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Optical system based on a CCD camera for ethanol detection

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2013 Meas. Sci. Technol. 24 105003


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Meas. Sci. Technol. 24 (2013) 105003 (6pp) doi:10.1088/0957-0233/24/10/105003

Optical system based on a CCD camera

for ethanol detection
C Martı́nez-Hipatl 1 , S Muñoz-Aguirre 2 , R Muñoz-Guerrero 1 ,
J Castillo-Mixcóatl 2 , G Beltrán-Pérez 2 and J M Gutiérrez-Salgado 1
Sección de Bioelectrónica, Departmento de Ingenierı́a Eléctrica, CINVESTAV-IPN. Av. Instituto
Politécnico Nacional No. 2508, Mexico City, DF, CP 07360, Mexico
Facultad de Ciencias Fı́sico-Matemáticas, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Av. San
Claudio y 18 Sur, Col. San Manuel CU, Puebla, Pue., CP 72570, Mexico
E-mail: and

Received 7 March 2013, in final form 27 June 2013

Published 14 August 2013
Online at

This work reports the optimization of an optical system used to detect and quantify volatile
organic compounds (VOC). The sensor consisted of a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) sensing
film deposited on a glass substrate by the spin-coating technique. The PDMS has the property
of swelling and/or changing its refractive index when it interacts with molecules of VOC in
vapor phase. In order to measure the PDMS swelling, a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera
was employed to evaluate the interference fringe shift in a Pohl interferometric arrangement.
With this approach, it is possible to use each pixel of the CCD camera as a single
photodetector in the arrangement. Similarly, different computer algorithms were developed in
order to acquire and process the obtained data. The improvements in the system allowed the
acquisition and plot of 1 datum per second. The steady-state responses of the PDMS sensors in
the presence of ethanol vapor were analyzed. The obtained results showed that noise level was
reduced approximately three times after performing data processing.

Keywords: CCD camera, ethanol vapor, optical sensor, PDMS sensing film

1. Introduction with the characteristics of interest which are present in the

sample under analysis. The optical signal has some advantages
Electronic noses have been proved advantageous in various over the electrical one owing to immunity to electromagnetic
areas of food such as process monitoring, quality control, noise, the ability to perform remote detection without physical
freshness evaluation, shelf-life investigation and authenticity contact with the sample, and its ability to be used in hostile
assessment. Over the last few years, it became possible to find environments dangerous for a human user. For the detection
applications related to meat [1], fish [2], eggs [3], grains [4], of light, there is a wide variety of sophisticated instruments
cheese [5], chocolate [6], coffee [7], beer and other alcoholic such as power meters, spectrometers, diode arrays and charge-
beverages [8] where the main objective was the evaluation of coupled devices (CCD). These instruments, together with
the odor quality and even the food packaging materials. The gas sensors, can be used in the design of analytical systems
broad acceptance of these systems is mainly related to the use focused on the detection and quantification of gases in many
of a simple methodology to obtain quantitative and significant applications.
results within a short time. The main foundation of electronic In the literature there are reports of different types of
noses is the use of gas sensors whose response is based on the gas sensors that work with different operation principles,
absorption of molecules in gaseous fluids employing diverse such as quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) [9], conducting
sensing materials, such as metal-oxide-semiconductor and [10] and non-conducting [11] polymers, optical fibers [12],
polymers. Generally, gas sensors are composed of a transducer among others. In recent years, these types of sensors have
that converts the physical or chemical phenomena of the been incorporated in arrangements focused on the detection
sensing element into an electrical or optical signal. Such a of volatile organic compounds (VOC) vapors. One of the
signal is conditioned and processed in order to be correlated reports on this topic was presented by Gauglitz et al, who

0957-0233/13/105003+06$33.00 1 © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK & the USA
Meas. Sci. Technol. 24 (2013) 105003 C Martı́nez-Hipatl et al

Figure 1. Operation principle of the sensor.

studied a system based on spectral interferometry [13]. They interaction of a PDMS sensing film with VOC vapors. The
used a bifurcated optical fiber that was excited by white system comprised a Pohl interferometer arrangement, and
light from one end in order to illuminate a glass substrate a conventional photodetector was used for the response
with a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) polymeric sensing measurement [21]. In the present work, it has been possible
film deposited on one of its surfaces. The corresponding to improve the detection stage, which previously depended
interference spectrum was analyzed at the other end of the on the user who would set manually an optimal point on the
fiber with a diode array and subsequently, they performed a fringe pattern to perform the measurement that was quite a
measurement of sensor responses to various types of VOC. time-consuming process. The performed improvements were
However, the experimental setup and data analysis were quite the substitution of the photodetector by a CCD camera and
complicated since the results were not obtained directly and the development of a computer program to perform data
it was necessary to perform information extraction. In recent acquisition and processing. With the new system, the response
years, similar works have been reported. De Girolamo et al measurements were performed semi-automatically; the speed
[14] described a method to characterize scattering materials and reliability of each measurement was increased; and the
such as polymer/carbon black nanocomposites using swelling total cost of the system was lowered. In this system, each
evaluation of a thin film by interferometry with a similar pixel of the CCD camera can be used as a single photodetector
experimental setup proposed by Gauglitz. In this work, they which allows performing multiple measurements with a single
covered a silicon substrate with a thin sensing film of poly(2- image. This approach allows calculating an average to improve
hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA), and the response of the signal to noise ratio.
this material was analyzed under ethanol vapor exposure. In
this case, the response analysis was performed indirectly as 2. Optical sensor theory
was done in the Gauglitz method.
Even though the current diode arrays and spectrometers The sensor principle is shown in figure 1. It consists of a glass
allow evaluating spectral interferometry of gas sensors substrate with a deposited polymer such as PDMS, which has
in interferometric arrangements covering a wide range of the property of swelling when it interacts with organic vapor
wavelengths (190–900 nm), it is possible to simplify and lower molecules [22]. In a previous work [21], it was found that from
the total cost of the detection system employing a source of the three reflected beams (see figure 1), I2 was negligible and
monochromatic light, and measuring the response using a CCD only I1 and I3 contributed to the interference fringe pattern
camera. With the CCD camera, the sensor response can be described by the following equation:
monitored from the shift of the fringe pattern measuring the 
I = I1 + I3 + 2 I1 I3 cos(δ), (1)
intensity changes of a single pixel. In this respect, there have
been reports where a CCD camera has been used to detect gases where
in systems that operate under different principles [15–17]. δ = 2yk sin θ − . (2)
For instance, Malins et al [18] characterized the response of
In the above equation, y is the position of the fringe on a screen,
fluorescent dyes immobilized in sol–gel thin films by imaging
k is the wave number of the light, θ is the interference angle
of fluorescence from the oxygen and carbon dioxide using
between light beams I1 and I3, and  is their phase difference
a CCD. Moreover, Gibson et al [19] employed a CCD in a
given by the following equation:
system for acquisition and processing of images for detection
4π  2 1/2 4π  2 1/2
and visualization of a methane leakage. In another work, Lim  = d n2 − n21 sin2 θi + d1 n3 − n21 sin2 θi ,
et al [20] examined the response of a cantilever array for λ0 λ0
toluene and water vapors using alkane thiol thin sensing films. (3)
The sensor response was obtained reflecting a laser spot on the where d and d1 are the thickness of the glass substrate and the
cantilevers and measuring its shift on a CCD. sensing film, respectively; n1, n2 and n3 are the refractive index
In this work the optimization of an optical system that for air, glass and PDMS film, respectively; θ i is the incident
uses a CCD camera to detect and quantify VOC is presented. angle of the light beam (I0) and λ0 is the wavelength.
In a previous work, our research group reported a system In equation (3), if the thickness of the polymer sensing
to measure the shift of a fringe pattern produced by the film changes, it will produce variations in the phase of the

Meas. Sci. Technol. 24 (2013) 105003 C Martı́nez-Hipatl et al

Figure 3. Schematic of data averaging of a pixel m,n with its

neighbors (k = 3).

Figure 2. Experimental setup of the optoelectronic sensor.

cosine argument, which is observed physically as a shift of the

fringe pattern. The response of the sensor was obtained with
the measurement of such shift.

3. Experimental setup

The experimental setup for the measurement of the steady-state

response of the gas sensor is shown in figure 2. An expanded
and collimated laser beam was reflected in the sensor, which
was located in a Teflon measurement chamber [21]. A CCD
Figure 4. Optical power profile of the interference pattern for a laser
camera (webcam) with a resolution of 640 × 480 pixels was with a Gaussian beam (the inset shows the fringe pattern).
used to monitor the shift of the fringe pattern, and a computer
program was developed for data acquisition and processing.
The computer program starts with the statement of a video 4. Results and discussion
input object that represents the connection between the PC
and the image acquisition device, and it enables knowing and The inset in figure 4 shows a fringe pattern picture obtained
modifying the CCD camera parameters. The intensity of the from a glass substrate without sensing film. This image shows
laser beam and the camera exposure time were modified to that the fringe pattern has a high contrast and quality and does
avoid image saturation. A picture of the fringe pattern was not present distortion since the fringes are quite parallel. On
taken, a line perpendicular to the fringe pattern was drawn; this pattern image a line was drawn and the optical power in
and the optical power in this direction was plotted. As is well arbitrary units (au) in such direction was plotted. The curve
known, in the optical power profile of the fringes there is a is shown in figure 4. The graph shows that the power of the
quasi-linear region where the intensity variation is proportional fringes at the ends has an amplitude less than those at the
to a small phase difference (fringe shift). Therefore, a fringe center. This is due to the fact that the employed laser has a
shift can be detected simply by a measurement of the optical Gaussian power profile.
power variation. Then, a pixel on this quasi-linear region was A sensor with an estimated sensing film thickness of
selected to monitor such fringe shift. Since the noise was quite 9.5 μm of PDMS was fabricated. The steady-state response of
large, the average of the selected pixel with its neighbors this sensor measured for 14 500 ppm of ethanol vapor is shown
was calculated in order to attenuate such signal noise. The in figure 5. The pixel (390, 226) of the CCD that was located
averaging filter used is described
 by the following equation: in the adequate position on the fringe was selected to monitor
imagei, j the shift of the fringe pattern. Figure 5(a) shows the raw data
averagem,n = k2
, (4) (k = 1), while figures 5(b)–(d) show the response processed
where the sum is computed in a k × k window centered at using different window sizes (k = 5, 9 and 15, respectively). At
the pixel (m, n) and m(i), n( j) are the rows and columns, the beginning of the response measurement only the baseline
respectively. Figure 3 shows a schematic of the average was measured. After that, the ethanol sample was injected into
calculation for a 3 × 3 window. However, the computer the measurement chamber. It was observed that the optical
program allows the user to select any size of window. power increases, which means the occurrence of the fringe
After this, the system starts the measurement, taking pattern shift, until the sensor response reaches a steady-state
pictures at a rate of 1 fps. The average intensity of the selected level. Moreover, it can be said that the response was reversible,
pixel is calculated according to the size of the previously since the optical power recovered its initial baseline after
chosen window and the result is plotted in the computer the measurement chamber was purged. Furthermore, there is
screen. The program also stores the complete picture, which a drift of the baseline caused probably by the temperature
enables performing a post analysis of the sensor response if it change. Moreover, the level of noise of the sensor response was
is necessary. on average 5.44 optical-power units, which means a standard

Meas. Sci. Technol. 24 (2013) 105003 C Martı́nez-Hipatl et al

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 5. Steady-state response of the sensor to 14 500 ppm of ethanol vapor for different window sizes. (a) k = 1 (raw data), (b) k = 5,
(c) k = 9 and (d) k = 15.

Table 1. Results of sensor 1 for different window sizes. Table 2. Results of sensor 2 for two window sizes.
Response Standard deviation Response Standard deviation
K (optical-power units) (optical-power units) LOD (ppm) k (optical-power units) (optical-power units) LOD (ppm)

1 57.21 2.72 1378 1 70.92 2.19 1791

5 56.61 1.89 968 15 69.52 0.66 550
9 58.1 1.32 658
15 58.1 0.99 494
depending on the interference angle (θ in equation (2)), which
in turn, depends on the incident angle (θ i in equation (3)).
deviation of 2.72 units (inset in figure 5(a)). Under these In order to corroborate the previously mentioned analysis,
conditions, a PDMS sensing film with the above-mentioned the response to 29 000 ppm of ethanol vapor of another sensor
thickness when applied to an ethanol sample produced a with a 12 μm thickness sensing film, was measured. Two
sensitivity of 0.0039 optical-power units/ppm, which means windows with k = 1 and 15, respectively, were used to perform
a limit of detection (LOD) of 1378 ppm. In figures 5(b)– the data averaging to attenuate noise. The pixel (228, 264) was
(d) we can see that the level of noise of the curves was selected to monitor the fringe shift. The ethanol sample was
progressively attenuated when the size of k was increased injected in two concentration steps of 14 500 ppm. Figure 6(a)
shows the raw data (k = 1); in this curve the level of noise was
(inset in the figures), the curves were smoothed and the
4.39 optical-power units, which means a standard deviation of
main profile was preserved. For the case of figure 5(d), the
2.19 units. In this case, the sensitivity was 0.0024 optical-
level of noise was 1.98 optical-power units, which means a
power units/ppm, which means a LOD of 1791 ppm. On
LOD of 494 ppm. Such value represents an improvement of the other hand, for the case of k = 15 (figure 6(b)), the
approximately 2.8 times in the resolution. These results are level of noise was 1.32 optical-power units, which means a
summarized in table 1. It is important to mention that k must not LOD of 550 ppm. Such value represents an improvement of
be increased arbitrarily, since for larger k values it is possible to approximately 3.3 times in the LOD. The results for this case
count pixels outside the linear region, which would degrade the are summarized in table 2.
measured signal average. Furthermore, the signal processing These results are in agreement with those found for the
time would be increased. For this specific case, the length of first sensor. Therefore, it can be said that the use of the CCD
the linear region was 15 pixels. Such length can be changed camera not only allows easy and simple measurement of the

Meas. Sci. Technol. 24 (2013) 105003 C Martı́nez-Hipatl et al

(a) (b)

Figure 6. Sensor responses for different concentration increments (14 500 and 29 000 ppm) of ethanol for two window sizes. (a) k = 1
(raw data), (b) k = 15.

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