nutrasweet Splenda Sugar (Aspartame) (Sucralose) Natural vs. Natural Natural Artificial Artificial Artificial Calories 0 32 0 0 Net Grams 0 8g 1g 1g

Sweet N Low (Saccharin) Artificial 0 1g

Gylcemic Index


Japan as model The natural intense sweetener market is analysed with Japan as a model. The whole market in 1996 was about 790 tons: Aspartame with about 200 tons, Saccharin with about 190 tons, Acesulfame k with about 20 tons; the natural intense sweeteners glycyrrhizin with about 170 tons (21%) and stevioside with about 210 tons (27%), which is together a market share of 48% of the intense sweeteners market. Glycyrrhizin is derived from Liquorice with an associated with an associated taste. It has declined in sales in parallel to demand for the savoury or salty foodstuffs in which it has traditionally been used as a sweeteners and flavour enhancer. Meanwhile, Stevioside sales have gone from strength to strength. In Japan, stevioside has been preferred to Aspartame or Saccharin in a number of applications. In some cases, this is because stevioside is seen as a natural sweetener, since it is because stevioside is more stable than aspartame. Stevioside shows a strong increase in market entrance of aspartame in Japan. But after a few years the manufacturers in food and beverage industry discovered the disadvantages of the weak stability of aspartame and preferred the use of stevioside as intense sweetener in their foodstuffs. Market share of stevioside in Japan; Land ell Mills, JETRO. In South Korea, stevioside, rather than aspartame, has been beneficiary from the beginning of the use of saccharin in the local soju alcoholic beverage. Today Japan uses about 3.200 tons of intense sweeteners where about 600 tons may the share of stevioside. In China according to a release of the US embassy the production is probably less than it. A large proportion of the production is exported, primarily to other countries in East Asia, but also to the USA.

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